HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Hepatitis B Vaccine Policy AmendmentCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbflQRY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: HEPATITIS B VACCINE POLICY AGENDA SECTION:CONSENT AMENDMENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AGENDA Mn� ���tt4G ATTACffi ENTS: HEPATITIS B VACCINE POLICY P-1 APPROVED BY:, Attached for your consideration is an amended version of the Hepatitis B Vaccine Policy which was adopted by the City Council on April 2, 1992. My request for amending this policy is the result of the Council approving the Exposure Control Plan at its August 18, 1992 Council meeting. The Exposure Control Plan included a section on Hepatitis B; and as a housekeeping measure, I would like to include this section -into the current Hepatitis B,Vaccine Policy. Amending the current Hepatitis B Policy would (1) include the City's custodian as an at -risk employee; (2) expand on the procedure for offering the vaccine to employees and (3) include a procedure for post exposure and follow-up. These amendments will not change the initial intent of this policy but expand it to include the above additions. RECONKENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AMEND HEPATITIS B VACCINE POLICY, P -l. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEKOUNT POLICY TITLE: POLICY NUMBER PREPARED BY: DATE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: DATE AMENDED BY CITY COUNCIL: AUGUST 18, 1992 HEPATITIS -B VACCINE POLICY P - 1 ADMINISTRATION APRIL 2, 1991 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to identify those employees who may be at substantial risk of Hepatitis B infection and to implement a Hepatitis B vaccine program for these employees. POLICY Hepatitis B is a viral liver infection which can be debilitating and in some cases fatal. Because Hepatitis.B is transmitted through body fluids such as blood, certain groups of people are at greater risk of infection than others. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has stated that all employers must evaluate their employees to assess the risk of Hepatitis B infection, as it relates to their jobs. If a substantial exposure risk is assessed, the employer must offer the vaccine to those employees at no cost to the employee. Substantial exposure risk is defined as regular exposure to infectious agents, body fluids, or needle sticks during the course of performing one's job duties. The employees within the City of Rosemount who have been identified at substantial risk of Hepatitis B infection are: * Firefighters * Sworn Police Officers * Police Reserve Officers * Custodians A. Hepatitis B vaccination shall be made available to the above referenced employees after training on infectious diseases and within 10 days of their initial assignment to work. 1. This vaccination shall be provided at no cost to the employee. 2. Shall be made available at a reasonable time and place. 3. Shall be.provided by a licensed physician or under a physician's direction according to U.S. Public Health Guidelines. 4. Prescreening is not required for HBv. 5. a) If an employee does not wish to be vaccinated they must sign a refusal statement. b) If they later decide at any time that they wish to be vaccinated, the vaccination will be provided within 10 days, at no cost to them. B. Post Exposure Procedures, Evaluation and Followup 1. If an employee receives a significant exposure: a) They shall immediately or as soon as possible wash the exposed area using soap and water. The employee shall complete an Employee's First Report of Injury as soon as possible. b) They will then notify their supervisor as soon as possible that they have had an exposure. The supervisor shall be responsible for completion of First Report of Injury. c) They will go to the nearest or most appropriate facility to be evaluated. If at a hospital, that hospital should be notified to insure that the patient will be tested as soon as possible. d) Document the route of exposure and the incident in which they were exposed so that it may be evaluated to determine if work practices should be changed to prevent exposures in the future. This report should then be turned in to their supervisor prior to the end of their shift. e) The employee should be tested as soon as possible to determine their initial status. f) The exposed employee's blood shall be collected as soon as feasible and tested after consent is obtained. If the employee consents to base line blood collection but does not give consent for HIV testing, the sample shall be preserved for at least 90 days. If, within 90 days of the exposure incident, the employee elects to have the base line sample tested, such testiing shall be done as soon as feasible g) All employee health records pertaining to the exposure and medical findings and diagnoses will be kept confidential. h) Records pertaining to the exposure will be kept for the duration of the employees employment plus 30 years. 2 2. Request shall be made to the receiving facility of the source individual to test for HBV/HIV. a) The results of these tests shall be made available to the employee as well as the laws concerning disclosure identity. b) If the Source refuses to be tested, the employee should proceed to be evaluated as above in ##1. 3. Within 15 days the employee shall be provided with the written professional opinion of the evaluating physician. Recommendations for treatment and inoculation will be followed at the employer's expense. IMPLEMENTATION The City of Rosemount is committed to protecting their employees by providing the vaccine to current members of the above-named groups and to all new members of these groups at the time of employment. The City shall implement the Hepatitis B policy upon adoption of this policy. The program shall be administered by the City Administrator's office. Immunization records shall be retained by the Administrative Assistant. Employees who wish to receive the vaccine shall contact their supervisor or the Administrative Assistant. Cc7