HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of August 18, 1992 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, August 18, 1992, at 7:33 p.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in the Council Chambers. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Wippermann and Staats present. Councilmember Willcox was absent. Staff present were: Attorney Miles, Aker, Bechtold, Freese, Jilk, Knutsen, May, Osmundson, and Wasmund. Also in attendance were engineering consultants Brian Bourassa, P.E. from OSM and Dave Simons, P.E. from SEH. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Additions to the agenda included Item 3.c Wachter Pond Discussion; 3,d U of M Presentation; and Item 6. h Jaycee and Erickson Rink Lighting. See Clerk's File 1992-34. Harold Wachter, a life long resident of Rosemount, now 81 years of age commented on the use of Wachter Pond for storm water runoff. Sand has washed into the pond from development causing a slow down to the normal seepage process. Mr. Wachter believes that it would be less expensive and make more sense to dig out O'Lea.ry's Pond than run 200 feet of pipe for storm water drainage to Wachter Pond. Public Works Director Wasmund said he would be happy to meet with Mr. Wachter or make a report to City Council. City Engineer Bud Osmundson noted there had been a wash out because of a broken storm drain outlet which caused erosion into Wachter Pond. City staff is investigating and is planning to take corrective action. Osmundson also noted that the amount of water run off to the pond would not be changed. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Wachter for his concern. City Administrator Jilk commented on the recent bid opening for the National Guard Armory/Community Center project. Knutson was apparent low bidder, however their bid was rejected. PCL was the next lowest bidder at $10.7 million and Adolf and Peterson, now second, at $11.1 million. The bids were divided into sections per project for direct comparisons. The Armory section was lower on the Adolf and Peterson bid, and the State is required to take the lowest bid. If the city would want to continue with the total package low bid, it would have to come up with funding for the difference on the Armory section. Several ways of funding are being explored by staff and city financial consultants at Springsted, Inc. One option would be to have the Port Authority borrow the money, build the project and then the City would lease back the Community Center. Attorney Miles asked Jilk if the Knutson bid could be challenged. Jilk replied that the State has total control of the bids and with the PCL bid actually being lower for the City section there would be no advantage to a challenge. There is a citizens committee in place for the Armory that will be making recommendations to the City Council at the September 1, 1992 meeting. Springsted will do an analysis of the arena and cash flow. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1992 Director of Planning Lisa Freese reviewed a Interim Policy for Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) adopted by Metropolitan Council on June 25, 1992. It is regarding the expansions to the MUSA. Final update will be in 1993 and 1994. Only year 2000 expansions are to be considered and only expansions that do not have an impact on metropolitan usage. The City of Chaska is in a similar situation as Rosemount is with forecasted growth far below actual growth. Rosemount submitted a MUSA Amendment on July 29th, Metropolitan Council has 90 days to process it. See Clerks File 1992-34. The University of Minnesota Chair of Planning Larry Anderson will be doing a presentation on the planning update which will include the Rosemount based property. He will be giving this presentation on August 25, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Special City Council meeting. Both City Council and the Port Authority are invited to attend. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the consent agenda with two changes to the minutes of August 4, 1992; one, add Mike Miles to those present, two, on page six change "heavily" to "well" used on the bus route discussion. Second by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk reviewed the Compost Facility Operation Agreement with Lakeville, Apple Valley, Rosemount and Farmington with Pecar Co. for the operation and maintenance of a yardwaste facility. The user fee will cover any cost to the City and the City will be allowed to drop 320 cubic yards of compost material free. See Clerk's File 1992-34. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the contract between the cities of Lakeville, Apple Valley, Rosemount and Farmington and R.D. Pecar and Company, Inc. for the operation and maintenance of a yardwaste facility. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Administrator Jilk presented the updated draft of the Smoke Free Policy. All buildings, vehicles and structures including pumphouses and manholes would be smoke free. This policy would go into effect October 1, 1992. See Clerks File 1992-34. MOTION by Staats to adopt City of Rosemount Policy AD -5, "Smoke Free Policy" effective October 1, 1992. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. City Engineer Bud Osmundson introduced the feasibility report for City Project 238, the Armory Storm Drain Utility. Brian Bourassa, P.E., of OSM presented the five options considered. 1) 8.4 acre-foot pond on armory site and adjacent commercial property; 2) 2.4 acre-foot pond all on Armory site; 3) 2.4 acre-foot pond, lift station and outlet for Schwarz Pond; 4) 8.4 acre-foot pond, lift station and 18 inch outlet; and 5) a gravity outlet - cost prohibitive, not feasible. The recommendation was Option l because it would be capable of handling a 100 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1992 year storm, it meets the Nationwide Urban Runoff Standards, there would be no further easement costs and more flexibility for the future_ No landscaping is planned at this time, it will have a 4/1 slope. Director of Parks Bechtold felt that improvements in landscaping could be worked into the parks schedule. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT, ARMORY STORM DRAIN UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 238. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ARMORY SITE STORM DRAIN UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 238. Second by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Fire -Chief Aker presented the Exposure Control Plan, Policy Number P-2 of the City of Rosemount Policy Handbook. This policy pertains to bloodborne pathogen standards to protect workers from infectious diseases including Hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus. The policy addresses OSHA standards, Methods of Compliance, Personal Protective` Equipment, Housekeeping, Post Exposure Evaluation, Training and Record Keeping. This would mainly affect firefighters, police, reserve officers, and custodial staff. MOTION by Staats to adopt City Policy P-2, the Exposure Control Plan. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Staats, Klassen Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays. 0 Parks & Recreation Director Bechtold presented background information and the quotes received on the irrigation system for Jaycee Park, Phase I. Bids were not necessary since it would be less than $25,000. The fields proposed to be irrigated are the ones used for scheduled league athletics. MOTION by Klassen to accept the quotes and to award the contract for the materials and labor for the installation of the irrigation system in Jaycee Park to Southview Design and Construction , Inc. for the amount of $14,790 with funding to come from the Park Dedication account. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk discussed the Fire Service Contract with the University of Minnesota, Rosemount. Negotiations have been ongoing because of the changes in the base fees and property taxes on the property owned by the University. Staff recommends approval of this contract. See Clerk's File 1992-34. MOTION by Klassen to approve the Fire University of Minnesota and the City Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, 0. 3 Protection Agreement between the of Rosemount for 1991 through 1993. McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1992 The Street 5 Year C.I.P., reconstruction and new construction was reviewed by Public Works Director Ron Wasmund. MOTION by McMenomy to support the concept of the Street 5 Year C.I.P. with the understanding that funding from federalsources will be investigated and that street reconstruction will be a priority for the City of Rosemount. Second by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Klassen to direct the Police Chief and Councilmembers to review options for the revision of the ordinance regulating the discharge of firearms in the City and to present proposals for its revision on September 15, 1992. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. See.Clerk's File 1992-34. The ballot questions for the Fire Station Referendum are being considered by the Citizens Committee. David Kroos from Boarman and Associates has had success in presenting referendums in other cities. Several meetings will be held so that a recommendation can be made to the City Council by September 15, 1992. Planning Director Lisa Freese asked to set a public hearing to create zoning R -la, which would have setbacks of five feet for a single story house and ten feet for a two-story house, and rear setbacks would be 25 feet instead of 30 feet. A petition of intent was submitted having 51 signatures in agreement with many from Broback's 10th Addition. Notices would be mailed to approximately 1000 residents. MOTION by McMenomy to schedule a Public Hearing for a Zoning Ordinance Text and Zoning Map Amendment for Tuesday, September 15, 1992 to begin at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. Dave Bechtold explained the coordination of the hockey rink projects for Jaycee Park and Erickson Park. Jim O'Brien of Wunderlich - Malec Engineering, Inc. presented the lighting techniques that will be used. The height of the poles and the use of shields help direct the lighting only where needed. This causes the least amount of disturbance of excess light spillage for neighboring homes. The poles and fixtures are engineered in a way that they can be moved if the hockey rinks would be moved. MOTION by Klassen to approve the electrical, lighting and poles with specifications as drawn and presented by Wunderlich - Malec Engineering, Inc. and to authorize the advertising for bids for the materials and installation of those items. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Klassen. Nays: Staats. Motion carried. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 18, 1992 Administrator Jilk mentioned the Growth Management Forum scheduled for August 19, 1992. Klassen noted that approximately 42 people representing the surrounding cities and Dakota County have called in reservations. The City Employee Picnic will be Sunday, August 23, 1992 at Erickson Park. Councilmembers will be cooking the hamburgers and hotdogs. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m.. ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 5 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary