HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Economic Development Coordinator PositionG,Goii, Of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: COUNCILMEMBERS P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -MIO Sheila Klassen James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Chair Dunn 'PA -7—A -z Mawe McMenomy, SinnweTy hen Jilk moarLuttentue.rs: Anderson', I Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: June!12, 1.992 RE: Economic Development Coordinator The interviewand selection process to fill the Economic - Development Co : ordinator position is now completed. This process included the review of some 66 applications for the position and selection of seven even persons to interview for the position. These interviews and the follow up in reference checks has concluded in t : he interview team extending an offer to one of the candidates. This candidate is John Miller. Please see attached a copy of Mr. Miller's application and resume and the letter sent to him offering the position pending your approval and that of the City Council. Mr. Miller, as you can see from his application/resume, would bring to the city many years of experience working in the public sector in the areas of economic development and planning. This experience ranges from small city experience to larger city experience (St. Cloud) . His experience includes both project management and detail project work. In checking Mr. Miller's references I found praise for his aggressiveness: and leadership, along with his working knowledge which has brought him success dealing with developers on behalf of the agencies he has worked for. The interview committee, made up of Mayor McMenomy, Chair Dunn and I are pleased to recommend the hiring of Mr. John Miller as the City's Economic Development Coordinator. Your requested action is to pass a motion to recommend to the City Council to approve this hiring. 6very1h11,tg'S coming (Up RosemouvdY eity of 9osemouni PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 .145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: ERS P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMSheila iClasaentassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann May 21, 1992 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Mr. John Miller Route 6, Box 253 Princeton, Minnesota 55371 RE: City of Rosemount Economic Development Coordinator Employment Opportunity Dear John: This letter',will confirm our telephone conversation of Monday, May 18th, 1992. I would like to thank you for meeting with Mayor McMenomy, Chairperson, Dunn and I. We found your experience and background most supportive of your application. I have taken the opportunity to call on some of your references and was pleased with their ',input on your credentials. Based'on all of this the City would like to make you an offer of employment',to fill the position of Economic Development Coordinator for the City. This offer would be: Starting Salary: $46,400 per year Probationary period of six months Starting vacation accrual rate of 2 weeks In addition all other benefits normally provided to full time, non-union employees. Please see theattachedresolution which outlines those benefits as we discussed.on the phone. You would be required to take a pre-employment physical at the city's expense as a prerequisite to employment. For insurance purposes, the police department will conduct a driver's licence check prior to your employment date. We would like to have you start this employment within two weeks from the time this is approved by the City Council. If you formally accept the offer, I will ask the Port Authority and City Council to',formally approve your hiring on June 16 at the regular meetings. &verylht- tgs Cooming U� gosemountii John Miller May 21, 1992 Page 2 I would ask you to reply to this offer so that we may move ahead and get Port Authority and City Council approval. I look forward to your working with the rest of the fine staff here at Rosemount. SinJ&7n y� eJilk Cit AdminisItrator Enclosure SJ/1j Please Return to: City of Rosemount 2575 - 145th Street West P. 0. Box 510 Rosemount, IT 5506$ Dear Applicant: we welcome you as considered with o' in employment. T. color, sex or age craCtices and ope temporary, and se Date Received APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT in applicant mor employment. Your application will be aers. It is our policy to provide quality of opportunity is policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, in all aspects of our personnel policies, programs, aticns. This policy &pplins to full-time, part-t_ms, sonal employment. The information contained in this application will be considered personal and confidential and used only in conjunction with your possible employment. Please furnish us with complete..information. you are encouraged to attach any additional information which you believe qualifies you for the position. Please use INR or:TYPEWRITER t• i; oVPYn� Full-time y Part-time positi ons applied for: ..conQmic D m--nt Coordinator Temporary Seasonal Date available: Immediately PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Last First Middle Social Security r: • Miller John Robert 303-44-4271 Present Address: Street Route 6 Box 253 City County Princeton Mille Lacs Do you have any performance? State Zip Code :come Phone T 380_3099 MIS 55371 Work Phone r: sinal or health limitations which affect your work yes No }. ?f you have answered YES, Dease use an additional sheet to explain. If you are not a citizen of the United States, do you have the Bureau of immigration approval to work in the U.S.? Yes No a EDUCATION INFORMATION (TO'BE COMPLETED ONLY IF EDUCATION IS A JOB REQUIREMENT) . , Circle the highest Grade School High School College Post Grad. grade completed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or GED 13 14 15 16 MA PHD TYPES OF SCHOOL NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL DEGREE OR CERT. MAJOR HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE OR UNIV. GRADUATE SCHOOL ( 'Please see resume. TECHNICAL List any correspondence courses, special courses, seminars, workshops, training, and skills acquired that might relate to this position. Please review the job description before answering this question. List any current licenses, registrations, or certificates that you possess. Include driver's license number, class and state of issue. MN M-460-429-745-810 C TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS FOR CLERICAL, AD:INISTRATIVE & FISCAL POSITIONS ONLY Typing: Yes ( ) No ( ) WPM Shorthand: Yes ( ) No ( ) WPM Business machines and experience: Bookkeeping experience: TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS FOR LABOR & SKILLED TRADE POSITIONS ONLY Apprenticeship(s) served or learned: Capable of operating the following equipment: PAGE THREE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY'- Please list past employers beginning with your most recent employment.) If _necessary, list other employers on an additional sheet. You are no required to furnish employment dates five (5) years beyond date of application. If employment dates are not included, indicate number of years. Employer's Name: City of Lino Lakes Nailing Address: Telephone T: 1189 Main Street 464-5562 Lino Lakes MN 55014 Position Held: Duties Perfcrmec: Please see resume. City Planner/Ec'onomic Development Coordinator Immediate Supervisor : Full-time (}; ) Part-time Randy Schumacher, City Administrator Employment Dates:, From To Last Salary: 1987-1991 $46,000 Reason for leaving: New mayor and two new council members elected favoring no growth. N.ay we _contact your present employer? Yes (X ) No if no. please -explain: Employer's Name: City of Maple Grove Telephone t: Mailing Ad tress : 420-4000 9153 Fernbrook Lane Maole Grove MN 55369 Position Held: Duties Performed: City Planner/Admin. Assistant Please see resume. Immediate Supervisor: Full-time (x) Part-time ( ) Doug Reeder', City Administrator Employment Dates: From To Last Salary: 1984-1987 $33,500 Reason for leaving: Accept other employment offered to me. May we contact your past employers? Yes (a) No ( ) If no, please explain: PAGE FOUR Employer's Name: St. Cloud Area Council of Governments ?Mailing Address: Telephone T: 665 Franklin Avenue N.E. 252-7568 St. Cloud MN 56301 Position held: Duties Performed: Executive Director See resume. Immediate Supervisor: Full-time (X ) Part-time ( ) Al Ringsmuth, Chairperson Employment Dates: From To Last Salary: 1971-1979 26,500 Reason for leaving: Left to become self-employed Employer's Name: City of St. Cloud Mailing Address: Telephone T: 400 2nd Street South 255-7200 St. Cloud MN 56301 Position Held: Duties Performed: Planning Director See resume. immediate Supervisor: Full -tine ( X) Part-time ( ) Bob Freson, City Administrator Employment Dates: From To Last Salary: 1969-1971 16,500 Reason for leaving: Accept other employment offered to me. UNSALARIED EXPERIENCE volunteer Organization: Meals on Wheels Mailing Address: Telephone r Position Held: Duties Performed: Immediate Supervisor: Years of participation: Hours per week• Skills learned: PAGE FIVE Volunteer Organization: Mailing Address: Position Held: Immediate Supervisor: Years of participation: Skills learned: Duties Performed: Telephone n: Hours per week: PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Address: Telephone T: Bill Bohjanen 8060 Lake Drive 784-4762 Lino Lakes MN 55014 Relationship_Counci? me*nher How many years known? Name: Address: Telephone : Lee Mehrkiens 658 Cedar Street 296-1700 Mn Department of Finance 53155 known? = trp. Relationship rn a -prize 'r'.ow many years a �.----- Name: Address: Telephone r: / John Bergeson Bethel College 638-6208 -Relationship Chair of EDC How many years known? ri%-P Name: Harold Bisel Relationship, Address: Telephone =- 6381 20th Avenue 426-1337 Lino Lakes MN 65038 How many years known? Fiv PAGE SIX CONVICTION INFOP.MATiON We declare that the existence of a criminal conviction record will not automatically disqualify you from employment with us, though certain conviction may prohibit you from working in certain positions. Have you every been ,convicted as an adult for a criminal violation? YES ( ) NO (X ) if yes, date and place: Nature of offense: If yes, date and place: Nature of offense: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS ARE TRUE AND I AGREE AND UNDERSTAND ANY FALSE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION MAY CAUSE REJECTION OF THIS APPLICATION OR TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. I AUTHORIZE THAT A TRANSCRIPT NAY BE REQUESTED WHERE NECESSARY TO VERIFY ANY EDUCATIONAL RECORD. Signature Date x'27 `4 John Miller Route 6 Box 253 Princeton MN 55371 March 27, 1992 Susan Walsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Rosemount MN55068 Dear Ms. Walsh: I recently learned of the city's need for an economic development ',coordinator. I am very interested in the position. As my enclosed resume and application show I can give the city and its port authority several years of successful experience in.both economic and business development and in traditional ,planning activities. My economic development background varies from large scale activities suchas prepar- ation of county Overall Economic Development Programs to working with individuals in relocating their businesses. I have also worked in downtown redevelopment, drafted one-year and five-year economic development plans for Star City certi- fication, and worked with local business people in preparing city promotion plans. I've worked in the creation and administration of tax increment finance districts including districts established for housing, redevelopment, and soils correction.' My planning experience is also broad based as I've completed land use, transportation, and transit plans as well as plans for freeway frontages centering on both land use and business development. I''d welcome.the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience can make a valuable contribution to the city of Rosemount. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to meeting you. Sincerely, _j John Miller, John Miller Route 6 Box 253 Princeton MN 55371 Career Summalrv: Public service professional with successful use and transportation planning and in all and economic, development activities. Professional', Achievements: (Examples) 1987-1991 City of Lin City Planne Lino Lakes ten councty development experience in land facets of community Lakes /Economic Development Coordinator s the seventh fastest growing city in the expanded Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Directed all economic activities and short and long range planning efforts. * Worked with local business persons and the city's economic development committee in preparing and implementing a city promotion plan. Market values increased from $143,000,000 to $286,000,000 in five years. * Revised all standards for residential development. Lino Lakes now has the second highest average home values in all of Anoka County. Record number of dwellings have been constructed each year since 1987. * Provided staff support to economic development authority in creation of four tax increment finance districts. Used conservative "pay-as-you-go" approach with no sales of bonds. Administered and monitored tax increment financing agreements and development agreements. * Prepared "fiscal impact statements" for all proposed residential subdivisions and commercial and industrial projects. * Worked with advisory economic development committee and local land owners in preparing freeway inter- change plan. The document outlines land uses, utility extensions, road locations, phasing of development and marketing of the properties. Worked with council, planning commission, and land owners in creation of a "rural business reserve zoning district to protect land outside the MUSA boundary from premature development. City of Mapl Grove City Planner Administrative Assistant * Drafted one-year and five-year economic development plans for Star City designation. * Work(d directly with mayor, council, and department head: in preparing $5,000,000 management -by -objective operating budgets. * Comp.' ' eted city's first capital improvement programs. Unan mously approved by both citizens advisory board and city council, the plan gave rankings and funding sources to all infrastructure needs over a ten year period. Drafted freeway frontage pian. Coordinated nine month study where land owners and city planning commission and council reached unanimous agreement of detailed development plan for 1300 acre site. St. Cloud Area Council ofGovernments Executive Director * Served as project director of $270,000 land use and transportation study funded by Minnesota Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. * Prepared housing assistance plan, transportation improvement plans and transit improvement programs. Department of Housing and Urban Development later housing plan as "how -to -do -it -model." Drafted Overall Economic Development Programs for member counties. Plans necessary for federal funding of Local development projects. * Designated as Census Rey Person by the U.S. Department of Commerce * Prepared downtown improvement plan for the city of Sauk Rapids. * Submitted and administered both block and categorical grant applications providing local funding from state and'federai programs. * Served as chairperson of the Transportation Technical Committee. Ranked local transportation needs and directed Federal Aid Urban and Urban Mass Transportation Administration funds. St. Cloud Stlte University Instructor. Local and Urban Affairs Program * Taught courses in local government, community and economic development, and city planning. * Participant in seminars for persons working in government conducted by the University of Minnesota at Morris, Mankato State University, St. Cloud State University, and the Minnesota State Planning Agency. Supervised interns working in host agencies. Helped develop good working skills. City of St. Cloud Planning Director * Prepared special studies for utilization of airport landl, river front redevelopment, downtown improvement, and 'land use in newly annexed areas. * Worked with chamber of commerce and housing and redevelopment_ authority in locating and developing Industrial Park West. Education: Attended Indiana University, St. Cloud State University, and the University of Minnesota. arned Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science degrees. References:, Names and phone numbers of persons able to give first hand accounts of,my skills and abilities in public service are shown on the attached application. At your request I can submit additional names.