HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Project Updates: Motel Development, Johnson Chiropractic, Strese Propertyof �osemouni PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 TO: Chair ,Dunn Boardmembers: Anderson, Edwards, Mawe, Sinnwell, Wippermann FROM: Steph$n Jilk, City Administrator DATE: June �2, 1992 RE: Projects Updates: Strese �- Johnson Chiropractic Motel Development McMenomy, MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox Dennis Vrippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Strese Oil Proerty: There is -little to report as an update on this matter. Based on the action taken by the Port Authority at our last meeting the City Attorney has begun legal action to complete a "quick take" of the property. This is about a 90 day process from the time that the necessary papers are filed with the courts. A second appraisal is being ordered and should be completed before the quick take is completed. Also, please find attached a copy of a resolution adopted by the Rosemount Planning Commission regarding the Strese Property. Discussion on the project was initiated by the Planning Commission and they felt that they needed to indicate to the Port Authority their concern about the reuse of the property. Johnson Chiropractic: In meetings with the Johnsons,we discussedlalternatives to the Repairs Inc. site for the Johnsons to construct a office type of structure to house their business as well as have space to rent to others. Because of a fairly immediate need by them for additional space it was decided that we would look at two sites and attempt to research building size, cost and design possibilities for both sites. One site is the Repairs Inc. site, and the other is the property that the Authority owns on Burnley, just kiddy corner from City Hall. If', the Repairs Inc. site becomes available the Johnsons would prefer that site but they indicate that the Burnley site is acceptable. (Sverylh ng's (Pommg (Up RosemounlY Project Updates June 16, 1992 Page 2 Motel Development: I have met with the person considering the development of a motel and restaurant on the corner of Highway #3 ';and CR42. His interest is continuing to build. He has received a price to complete a market analysis and is willing to move ahead with that but would like to have further discussions with the land owner concerninglprice. I have set up a meeting for Monday, the 15th of June to meet with the property owners for that purpose. The proponent indicated that additional investors are lined up and at this point has an amount equal to 25% of the estimated cost of acquisition, site preparation and constr}Zction of a 75 unit motel and restaurant on the site. I will continue to work with him and update you as new developments occur. I have also received information back from our financial consultant regarding the preliminary figures I had given them to review on this project. They indicate to me that this project can be considered for tax increment assistance if it is done in our old tax increment district. The Highway #3 / CR42 site is in the old district. The review of the preliminary business plan also indicates that many options are open to the Port Authority to be involved. Use of tax increment to offset mortgage payments in early years is probably the most realistic 'of those options. Again, as,we move along, I will keep the Board informed. R PHONE (612) 423.4411 FAX (612) 423.5203 V - of osemouvit 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 TO: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning DATE: June 11, 1992 SUBJ: Strese Oil Property The Planning Commission passed a resolution regarding the Strese Oil property at their June 9, 1992 regular meeting. The resolution expresses the Planing Commission concerns regarding the future use of that site. I will be in attendance at the Port Authority meeting on Tuesday to answer any questions regarding the Planning Commission concerns. (Sverylking's (Povm ng -(Up RosevnounlY MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992-2 A RE SOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE PORT AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE, CLEAR THE BUILDINGS AND CLEAN UP CONTAMINATED SOIL ON THE STRESE OIL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission supports the Port Authority's efforts to,acquire and clean up the Strese Oil property located at 14810 South Robert Trail; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission views this as an excellent opportunity for the City to develop an aesthetically pleasing gateway to ;the community; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission understands that the Port Authority is considering whether or not to remove the existing structures;' and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also understand that the Port Authority 's considering the.relocation of Repairs, Inc. to this property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission would like to convey concerns regarding this impending decision from a land use and planning perspective; and WHEREAS, the existing structures and site layout are non- conforming,in terms of setback, parking, landscaping and other site improvements required by the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission encourages the Port Authority to purchase the property, clear buildings and clean up the contaminated soil; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Planning Commission requests that Port Authority carefully consider the opportunities and constraints of the site in its eventual redevelopment. ADOPTED this 9th day of June, 1992. ct,�� -.,<, Al Meyer, Chairpers ATT�S T : Cathy'Bi,hio, Vice -Chairperson Motion by:: MEYER Seconded by BLSHO Voted in favor: PIEYER, H.hTHAWAY, B.AAGO, BL'SHO Voted against: NONE the the