HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY OF ROSEMOUNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 7, 1992 8:00 P.M. 1. Call t,Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING 3. PUBLIC HEARING - DIAMOND PATH RECONSTRUCTION (145TH STREET TO CONNEMARA TRAIL) PROJECT 212 AND 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION (SHANNON PARKWAY TO DIAMOND PATH) PROJECT 206 a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 4. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Dual Track Airport Planning Process b. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of March 10, 1992 Special Council Meeting b. Minutes of March 16, 1992 Special Council Meeting c. Minutes of March 17, 1992 Regular Council Meeting d. Approval of Bills Listing e. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits f. LMC Annual Conference g. City Administrator State Conference - 1992 fg9z_3 h. Removal of Assessment for Project #197, Valley Oak Pond Outlet c 9�j 'Z i. Plans & Specifications for State Trunk Highway #3 Project j. Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - 145th Street Reconstruction Proj. . Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - Diamond Path Reconstruction Proj. 1. Cooperative Agreement with Dakota County - Diamond Path Reconst. Proj. m. Set Public Hearing - Kady's Liquor License Extension n. Splatball Permit o. Administrative Fee Transfers /qqZ- 3 p. Budget Amendments/Notification of Receipt Ig9L- 3-,5-q. Donation Account Expenditure Approvals r. Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate s. 145th Street No Parking Approval t. of Loan 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Vehicles and Equipment Purchases Recommendation b. C. 7.NEW BUSINESS /9g2;3ia. Carrollton 4th Addition Final Plat Approval b. Rosemount Town Pages Contract Renewal c. Trustee Appointments - USPCI Trust Fund, d. U.S. Highway 52 Corridor Study e. City Facilities/Space Needs Update f. Vehicle Towing & Impounding Specifications/Advertisement g- 8. MAYOR'S REPORT a. b. 9. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT a. Council, Staff Special Meeting b. Special Port Authority Meeting c. Recycling Hauler Complaint d. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. b. 11. ADJOURNMENT - April 14, 1992 f or Bids CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 7, 1992 8:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda ITEM 9(d) ACTION TAKEN AT APRIL 6TH Council, Staff, Audience ADDED AGENDA PORT AUTHORITY MEETING 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING 3. PUBLIC HEARING - DIAMOND PATH RECONSTRUCTION (145TH STREET TO CONNEMARA TRAIL) PROJECT 212 AND 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION (SHANNON PARKWAY TO DIAMOND PATH) PROJECT 206 a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action MOTION TO ORDER 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION (SHANNON PKWY TO DIAMOND PATH) PROJECT 206 FAILED TO PASS WITH A VOTE OF 3 TO 1 (Requires 4/5 Vote for Approval). STAFF DIRECTED TO SET IIP SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AS SOON AS FULL COUNCIL IS AVAILABLE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION & ACTION ON THIS ISSUE 4. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Dual Track Airport Planning Process PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITIES FROM "SOAR" REPRESENTATIVE KEVIN CARROLL & CITY ADMIN. DISCUSSION OF RELATED AIRPORT PLANNING PROPOSALS/ACTIVITIES 5. CONSENT AGENDA : ITEMS 5j., 5k., & 51. PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA; CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED WITH RECOMMENDED STAFF MODIFICATIONS TO ITEM 5h. a. Minutes of March 10, 1992 Special Council Meeting b. Minutes of March 16, 1992 Special Council Meeting c. Minutes of March 17, 1992 Regular Council Meeting d. Approval of Bills Listing e. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits f. LMC Annual Conference g. City Administrator State Conference - 1992 h. Removal of Assessment for Project #197, Valley Oak Pond Outlet i. Plans & Specifications for State Trunk Highway #3 Project j. Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - 145th Street Reconstruction Proj. k. Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - Diamond Path Reconstruction Proj. 1. Cooperative Agreement with Dakota County - Diamond Path Reconst. Proj. m. Set Public Hearing - Kady's Liquor License Extension n. Splatball Permit o. Administrative Fee Transfers p. Budget Amendments/Notification of Receipt of Loan q. Donation Account Expenditure Approvals r. Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate s. 145th Street No Parking Approval 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Vehicles and Equipment Purchases Recommendation MOTION FAILS WITH 2-2 VOTE: COUNCIL MEMBERS TO SET UP MEETING WITH PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR VISUAL INSPECTION OF REQUESTED VEHICLE & EQUIP REPLACEMENT PURCHASES 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Carrollton 4th Addition Final Plat Approval APPROVED b. Rosemount Town Pages Contract Renewal APPROVED c. Trustee Appointments - USPCI Trust Fund NOTION TO PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUSTEE APPOINTEES lr d. U.S. Highway 52 Corridor Study APPROVED $4000 CITY CONTRIBUTION FOR STUDY e. City Facilities/Space Needs Update DISCUSSION WILL CONTINUE AT FUTURE MEETING f. Vehicle Towing & Impounding Specifications/Advertisement for Bids STAFF TO MAKE RECOMMENDED CHANGES & BRING BACK TO COUNCIL FOR ACTION 8. MAYOR'S REPORT a. (Mayor directed that schedule be set up for Comprehensive Guide Plan discussions) 9. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT a. Council/Staff Special Meeting MOTION TO APPROVE TWO-YEAR SCHEDULE FOR CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSION/ADMINISTRATOR/STAFF GOAL SETTING MEETINGS & TOWN MEETINGS b. Special Port Authority Meeting - April 14, 1992 ANNOUNCED c. Recycling Hauler Complaint ACCEPTED CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING COMPLAINT d. DISCUSSION OF PORT AUTHORITY DIRECTION TO STAFF TO NOTIFY BUSINESS & PROPERTY OWNERS ON WEST SIDE OF HWY 3 & CONTIGUOUS TO ARMORY SITE OF CITY'S INTENT TO RELOCATE/ACQUIRE THOSE BUSINESSES/PROPERTIES 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT