HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. U.S. Highway 52 Corridor Studyh CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SII4KARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 7, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: U.S. HIGHWAY 52 CORRIDOR STUDY AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA ITEM # 7,ua'_ ATTACHMENTS: CORRIDOR STUDY PROPOSAL AND AP BY WORK SCHEDULE f v Late in the fall of 1991 representatives from Koch Refining, the City of Rosemount, the City of Inver Grove Heights, Dakota County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation met to discuss traffic planning issues in the Highway 52 - 55 corridor in Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and site specific to Koch Refining. The outcome of that meeting, and several subsequent meetings, was the development of a work program which included doing a traffic study of Highway 55 from Concord Street in Inver Grove Heights south to the City of Coates and east to include most of the industrially developed area of Highway 55. The recommendation includes a funding approach where Koch Refining is picking up all of the cost of completing a site specific analysis of Koch's transportation issues and how they effect traffic on the highways, MnDot, the cities and Dakota County will be picking up the rest of the study costs expected to be some $48,000. This cost is broken down into two different parts of an overall study as outlined in the proposal drafted by SEH at the request of MnDot, Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount staff. A proposed cost sharing for this portion of the project is: MnDot $30,000 IGH 10,000 Rosemount 4,000 Dak. Cty 4,000 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the expenditure of $4,000 as the City of Rosemount's share for the completion of the "Highway 52 Corridor Study" as outlined in the proposal from SEH Engineering dated Oct. 21, 1991 with payment coming out of account number 101-4110-01-598. COUNCIL ACTION: 'A Ar WSEN ENGINEERS ■ ARCHITECTS 1 PLANNERS February 17, 1992 Mr. Tom Link City of Inver Grove 8150 Barbara Ave. Inver Grove Heights, Dear Toms 3535 VAONAIS CENTER DRIVE, ST FAIJL, MINNESOTA 551 IC 6;2 490.2000 RE: MN/DOT, DAKOTA COUNTY, INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, ROSEMOUNT TH 52 CORRIDOR STUDY SEH FILE NO. 92108 Heights MN 55075 Last Fall representatives of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), Koch Refinery and SEH met and discussed the TH 52 corridor from TH 56 (Concord Street) to CSAH 42. At that time, SEH and Koch Refinery had agreed to do -a traffic study of the Koch Refinery area, Highway 52 and certain other streets. Because the four governmental agencies were also concerned with traffic and development along Highway 52, they agreed to expand the study to a corridor from Concord Street to south of Coates. After the meeting, we put together a work program which was reviewed and revised. We believe the two phase program is now fully acceptable to all parties and the only remaining task was to secure approvals.. With that in mind, we have continued to work, though slowly, on a modified study for Koch Refinery and have done some of the tasks in Phase l of the corridor study work program. The January 13, 1992 memo from Tom Sohrweide of SEH indicated the work we have completed and set forth a schedule of tasks for completion. We have received no comments on the program so far. Mn/DOT has proceeded and prepared a contract for Phase 2 work which we are about to execute. The agreement includes completion dates based on the January 13, 1992 memo. Koch Refinery also has schedules and decisions to make based on the traffic study results. It, therefore, is becoming critical that approvals to proceed with Phase l be received from the three governmental agencies shortly. We have discussed the increasingly tight schedule with Koch Refinery and we (Koch and SEH) have agreed we can start to work if we know local approvals and funding can be obtained in the next 30-60 days. SHORT EWOTT ST PAUL, C` !j'FcNA FA! L5, HENDRICKSON INC MINNESOTA �' TH52 Corridor Study February 17, 1992 Page 2 We are very hopeful that representatives of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Dakota County can confer by phone or meet in person and agree to the final details on study funding -and then obtain Council, County Board or administrative approval to proceed with the study. If you have any questions or need any further information, -please call Bob Byers (490-2060), Tom Sohrweide (490-2072), or myself (490-2045). This same letter is being sent to Lisa Freese and John Tocho. Sincerely, Glen Van Wormer, P.E. Manager, Transportation Department GVW/mes c: Ruth Ann Sobnosky, Mn/DOT Steve Hanna, Koch Refining Company Tom Sohrweide Bob Byers .EA SEH ENGINEERS f ARCHITECTS f PLANNERS f0k_Y��� CSP 3535 VADUMS CENTER DRIVE; Sr AW1, MINNESOTA 55110 TO: TH 52 TASK FORCE FROM: TOM SOHRWEIDE, SEH PROJECT MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 13, 1992 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: TH 52 CORRIDOR STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE SEH FILE NO. 92108 612 490.2000 As we await your notice to proceed on the TH 52 corridor study, we have gathered the following information: 1. Traffic volume information on: a. TH 52.. b. TH 55. C. 117th Street. d. Rich Valley Boulevard. e. TH 56. f. County Road 38. g. County Road 42. 2. Peak traffic volumes and truck volumes from industries in the vicinity of Koch Refinery. 3. Accident data along the TH 52 corridor. 4. Railroad crossing information. 5. Met Council functional classification standards. 6. Area roadway historical traffic count trends compared to 1988, 1990, and 1991 forecasts. In addition, we are in the process of compiling full corridor mapping and as -built construction plans. SHORT EUJOTT ST PAM CHlPPEWA FALLS HENOR►C16ON lNC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN TH 52 Task Force January 13, 1992 Page #2 Following is a tentative schedule of task force meetings to facilitate completion of this project: Meeting Date Agenda January 20 to Jan. 31 Individual meetings with Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights, and Rosemount to update land use information, compile historical traffic volume data, and discuss future land use. February 17 to Feb. 21. Agree on traffic volume forecast volumes, review impact of Cliff Road extension and County Road 46 extension, and discuss direction for corridor alternatives. March 9 to March 13 Review alternatives developed to date and discussion of functional classification. March 30 to April 3 Discussion of alternatives and continued discussion of functional classification. April 20 to April 24 Presentation of alternatives to task force. May 18 to May 22 Evaluation of four alternatives with short and long term implementation strategies. Ident- ification of preferred alternative by the task force. TH 52 Task Force January 13, 1992 Page #3 June 1 to June 5 Discuss implementation strategies of preferred alternative and define responsibilities for implements - tion. June 15 to June 19 Presentation of draft report to the task force. Any comments you may have relative to the above schedule will be appreciated. Your help in developing a contract for this study will help in meeting the schedule. TAS/cmb c: Steven Hanna, Koch Refining Co. ENGINEERS f• ARCHITECTS 6 PLANNERS o D� p C�Ce 35351/ADNAGCEN TERDOVF, Sf. PAUL, MINNEWTA55110 TO: TH 52 TASK FORCE FROM: TOM SOHRWEIDE, SEH PROJECT MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 13, 1992 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: TH 52 CORRIDOR STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE SEH FILE NO. 92108 As we await your notice to proceed on the TH 52 corridor study, we have gathered the following information: 1. Traffic volume information on: a. TH 52. b. TH 55. C. 117th Street. d. Rich Valley Boulevard. e. TH 56. f. County Road 38. g. County Road 42. 2. Peak traffic volumes and truck volumes from industries in the vicinity of Koch Refinery. 3. Accident data along the TH 52 corridor. 4. Railroad crossing information. 5. Met Council functional classification standards. 6. Area roadway historical traffic count trends compared to 1988, 1990, and 1991 forecasts. In addition, we are in the process of compiling full corridor mapping and as -built construction plans. SHORT ELUAXT ST. PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRIC*0N INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN TH 52 Task Force January 13, 1992 Page #2 Following is a tentative schedule of task force meetings to facilitate completion of this project: Meeting Date Agenda January 20 to Jan. 31 Individual meetings with Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights, and Rosemount to update land use information, compile historical traffic volume data, and discuss future land use. February 17 to Feb. 21. Agree on traffic volume forecast volumes, review impact of Cliff Road extension and County Road 46 extension, and discuss direction for corridor alternatives. March 9 to March 13 Review alternatives developed to date and discussion of functional classification. March 30 to April 3 Discussion of alternatives and continued discussion of functional classification. April 20 to April 24 Presentation of alternatives to task force. May 18 to May 22 Evaluation of four alternatives with short and long term implementation strategies. Ident- ification of preferred alternative by the task force. TH 52 Task Force January 13, 1992 Page #3 June 1 to June 5 Discuss implementation strategies of preferred alternative and define responsibilities for implementa- tion. June 15 to June 19 Presentation of draft report to the task force. Any comments you may have relative to the above schedule will be appreciated. Your help in developing a contract for this study will help in meeting the schedule. TAS/cmb c: Steven Hanna, Koch Refining Co. AMMAr EH ENCIN!!ii!S■ARC n%%' S<PLANNERS MEMORANDUM 3535 VADNA►S CENTER DOVE; ST. WJt, MINNESM SS110 612 490-Z= TO: US -52 CORRIDOR TASK FORCE MEMBERS: STEVE HANNA, PROJECT ENGINEER - KOCH REFINING COMPANY STEVE JILK, PLANNER - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT GARY JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC VORKS - CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS TOM LINK, DIR. OF PLANNING & PROTECTIVE SERVICES CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS RUTH ANN SOSNOSKY, SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER - Ms'VDOT JOHN TOCHO, SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER - DAKOTA COUNTY FROM: BOB BYERS, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 SUBJECT: STATUS OF KOCH & US -52 CORRIDOR STUDIES OUTLINE OF WORK TASKS ITEMS REVIEWED TO DATE: Existing & Historical Traffic Volumes * Historical traff is growth rates on US -52 and TH-55 in the vicinity of Koch Refining Company have been in the 6 - 10 percent per year range versus the state average over the last 20 years of 3 - 3.5 percent per year. Traffic Forecasts * Recent Mn/DOT 20 year traffic forecasts are generally higher than those from Dakota County. * Metropolitan Council anticipates relatively little future traffic growth for the southern Dakota County cordon stations such as US --52 to Rochester. This is a factor constraining the Dakota County forecasts. Vehicle Turning Movements and Classification Counts * SEH counted approach turning movements at US -52 / 117th Street in November 1991 for the p.m. peak hour. * SEH counts and-Mn/DOT classifications found a very high proportion of trucks. 12 percent of all vehicles were trucks on US -52, almost 5o percent of all vehicles on 117th Street were trucks. This directly affects roadway and intersection operations. * page 1 * UL CWPPEwA FALLS DRE *0N INC. M NNSOTA V✓SCOWRN r,MO, _=n 114'-. TMJ origin - Destination Information * Analysis of Koch Refinery employeesfound that the relative distribution was: 30 % to north via US -52 7 % to northwest via US -52 & 117th St / 105th St 36 % to east via TH-55 or US -52 & CSAH-38 8 % to south via US -52 19 % to west via US -52 to CSAH-4.2 Koch Refining Employment characteristics * Considerable influx of employment (and vehicle travel) occurs frequently as part of the site "turn -around" maintenance / reconfiguration procedures. Typically, 3 to 4 turn-arounds occur per year lasting up to a 6 week period. Over 2,000 temporary employees are involved being split almost evenly into two work shifts. * Expansion plans will bring increased activity on the site. The construction will occur over many years duration and will add to the influx during turn -around. Characteristics of other corridor employers * Originally contacted by Koch, follow-up by SEH with phone contact. SEH interviewed all employers in November 1991. * Primary operational concerns centered at US -52 / 117th Street. Secondary concerns related to access and vehicle back-ups at Pioneer Trail and TH-55. Accident Data * Considerable accident history was found at US -52 / 117th Street. The exposure rates are high enough to justify traffic signal warrants today. * Not many accidents were identified outside the area near 117th Street. Most of the non -intersection related accidents were due to collisions with deer. Mapping and Roadway Plan Information * Have corridor parcel map developed for report illustrations. * Reviewed Dakota County's GIS map for Rosemount only. * Have corridor aerial from Koch Refining Company. * page 2 * FROM SEH INC. i U Intersection Current Operations at US -52 / 117th Street * Intersection approach delays were surveyed for p.m. peak hour. Stopped delay on 117th Street found to average about 30 seconds per vehicle, which is fairly good operations. * Delay was also measured for vehicles stopped in the median opening. The delays incurred in this area were found to be minimal. Future Koch Trip Generation * Developed peak hour vehicle trip volumes based on Koch's development plans and shift change patterns. * Projected p.m. peak hour volumes for just the site traffic were developed assuming that the design hour %iould include both turn -around and construction related activities. Projections were made for 117th Street and the existing Xoch accesses on US -52. * some preliminary site traffic projections have been made for a few of the alternatives described below. Review of Interim improvement Alternatives * Alternatives initially considered: 1) Revisions in existing US -52 access configurations 2) Extension of frontage road to 117th Street 3) Examination of Travel Demand Management Strategies such as staggered work hours 4) Alternate access options to Rich Valley Boulevard * Have examined some related issues such as internal circulation, perking lot capacities and access connections to on-site parking areas. WORK TASKS TO BE COMPLETED: Data Collection * As -Built plans for area roadways * Functional Classification Guidelines from Met Council * page 3 * RON � P. 0S * Forecasted Cordon Station traffic volumes and regional traffic forecasts for Year 2010 from Met Council * Detailed parcel land use inventory update along US -52 corridor. Assistance provided by cities of Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount Define Future Characteristics * Revise future 5 year (1995) and 20 year (2010) traffic forecasts as needed * Analyze localized impacts near Koch Refining Company * Analyze wider ranging impacts of changes to the regional roadway system including 1) extension of Cliff Road to US --52 and 2) extension of CR -46 to US -52. Develop a Corridor Implementation Plan * Form consensus among Task Force members regarding future function of US -52 and adjoining roadways. Prepare a concept plan layout for the corridor. * Examine long term improvement staging plan for the corridor. * Establish review procedures that the Cities, County and Mn/DOT will use to ensure that the plan remains viable and implementable over time. Complete the Koch Refining Company Short term plan * Examine short term improvements in Koch Refining Company vicinity which fit with the longer term plans. Finish feasibility study of the various short term alternatives. Prepare a summary report * Summarize the findings and present the details of the corridor long term improvement plans and short term improvement plan near Koch and 117th Street. * page 4 * AAW AAdEw �ZSEN ENGINEERS N ARCHITECTS 1 PLANNERS y t!h i yi: Sa •1 /t ,ii dtC'7F'7]T.���r i4ti•. ' .;, r ar y.+t� F.iakt�! si l-�Rt4q kk _Iyy • IF Corridor ' . r+.-'� •! .1 Ir 4i :1.L14 1 1 t y SHORT EUIOT HENDRICKSON'INC. Ir• A90 W.AgEN ENGINEERS ■ ARCHMECTSI PLANNERS November 1, 1991 Ms. Lisa Freese, Planning Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th St. W. P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Dear Ms. Freese, 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55110 612 490-2000 Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) appreciates the opportunity to submit this revised proposal for the T.H. 52 Corridor Study. We have incorporated the comments and suggestions provided at the October 25, 1991 Task Force meeting. The modifications primarily consist of adding some additional clarification regarding how infor- mation from the Koch Study would be used, and what process would be implemented to contact other businesses from outside Koch's immediate vicinity. To improve the management of the corridor planning efforts for the Task Force members, we have divided the original proposal into two distinct studies. The first study will include the data collec- tion and the examination of existing and future characteristics. The second study will include the development of alternatives and result in a final summary report. Mn/DOT has tentatively agreed to be responsible for the second study, and they have been sent a separate study proposal (attached for your review). Thank you for your cooperation. It is truly appreciated. If you have questions regarding this final submittal, please call me or Tom Sohrweide. Sincerely, Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Glen Van Wormer, P.E. Manager, Transportation Department cc: Task Force members Steve Hanna -- Koch Refining Company enc. ST PAUL, CHIPPEW.A FAL S, SHORT ELLIOTT VVISCO.vS;% HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA T.H. 52 Corridor Study 1. Introduction The future transportation impacts of Trunk Highway 52 (T.H. 52) in the vicinity of its intersection with T.H. 55 has been the source of concern between Mn/DOT, Dakota County, and the Cities of Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount. The concerns centered around the rapid rate of development in the vicinity of the T.H. 52 corridor and led to formation of the Highway 52 Task Force, comprised of the above four governmental entities. The Task Force is looking to chart the future of T.H. 52. Koch Refining Company is a major industry located on the west side of T.H. 52 at the intersection with T.H. 55, which generates heavy commercial and passenger car traffic in this area. To help in their immediate and long-range planning, Koch Refining Company hired Short -Elliott- Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) to address their traffic access to this roadway system. SEH proposes to identify the future functional classification and develop design concepts of the T.H. 52 corridor through consensus of the Highway 52 Task Force. The current study for Koch Refining Company will be incorporated into this process. For the purpose of this study, the T.H. 52 corridor generally includes the area one mile either side of T.H. 52 from Concord Boulevard on the north to the south city limits of the City of Coates. II. Project Approach SEH proposes to conduct a study of the above defined T.H. 52 corridor to identify the future functional classification and develop design concepts consistent with that classification through consensus of the Highway 52 Task Force. To accomplish this, we will collect existing data in this corridor relating to traffic, employment, geometries and land use. We will then incorporate that data into a computer forecasting model prepared for Dakota County by SEH. The computer modeling will be used to replicate existing conditions. We will then use the computer model to project future conditions. We will look at five- and 20 - year projections for the T.H. 52 corridor. This step requires the assistance of Dakota County and Mn/DOT in agreeing on traffic assumptions, and the cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Coates for direction in future land -use assumptions. After completing future traffic projections, we will revise the five-year and 20 -year projections to include the extension of Cliff Road to T.H. 52 and the extension of County Road 46 (C.R. 46) to T.H. 52 in the vicinity of C.R. 48. Of importance in these comparisons is input from Dakota County regarding the reality of these extensions occurring and the time frame in which they may occur. With the determination of future traffic volumes, we will involve the Task Force in a consensus - building process to identify the appropriate future functional classification of the roadway. Based on the agreed upon functional classification of the roadway, traffic projections and Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 1 potential for street extensions, we will develop alternatives for the T.H. 52 corridor capable of accommodating the projected traffic volumes and street extensions. In addition, the future traffic impacts to C.R. 71 will be identified since it is a parallel/alternative route to T.H. 52. 111. Work Program The work program is comprised of two studies. The first study will include tasks A-E, which involve data collection, examining existing and future characteristics and analyzing roadway extensions. The second study (tasks F -G) includes developing alternatives, implementation strategies and producing the summary report. The following is a detailed explanation of the proposed project approach. Study i A. Data Collection. SEH will collect the most recent traffic volume and classification data for the major and minor roadways in the study area. We will also carry into this study information from the Koch Refining Company study relating to specific traffic generation of the immediate area individual businesses. This information includes data by shift (if applicable) relating to number of employees, location of employees' residences, customers, contractors, seasonal variations, maintenance activities, etc. All mapping, roadway data and topography information collected in the Koch study will also be utilized. Additional data collection will be performed for employers who are within the study corridor, but outside of Koch's immediate area. Phone and letter contacts will be made similar to the Koch study, with the cities of Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights facilitating this communication. We will compile Travel Behavior Inventory Origin/Destination Data collected by the Metropolitan Council in Dakota County (if available), existing roadway geometries and aerial photographs from Mn/DOT, and functional classification guidelines from the Metropolitan Council. We will also collect all available accident information for T.H. 52/55 within this corridor. We will gather information relative to the existing railroad crossings in this corridor. This information from Mn/DOT and the railroad companies will include accidents, use of crossings and future plans for crossings. B. Define Existing Characteristics. SEH will use the data collected and the computer forecasting model prepared for Dakota County by SEH to simulate existing traffic flow conditions. Of vital importance in developing this simulation is obtaining historical traffic volume data, updated land use information, and roadway network improvements from the Cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Coates. We propose to incorporate land use and zoning information into our CADD effort for use and display. With development of an accurate simulation of existing conditions, future projections become more meaningful. Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 2 C. Define Future Characteristics. Using the computer forecasting model, we will develop projected traffic volumes for five and 20 years into the future. In developing these projected traffic flows, it is necessary to meet with Dakota County to verify and confirm external cordon traffic volumes entering the study area. Of equal importance are meetings with the cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount, and Coates to define what these cities expect and desire for future land use within the study area. Our input from the Koch Refinery study relating to future plans of area businesses and industry will also be included in this portion of the study. Other potential southeast metropolitan area street and highway improvements providing access to T.H. 52 will be kept in mind throughout the study. Consideration will be given to the Cahill/T.H. 52 reconfiguration, T.H. 3 extension, T.H. 149 north and south junction, I -35/I-494 .potential connections, Pilot Knob realignment, and the Mendota Bridge upgrading. Our analysis will also identify potential impacts on C.R. 71 as a result of traffic growth and changes in the corridor. This study will not consider the possibility of a new airport in Dakota County. However, this study will be performed in such a manner that the analysis for an airport study could be easily coordinated. D. Analysis of Roadway Extensions. With completion of future traffic projections, we propose changing the existing road system in the computer model to analyze the impacts on the T.H. 52 corridor with 5- and 20 -year traffic projections. These changes will include extending Cliff Road to T.H. 52 and extending C.R. 46 to T.H. 52 in the vicinity of County Road 48. E. Identify Functional Classifications. After developing future traffic projections for the corridor, we will involve the Task Force in a consensus -building process to identify the roadway's appropriate future functional classification to the Metropolitan Council. The Task Force's consensus of functional classification will be forwarded. Study 2 F. Develop Alternatives. Based on agreed functional classification, alternatives will be proposed for accommodating the corridor's projected traffic flows. These alternatives will include concepts to provide adequate capacity on T.H. 52 and will address intersections, access, frontage roads, railroad crossings and interchange systems as applicable. The development of alternatives will recognize the volume of truck traffic which exists in this corridor. A list of advantages and disadvantages will be prepared for each alternative. SEH will incorporate Dakota County's topographic mapping into our CADD efforts. We will use the available topographic maps and aerial photographs in evaluating the alternatives to determine their feasibility and practicality. The alternatives developed will be presented on aerial maps (available from Mn/DOT) to the Task Force for their Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 3 consideration. The Task Force will identify up to four alternatives or combinations thereof for further evaluation which will include a more detailed analysis of traffic operations, design feasibility and rough cost estimates. G. Implementation Strategy. Short- and long-term strategies will be defined for each alternative. Subsequent to the more detailed analysis of these alternatives as described above, we anticipate that the Task Force will form a consensus as to a preferred alternative. The agreed upon concept will be further defined to identify the details of implementation. We will assist the Task Force in defining responsibilities for the various stages of implementation. 1V. Communication The Highway 52 Task Force will be kept informed throughout the study through regular status reports and meetings. We propose to meet with the Task Force up to six times through the development of alternatives and then present our improvement alternatives. At the presentation meeting, the Task Force shall identify up to four alternatives for further evaluation. We anticipate the need to meet up to two times with the Task Force prior to presenting the results of those further evaluations. SEH will schedule one meeting with each of the individual Task Force representatives and the City of Coates to discuss jurisdiction concerns. This communication process is aimed at developing a consensus of Task Force members as the study proceeds. V. Schedule SEH has already started collecting data for Koch Refining Company's access study. We can therefore immediately expand the limits of their study to those established this study. We anticipate an early meeting with the Task Force to confirm the study scope, direction and work program. The meeting to present alternatives should be held approximately 12 weeks after our initial meeting. The follow-up meeting to discuss further evaluation of up to four alternatives will be approximately four weeks later. We anticipate a draft report will be available approximately 20 weeks after the study is started. VII. Staff Assignments Glen Van Wormer, P.E. is Manager of the Transportation Department at SEH. As Principal -in - Charge, Glen will supervise and oversee all aspects of the T.H. 52 study. Glen has more than 26 years' experience in transportation engineering and planning. Fifteen years of Glen's career were spent at Mn/DOT. He brings valuable communication and coordination experience with Mn/ DOT, the Metropolitan Council, counties and cities. Glen's varied background has been an asset in developing and implementing practical and current long-range planning/engineering solutions. Thomas A. Sohrzveide, P.E. has more than 17 years' experience as a traffic engineer. For 14 years of his career he was the Traffic and Parking Engineer for the City of Appleton, Wisconsin Since joining SEH, Tom has been project manager on concept and preliminary road design projects, traffic studies and traffic signal system design projects. Tom will serve as project manager and be responsible for coordinating the development of alternative improvements for the T.H. 52 Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 4 corridor and determining the capacity needed to handle projected traffic volumes. He is well - versed in the use of a variety of software used in the analysis of roadway capacity and signal progression. Tom will provide overall management assistance to project team members and coordinate the writing of various report sections. Robert H. Byers, P.E. is a transportation engineer who has focused much of his 15 -year career in transportation planning and forecasting with special emphasis on computer modeling. Bob was project manager for the Dakota County Transportation Study and has continued to work closely with the County to further develop, refine and update the model. Bob's primary responsibility will be coordination with the Cities of Rosemount, Inver Grove Heights and Coates to update the existing and projected land -use database ir. the computer model. He will be responsible for calibrating the model and developing traffic volume forecasts. In addition, Bob will play a major role in developing consensus with the Task Force with respect to the functional class of the roadway. Assistance in developing alternatives for corridor improvements will also be provided by Bob. Richard E. Luhrsen, C.E.T. has more than 35 years' experience in highway, transitway and airport design, and environmental documentation. Dick served as project manager on numerous highway design and geometric layouts while employed with Mn/DOT. Dick's primary responsibility will be participation in the development of practical, creative alternatives for improvements to the T.H. 52 corridor. Gina M. Pizzo, P.E. has more than 10 years' experience as a project manager and design engineer on rural state and U.S. highways from concept to completion of plans, specifications and estimates. Gina will also participate in development of alternatives for the T.H. 52 corridor. Cindy R. Gray, A.LC.P. has more than six years' experience as a transportation planner with a variety of experience from computer modeling to development of impact studies, site plan review, and conceptual alignment/geometric studies. Much of her work revolves around the interface between highway/roadway operations and adjacent land uses, site design, driveways and local streets. Cindy will assist Bob Byers in compiling background traffic volume and land use updates in the model, and will assist in development of alternatives for corridor improvement. VIII. Estimated Hours and Fees We propose to base our fee on actual costs for work performed with a maximum not -to -exceed amount. Invoices will be based on actual hours worked utilizing payroll costs times a multiplier to provide for administration, overhead and profit. Actual cost of expenses including mileage, publication of reports and computer usage will be invoiced and are included in the estimated cost. We have developed an estimate of cost based on an assumption of person hours for each of the steps within the work program. An outline of estimated hours and fees is on the next page. It is anticipated Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights and Dakota County will be responsibile for funding the first study. Mn/DOT will be responsible for funding the second study. Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 5 Estimated Task Hours and Fees Task Study 1 Data Collection Define Existing Characteristics Define Future Characteristics Analysis of Roadway Extensions Identify Functional Classifications Study 2 Develop Alternatives and Implementation Strategy Final Report Total estimated hours Study 1 Study 2 Total Hourly rates Fees by staff member Study 1 Study 2 Total Expenses Study 1 Study 2 Total fee REL! CADD GVW TAS REM CRG GMP Tech. Qerical 4 16 4 20 — 3,740 16 -- 550 5,301 6 29 11 3,740 16 550 4 6 20 4 12 4 16 16 4 12 24 16 40 72 56 40 68 24 10 5 24 24 24 20 10 12 68 85 39 — 56 — 45 96 80 64 68 44 20 57 164 165 103 68 100 20 $93 $79.50 $63 $51 $55 $43.25 $27.50 1,116 4,185 5,406 7,632 5,355 5,040 1,989 3,264 — 3,740 2,422 1,903 -- 550 5,301 13,038 10,395 5,253 3,740 4,325 550 Mileage, Contingency (5%) computer, misc. $1,336 $919 $2,004 $1,379 Study 1 $18,543 Study 2 $29,697 $48,240 Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 6 The estimate is contingent upon the assumptions described in the previous work task discussions. Additional meetings or significant changes in scope (such as the desire to evaluate additional alternatives) could change the actual cost considerably. We recognize that planning studies of this type are difficult to estimate since the original approach can lead to new unanticipated ideas. The evaluation of any new concepts have the potential to modify the project scope. We will use the flexibility within the budget wherever possible to handle any day-to-day approach modifications and if needed changes are apparent, we will notify the Task Force immediately for direction as how to proceed. To add flexibility to the budget and assure that any unanticipated cost items are covered, a contingency of five percent has been included in the total estimated cost. SEH will be willing to undertake the study fora maximum not -to -exceed fee of $48,240. Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 7 AW AamwgASEN ENGINEERS ■ ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS November 7,1991 Ms. Ruth Ann Sobnosky Senior Transportation Planner Mn/DOT - East Metro District 3485 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, Minnesota 55109 Dear Ms. Sobnosky: 3535 VADNAIS CENTER ORIVE, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55170 672490-2000 Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) appreciates the opportunity to submit this revised proposal for the T.H. 52 Corridor Study. We have incorporated the comments and suggestions provided at the Oct. 25,1991 Task Force meeting. To improve management of the corridor planning efforts for the Task Force members, we have divided the original proposal into two distinct studies. The first study will include the data collection and examination of existing and future characteristics. The second study will include the development of alternatives and result in a final summary report. Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount have tentatively agreed to be responsible for the first study, and they have been sent a separate study proposal. Project Approach The future transportation impacts of Trunk Highway 52 (T.H. 52) in the vicinity of its intersection with T.H. 55 has been the source of concern between Mn/DOT, Dakota County, and the Cities of Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount. The concerns centered around the rapid rate of development in the vicinity of the T.H. 52 corridor and led to formation of the Highway 52 Task Force, comprised of the above four governmental entities. The Task Force is looking to chart the future of T.H. 52. Koch Refining Company is a major industry located on the west side of T.H. 52 at the intersection with T.H. 55, which generates heavy commercial and passenger car traffic in this area. To help in their immediate and long-range planning, Koch Refining Company hired Short -Elliott- Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) to address their traffic access to this roadway system. SEH proposes to identify the future functional classification and develop design concepts of the T.H. 52 corridor through consensus of the Highway 52 Task Force. The current study for Koch Refining Company will be incorporated into this process. For the purpose of this study, the T.H. 52 corridor generally includes the area one mile either side of T.H. 52 from Concord Boulevard on the north to the south city limits of the City of Coates. SHORT ELLIOTT ST. PAUL, CH/PPEWA FALLS, Page HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN Ms. Ruth Ann Sobnosky Page 2 November 7,1991 SEH proposes to conduct a study of the above defined T.H. 52 corridor to identify the future functional classification and develop design concepts consistent with that classification through consensus of the Highway 52 Task Force. To accomplish this, we will refine the computer forecasting model prepared for Dakota County by SEH. The computer modeling will be used to replicate existing conditions. We will then use the computer model to project future conditions. We will look at five- and 20 - year projections for the T.H. 52 corridor. This step requires the assistance of Dakota County and Mn/DOT in agreeing on traffic assumptions, and the cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Coates for direction in future land -use assumptions. After completing future traffic projections, we will revise the five-year and 20 -year projections to include the extension of Cliff Road to T.H. 52 and the extension of County Road 46 (C.R. 46) to T.H. 52 in the vicinity of C.R. 48. Of importance in these comparisons is input from Dakota County regarding the reality of these extensions occurring and the time frame in which they may occur. With the determination of future traffic volumes, we will involve the Task Force in a consensus - building process to identify the appropriate future functional classification of the roadway. Based on the agreed upon functional classification of the roadway, traffic projections and potential for street extensions, we will develop alternatives for the T.H. 52 corridor capable of accommodating the projected traffic volumes and street extensions. In addition, the future traffic impacts to C.R. 71 will be identified since it is a parallel/alternative route to T.H. 52. Work Program Develop Alternatives Based on agreed functional classification, alternatives will be proposed for accommodating the corridor's projected traffic flows. These alternatives will include concepts to provide adequate capacity on T.H. 52 and will address intersections, access, frontage roads, railroad crossings and interchange systems as applicable. The development of alternatives will recognize the volume of truck traffic which exists in this corridor. A list of advantages and disadvantages will be prepared for each alternative. SEH will incorporate Dakota County's topographic mapping into our CADD efforts. We will use the available topographic maps and aerial photographs in evaluating the alternatives to determine their feasibility and practicality. The alternatives developed will be presented on aerial maps (available from Mn/DOT) to the Task Force for their consideration. The Task Force will identify up to four alternatives or combinations thereof for further evaluation which will include a more detailed analysis of traffic operations, design feasibility and rough cost estimates. Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 2 Implementation Strategy Short- and long-term strategies will be defined for each alternative. Subsequent to the more detailed analysis of these alternatives as described above, we anticipate that the Task Force will form a consensus as to a preferred alternative. The agreed upon concept will be further defined to identify the details of implementation. We will assist the Task Force in defining responsibilities for the various stages of implementation. Communication The Highway 52 Task Force will be kept informed throughout the study through regular status reports and meetings. We propose to meet with the Task Force up to six times through the development of alternatives and then present our improvement alternatives. At the presentation meeting, the Task Force shall identify up to four alternatives for further evaluation. We anticipate the need to meet up to two times with the Task Force prior to presenting the results of those further evaluations. SEH will schedule one meeting with each of the individual Task Force representatives and the City of Coates to discuss jurisdiction concerns. This communication process is aimed at developing a consensus of Task Force members as the study proceeds. Schedule SEH has already started collecting data for Koch Refining Company's access study. We can therefore immediately expand the limits of their study to those established this study. We anticipate an early meeting with the Task Force to confirm the study scope, direction and work program. The meeting to present alternatives should be held approximately 12 weeks after our initial meeting. The follow-up meeting to discuss further evaluation of up to four alternatives will be approximately four weeks later. We anticipate a draft report will be available approximately 20 weeks after the study is started. Estimated Hours and Fees We propose to base our fee on actual costs for work performed with a maximum not -to -exceed amount. Invoices will be based on actual hours worked utilizing payroll costs times a multiplier to provide for administration, overhead and profit. Actual cost of expenses including mileage, publication of reports and computer usage will be invoiced and are included in the estimated cost. We have developed an estimate of cost based on an assumption of person hours for each of the steps within the work program. An outline of estimated hours and fees is on the next page. Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 3 Estimated Task Hours and Fees Task Develop Alternatives and Implementation Strategy Final Report Total estimated hours Hourly rates Fees by staff member Expenses REL/ CADD GVW TAS RHB CRG GMP Tech. Clerical 40 72 56 40 68 24 10 5 24 24 24 20 10 45 96 80 64 68 44 20 $93 $79.50 $63 $51 $55 $43.25 $27.50 4,185 7,632 5,040 3,264 3,740 1,903 550 Mileage, computer, mist. Contingency (5%) $2,004 $1,379 Total fee $29,697 The estimate is contingent upon the assumptions described in the previous work task discussions. Additional meetings or significant changes in scope (such as the desire to evaluate additional alternatives) could change the actual cost considerably. We recognize that planning studies of this type are difficult to estimate since the original approach can lead to new unanticipated ideas. The evaluation of any new concepts have the potential to modify the project scope. We will use the flexibility within the budget wherever possible to handle any day. to- day approach modifications and if needed changes are apparent, we will notify the Task Force immediately for direction as how to proceed. To add flexibility to the budget and assure that any unanticipated cost items are covered, a contingency of five percent has been included in the total estimated cost. SEH will be willing to undertake the study for a maximum not -to -exceed fee of $29,697. Thank you for your cooperation. It is truly appreciated. If you have questions regarding this final submittal, please call me or Tom Sohrweide. cc: Sincerely, Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Glen Van Wormer, P.E. Manager, Transportation Department Task Force members Steve Hanna Koch Refining Company Short -Elliott -Hendrickson, Inc. Page 4