HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Approve Hiring City Engineer / Assistant Public Works DirectorCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Recommendation for Hiring AGENDA SECTI©N: City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund 0-q-) AGENDI n%� G'A Public Works Director/Building Official ATTACHMENTS: Comparable Worth Schedule AP V Ty BY: Letter of Employment Offer .+C U </Ll After receiving 28 applications for the position of City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director the field was narrowed to five for interviews. Interviews were conducted by a Committee of three (3) consisting of Steve Jilk, Sheila Klassen and myself. An offer of employment has been made and accepted pending Council approval to Mr. Henry "Bud" Osmundson. Mr. Osmundson is a Minnesota Registered Professional Engineer with ten (10) years of engineering experience. Mr. Osmundson has been with OSM Consulting Engineers for the past six (6) years during which time he has performed all aspects of municipal engineering. His references checked, all give him a glowing recommendation. The salary range for this position has been established at $38,000- $51,000 annually with a starting range of $38,000 to $45,000,depending on qualifications. I recommend a starting salary and benefits as outlined in my letter of employment offer dated January 15, 1992. As always, this offer has been made conditional upon Council approval and Mr. Osmundson successfully completing an employment physical. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to approve the hiring of Henry "Bud" Osmundsot as City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director, effective 'February 17; j 1992 with a benefit package as outlined in the letter of employment offer, subject to successful employment physical. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 ��p a .. W 1991 adjust Nom. 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