HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of July 21, 1992 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDING REGULAR MEETING jQLY 21, 1992 du held on Tuesday, July 21, Pursuant to due call and notiWasthe thereof the regular meeting o the Rosemount Port Authority Hall, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City 2875 - 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with all members for John Miller, Planning Director resent were Executive Director Stephan Jil , present. Also Economic Development Coordina Lisa Freese and. City Attorney Mike Miles. Additions to the agenda were made as follows: 4. A) Hertogs Flue gel Billing!; 6. G) Contracting Policy; 6. H) Two Vacant Lots on Cameo Avenuel• Y 1992 MOTION by Wippermann to approve the minutes of the Jul 7, rinted. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 7• regular meeting as p Nays: 0. Executive Director Jilk presented to received from ortionsofltheecontract reflects the p responsible for. MOTION by Wippermann to approve and Fluegel et al as submitted. SECOND the Authority Jilk advised that the Port a bill that this bill Authority is authorize payment to Hertogs by Sinnwell. Ayes: 7* Nays 0• atus of acquiring the land Miller updated the Authority on the st site. One appraisal has been received adjacent to the Armory property owner, Al Monk, with the rest to be submitted shortly. he wishes to begin negotiations soonwithstatedthem thewould "carrcareth the other auto businesses and discuss Council has approved center" concept. Jilk advised that the Armory yand authorized the plans and specifications rf bid meer the tingyis scheduled for July advertisement for bids. A p has been 30, 1992 at 10.00 a.m. He also advised that a meeting held with the Minnesota Departmentf of trn to discuss the option of either a complete combination of bypass and turnlaness- betaff wil le blain Cost for estimates for both as state money Y most of the cost for center turn lane. quick -take proceedings have .begun The Authority was advised that qui on the Strese property. Miles reviewed his memo briefll rizing ace. A summa the eminent domain process that is taking p question was raised on what the port that because is in regard, to relocation assist ' ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 1992 the CDBG funds being used for this project are federal money all required relocation costs would be used for relocation e .paid and these funds could be expenses with any costs above those received through CBDG to come from Port Authority funds. Miller advised that he had met with Dick Heinen of Dakota Realty in regard to the "Old Post Office land fra Central Heinen expressed interest in the glint. Mr. land fragment and stated he wouldpcontact1Milleruaftirof re the the information he had been provided with. ereviewing Marie Jensen, manager of Rosemount Mall, addressed the Authority in regards to an . interest in the property. She stated that ac property would be beneficial in locating anotherrinexitpontthof e this north side of their building. This would help to conformance with fire codes and therefore able to better utilput them ini the basement level. Miller was instructed by Port Authorit ze commissioners to research options. Y Port Authority commissioners were advised by Miles that of Ray Anderson's inexperience in the development field andhislack of sufficient owner equity in his proposed motel is would recommend that the Authorityden Mr. ' Project, he for Authority assistance in the project. Anderson's request staff to contact Mr. Anderson and advise him mthatlif Commissioners directed increase his equity in the project they would be willing to look at the proposal again. Staff was also directed to seek other motel developers to locate a motel in the City of Rosemount and that locations for such should not be limited to therefers site of the northwest corner of C.R. 42 and S.H. P ed 3. MOTION by McMenomy to deny the request participation of the Rosemount PoAuthorrityainGdeveloping a motel at 42 and T.H. Y Anderson for Anderson, C.R.. 3. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Mawe, Nays: 0. PPermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell. MOTION by McMenomy to direct staff to seek other motel developers to locate in the City of Rosemount and that locations for such should not be limited to the preferred site of the northwest s corner of C.R. 42 and S.H. 3. SECOND b Anderson, Wippe�n, ann, DunMcMenomyy Sinnwell. Ayes: Nays: 0. Y, Edwards, Sinnwell, Mauve. Chairperson Dunn informed the Authority that he had met with Mrs Kleveter, owner of one of the parcels on Burnley Avenue bein considered for the Johnson Clinic. He informed her of the g interest in her property and asked permission to have an appraisal completed. Dunn advised that although she was not 2 receptive to the idea, he felt that the Authority had her overly p sisal permission to move forward with an app RITY PROCEEDINGS ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHO REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 1992 MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the bid of the Allen Company to complete appraisals on Auditor's Subd. No. 1, not to exceed $2,100. SECOND Edwards. Ayes: 6 - Nays: 0. Abstain: McMenomy. kingat all Miller advised the Authority that staff thestTohnsonll �Cl n c. possible options in regards to loc g More information is needed before anf anal decisionsaare made that regarding the . best . location forquotes, Sinnwell was asked to ra.nes and asked Commissoneriew the environmental sSinnwel�l to submitted by three comp review his findings. Sinnwell informed Authority members that he referred the range quote over a solid one because a range quote p be needed. Therefore, did not limit the work and tests that may of needed. Assessment his recommendation was to approve the quote Corporation over the quote of Peer Environmental and Engineering Inc. Sinnwe' to approve the quote of Enpro Assessment MOTION by base I environmental assessment with Corporation -o complete a p at the Repairs, Inc. site at additional drilling and testing. Anderson. Ayes: 7- 14390 South Robert Trail. SECOND by Nays: 0. Miller briefly reviewed his memo regarding the implementation of a revolving loan program to assist local businesses. ed Comm issioners decided that details should be disc ssestat the .forthcoming finance and budget work session.other made that staff investigate and report ttandrthenCommuntyon tlnitiative funds, the Community Grant program Fund Program. MOTION by Sinnwell to recommend to the City Council approval of t with the draft Relocation Services ContracEdwards�H Sinnwell,Mawe, SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: McMenomy, Anderson, Wpp ermann, Dunn. Nays: 0. Chicago Heartland Corporation (CMC) informally reviewed their 103 ro acre. site concept. plan for the property bounded by 145th Street County Road 42 to the on the north, Biscayne Avenue to the east, south, and Soo Railroad line to the west. They also have an and tion to buy the 226 acre Chicago Northwensewerelraised reviewed option plan for this site also. a concept p of townhomes and. homes built in this area regarding the resale ity to the railroad tracks and requested because of the proxim• opy of the market study of the development that staff provide a c 3 to the Port Authority Commissioners. It was also questioned whether the triangular shaped piece of property at the northea corner of County Road 42 and State Highway 3 was bein st for acquisition to include in this plan. 5 considered ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 1992 Commissioners were informed that the idea of acquiring this property has been considered and will be examined more c Commissioner Sinnwell re closely. quested that staff provide him with a copy of the City,s Contracting Policy. Executive Director Jilk explained that the City did not have a specific contracting Policy in place but that the information he was re found in the City's Purchasingquesting may be that he would provide him with policy. Jilk advised Sinnwell stated that the Port Authority could yimplement this ptheir own also Contracting Policy if they so desired. Commissioner McMenomy requested that staff invet Possibility of marketing the two City owned lotsonaCe the He felt that the two lots should be sold and used to ul Avenue. i on them. Miller advised that he would be meeting withMarkomes Ulfers of the HRA and this item would be discussed. Consideration of a July 28, 1992 work session to discuss and budget was discussed. It was determined that in orderltonces discuss land needs for Authority activities before tfie S City Council meeting on the Comprehensive Guide Plan scheduled for August 5 pedal g , this item should be discussed on July 28. Because of a time conflict with the Planning Commission meeting, the time was changed from 5:30 to 7:30 another date for a work session n fStaff as and budget. set me was also directed to set a date for the Chanhassen Field Trip. Staff MOTION b P y Dunn to adjourn. SECOND by McMenom Nays: 0. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. y. Ayes: 7, Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 4