HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Chanhassen Field Tripi I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: AUGUST 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEK: CHANHASSEN FIELD TRIP AGENDA SECTION: CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN ,MILLER, AGENDA Iller.A j�"� # ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR { r.M l ATTACHMENTS: NONE APP21Y= The field trip to Chanhassen is scheduled for: 9:00 A.M. Saturday September 19, 1992 Debbie Widstrom will be contacting you to see if you are able to go on the trip. If enough persons are going we can arrange for a van. Chanhassen has had success in both downtown redevelopment and business park development. In the past they've been visited by delegations from Albert Lea, Apple Valley, and Prior Lake as well as other places. It might be time very well spent. RECOMKENDED ACTION: Informational item only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: Who Are We? Twin Cities -Metro Certified Development Company (TCM -CDC) is a non-profit corporation that was established to stimulate the growth of small businesses in the Twin Cities -Metro Area. The Staff of TCM -CDC has arranged financing for over 150 businesses under the SBA 504 Loan Program, with total loans exceeding $30,000,000. TCM -CDC provides secondary financing of 40 percent (not to exceed $750,000) of the project's cost, with fixed below market interest rates for qualified businesses, with terms of 10 - 20 years. Eligible project costs include: Land, building and related costs Equipment and related costs EXAMPLE: Who Is Eligible? The SBA 504 Loan Program Requires That Businesses: • Have a net worth of less than $6 million • Have a net profit after taxes averaging less than $2 million over the previous two years • Are located, or seek to locate in, the metropolitan area • Are for-profit corporations, partnerships or proprietorships • Have private -sector lender commitments for 50 percent of the project cost • Are able to provide 10 percent of project cost • Will be the actual "user" of the assets being purchased with the loan proceeds • Are not print media, lending institutions, gambling facilities, recreational facilities closed to the general public, or investment real estate companies Retain or create one new job for every Uses of Funds $35,000 of TCM -CDC funds Land, Building & related cost $ 750,000 . Maximum SBA 504 Loan is $750,000 Equipment and related cost 250,000 Total Uses of Funds $1,000,000 • Minimum SBA 504 Loan is $50,000 Sources of Funds 50% First Mortgage Lender $ 500,000 40% 504 Loan 2nd Mortgage 400,000 10% Owner's Equity 100,000 To Apply Call: Total Sources of Funds $1,000,000 Robert Heck, Executive Director (612) 786-9448 or your local Bank or Savings & Loan BOARD OF DIRECTORS Russell Andrews Laventhol & Horwath Clark Arneson Bloomington Port Authority Win Borden Hessian, McKasy & Soderberg Dorothy Dolphin Dolphin Temporary Help Service Daryl Erdman College of St. Thomas John Ingebrand Minnesota Bankers Association Jim Lupient Lupient Oldsmobile Al Madsen City of Maple Grove Paul McDonald TCF Banking & Savings Jim Passeri Northern National Bank Jim Reissner First Bank Systems Dean Riesen Carlson Real Estate Co. Ron Sorenson Briggs & Morgan Jim Trucker Accent Real Estate Frank Weaver Norwest Bank TWIN CITIES -METRO CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Suite 230 8990 Springbrook Drive Minneapolis, MN 55433 Telephone: (612) 786-9448 Fax: (612) 786-9034 TWIN CITIES -METRO CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program Financing For: Land, Building and Equipment 90 Percent Financing Fixed Below Market Rates 10 - 20 Year Terms WHAT IS THE NPP? A neighborhood self-help program, the NPP gives grants and loans to neighborhood organizations, business associations and others to fund neighbor- hood improvement projects. The groups selected must design and manage the projects as well as find matching private contributions such as property improvements, "sweat equity," volunteer labor, in-kind services and foundation grants. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Eligible applicants include District Councils, resi- dential block clubs, business associations and non- profit groups whose main purpose is serving Saint Paul residents or neighborhoods. WHERE CAN NPP PROJECTS BE? NPP projects can be anywhere in Saint Paul, including the downtown. There are some stipula- tions, though, on how NPP money is spent in different neighborhoods. Some of the money in the NPP pot is Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and some is Capital Improvement Bonds (CIB) funds. CDBG funds can only be used in low income neighborhoods or for low income persons in other neighborhoods and CIB funds may only be used for physical improvements of public areas. ALICE AND JANE TALK ABOUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. HOW MUCH MONEY IS AWARDED? In the past, the awards have varied from $900 to $234,000. For each half-year cycle, about $550,000 to $700,000 is available, and five to eight applicants are selected. Funds are awarded as grants or low- interest loans. HOW MUCH PRIVATE MATCH IS REQUIRED? The ratio of private to public dollars varies according to the income characteristics of the neighborhood. For highest -income neighborhoods, the project must match each public dollar with threeprivate dollars in contributions. In the lowest income neighborhoods, each public dollar requires only one dollar in private match. WHEN CAN GROUPS APPLY? Groups can apply twice a year in the spring and fall. WHAT KIND OF PROJECTS ARE ELIGIBLE? • Property improvements for homes and busi- nesses, including renovation and repair. • Economic Development projects, including new construction, business attraction, business expan- sion and job creation. • Minorpublic improvements such as trees, decora- tive lights, benches and playground equipment. (But street paving, curbs, sewers, and recreation centers are generally not eligible.) New public service programs such as neighbor- hood crime watches, block nursing services and other activities that rely on neighborhood participation. • Otberprojects benefiting neighborhoods. Innova- tive proposals are encouraged! HOW ARE WINNING PROPOSALS SELECTED AND COMPLETED? 1) Neighborhood applicant identifies the need for the project. 2) Neighborhood applicant develops a proposal and applies to NPP for funding (a two-month process). 3) All NPP proposals are reviewed by the local District Council, CIB Committee, Planning Commission and Mayor with final approval by City Council Resolution (a two-month process). 4) Selected applicants formpmject committees of affected residents, businesses, local groups, etc. 5) Project committee develops detailed project or C a program with help from PED. v 6) Project committee secures private pledges as matching contribution. a y o •5 0 7) Applicant signs partnership contractwith PED. G u c 00 ., 8) Applicant has 24 months to complete the ° v project or program. orr, FOR MORE INFORMATION: w w Call PED's Neighbortioocf Development Division at 3 ° 228-3200. z A N a AMENNEirity of Saint Paul went of Planning and Economic Development Ll Minneapolis Economic Development How the Loan Works What's the Bottom Line? Company The Minneapolis Economic Development Company (MEDC) is a private, nonprofit corporation that assists small businesses in obtaining long-term financing. MEDC is certified by the Small Business Administration to process, package, fund and service SBA 504 loans. Who Qualifies? Any small business is eligible for MEDC 504 financing if it meets the following broad criteria: • Located within Hennepin County • Company net worth is less than $6 million • Profit after tax does not exceed $2 million • Positive cash flow for two of the last three years Who Doesn't Qualify? The following types of businesses are not eligible: • Nonprofit organizations • Investment or real-estate companies • Media firms which influence public opinion • Organizations involved with speculation or gambling Eligible Uses of Loan Proceeds The MEDC offers fixed-rate financing to businesses acquiring capital assets such as: • Land • Building (new or used) • Equipment • Machinery • Leasehold improvements A business expansion is eligible for financing as long as the property is owner -occupied. Working capital (accounts receivable, inventory or accounts payable) is not eligible for financing under the 504 loan program. Financing your project requires two loans — one from MEDC at below-market interest rates, and one from a local bank or other financial institution at current market rates. Typically, MEDC provides 40 percent of the project cost (with MEDC funds guaranteed by the federal government). The bank provides another 50 percent. You, the small business, provide the remaining 10 percent as equity. 50% — Financed by a financial institution 40% — Financed by MEDC with a subordinated lien position 10%— Your down payment or equity • The interest rate for the MEDC portion of your loan (a government guaranteed debenture) can be compared to the five and ten year U.S. Treasury bond rates at the time of loan closing. • The bank portion will be priced at its current market rate of interest. • The term of the MEDC loan will be either 10 or 20 years, determined by the useful life of the fixed asset being built or acquired. The Bank and You MEDC makes your loan request more "bankable" by subordinating its collateral position to the bank ( i.e., taking a second lien position on the assets being purchased). In addition, the bank's exposure is as little as 50 percent loan -to -value on the property or equipment while holding the first lien position on all the assets being financed. When you receive your 504 loan, not only are you helping your company, you're also stimulating the Minneapolis economy by: • Creating jobs • Expanding capital • Broadening the tax base • Positioning your company for long-term stability Also, local banks generate low- risk loans for their portfolios. More About the MEDC MEDC is staffed by the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (MCDA), the development arm of the City of Minneapolis. The MCDA provides funding and development programs to assist businesses and neighbor- hoods with housing and economic revitalization. MEDC prides itself on giving personal attention to our clients. We will give you timely answers to your questions and help fill out all paperwork so that you can concentrate on what you do best... run your business! MEDC can assist in providing up to 90 percent financing for fixed- asset purchases between $125,000 and $2 million. Call the MEDC office at (612) 673-5176 to determine if the 504 program can help your business. Remember, the 504 program offers: • Up to 90 percent loan -to -value financing • Attractive fixed interest rates • Long-term financing (10 or 20 -year debentures) for lower monthly payments Let MEDC help you obtain the money you need to make your small business grow. You help your business, you help Minneapolis, you help your local banks. It's good business all around! �w i_ 3He�Ntl031�C�_a'S� � /moi o pp�y� w V N = 06 Q'V1 �- On1B ON,d 2' �. bq t N N V N v c ol_ E o : t- .c 4L 040o = +_+ a p hl •� K p ao N m; OlO 1^� N • _ J m 3' 4 +_+ :Lj CU 7 !,r IONIA O nr /%01 Z„ C1N.3N .; N , aQ � " Z)o3F, .N z,^r �_.�nti z, eQY1i G1 o w V N = �. bq t N V N°. bup bAo E o : t- .c 4L 040o = +_+ a OlO 1^� N • _ +_+ :Lj CU O a o N u H � ° K 0 o aoo3 = `A. Q.° c o o 3 ti v N= b y � °�' .vc °� Y v 7 F- � 3 � ._ a b4 � �" I• � o `o •ti