HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Connemara Trail / Dallas Avenue Traffic InvestigationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 15, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Connemara Trail -Dallas Avenue AGENDA SECTION: Traffic Investigation Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson Public Works Director AGENDA fTEm# 5 A City Engineer/Assistant ATTACffiMINTS: Letter to OSM; OSM Report; AP VED BY: Maps At the November 3, 1992 regular Council meeting, Council received a petition from residents along Dallas Avenue to install a stop sign at Connemara Trail and Dallas Avenue for eastbound traffic on Connemara Trail. Staff ordered the firm of OSM to perform a traffic study of this intersection, The City's policy has been to follow the guidelines from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices which is used by Federal and State Traffic Agencies. As OSM's report notes, the intersection does not meet the guidelines or "warrants" to justify the installation of a stop sign as requested per this "Manual". The report recommends, and staff concurs, that a "Blind Intersection" sign be installed east of Delta Avenue which would warn motorists of the Dallas intersection. Chuck Rickart, Traffic Engineer for OSM, will be present at the meeting to give an overview and answer any questions which may arise. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO DIRECT STAFF TO PLACE A "BLIND INTERSECTION" SIGN ON CONNEMARA TRAIL EAST OF DELTA AVENUE WARNING MOTORISTS OF THE DALLAS INTERSECTION. COUNCIL ACTION: 0 PHONE (612) 423.4411 FAX (612) 4235203 October 30, 1992 (Pity o osemount 2875 - 145th Street West. Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address. P.O. Box 510, Rosemaurk Minnesota 55068-0510 Mr. Ron Bray OSM Engineering 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55416-1228 Dear Mr. Bray: Y MAYOR Edward S. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Shoos Klemm James (Red) Steam Harry Willcox Dermis Wiippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan JQk The City of Rosemount has received a petition from the residents of Country Hills Subdivision for the installation of a traffic control device. Specifically they are looking for a stop sign to be installed for east bound traffic on Connemara Trail at Dallas Avenue. This is a "T" intersection with Dallas entering Connemara from the south. Dallas is a residential street with the statute 30 m.p.h. speed limit. I do not know the ADT. Connemara is a 4 -lane State Aid Collector street with 35 m.p.h. speed limit. The ADT on Connemara is 1, 600. Accident history compiled at the time of this writing shows no accidents. I would like you and your Staff to review this intersection data and physical characteristics for control warrants. Based on your review I would like your professional recommendations for control at this intersection, including warrants or lack of. Please contact either Bud or myself with any questions you may have regarding this matter. r yr Ron Wasmund Public Works Director/Building Official cc: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer (Sverylkings (egominq (UC Rosemount!! November 30, 1992 Mr. Ron Wasmund Public Works Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55468 0 Orr SSchelen Ates, Inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5773 Engineers Architects Planners surveyors RE: Connemara Trail and Dallas Avenue OSM Project #5016.00 Dear Mr. Wasmund: OSM has reviewed the above referenced intersection to determine if multi -way stop sign control is warranted, as per your request. The data collected included hourly traffic volume counts, speed data, and accident history. Based on the data collected, this intersection does not meet the multi -way stop sign warrants as outlined .in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This is the federal and state guideline for issues relating to traffic control. Below is a discussion of each multi -way stop sign warrant and the results of the analysis: 1. Accidents - 5 or more accidents in one year must occur of a type which can be corrected with a multi -way stop sign installation (i.e., right angle). No accidents have been reported at the Connemara Trail/Dallas Avenue intersection of $500 or more in damages since it was constructed. 2. Traffic Volumes f Pedestrians - The following vehicle and pedestrian levels must be attained in order to meet this warrant. A. The total volume in the intersection (all approaches added together) must average 500 vehicles per hour for each of any 8 hours on an average day. B. And, the combined vehicular and pedestrian volume on the minor approach (Dallas Avenue) must average at least 200 units for the same 8 hour period. C. When the 85th percentile exceeds 40 miles per hour on the major street, the above requirements are reduced by 30%. The volume warrant is not met at the 35 MPH. Assuming the 85th percentile speed on Connemara Trail is above 40 miles per hour (posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour), the volume and pedestrian requirement is still not met for any hour of the day. Attached you will find the hourly traffic volume data collected. Mr. Ron Wasmund November 30, 1992 Page 2 Even though multi -way stops are not warranted, it appears that a slight sight distance problem exists for traffic on Dallas Avenue, viewing traffic eastbound on Connemara Trail. This is due to the grade on Connemara Trail west of Dallas Avenue. The measured sight time (i.e., the time the vehicle is spotted to when it enters the intersection) was 4 to 7 seconds, depending on the approaching vehicle's speed. Typically, 5 seconds is sufficient time to make a decision to stop or proceed. Based on this, a discomfort level does exist for the vehicle exiting from Dallas Avenue. A traffic capacity and level of service (LOS) analysis was conducted at this intersection to determine if excess delays occur for traffic on Dallas Avenue. The results, which takes into account the grade (sight restriction)on Connemara Trail west of Dallas Avenue, indicated that no excess delays occur. In fact, this intersection is operating at a LOS A, which represents the most efficient movement of traffic.` The capacity and LOS worksheets are attached. Based on this information, we would recommend multi -way stops not be installed at this time. However, we would recommend installing a "blind. intersection' sign on east bound. Connemara Trail just east of Delta Avenue. It is also recommended that consideration be given to monitoring and enforcing the speed limit on Connemara Trail. These measures would help reduce the speed of traffic, thereby giving the traffic on Dallas Avenue a greater comfort level when pulling out on to Connemara Trail. Should you have any questions on this matter or require additional information, please feel free to give me a call at 595-5725. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. CKF�� Charles Rickart Traffic Operations Engineer c: Bud Osmundson - City of Rosemount Ron Bray - OSM attachments bjf OSM TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COUNT DATA LOCATION :DALLAS AVE. SOUTH OF CONNEMARA TR. COUNTY :DAKOTA FOR COUNTS BEGINNING : November 11, 1992 DATE 9 10 11 12 13 AVE. 14 15 AVERAGE DA-----------------------------------ITIO lTUf= . WEDTU. __`��I_-__WK.DAY__�SAT. _SUN_WEEKEND _ r PIOURS 12M-11. •- i 4 1 1..».::n 3 3 - .. 3 `l r4 .--3 3-4 n c_ 2 �� n l-•• 5 r4 r',7 5-6 2�1 21 .i .1. 6-7 57 45 51 _ 7-8 .c» 22 17 8-9 23 29 26 9-10 1.6 1.3 17 11-1 27 1911-12N 23 - 1 2N--1. 20 10 15 ,..y 23 .� 2 f4 s. 2-3 32 _ 34 3-a 28 35 31 4-5 • -jar 40 39 _ 1 32 22 27 0-7 24 19 21. 7-8 15 1. 8-9 13 1.0 1:1. 9-1.0 3 6 4 10-11 ;7 3 4 "_ 11-12M 3 1 '` --.._-_------__»»_._--___ TOTALS --....-__. --.._..___ 282 337 1.43 fir,} Af--ADT : 41.0 24 HOUR FACTOR :1 REMARKS _-------_._______.-__--.__..__-._______.__-_._.__---.-_-----..-.-._.._..-___- _.__....--- _--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DATA FILE D iLLAS.DQ _ , ^ - OSM TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT _ TRAFFIC COUNT DATA , ` LOCATION :CONNEMARA TR. EAST OF DALLAS AVE. -~' COUNTY :DAKOTA . FOR COUNTS BEGINNING : November 18, 1992 DATE 16 17 18 19 20 AVE. 21 22 AVERAGE DAY MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. WK.DAY SAT. SUN. WEEKEND __________________________________________________________________________ HOURS 12M-1 11 2 6 - 1-2 ` "� 6 6 2_3 3 2 2 3-4 5 3 4 4_5 19 16 17 5-6 8O 65 72 6-7 182 178 180 � 7_8 11 u 100 166 8-9 126 136 131 9-10, 65 77 71 10-11 101 73 87 11-1214 99 94 96 12N-1 73 92 82 1-2 127 110 118 2-3 181 159 170 3-4 191 206 198 4-5 160 170 165 5-6 135 120 127 6-7 109 110 109 7-8 98 86 92 8-9 66 64 65 9-10 33 36 34 10-11 12 18 15 11-1211 6 11 8 -----_------------_---_--_-__-_--___-----_--____--__-__-------____--__-__- TOTALS 1582 1975 372 1967 AADT : 1967 24 HOUR FACTOR :1 REMARKS: _____________-_---_-----_________________________----_--___--__- ` DATA FILE' CO1A-DAL.DAl 1985 HCM:- UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page -1 ttttxttttittttlitttttiitttt22ttt2ttitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttittt IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 40 PEAKHOUR FACTOR ..................... .9 AREA POPULATION ...................... 25000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... CONNEMARA TRAIL NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... DALLAS AVE. NAME OF THE ANALYST .................. CTR DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (aa/dd/yy)...... 11/25/95 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED ................. AM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE:"T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SI6N TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB ---- ---- ---- ---- LEFT 0 - 5 33 THRU 72 108 0 -- RIGHT 5 0 8 -- NUMBER OF LANES -------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB - ------- ------- ------- ------- LANES 2 2 1 -- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page -2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RI6HT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 4.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND ---- --- --- - VEHICLE COMPOSITION I SU TRUCKS I COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES I MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND 2 1 2 WESTBOUND 2 1 2 NORTHBOUND 0 0 2 SOUTHBOUND --- --- --- CRITICAL SAPS TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL SAP MINOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 MAJOR LEFTS WB 5.70 5.70 0.00 5.70 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.60 7.60 0.00 7.60 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... CONNEMARA TRAIL NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... DALLAS AVE. DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 11/25/95 ; AM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... CAPACITY AND LEVEL -OF -SERVICE Page -3 ----- ---------------«------- ----- ----------- ---------------- x. �_�, POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH MINOR STREET NB LEFT 36 595 593 ) 593 > 551 > A > 641 > 596 >A RIGHT 9 964 964 > 964 > 955 > A MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 6 962 962 962 956 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... CONNEMARA TRAIL NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... DALLAS AVE. DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 11/25/95 ; AM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 120 IN 3t t �® t � Ukr / w s 129 th {t A. 3 Y • 127M E't a 2 i • • e s • ,ra•. At 1 `• 1 1a/a {t 3 Q 133.. 4 5 0 =n rrecinct 9L6 � iei- la st ;UV 'N c M 8 1 �! A 11. C A V ?IN t rl 571h st C S th t 1SStR it •• Sth tO-R•t. D• • i— 160 1. OAR►LC CDVRT. 2. CA PLC CIRCLE 3. 0AR•10 WAY .. CRESCENT CIRCLE S. CO►KR CDW1T A. SU..LET AVE.YE T CROUTON COURT S DAT.ACARAV[xUC f. CHARLESTON AVENVE q. CNCVELLE COURT NORTH 11 COLUNSARY CIRCLE is co,URM 14 WAY Is. COLU."RT COURT 4 I.. CR STON ►ATN IS. CRC ST OxE COURT t 19. CNNYSLER NAT 1 IT, CNORLEY AVC.Ut t 1S. SV.GU.DT AVENUE 1!. SU.. ATTT AVENUE to. .UNDORAN AVCNUC 21. ORM GNSNA.0 AvE NUE 22. •RI AN.O.V AVENUE 25. ...STRC11 2.. CORNELL COU.T x 2S. Conk LL COURT S 2r. D.." ["MG COU.T 21. 1SSTN STRCCT CCU.T 2.. UR.E...q TN STREET COURT e Precinct] UNIVERSI T' RE 4000 W 'r-- 3000 W II 2000 W Precinct armory / community center C c U. 1 I : iii>:>:<: <>: pd'd 1318 «Rosemount High School S "00tE fire a SCMOO(.;. � stati k==—:3.—ZB0 rrecinct 9L6 � iei- la st ;UV 'N c M 8 1 �! A 11. C A V ?IN t rl 571h st C S th t 1SStR it •• Sth tO-R•t. D• • i— 160 1. OAR►LC CDVRT. 2. CA PLC CIRCLE 3. 0AR•10 WAY .. CRESCENT CIRCLE S. CO►KR CDW1T A. SU..LET AVE.YE T CROUTON COURT S DAT.ACARAV[xUC f. CHARLESTON AVENVE q. CNCVELLE COURT NORTH 11 COLUNSARY CIRCLE is co,URM 14 WAY Is. COLU."RT COURT 4 I.. CR STON ►ATN IS. CRC ST OxE COURT t 19. CNNYSLER NAT 1 IT, CNORLEY AVC.Ut t 1S. SV.GU.DT AVENUE 1!. SU.. ATTT AVENUE to. .UNDORAN AVCNUC 21. ORM GNSNA.0 AvE NUE 22. •RI AN.O.V AVENUE 25. ...STRC11 2.. CORNELL COU.T x 2S. Conk LL COURT S 2r. D.." ["MG COU.T 21. 1SSTN STRCCT CCU.T 2.. 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