HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Proclamation of National Public Works WeekCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 5, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation of National Public AGENDA SECTION: Works Week Department Head Report PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director AGENDA rfav, ATTACMIENTS: Statistical Table APP ED Y: Maintenance Tasks & Proclamation Oao4z;;z� This year's National Public Works Week (NPWW) is 14y 17 tPtough May 23, 1992. The goal of NPWW is to make people aware of their public utilities and those that manage them. We all take it for granted that when we turn the water tap, fresh clean water will flow out; and when we want to drive to work in the dead of winter, the streets will be clear of snow. These water and street systems, along with the sanitary sewer and storm drain systems are all available through the hard work and effort of the Public Works Department. When we talk about providing public safety, most people immediately think of the Police and Fire Departments, however, each and everyday the Public Works Department provides safe, fresh, potable water; a safe , efficient, environmentally sound, sanitary sewer system to collect and treat our human waste; a storm drain system which safely directs the flow of storm water; a street system which allows residents to drive safely and comfortably around the City. All of these complex systems require a great deal of planning, engineering and maintenance to keep working efficiently. The attached list of maintenance tasks shows some of these tasks. Rosemount is a unique City in that it has a more mature area (in terms of infrastructure), surrounded by a newer, faster growing suburban residential area, plus a distinct heavy industrial district within agricultural areas in the eastern part of the City, in addition to the rural residential areas in the northwest. Each of these areas require different types of maintenance which the Public Works Department attempts to provide. The Council has provided the Public Works Department good equipment and good people to operate and manage our public utilities. We thank you for your past support and ask that you keep in mind the tough and complex jobs that the Public Works Department undertakes in future allocation considerations With that, we ask that the Mayor proclaim May 17th through May 23rd as National Public Works Week to recognize all of our Public Works people for providing all of us with our public utilities. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mayor proclaims May 17th through May 23rd as National Public Works Week. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Bob Barfknecht A. J. Borpela Dean Sandstrom Eric Day George Rom John Fremming Doug Stauffer A. C. In MAINTENANCE TASKS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 1. Well Maintenance, Water Sampling 2. Hydrant Servicing, Painting 3. Gate Valve Operational Testing & Maintenance 4. Curb Stop Operational Testing & Maintenance 5. Meter Installation 6. Meter Change -Over Program 7. Rural Water System Maintenance 8. Miscellaneous Trouble Shooting/Resident Requests 9. Gopher State One Calls SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. Sewer Jetting/Cleaning and Preventive Maintenance Program 2. Lift Station Maintenance 3. Miscellaneous Trouble Shooting/Resident Requests STORM DRAIN SYSTEM 1. Culvert Cleaning 2. Flared End Inlet/Outlet Cleaning 3. Pond Area Brush Cutting 4. Catch Basin and Manhole Maintenance 5. Wash Out Repair 6. Miscellaneous Trouble Shooting/Resident Requests 7. Regrading Ditches for Drainage D. STREET SYSTEM 1. Snow Plowing/Sanding Downtown Snow Removal 2. Street Patching/Pothole Repair 3. Blading of Gravel Roads/Maintenance 4. Class 5 Installation on Gravel Roads 5. Shoulder Maintenance on Bituminous Streets (Rural Sections) Includes Installation of Shouldering Material 6. Street Sweeping 7. Public Facilities/Ditch/Boulevard Mowing/Maintenance 8. Brush Cutting/Clearing 9. Traffic/Street Sign Repair 10. Ditch Garbage Cleaning 11. Overhanging Tree Pruning 12. Downtown Area Sidewalk Cleaning 13. Sidewalk Repair 14. Crosswalk Painting 15. Ornamental Light Cleaning 16. Installation of Banners/Christmas Decorations 17. Wash Out/Weather Related Repairs 18. Miscellaneous Trouble Shooting/Resident Requests E. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Equipment Cleaning 2. Equipment Preventive Maintenance for Public Works, Parks, Police, Fire and Administration 3. Equipment Seasonal Change -Over 4. Equipment Repair F. MISCELLANEOUS TASKS 1. Shop, Fire Hall, City Hall, Maintenance 2. Weed Inspection 3. City Property Grounds Inspection 4. Miscellaneous Complaint Requests 5. Record Keeping 2 C3TY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT UTIUTY INFORMATION 1991 1990 1989 • SANITARY SEWER ENG. DEPT. (BCB) FOR COUNCIL MEETING DATE : TOTAL MILES 32.10 31.95 28.85 TOTAL CONNECTIONS 2308 2108 1914 UFT STATIONS 5 FLOW TO MWCC PLANT 220.9 MG ON THIS REPORT IS CURRENT AS OF • WATERMAIN ENG. DEPT. (BCB) FOR COUNCIL MEETING DATE : TOTAL MILES - MUNICIPAL RURAL 41.18 7.13 36.67 33.57 TOTAL CONNECTIONS 2308 2117 1912 WELLS - MUNICIPAL RURAL 4 2 WATER USAGE 329.9 MG 270.2 MG 269.5 MG NO. OF HYDRANTS 337 WATER TOWERS41 CHIPPENDALE AVENUE #2 CONNEMARA TRAIL 500,000. GAL CAP. 1,000,000. GAL CAP. STORM SEWER TOTAL MILES 17.9 TOTAL PERSON HOLES 355 TOTAL CATCH BASINS 509 TOTAL FLARED END SECTIONS 60 • POND INFORMATION TOTAL NO. OF PONDING & DRAINAGE AREAS (PLATTED PROPERTY ONLY) 97 TOTAL ACREAGE OF MAINTAINED AREAS AROUND PONDS (EASEMENTS) 213.45 NOTE : ALL INFORMATION ON THIS REPORT IS CURRENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1991. ENG. DEPT. (BCB) FOR COUNCIL MEETING DATE : MAY 5, 1992 . The City of Rosemount Office of the Mayor PROCLAMATION ArS, public works services provided in our community are an integral pari of our citizen's everyday lives, and W EREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, public buildings and snow removal; and WW.HEREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and W�+:REAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and WAF„RF.AS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments is materially influenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform, NOW, TSEREFORE, I E. B. McMenomy, Mayor of the City of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim the week of May 17 through May 23, 1992 as "NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK" in the City of Rosemount, and I call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the problems involved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety and comfort. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT THIS 5TH DAY OF MAY, 1992 E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Jerk