HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Administration Department Staffing Recommendation4 / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 5, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STAFFING RECOMMENDATION AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEND # 5 ATTACHMENTS: MEMO, JOB DESCRIPTIONS AP 0 B U Council gave direction to me to proceed in drafting job descriptions, salary structures, etc. for a revised Administration Department personnel makeup. As part of that change I am recommending two promotions and the hiring of a receptionist to replace one person to be promoted. Attached is a memo outlining all the proposed changes. These changes will result in a $18,000 savings in 1992 and a $10,000 savings in 1993. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the recommendations in the City Administrator's memo of May 1, 1992 outlining promotions and hiring to revise the Administration Department. COUNCIL ACTION: PHONE (612)423-4411 FAX (612) 423.5203 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: (Pity of gosemount 2675 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox Dennis Wippennann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Mayor E.B. McMenomy Council Members: Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator May 1, 1992 Staffing Changes Due to certain resignations which took place in January and February and discussion leading to a proposed restructuring of the administration department (please see attached memo of 1-31- 92) I was directed to: 1. Develop job descriptions for new secretarial positions and a administrative assistant position. 2. Establish hiring procedures for the secretary, receptionist and administrative assistant position. Upon receiving your approval to move ahead on these matters, Sue Walsh reviewed all secretarial positions on staff as to their relationship to comparable worth and appropriate job description to actual responsibilities. This review provided the opportunity to suggest revision of certain job descriptions and integrating certain positions into a general "secretarial" classification. Presently we have five different job descriptions for what are really the same job in different departments. To accomplish these changes, new job descriptions were written for these positions along with the administrative assistant position. 6verylkings eoming C(: J6 (Rosemount.'.' The old titles and new titles are listed below along with comparable worth point values and salary ranges. OLD Old Title NEW Points Salary Range Title Points Salary Ranee City Clerk/ 88 $ 32541-43939 Admin. Asst. 94 36228-48917 Adm. Asst. Adm. Asst./ 66 $ 26328-35551 Police Dept. Sec. 60 23291-31540 Police Sec. F.W. 60 $ 23291-31540 P.W. Dept. Sec. 60 23291-31540 Zoning Sec. 60 $ 23291-31540 P.W. Dept. Sec. 60 23291-31540 Building Sec. 50 $ 19117-25814 Bldg. Insp. Sec. 60 23291-31540 Police Sec. 53 $ 19998-27003 ---eliminate--- - --- Adm. Sec. 50 $ 19117-25814 Adm. Dept. Sec. 60 23291-31450 --non-existent-- --- Ec. Dev. Sec. 60 23291-31450 Asst. Admin 94 $ 36228-48918 ---position eliminated--- --- These changes would affect several people, some with title changes only and some with minor salary adjustments. It would also call for the hiring, promotion or transfer of certain persons within the current work force. Following are recommendations for accomplishing these changes: Position: Administrative -Assistant. I recommend the promotion of Susan Walsh to this position. Susan now carries on most personnel matters, health insurance and City Clerk Duties. With the revised job description for this position Susan would be responsible for all personnel matters, health insurance, workers compensation mattersandact in my behalf at my request or in my absence. I further recommend a salary adjustment from her present salary $37,955 with overtime and comp time available to $42,256 and without overtime and comp time or exempt. Based on the overtime history for Sue this increase 2 would prove to be minimal. Along with increased responsibilities I can fully defend this increase. Position: Economic Development/Personnel Secretary.. I recommend the promotion of Deb Widstrom to this position. This position will provide secretarial support to the Economic Development Coordinator person and to the Administrative Assistant. Deb has been with us for over three years and has proven herself in receptionist duties, secretarial skills, dealing with the public and working well with the rest of staff. Deb's move to the new position would come when the receptionist position would be filled. Her new position would have a higher salary range and I would recommend the following for her salary: start at bottom rangeat $23,291 and move to bottom of "B" or mid-range after one year. Position: Receptionist. I would recommend that we proceed to replace Deb Widstrom and the starting salary for the replacement be set at the bottom of the salary range for the position. Position: aaminlstrauiye becreLa=y aau DU_L.LU.L114 "�­ ------ With the grouping of all "secretary" positions into one for salary and comparable worth purposes, these two positions bear some consideration for salary adjustments. So that we are, in fact, recognizing equal pay for equal value, these two positions would be considered lower paid than their counterparts. When these positions were created they were envisioned as "lessor" value than existing secretarial positions. This has changed and, with combining of all secretarial positions into one "class" salary adjustments should occur. My recommendation is to place these two employees at the middle of the bottom, or "A" range at $24,517 because of their experience and move them to the bottom of the "B" range in one year. This is consistent with our past practice in new and/or promoted employees. Position Public Works Secretary and Planning Department Secretary. These positions are held by Cindy Dorniden and Donna Quintus. My recommendation is to retain these two individuals with only a change in title. This would require no change in salary. Position: Police Department Secretary. This position would require a change in title for Deb Marthaler. Her title now is Administrative Assistant - Police Department. It would also require a drop in point value and salary range. I am recommending this change with no change in salary. This would mean that Deb's salary would still fall within the new, lower salary range, but in the high "C" range. Position: Assistant City Administrator. I recommend that this position not be filled. This follows your approval of this concept dated January f 21, 1992. 4. m Listed are several changes brought about by the review of the various positions. I believe that these changes are needed to clarify job 3 responsibilities and correct some problems with point values, salary ranges and pay equity. We are also responding to the direction you gave us in January to: 1) Establish the Administrative Assistant position. 2) Hire an additional secretary. These changes, if approved as recommended will result in a base salary cost savings in 1992 of $17,500, plus employer costs for Social Security and PERA. In 1993, because of scheduled increases, as proposed, the savings will be less but still about still about $10,000 for a two year savings of about $28,000. To summarize then, the recommended changes which we are asking your approval for would be: 1) Approve new job descriptions for the positions of: a. Administrative Assistant b. Planning Dept. Secretary C. Building Inspection Secretary d. Public Works Secretary e. Police Secretary f. Economic Development/Personnel Secretary g. Administrative Secretary h. Receptionist 2) Promote Susan Walsh to the position of Administration Assistant with a starting salary of $42,256. The position being classified "Exempt". 3) Promote Deb Widstrom to the position of Economic Development/Personnel Secretary with a starting salary of $23,291. 4) Authorize the placement of the following personnel in the assigned titled positions: Linda Jentink - Administrative Secretary, $24,517 Maryann Stoeffel — Building Inspection Sec., $24,517 Donna Quintus - Planning Secretary, no change Cindy Dorniden - Public Works Secretary, no change Debra Marthaler - Police Secretary, no change 5) Authorize the advertising, interviewing and recommendation to hire a person for receptionist. 6) That all changes take place June 1, 1992. 4 TO: Mayon McMenomy Wi ermanna Council Members Klassen, Staats, Willc x, pp FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: January 31, 1992 RE: Susan VanderHeyden Resignation Staffing Considerations We are in receipt of a Letter of Resignation from Susan VanderHeyden. Susan has held the position of Assistant City Administrator since May 6, 1991. Susan will take a position of Assistant City Administrator for the City of Woodbury and her last day of employment with the City of Rosemount will be February 28th, 1992. With the resignation of Tracie Pechonick as Economic Development Specialist and now the resignation of Susan as Assistant City Administrator we have an opportunity to consider alternatives to the existing makeup of our staff to meet our continuing expanded service requirements. With the establishment of the Port Authority and discussion about placing an even greater emphasis on economic development within the city we are afforded now an opportunity to reconsider staffing requirements and how we can meet them with the least cost and greatest efficiency. Present staffing: In the areas of administrative and economic development staffing we presently have a structure as follows: City Administrator (Port Auth. Executive Dir.) f Asst. City Administrator Economia City Clerk Dev. Specialist Admin. Secretary 1 Receptionist Within these positions all administrative functions, most personnel functions, health insurance management, city clerk functions, mail service, packet preparation, election 7 coordination, receptionist duties, secretarial duties for Administration, Port Authority, Economic Development activities and special project coordination for such projects as the Armory are performed. The hiring of the Assistant Administrator was to establish a position that could provide daily leadership to Economic Development and assist in the administration of special projects and act as backup to the City Administrator. The vacating of these two positions will leave a major gap in the staffing of the above functions as they relate to the administrative department and assistance to other departments. These two positions played a major role in technical as well as time consuming work being done by the Administration Department. Replacement of these people will be essential unless we are willing to accept less in sense of work tasks being completed and a drop of support in the areas of administrative and economic development functions. I would like to ask your consideration to replace both of these people and to do so I would like to suggest the following options. These options are not totally defined here in that I am not providing job descriptions and salary costs, but would suggest that we would do that if you approve moving ahead. option #1: Replace both people with the same required Position responsibilities and maintain the status quo. This option would hold no change and no cost savings. This option would allow us, in the future, to upgrade the Economic Development activity to a division within the Administration Department with a "manager" of Economic Development and complimentary staff. Option #2 Replace Susan VanderHeyden with someone to fill the Assistant City Administrator position and hire a Economic Development Manager(EDM). This option would leave the Assistant Administrator requirements as is but upgrade the Economic Development Specialist position. The EDM would hold qualifications and experience such that she/he would proceed with minor supervision and direction, all leadership for our economic development activity. This option would provide more staffing support than at the present but with more expense to the Fort Authority since they would fund the position. Eventually the Economic Development activity would become a separate division of Administration with complimentary and supporting staff such as clerical positions. Option #3: Revise the present staffing structure to emphasize the true "Administrative functions" and the true "Economic Development" functions while upgrading the Economic Development activities and the position that staff would fill. 2 This option would consist of: A) An administrative assistant who would perform all personnel functions and city clerk activities, prepares agendas, City Council Information Packets, Port Authority Information Packets, clerk activities, meetings, maintains "official files" for the City, oversees elections, processes all licenses and supervises other administrative personnel including secretaries and receptionist. Would also act as City Administrator in her/his absence. This position would be a slightly downgraded position from that of Assistant Administrator. B) Secretary II, who would provide all administrative secretary support in the Administration Dept., assist the Administrative Assistant in personnel matters, attend city council and Port Authority meetings to take minutes, perform many functions at the direction of the Administrative Assistant including elections, official file maintenance and act as the secretary to the City Administrator to coordinate meetings and schedules. And as "Council Secretary" to provide clerical support to the Mayor and City Council. C) Secretary I, who would provide general secretarial and clerical support to the Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Economic Development Manager and backup to the receptionist. Also conduct all mail service activity. D) Receptionist, who would provide general receptionist duties for City Hall. E) Economic Development Manager. Provide all economic development staffing support to the Port Authority. This wouldbe an upgradedpositionfrom that of Economic Development Specialist and would be considered a position which would be held by someone with several years of experience in the public sector marketing, developing incentive programs, developing and managing public/private sector joint projects and the development of financing programs for such projects. The cost to fill this position would be greater than we have experienced with the present position. option #3 would look like this: City Administrator Administrative Assistant Economic Dev. Manager I Sec r II Sec. I Receptionist' Economic Dev. Specialist (open) Economic Dev. Secretary (open) 3 Costs: By upgrading the City Clerk position, the existing secretary position and hiring a secretary but eliminating the Assistant Administrator position we would realize a cost savings the first year of about $19,000 and a second year cost savings of about $15,000 to the General Fund. The Port Authority would finance the Economic Development Manager position. There would be an increase in cost to the Port Authority to upgrade this position but we would expect a greater effort and success in meeting our economic development program by doing so. I recognize the concerns you all have raised regarding the hiring, even to fill vacancies, of additional personnel. I would suggest that in considering the following recommendation that it calls for the employment of the same number of employees that we currently maintain but with less cost to the city's general government fund. It also calls for the continued "sharing" of such positions as the secretaries in Administration. These positions provide support for all staff in Administration, including the Port Authority functions, most Fire Dept. clerical, and several functions for all other departments. Without replacement of personnel to maintain these services many inner office support functions and community or "customer" services will suffer. I ask you to consider this. I am sensitive to your concerns of the numbers of staff we maintain and if you are willing to "test our strength" to determine our need for these staff positions we could make the following recommended changes, but not fill the secretary I position for a period of time to see if it will be necessary. I cannot recommend that because I am convinced we will most certainly suffer because of it. With several staff members already spending 50 to 55 hours a week just keeping up, we do need these people but I most assuredly am willing to try with a six month review of the situation. RECOMMENDATION• Proceed with Option #r3. With this option I believe we can continue our administrative functions and still broaden our economic development program. The overall cost to the City - General Government and Port Authority would be about the same, possibly slightly higher depending on the final salary structure for the Economic Development Manager. I would ask your approval to proceed to develop job descriptions, salary ranges, advertisements and hiring procedure for the Administrative Assistant and Secretary I and II positions. The Port Authority will discuss this same proposal and recommend the action to be considered on the Economic Development Manager. 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP MAY, 1992 POSITION TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTABLE TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR SUMMARY OF POSITION Provides assistance to the City Administrator in administrative functions. Directs and coordinates all personnel -related activities serves as the City Clerk and is responsible for all related city clerk duties for the City; supervises administration secretaries and receptionist; performs specialized duties and projects as assigned by the City Administrator and represents the City Administrator in his/her absence. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Develops special personnel -related policies and procedures for compliance with local, state and federal laws. 2. Represents the City on personnel -related projects and meetings. 3. Assists, or at the direction of the City Administrator, performs labor relations including negotiations. 4. Coordinates personnel selection functions, including advertising positions, screening, testing, interviewing, and hiring procedures. Works with department heads from position vacancy through appointment. 5. Provides recommendations to the City Administrator regarding staffing additions. 6. Prepares annual salary reports and administers the City's salary ranges and position classification system. 7. Maintains personnel files. Maintains employee data used for initiating employee salary and benefit changes. 8. Administers city-wide employee benefit programs. 10. Processes and administers worker's compensation claims and unemployment benefits claims. 11. Conducts all local, state and federal elections and keeps current with State election laws. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 12. Functions as the City Clerk in relation to recording and maintaining all official city records, including ordinances, resolutions and legal publications. 13. Performs city clerk duties and functions inherent to that position. 14. Coordinates the issuance of new and renewed liquor and beer licenses, cigarette licenses and gambling applications. IS. Coordinates the assembling of City Council packet materials and prepares final agenda. Coordinates weekly staff agenda. 16. Attend City Council meetings as required. 17. Serves as central purchasing agent and coordinates the preparation of specifications for all bid required purchases, except those requiring professional signatures. 18. Coordinates interdepartmental matters as assigned or in the absence of the City Administrator. 19. Prepares Administration Department budget. 20. Represents the City Administrator at meetings and work sessions as required. 21. Performs other duties and assignments as directed by the City Administrator. 22. Directs the daily operation of the Administration Department. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1. Bachelors Degree in Business, Public or Office Administration. 2. Two years of relevant experience in office administration and the supervision of administrative support staff. 3. Ability to communicate effectively and tactfully in written and oral form. 4. Demonstrates strong organization skills. 5. Demonstrates working knowledge of personal computers and software. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS 1. Masters degree in Public, Business or Personnel Administration or a closely related field. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Date: May, 1992 POSITION TITLE: Administration Secretary DEPARTMENT: Administration ACCOUNTABLE TO: Administrative Assistant SJ1,M nRY OF POSITION The Administration Secretary is primarily responsible for providing secretarial support to the City Administrator and other members of the Administration Department. The duties of the position include but are not limited to: taking and preparing minutes; transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; coordinating meetings and schedules; researching and responding to inquiries and filing. This position is under the supervision of the Administrative Assistant. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Serves as secretary to the City Administrator and provides secretarial support to all members of the department. These duties shall include typing documents and routine correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; scheduling appointments and meetings; taking and relaying messages. 2. Serves as secretary to the Mayor and City Council and performs all appropriate secretarial duties. 3. Attends City Council meetings and records minutes; compiles information for City Council packets and delivers packets to members of the City Council. 4. Answers routine inquiries from the public for general information and other relevant questions forwarded to the administration department. Assists individuals with routine complaints and routes non -routine inquiries and complaints to appropriate departments or individuals. Meets the public to assist in providing information and researches files for information or data. 5. Assists the Administrative Assistant with elections including voter registration, voting equipment and test decks, polling places, election judges, election day activities and other associated tasks. 6. Files departmental information in department files and central filing system. Assists the Administrative Assistant in maintaining the City's central filing system. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY 7. Serves as primary backup to and in the absence of the Economic Development/Personnel Secretary and the Planning Department Secretary, including but not limited to coordinating phone coverage and other support services. Serves as secondary backup to the Receptionist. 8. Is responsible for posting and delivering mail. 9. Is responsible for the operation and maintenance of postage machine, copy machines, fax machine and other office equipment as assigned. 10. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. OUALIFICATIONS• 1. High school diploma or G.E.D. and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date K Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Date: May, 1992 Economic Development/Personnel Secretary Administration ACCOUNTABLE TO: Administrative Assistant SUMMARY OF PQSITION The Economic Development/Personnel Secretary is primarily responsible for providing secretarial support to the Economic Development Coordinator and Administrative Assistant and other members of the Administration Department. The duties of the position include but are not limited to: taking and preparing minutes; transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; coordinating meetings and schedules; researching and responding to inquiries; and filing. This position is under the supervision of the Administrative Assistant. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Serves as secretary to the Economic Development Coordinator and Administrative Assistant and provides secretarial -support to all members of the department. These duties shall include: typing documents and routine correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; scheduling appointments and meetings; taking and relaying messages. 2. Attends Port Authority meetings and records minutes; compiles information for Port Authority packets and delivers packets to members of the Port Authority. 3. Answers routine inquiries from the public for general information and other relevant questions forwarded to the administration department. Assists individuals with routine complaints and routes non -routine inquiries and complaints to appropriate departments or individuals. meets the public to assist in providing information and researches files for information or data. 4. Files departmental information in department files and central filing system. 5. Serves as staff secretary to the Fire Chief and provides general and routine secretarial support for the Fire Department as directed by the Fire Chief. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/PERSONNEL SECRETARY 6. Serves as primary backup to and in the absence of the Administration Secretary and secondary backup in the absence of the Planning Department Secretary, including but not limited to coordinating phone coverage and other support services. 7. Serves as primary backup to and in the absence of the Receptionist. 8. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. QUALIFICATIONS 1. High school diploma or G.E.D. and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding. 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date 2 Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE TO: SUMMARY OF POSITION POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Receptionist Administration Administrative Assistant Date: May, 1992 The Receptionist is responsible for greeting visitors to City Hall and for handling incoming calls. These duties shall include: answering questions; directing calls or visitors to appropriate departments or individuals; taking messages and providing general secretarial support. This position is under the supervision of the Administrative Assistant. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Answers incoming calls and greets visitors to City Hall and directs calls and visitors to appropriate departments or individuals. 2. Answers routine questions pertaining to City services and programs, receives public complaints and concerns, answers routine questions relative to such complains and routes non- routine problems or concerns to appropriate departments or individuals. 3. Provides general and routine secretarial support to the Administration department as directed by the Administrative Assistant. These duties shall include: typing documents and routine correspondence; and proofreading for accuracy. 4.Provides general and routine secretarial support to other city departments as directed by the Administrative Assistant. 5. Maintains routine office records and files. 6. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. QUALIFICATIONS 1. High school diploma or GED. 2. Completion of a post -high school secretarial course. 3. Two years previous experience providing switchboard or receptionist services or secretarial services in an office environment. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP RECEPTIONIST 3. Previous experience and working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. 50 wpm typing or keyboarding and familiarity with wordprocessing. 5. Demonstrated oral communication skills. S ATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date E Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE TO: SUMMARY OF POSITION POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Planning Department Secretary Planning Department Director of Planning Date: May, 1992 The Planning Department Secretary is primarily responsible for providing secretarial support to the Director of Planning and other members of the Planning Department. The duties of the position include but are not limited to: taking and preparing minutes; transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; coordinating meetings and schedules; researching and responding to inquiries and filing. This position is under the supervision of the Director of Planning. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Serves as secretary to the Director of Planning and provides secretarial support services to all members of the department. These duties shall include: typing documents and routine correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; scheduling appointments and meetings; taking and relaying messages. 2. Assists in the preparation of resolutions, public notices, ordinances, agreements and other legal documents as required. Compiles mailing lists for public hearings. 3. Attends Planning Commission meetings and records minutes; compiles information for Planning commission packets and delivers packets to commissioners. 4. Coordinates the signing and distribution of legal documents such as plats, development contracts and permits. 5. Answers routine inquiries from the public for general information and other relevant questions forwarded to the planning department. Assists individuals with routine complaints and routes non -routine inquiries and complaints to appropriate departments or individuals. Meets the public to assist in providing information and researches files for information or data. 6. Serves as primary backup to and in the absence of the Administration Secretary or Economic Development/Personnel Secretary, including but not limited to coordinating phone coverage and other support services. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PLANNING DEPARTMENT SECRETARY 7. Files departmental information in department files and central filing system. 8. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. OUALIFICATIONS: 1. High school diploma or G.E.D. and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge with a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding. 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date E Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE TO: Y OF POSITION POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Building Inspections Secretary Public Works Department Public works Director Date: May, 1992 The Building Inspections Secretary is primarily responsible for providing assistance in the processing of all building permits. The duties include but are not limited to: scheduling inspections; transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; coordinating meetings and schedules; researching and responding to inquiries and filing. This position is under the supervision of the Public Works Director. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Answers routine inquiries from the public for addresses, legal descriptions, lot sizes, general building permit information, and other relevant questions forwarded to the department. Assists individuals with routine complaints, and routes non -appropriate inquiries and complaints to the appropriate departments or individuals. Meets the public to assist in providing information and researches files for data. Provides general building permit information to outside agencies. 2. Serves as secretary to the Public Works Director and provides general secretarial support services to the building department. These duties shall include: typing documents and correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; scheduling appointments and meetings; taking and relaying messages. 3. Processes building permits by: scheduling and recording inspections; assisting individuals with permit applications; preparing licenses; verifying applicant data and insurance information and inputting building permit data. 4. Files departmental information in department files and central filing system. 5. Completes required reports relative to building permit functions after collecting required data. 6. Computes and receives routine permit fees using a prepared fee schedule. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP BUILDING INSPECTIONS SECRETARY 7. Serves as primary backup to and and in the absence of the Public Works Secretary, including but not limited to coordinating phone coverage and other support services. 8. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may assigned. OUALIFICATION• 1. High school diploma or GED and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding. 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS• Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date 2 Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Date: May, 1992 POSITION TITLE: Public Works Department Secretary DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department ACCOUNTABLE TO: Public Works Director SUMMARY OF POSITION The Public Works Secretary is primarily responsible for providing secretarial support to the Public Works Director and other members of the department. The duties of the position include but are not limited to: taking and preparing minutes; transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; coordinating meetings and schedules; researching and responding to inquiries; and filing. This position is under the supervision of the Public Works Director. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Serves as secretary to the Public Works Director and provides secretarial support to members of the department. These duties shall include: typing documents and correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; scheduling appointments and meetings; taking and relaying messages. 2. Assists in the preparation of resolutions, public notices, ordinances, specifications and other legal documents as required. 3. Attends Utilities Commission meetings and records minutes, compiles information for Utilities Commission packets and delivers packets to commissioners. 4. Answers routine inquiries from the public for general information and other relevant questions forwarded to the public works department. Assists individuals with routine complaints and routes non -routine inquiries and complaints to appropriate departments or individuals. Meets the public to assist in providing information and researches files for data. 5. Deals with the public in establishing new water and sewer accounts and arranges final readings. Inputs accurate customer accounts information for billing purposes. 6. Inputs employee hours from time sheets into job cost program. 7. Serves as primary backup to and in the absence of the Building Inspections Secretary, including but not limited to coordinating phone coverage and other support services. POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTM33NT SECRETARY 8. Completes required reports relative to department, such as well reports and gasoline useage reports. 9. Files departmental information in department files and central filing system. 10. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. High school diploma or G.E.D. and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding. 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date E Approved by: City Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE TO: SUMMARY OF POSITION POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Police Department Secretary Police Department Police Chief Date: May, 1992 The Police Department Secretary is primarily responsible for providing secretarial support to the Police Chief and other members of the Police Department. The duties of the position include but are not limited to: transcribing correspondence, documents and forms; researching and responding to inquiries; filing; and serving as receptionist for the department. This position is under the supervision of the Police Chief. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Serves as secretary to the Police Chief and provides secretarial support to all members of the Police Department. These duties shall include: typing documents, reports and correspondence; proofreading for typing accuracy; composing and preparing routine correspondence; taking and relaying messages. 2. Transcribing various reports from police officers' report, supplemental reports for officers' case files, official department letters and investigation reports for referral to legal counsel. 3. Types press releases and coordinates state and local mailings of police information, as directed by the Police Chief. 4. Is responsible for updating office policies such as rules and regulations manual, emergency operating procedures and standard operating procedures at the direction of the Police Chief. 5. Compiles information and prepares various special police reports on a weekly, monthly and annual basis;' and disseminates to appropriate agencies. 6. Conducts MINCIS/NCIC validations. 7. Answers incoming calls, directs calls and takes messages. Assists visitors to the department by providing information and answering questions or directing persons to appropriate department personnel. POSITON RESPONSIBILITYW WRITE-UP POLICE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY 8. Answers inquiries from the public. Assists individuals with complaints, and routes inquiries and complaints to appropriate departments or individuals. Provides information from police department records as required and authorized. 9. Files departmental information in appropriate files. 10. Codes offenses and incidents; maintains computer data files on incidents; maintains police reporting system as part of Minnesota Crime Information System; 11. Maintains radio communication with officers and fire department personnel as required. 12. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned. OUALIFICATIONS• 1. High school diploma or GED and graduate of two year vocational or secretarial school. 2. Three years previous experience providing secretarial services in an office environment. 3. Previous experience or working knowledge of a personal computer. 4. Proficient at use of wordprocessing. 65-70 wpm typing or keyboarding. 5. Demonstrated skills and ability with both oral and written communications. 6. Flexibility and ability to work under changing priorities and in peak workloads. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Administrative Assistant Date 2 Approved by: City Administrator Date