HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Interim Financial ReportsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 17, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Interim Financial Reports AGENDA SECTION: Department Heads' Report PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Directori AGENDA IM It ATTACHMENTS: Interim Financial Reports for PR' D B the Month Ending October 31, 1992 For your review are the interim financial reportsl!that were discussed at the October 27th Council meeting. Normally, these reports will be given to the Council on a monthly',basis for their review, and once a quarter we will spend some time at a Council meeting discussing the reports. Council can expect to receive these reports with their packets for the second meeting of every month. You will receive these reports with the second packet because of the timing of month ends and Council meeting dates for the first meetings of the month. This way you will be able to know with some degree of certainty when to expect the reports. Because this is the first time that you will be receiving these reports, I feel that it is appropriate we spend some time going over the reports so the Council can have some degree of comfort when looking at the reports. In presenting these reports to you, I want to make sure that one point is perfectly clear to you as you view them,,that being that these reports are to be used as a management tool,! Some of the reports, such as the Estimated Cash Flow Charts, contain numbers that are estimates and must be used in the proper,context. Other reports,"such as the Cash on Hand Report, contain''actual figures, but do not show any encumbrances or funds that are reserved for specific purposes. All of these reports can be useful tools if used properly. If they are not used properly, more harm than good will come from the reports. That is why it is essential that you understand the reports before you attempt to use them. With that in mind, I will attempt to go through the reports individually on Tuesday evening. I will also be available to meet with you on an individual basis to spend more time going over the reports if you feel that it is needed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None COUNCIL ACTION: City of Rosemoun Interim Financial Repoz For the Month Ending October 1. 2. 3. 4. Cash on Hand Report - All F 1, 1992 Report of Investment Holdings bI Institution Estimated Cash Flow Chart Monthly Review of Capital Im 5. Income Statements - water Fund - Sewer Fund - Storm water Fund Note: All of these reports are to be us context. Some of these reports are based on estimates. eral Fund vements Fund in the proper e figures that TOTAL 525,394.36 13,123,307.30 13,648,701.66 TOTAL WORTH 13,648,701.66 CITY OF R 0 S E M 0 U N T CASH ON HAND REPORT October 31, 1992 FUND FUND FUND DESCRIPTION # CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS TOTAL FUND DESCRIPTION # CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS TOTAL General Fund 101 66,741.04 634,968.68 701,709.72 Cty Rd 042E-Proj 9164 401 2,033.54 60,000.00 62,033.54 Paid-up Debt Sery Bond Fund 102 13,846.26 170,000.00 183,846.26 Hawkins Pond-Proj 1176 402 14,267.14 0.00 14,267.14 Port Authority Fund 201 17,049.80 240,338.62 257,388.42 Westridge 4th Addn-Proj #223 403 68,195.28 0.00 68,195.28 5 -Year CIP Program Fund 202 (37,894.87) 980,000.00 942,105.13 Shannon Hills 3rd Addn-Proj 0225 404 73,526.81 0.00 73,526.81 Capital Projects MSA Fund 203 9,305.16 160,000.00 169,305.16 Hwy #3 Realignment -Prof #226 405 (57,342.47) 0.00 (57,342.47) Severance & Retirement Fund 204 4,730.18 20,000.00 24,730.18 O'Leary's 5th Addn-Proj #232 406 (34,227.65) 0.00 (34,227.65) Park Improvements Fund 205 1,478.02 140,000.00 141,478.02 Shannon Hills 4th Addn-Proj 1234 407 (117,393.03) 0.00 (117,393.03) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chippendale to 160th-Proj #191 408 28,111.01 230,000.00 258,111.01 Nat'l Guard Armory Proj Fund 220 44,572.69 0.00 44,572.69 Shan Pkwy N,ofDalmation-Proj 9194 409 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shannon Park Project Fund 221 0.00 0.00 0.00 Section 31 Trunk Sewer-Proj #233 410 (21,210.43) 0.00 (21,210.43) Armory Impr Contingency Fund 222 0.00 0.00 0.00 145th Recon -Cameo to S/P-Proj 0235 411 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diamond Path Project Fund 230 2,922.43 60,000.00 62,922.43 Valley Oak Pond Outlet-Proj 0197 412 42,867.46 470,000.00 512,867.46 Debt Sery Comm Center - 1992C 301 0.00 0.00 0.00 Armory Sanitary Sewer-Proj 0236 413 (15,133.95) 0.00 (15,133.95) Debt Sery Sirens - 1981 302 0.00 0.00 0.00 Armory Water-Proj 0237 414 (7,538.01) 0.00 (7,538.01) Debt Sery CIty Hall - 1986 303 8,662.82 40,000.00 48,662.82 Armory Storm Water-Proj 0238 415 (1,745.31) 0.00 (1,745.31) Debt Sery Equip Cert - 1991C 304 5,246.81 20,000.00 25,246.81 145th St W Reconstruction-Proj #206 416 (105,355.33) 0.00 (105,355.33) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Armory Hwy 3 Improvements-Proj 0239 417 (3,865.97) 0.00 (3,865.97) 0.00 0.00 0.00 160th St Watermain Ext-Proj 0213 418 18,660.22 0.00 18,660.22 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1992A 321 1,123.11 0.00 • 1,123.11 Diamond Path Impr-Proj #212 419 (8,377.23) 150,000.00 141,622.77 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1980 322 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shan Pkwy & 42 Sig Light-Proj #220 420 11,009.73 0.00 11,009.73 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1980C 323 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shannon Hills 2nd Addn-Proj 0216 421 0.00 0.00 0.00 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1985A 324 9,597.24 130,000.00 139,597.24 Country Hills 4th Addn-Proj 0221 422 17,973.45 20,000.00 37,973.45 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1987A 325 4,881.89 2,920,000.00 2,924,881.89 O'Leary's 6th Addn-Proj #240 423 0.00 0.00 - Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1988B 326 4,973.78 1,710,000.00 1,714,973.78 Community Center Project 424 10,800.00 0.00 10,800.00 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1989B 327 5,747.97 1,230,000.00 1,235,747.97 Armory Relocation Project 425 5,792.10 0.00 5,792.10 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1991A 328 7,477.44 230,000.00 237,477.44 Ice Arena Project" 426 22,220.25 0.00 22,220.25 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 19918 329 53,497.48 0.00 53,497.48 Other Armory Improvements Project 427 4,237.65 0.00 4,237.65 Debt Sery G.O. Impr - 1992D 330 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water Utility Fund 601 58,804.69 460,000.00 518,804.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sewer Utility Fund 602 69,089.98 180,000.00 249,089.98 Debt Sery G.O. Mun Bldg -1992E 381 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storm Water Utility Fund 603 43,268.89 60,000.00 103,268.89 Debt Sery Tax Increment -1988A 382 1,101.91 0.00 1,101.91 Water & Sewer CIP Program Fund 604 15,663.80 100,000.00 115,663.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water Nook -Up Core Fund 605 47,012.59 1,009,000.00 1,056,012.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sewer Hook -Up Core Fund 606 33,509.96 1,039,000.00 1,072,509.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storm Water Connection Fees Fund 607 52,456.16 340,000.00 392,456.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 D/S Water Bonds - 1971 610 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D/S Well #7'- 1975 611 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rev Water Bonds ---1989A -- bi2 --24-,-08-.71- ----0.80 24,418.-#- - ---- 0.00 D/S G.O. Rev Storm Water - 1992B 613 3,043.43 0.00 3,043.43 0.00 Birger Pond Project 620 2,000.00 320,000.00 322,000.00 0.00 0.00 Meals on Wheels Agency Fund 801 3,393.91 0.00 3,393.91 Star City Activities Agency Fund 802 0.00 0.00 0.00 Town Green Committee Agency Fund 803 165.82 0.00 165.82 TOTAL 525,394.36 13,123,307.30 13,648,701.66 TOTAL WORTH 13,648,701.66 City of Rosemount Monthly Report of Investment Holdings by Institution As of October 31, 1992 Marquette National of AV . Date Due Rate Account I Amount :Date Due Rate 12/08/92 3.10 58355256 $300,000 :11/09/92 3.33 12/21/92 3.05 58355264 $300,000 :11/23/92 3.33 :12/07/92 3.20 :12/14/92 3.33 :12/21/92 3.15 :01/11/93 3.00 :01/25/93 3.00 Rosemount National Account ! Amount :Date 1 1792 $1,300,000 :04/2711 1799 $200,000 : 1806 $400,000 : 1808 $300,000 : 1812 $550,000 : 1825 $1,200,000 : 1830 $550,000 :08/231 :Savi f :10/3 Totals $600,000 : Totals $4,500,000 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midway National Bank Metropolitan Federal of Iowa Date Due Rate Account Amount :Date Due Rate Account I Amount :Date 11/09/92 3.20 17609 $300,000 :11/09/92 3.20 9470209751 $1,000,000 :12/0 12/07/92 3.00 17615 $400,000 :11/16/92 2.90 9470210684 $350,000 :04/1 12/21/92 2.70 17618 $300,000 :11/23/92 3.15 9470209983 $800,000 :12/07/92 3.15 9470210189 $2,100,000 :12/14/92 3.00 9470210320 $700,000 :12/21/92 3.00 9470210312 $600,000 : As of :01/11/93 3.00 9470210759 $650,000 09/30/92 Escrow Savings Account set up :01/25/93 2.90 9470211211 $100,000 for O'Leary's 4th Addition $2,155.15 :10/18/93 6.25 9470202319 $500,000 Totals $1,002,155.15 : Totals $6,800,000 :TOTAL INVESTMENTS $13,123,307.30 1st State of Rosemount ius Rate Account I Amount '93 3.40 64223 $3,269.90 Weissmann Addition Cul de sac The above's initial iovestant was 11/1/88 for $2,500.. Rolled from old rate of 5.40 on April 28, 1992 193 3.80 64642 $9,543.63 The above is a Cul de sac payment for the Chelsea Estate Plat to be held until Cul de sac is complete ;s Account set up as an escrow Repairs Inc. property lease f92 (As of) $10,338.62 $23,152.15 Prudential Securities We Rate CUSIP I Amount 4.10 990002L13R $98,000 6.00 990003ZL2R $100,000 Totals $198,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - GENERAL FUND 1101 ESTIMATED CASH FLOW CHART xe AS MONTHS ARE COMPLETED ACTUAL FIGURES REPLACE ESTIMATES u UPDATED THROUGH 10/31/42 Beginning Balance(Cash 5 Investments) 733,465.95 710,751.04 616,150.44 520,658.57 390,126.68 308,585.05 233,057.01 1,154,003.12 1,177,561.80 822,769.32 701,709.72 509,599.80 (Current Month Is Unaudited Previous M/E Balanco) .(Balance Inc udes 'ALL' Funds - Allocated 8 Unallocated) 1992 BUDGET JANUARY 1992 FEBRUARY 1992 MARCH 1942 APRIL 1992 MAY 1992 JUNE 1992 JULY 1992 AUGUST 1992 SEPTMBER 1942 OCTOBER 1991 NOVEMBER 1992 DECEMBER 1992 - -- -- ------------ -------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ Revenues: I Taxes (31010-31040 1,347,402.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,523.33 8,532.01 0.00 727,729.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 673,701.00 2 Gravel Taxes(31710 4,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,649.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Franchise Taxes 131810 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 21,W2.40 0.00 0.00. 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 License (32110-32180 E 32240 15,200.00 2,200.00 915.00 %5.00 1,045.00 605.00 1,650.00 50.00 550.00 567.50 855.00 1,266.67 1,266.67 5 Permits�32 10-32290,Less 32240 200,600.00 15,939.33 20,854.95 27,770.35 24,402.16 19,283.11 25 770.95 24,115.01 23,376.35 39,649.60 29,710.05 16,716.67 16;716.67 6 State Ards (33401-33630 913,614;00 0.00 10,711.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 436,234.50 54,210.00 0.00 (1,744.83) 0.00 456,807.00 7 Chgs for Services (34102-34407 147,100.00 10,973.66 18,812.64 18,014.48 14,208.95 13,364.20 17,691.98 19,261.71 24,859.33 (0,998.72 16,941.05 12,308.33 12,308.33 8 Park Revenues 134720-34790 %,700.00 10,420.23 1,950.20 7,346.00 20,915.00 1,913.75 2,573.% 3,380.25 9,062.44 2,510.72 2,001.84 8,058.33 8,058.33 9 Court Fines (35101 50,000.00 0.00 4,174.10 3,191.33 3,472.23 0.00 7,279.79 0.00 10,383.98 3,330.53 2,943.36 4,166.67 4,166.67 10 Spec Assessments(36101 6 36102 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1%.46 0.00 0.00 23,081.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 11 Interest Earni436210 6 36115 38,000.00 1,146.85 1,364.38 2,138.99 2,451.91 1,090.21 971.32 2,043.61 1,276.23 1,636.68 3,742.03 3,166.67 3,166.67 12 Other Revnu (36220,30 60 39101 30,513.50 505.05 7,315.91 5]6.48 3,608.61 15,930.89 191.17 16,553.6b (12,302.75) 2,509.67 4,376.52 2,542.79 2,542.79 13 Transfer from 39103 162,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,250.00 51,696.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 0.00 14 Trans from Port AuthorLA 39207 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Trans from Bonds Paid M 39209 70,592.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,592.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 Plan Asst Loan Proceeds 39310 _52,500.00 _ 0.00 35,325.00 17,175.00 _ 000 . 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------ 3,217,371.50 41,185.12 102,489.74 98,826.03 128,733.35 183,008.14 106,435.17 1,252,980.39 111,415.58 61,203.42 58,776.02 129,726.13 1,180,234.13 Expenditures: 1 Council 41110 101,058.00 4,244.47 2,214.82 7,023.50 4,492.56 4,614.29 14,038.58 13,185.66 5,341.48 18,710.07 6,289.75 8,504.83 8,504.83 2 Administration 41320 187,219.0 8,898.29 13,907.79 18,542.88 10,968.90 10,899.04 11,322.07 13,497.10 12,999.5) 20,192.% 13,778.62 15,601.58 15,601.58 3 Clerk 4140 53,996.0 2,262.% 3,482.90 6,791.82 5,695.12 4,575.04 3,729.35 3,991.97 3,967.63 6,284.85 4,480.19 4;499.67 4,449.67 4 Elections 4141014,019.0 0.00 0.0 125.0 1,427.75 0.0 0.0 2,063.94 11021.95 2,605.22 60.23 5,00.00.00 5 Finance 41520 130,645.0 5,439.06 11,777.06 11,075.56 8,706.97 11,623.02 7,618.01 9,323.78 9,226.47 11,776.02 17 590.90 10,867.08 10,887.08 6 General Government 41810 156,307.0 3,887.49 6,119.72 3,588.53 19,435.01 36,388.79 12,643.94 15,124.11 7,573.71 22,123.72 2,247.42 13,025.58 13,025.58 7 Planning 41910 161,804.0 4,789.88 10,137.93 10,434.65 9,165.81 10,574.56 11,297.63 11,886.50 18,188.63 17,562.06 1,344.35 13,483.67 13,483.67 8 Government Buildings 41440 59 700.00 1,02.41 7,946.06 3,807.72 5,554,0 4,984.42 5,750.90 5,581.39 4,983.58 18,204.92 7,322.92) 4,975.0 4,975.0 9 Polite 42110 725,60.50 33,523.73 48,212.06 68,862.85 52,987.26 48,482.11 49,133.76 69,908.28 51,902.57 70,719.88 7,719.28 60,466.71 60;466.71 10 Fire 42210 154,033.0 1,675.13 1,602.28 2,340.26 4,295.67 47,041.76 1,644.77 10,01.62 3,276.02 6,716.26 3,843.31 54,111.0 41581.06 11 Public Works 4310 623,893.0 29,481.26 41,873.07 54,068.90 54,408.40 43,256.58 51;60.68 54,241.76 48,632.51 66,907.79 48,356.30 51,991.08 51,991.08 12 Paved Streets 43121 55,10.0 0.0 87.37 0.0 1,682.94 2,058.60 4,819.47 2,527.47 4,898.0 19,286.22 1,668.43 4,541.61 4,591.67 13 Unpaved Streets 43122 15,60.0 331.45 454.38 0.0 495.36 3,666.42 770.0 172.06 579.94 934.72 5,345.77 1,30.0 1,30.0 14 Ice 8 Snow Removal 43125 13,380.0 2,082.86 1,098.09 854.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11011.44 2,230.0 2,230.0 15 Street Lighting 43160 46,90.0 2,832.80 1,549.40 3,420.14 6,305.47 3,578.78 3,0%.11 6,771.46 5,390.33 5,687.38 4,701.21 3,908.33 3,908.33 16 Signal Lights, Signs 43170 6,300.0 0.0 90.32 427.68 190.08 410.20 91.13 329.19 131,60 421.16 487.16 $25.0 525.00 17 Park t Rec 4510 560,817.0 23,034.97 34,434.48 42,463.03 42,831.30 37,708.87 39,483.69 70,455.66 38,281.65 $2,604.39 36,934.45 46,734.75 46,734.75 18 Insurance 49240 150,00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 113,183.53 20,901.50 0.0 20,00.0 0.0 19 General Fund Transfers 4930 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -• 0.00 0.0 --- --- - --- - --------- ------------- --------- --- - • ---- 3,217,371.50 123,566.76 186,991.73 235,626.76 128,642.60 269,862.98 217,120.09 2891,662.55 329,565.37 361,639.12 198,535.89 321,836.04 247,306.04 Liabilities of General Furl Not Available for SpendiIactual a nts from Prev ous month): 1 Accounts Payable 20200 15,275.300 (7,938.60 6,568.60 (5,950.0) (5,950.0) (5,950.00 363.27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 Dakota Cty Recycling Progr 20204 0.0 0.0 2,866.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 Building Permit Surcharge 2010 ((10,%1.52 (21915.12 4,133.18 (5,862.57 6,815.62 (8,167.27 9,699.10 (2,904.22 ((5,404.02 (1,012.99 (7,012.49 7,012.94 4 Metro SAC 20815 (11 90.0 (23, 00.00 (46, 0 (37, 0.0 (46 90.0 (58 100.00 (35 00.0 (106, 60.0 (128, oo (149 660.0 (149 660.0 (149 660.0 5 Electric Permit Surcharge 20820 (224.0 39.0 67.50 16.50 (119.50 (10.00 (178.0 $8.0 81.50 (117.50 (117.50 (117.50 6 Electrical Inspector Fees 20825 (9 443.62 (9,394.62 (12,.42 (12 3.22 (12 918.90 (27 952.10 (24 791.90 (27,14.30 (33 140 (36 03.35 (36 03.35 (36 03.35 7 Plumbing Permit Surcharge 20830 147.62 20.0 53.50 (140.25 (160.18 (181.59 (208.29 (58.94 �16331 111.03 177.03 177.03 8 Sewer Permit Surcharge20850 109.50 14.50 28.0 43.50 - (50.50 59.0 (68'50 164,69 .19 335 64 335.64335.fewer y eco( ing ees 20855 -623 - -- -- B7.b0 149 -- - -- 261 - - �R�F t -406 -DO - 10 MVAC Permit Surcharge 20860 185.60 22.75 $5.75 220.88 (233.88 295.38 322.45 (67.74 .61 346.44 346.44 346.44 11 Payroll Liabilities (21701-21740 9,938.68 (10, 47.51 (26, 14.10 9,733.07 326.90 969.47 710.09 (502.44 773.95 (10 845.93 110,845.93 (10,845.93 12 Weissmann Easement Deposit 222053,121,90 (3,121.90 3,111.40 3,205.96 3,205.%j (3,205.96 3,205.96 3,205.% (3,205.96) 13,269.90 3,269.90 (3,169.90 !3 Chelsea Es[ Easement DePost 2220 9,01.03 19,02.03 4,02.03 9,02.03 9 01.0311 (i9 02.03 9 02.0 9,543.6319,543.631 19,543.63 9,543.63 19,543.63 14 USPCI Deferred Revenues 22207 8,479.46 050.40 ((29 535.52 ,021.38 3 021.38 3,021.38 3,264.38 0.0 0.0 632.50 632.50 632.50 15 O'Leary's Deferrement 2220 (2,103.45) (2,103.45) (1,103.45} 1,122.16} 2,122.16) (2,122.16) 2,139.49) (2,139.49) (2,139.49) (1.755.15) (2,155.15) (2,155.15) 16 Koch Bauxite Deferred Rev 22209 2,035.30 2,035.30 2,035.30 2,035.30 2,035.30 2,035.30 2,035.0 2,035.30 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 17 Incinerator Deferred Rev 22210 (13,536.77) (13,536.77) (13,536.77) ( 3,536.77 (13,536.77 ( 3,536.17 (13,536.77 (13,536.77 ( 3,536.77 ( 3,536.77 ( 3,536.77 13,0136*11 18 Fire Dept Deferred Revenue 22220 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,00.00 1,00.0 1,00.0 1,00.0 1,00.0 1,00.0 1,00.0 1,00.0 1. 00.00 19 D.A,R.E. Deferred Revenues 22221 (i 400.0 (290.0 2,90.0 3,316.50 3,201.18 3,151.Q9 3,151.% :0 DO 2 701.16 3 430 11 �3 438.11 3 438.11 10 Police Deferred Revenues 22222 40.0)) 90.0)) ((1,056.33)) 1 056.33 1,056.33 1,056.33 1,056.33 .33 (210.53 (590.53 (590.53 ((590.53 22 E/B ReservedefoR(228105 244 52128 730 (9 415.57) (9415.57) (6,214.31) (6x178.046 6,069.500 6 083.46 6 2018955 121:00216 86.01 (4 990.22 (5,854. 2 020 25 (5,854.25 (5 854.25 - - - - - --- ------------- -------------------------- ------------- - - - -- -- - - ---- -•--- (78,503.80) (65,879.12) (109,176.62) (76,107.52) (78,920.23) (114,987.88) (77,026.49) (178,331.20) (208,395.52) (245,680.72) (245,680.72) (245,600.72) -- ---------------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------•--- ---- ------------- -------•---- Month-End Amount Available for Spending $72,50.51 560,368.93 370,173.09 344,641.80 224,351.61 82,912.25 1,114,348.36 757,502.13 666,730.58 437,328.73 509,599.80 1,442,527.89 _•___.. ............. ............. ..... ...5...._.... ......._...._ ......_.._... .i..... -.._.. ....SLZ..Z..----...... ---- 22-...._...._ Unaudited Ending Balance(Cash d investments) 710,751.04 616,150.44 520,658.57 390,126.68 308,585.05 233,057.01 1,154,03.12 1,177,561.80 822,769.32 701,709.72 Different from Available for Spending Because of: 1) Liabilities listed Above tr For November thru December do 'NOT' lake off the liability total again - otherwise the effect is duplicated!!! xst 2) other Small Liabilities 6 Assets, 6 Charges in Fund Balance 4+s Prior to that, make sure liability total is included in Month -End balance rx+ City of Rosemount Capital Improvements Fund - #202 Monthly Review - Audit of CIP Coding Amounts For Month Ending 10/31/92 1992 CIP Budget --Departments to Use Following Encoding -202 -49002 -01 -(XXX) : ITEM BUDGET :OBJECT CODE SPENT TO DATE PC Replacement Program 15,000 -~586 $20,350.54 ------------------------------ 8---------- 8------------ 8--------------- 8 - Hose Truck ** 40,000 550 $18,768.07 : ------------------------------10----------10------------10---------------10- City Hall Furniture -Police 6,000 : 570 $5,857.46 : ------------------------------12----------12------------12---------------12- Election Equipment 9,000 : 585 $8,797.59 : -14-- -14------------14---------------14- Benches & Small Shelters -Parks 5,000 . . 581 $0.00 ------------------------------16----------16------------16---------------16- Town Green Area 12,000 : 530 $12,747.00 : ------------------------------18----------18------------18---------------18- JC Park Gen'l Improvements 60,000 : 531 $60,830.21 : ------------------------------20----------20------------20---------------20- JC Park Shelter 100,000 521 $36,244.16 JC Rink & Lighting 25,000 532 $20,964.08 ------------------------------24----------24---------- 24---------------; JC Park General Lighting 35,000 : 533 $0.00 ------------------------------26----------26------------26---------------; Gen'l Improvements -Shannon Prk : 15,000 : 534 $0.00 ------------------------------28----------28------------28-------------- Lawn Mower -Parks ** : 12,000 : 582 : $8,454.00 ------------------------------30----------30------------30---------------: Passenger Van -Parks ** : 17,000 : 551 $16,986.49 ------------------------------32----------32------------32-------------- New Pickup Truck -Parks ** 17,000 552 $0.00 ---------------------------- 34----------34------------34-------------- Park Vacuum ** 25,000 540 $8,958.00 ------------------------------36----------36------------36-------------- GIS Software -Planning 15,000 : 587 $0.00 ------------------------------38----------38------------38-------------- 2 Police Squad Cars ** : 28,000 : 553 $27,972.14 ------------------------------40----------40------------40--------------- 112 Ton Pickup Truck-P/W ** : 14,000 : 554 $10,956.48 ------------------------------42----------42------------42--------------- 3/4 ton 4 x 4 Pickup-P/W ** : 18,000 : 555 $19,075.16 ------------------------------44----------44------------44--------------- Tamper-P/W ** : 2,000 : 583 $2,049.00 ------------------------------46----------46------------46--------------- Paint Sprayer-P/W**: 2,500 : 584 : $2,967.00 --------------------------- 48----------48------------48--------------- Bob Cat Loader-P/W ** : 25,000 : 541 $18,184.02 ------------------------------50----------50------------50--------------- ------------------------------52----------52------------52--------------- General Fund Admin Fees 2,250 : 317 $2,250.00 ------------------------------ 54 ---------- 54 ------------ 54--------------- Certificate.Bonding Costs 0 319 $250.00 ------------------------------56----------56------------56--------------- Aerial Truck Repairs(Reserve) : 0 537 $8,942.64 ------------------------------58----------58------------58--------------- City Hall Roof Repair(Reserve) : 0 : 538 : $10,639.00 ------------------------------60----------60------------60--------------- Transfer for Armory(Reserve) 0 710 TOTAL : 499,750 $322,243.04 LESS: Items to be Funded by Equipment Certificates(**) Admin Fees(From Reserve) Total Levy for 1992 -r------------------------ BALANCE DEPARTMENT -+---------- ------------- 45,350.54) : Finance $21,231.93 Fire r$142.54-1: Gen'l Govt ---------- 12-------- ------- $202.41 : Gen'l Govt -----------14--------------- $5,000.00 : Park & Rec .-r ------ ---16---------- - ($747.00) : Park & Rec' ($830.21)18- --- Park & Rec $6 - 3,755.8420 Park & Rec $4,035.92 : Park & Rec 4---- --------24----------- $ 5,000.00 : Park & Rec 6 ----- x---------26----------- . $15,000.00 : Park & Rec 8 ----- ---------- 28---------- $3,546.00 : Park & Rec 0 --- ------------30---------- . $13.51 Park & Rec $17,000.00 : Park & Rec 4-----, ----------34--------------- 1,16,042.00 : Park & Rec 6--- -----------36--------------- . X15,000.00 : Planning 8----1---------- 38--------------- $27.86 : Police $3,043.52 : Public Works 2----- ---------- 42-------------- (I$1,075.16) : Public Works 4----- ----------44--------------- ($49.00) : Public Works 6-----}---------- 46--------------- 11 ($467.00) : Public Works 8----�',----------48--------------- $6,815.98 Public Works n ----I ---------- rA--------------- $0.00 - --- - ----- $0.00 : 2-------------- - -52- ---- Admin Fees $0.00 4---------------54--------------- ($250.00) : ($8,942.64) : 3--------------- 58--------------- ($10,639.00) : D---- 4 ---------- 60--------------- $0.00 2 ---- * ---------- 62--------------- $177,506.96 : TOTAL COH 10/31/92 $942,105.13 200,500 -- 2,250 Reserves $ ---------- F/B Reserved from Previous Years 297,000 Not Yet Spent $ Total Reserves Available 11/1/92 $ 2nd Half Levy to Receive 12/92 $ Less Armory Buydown Transfer ($ 64,598.17 27,603.68 36,994.49 48,500.00 00,000.00) Total Unallocatted Reserves $ 85,494.49 Projected for 12/31/92 ---- --------- (Does Not Include Future Interest E rninos) City of Rosemount Income Statement -Water For Month Ending 10/31/92 Y -T -D ----------- January ----------- February ----------- March ----------- April ----------- May ----------- June ----------- July ----------- August ----------- September ----------- October ----------- November ----------- December ----------- Revenues: Residential Water(37110) - $Actual$ 198,895.25 (266.44) 82.10 54,666.90 (13.00) 0.00 73,605.60 (938.52) 162.30 72,629.14 (1,032.83) 0.00 0.00 Apartment Water(37120) - $Actuals 26,487.00 0.00 0.00 6,990.60 0.00 0.00 10,376.20 0.00 0.00 9,120.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Institutional Water(37125) - *Actual* 8,323.50 0.00 0.00 1,142.20 0.00 0.00 3,450.10 0.00 0.00 2,731.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commercial Water(37130) - $Actuals 22,365.60 0.00 158.60 6,169.35 181.70 (350.75) 6,986.50 27.00 330.00 8,863.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Industrial Water(37140) - $Actual$ 3,579.70 0.00 0.00 1,274.70 0.00 (77.80) 1,178.20 0.00 0.00 1,204.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Penalties - Water(37160) - $Actual$ 7,719.41 2,037.89 (2.49) (20.00) 1,671.74 0.00 (18.45) 3,635.85 (39.17) (1,915.59) 2,369.63 0.00 0.00 Other Water Revenues(37170)-*Actuals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water Meter Hook-Up(37165) - $Actuals 9,150.00 850.00 $00.00 750.00 1,250.00 1,750.00 800.00 900.00 550.00 950.00 650.00 0.00 0.00 Water Meter Sales(37180) - sActual$ 19,462.12 1,615.00 950.00 1,425.00 2,375.00 3,325.00 1,545.00 1,710.00 1,200.00 2,016.00 3,301.12 0.00 0.00 Principal - $/A(36101) - $Actual$ 8,761.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 8,761.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Penalties - S/A(36102) - $Actual$ 84.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest-Investaents(36210)-$Actuals 11,502.04 832.33 932.06 1,349.07 1,022.19 1,707.72 952.37 1,034.66 1,797.26 907.80 966.58 0.00 0.00 Other Interest Rev(36215) - $Actuals 1,073.51 0.00 383.28 36.41 57.22 165.04 56.95 8.51 210.79 I00.86 46.45 0.00 0.00 Contributions(36230) - $Actuals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Revenue(36260) - $Actual$ 182.76 0.00 182.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ 0.00 ----------- 0.00 ----------- 0.00 ----------- 0.00 ----------- Total Revenues ------------- 317,586.86 ----------- 5,068.78 ------------ 3,186.31 ------------ 74,784.23 ----------- 6,544.65 ------------ 6,519.21 ----------- 98,932.47 ------------ 15,223.47 4,211.18 96,615.41 6,500.95 0.00 0.00 Less: Operating Expenses(All Actual) General Operating(49400-01) 77,954.82 261.89 2,254.11 3,669.22 13,274.65 5,246.34 1,210.61 18,750.88 22,833.03 5,937.85 3,516.24 0.00 0.00 Admin Personnel(49400-77) 25,988.44 1,585.23 2,439.03 3,589.73 2,438.96 2,436.93 2,438.97 2,439.14 2,457.79 3,665.56 2,495.10 0.00 0.00 Clericl Personnel(49400-78) 49,472.83 2,824.46 4,488.69 6,471.56 4,546.29 4,737.34 4,975.41 4,725.36 5,190.25 6,782.53 4,730.94 0.00 0.00 Maint Personnel(49400-79) 43,120.04 2,652.28 4,288.12 6,242.26 4,064.18 4,066.81 4,084.54 4,091.85 3,549.69 5,941.17 4,138.54 0.00 0.00 P/T Personnel(49400-99) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Well 13(49403-01) 6,934.31 0.00 1,517.12 49.54 $62.70 742.05 752.77 1,019.28 994.37 758.47 538.01 0.00 0.00 Well 16(49406-01) 959.52 31.48 70.59 520.27 112.46 23.66 13.44 52.42 37.39 59.64 38.17 0.00 0.00 Well 19(49407-01) 9,734.05 0.00 1,561.46 674.08 1,602.71 1,077.61 1,562.82 1,279.53 1,057.12 0.00 918.71 0.00 0.00 Well 18(49408-01) 7,812.50 0.00 830.91 881.77 793.65 694.47 873.00 11162.11 691.17 987.69 896.73 0.00 0.00 Well 19(49409-01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rural Water Systea(49410-01) 340.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.00 $5.00 175.39 0.00 0.00 Well 111(49411-01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water Tower 11(494IS-01) 673.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 673.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Water Tower 12(49416-01) 1,079.24 0.00 96.31 84.71 86.86 - 392.36 44.23 91.52 89.16 91.26 102.63 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses -- ---- 224,069.14 ------------- ----- - 7,355.34 ----------- --- --- 17,546.34 ------------ ----- -- 22,184.14 ------------ - - 27,538.07 ----------- 20,092.57 ------------ 16,955.79 ----------- 33,612.09 ------------ 36,954.97 ------------ 24,279.17 ----------- 17,550.66 ----------- 0.00 ----------- 0.00 ----------- Net Income(Loss) 93,517.72 (2,286.56) (14,360.03) 52,600.09 (20,993.22) (13,573.36) 81,976.68 (18,388.62) (32,743.79) 71,336.24 (11,049.71) 0.00 0.00 :zzzxz::xzzzz zz:zzzzzzz: xzzzzxzzzxzz zzzzxzzz.zxx zzzzzzzzzzz z::zzxzzzzzz xzzxzzxzzxx zxszzzzzzzzz zzzzazzxzzzs ■xzxxxxxxxx ixxxxxxxass xxxxx:zxxxx zzzxzzzzxzz O O S S S OO S S S S S S S S i S 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o i o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O O O O O O O O O O S O 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 ^ M O O O O N O O O M O p 0 �000gl000.o eoo i eh N • 0 ti Nf ali N O P 0 0 0 d N O O O I N h@ II'i W! 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