HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.c. Airport Dual Track Plannng Site Selection Process UpdateCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SQ5D[ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:November 17,1992 AGENDA ITEM:Airport Dual Track Planning Site Selection Process Update AGMA SECTION: Department Heads Report PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGmw# 3C ATTACMdENTS: Site Selection Options APOVED BYE: I would like to provide updates on this process sincd there Are issues which I feel warrant discussion now rather waiting until the regularly scheduled first meeting of the month. I)Site Selection On Tuesday, November 10, the Site Selection Technical Advisory Committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission met to review the progress of the new airport site selection process. The committee reviewed the seven remaining new airport sites in the Dakota County search area. These seven sites remain from the original posiible twenty sites selected by the Committee at previous work sessions. The original twenty sites were selected based upon physical constraints of the search area and shear size needed for anew airport. Thirteen of the sites were then eliminated after applying the site selection criteria. With the selection of these final seven it is very obvoius that there are visually two distinct options for the location of a new airport, Northwest of the Vermillion River and Southeast of the Vermillion. River. These basic two options would then allow for minimul opprtunity to vary the actual site location in those two major geographical areas and cause more or less problems for Rosemount or Hastings depending on where in the search area the actual site is picked. Enclosed is a copy of the seven remaining sites to be considered. I would like to spend a few minutes to review these with you on Tuesday. II)Site Selection Criteria The criteria to be used to make the final site selection and which will be used to determine cost basis for choosing the final site are yet to be finalized and accepted. There has been formed a new Site Selection Policy Committee. The purpose of this committee is to allow additional public input on the process being followed in site selection and the criteria being used. The prposed site selection criteria will be reveiwed by the new committee and then on December 15th, 1992 there will be a public hearing on the revised criteria before they are formally adopted for use. This public hearing will be held at the Rosemount High School. I will have additonal comments on the revised criteria at the meeting on Tuesday. RECONKENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMA41SSION ` t ,5 8"". Minneapolis -Saint Paul International Airport Fr t •� 6040 - 28th Avenue South • Minneapolis. MN 55450-2799 r -�+ a Phone (612) 726-8100 • Fax (612) 726-5296 st t n On o O + 1 9 t GO i ~qAPORty , MEETING NOTICE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS SITE. SELECTION STUDY Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 1992, 1:30 p.m. MASAC ROOM MAC General Offices 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota l AGENDA 1. Review and Discussion f Potential ntial Sites 0 2. Continued Discussion of Site Screening Criteria 3. DNR Biological Survey eY i employer. The Metropolitan Airports Commission is an affirmative action p qyer. Reliever Airports: AIRLAKE • ANOKA COUNTY BLAINE • CRYSTAL • FLYiNC CLOUD • LAKE EL."IIO • SAINT PAI!(. nntr�" rnwN: I DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY • SEVEN POTENTIAL SITES • SITE SCREENING FACTORS Presented to the Site Selection Technical Committee November 10, 1992 N k6 Dual -Track Airport Planning Process 'MAC r N i i48) SW Jird\/S fill .fir ( • '! r • Dual -Track Airport Planning Process MAC AirportNew Potential N ""�•,.. ! as1s iPPi'River SEM UNT 0 1 2 Miles R ;.off )• , I-•'EftN PINE 8 0 • a p .I Ir At'i ) f....... N i' i ger :COATES ( 4i 111 lP.ti ;i• V r millioA , �. E m p i r _ ° r' bfiM 171 tiO, n 3TIN�S t ZR t)ti°'L HAMPTON Vcr i NEW r IESVI LE ast14 Rock TRIER I or, t*t is t144, a New Airport Potential Site 2 Airport• New Airport Potential Site 3 JO •A .- A% • ► � A��` ti ' , ill€�►,�-�N i ���ts �~������ ,aVF\��v��� � • `� � `i`�� � �',►` •' ���\\\�� +�i � 1. ..�� I mi7fi �1 ��� ►, ,�� 1 Dual -Track Airport Planning Process MAC �t ihpb • `` ;•,- ``�► ��\ i<°�s•m\��, ISI �► �i y Fri liil ���ib i r VM T0 J1� ku• } o / 1 Dual -Track Airport Planning Process AirportNow Potential �► �i liil ���ib i r e, • MAC Dual -Track Airport Planning Process Now Airport Potential "JO us s4• 3 h - y i te. �- a 7j�PORtS 4 mom AMPTON NEW MIESVI LLE ITRIER' l Dual -Track Airport Planning Process Now Airport Potential "JO us s4• 3 h - y i te. �- a 7j�PORtS 4 mg tip�\=�`"'e.'=_;,fit NAMAft s lu aiiC' i _ New Airport Potential Site 7 MPTON NEW I MIESVI LLE TRIERI ( �, .. u Oils $ "ti 4 ' r $t b '1141°RTS G ~ ° " DUAL -TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING STUDIES SITE SCREENING FACTORS FACTOR CRITERIA Floodplain * No. of acres of floodways within site boundary- * No. of acres of floodway fringe within site boundary. Opmhonal Efficiency * Physical features that may affect airspace efficiency * Difference (in 10 degree increments) in runway orientsi#on from optimal (150/330•) orientation. Site Expandibility ' Can 2 now main parallel runways & at least 1 crosswitld runway be added do meet site identification criteria 2-6 (yes/no)? If not, identify potentially significant adverse impacts; describe mitigation opportunities. * Can terminal area be expanded without potentially significant adverse impacts (yes/no)? * Can cargo and other facility areas be expand without potentially significant adverse impacts (yes/no)? Site Accessibility * Travel time to airport from major activity centers in region. * Major roadway improvements needed to tie airport into existing roadway infrastructure. Community/Social * Effect of site on local comprehensive plans. Impacts * Number of hospitals, schools, places of worship and cemeteries removed. ' Identify Federal, State, and County roads requiring relocation, and total lane miles of replacement road. . Displaced Residential ' Number of people relocated due to airport development, by community (1990 and forecast Population 2000)• Displaced Businesses * Number of businesses (including farms) and employeejs relocated due to airport development, by community (1990 and forecast 20M State Safety Zones ' Number of people and dwelling units within state safety zones. (A & B) • Number of employees and businesses (including farms within state safety zones. Noise Impacts ' Number of people residing within Ldn 60 dt Ldn 65 b'ly community (1990 and forecast 2000). ' Number of hospitals, schools, nursing homes, child care centers, and other noise -sensitive land uses within 60 and 65 lAn. Public Parks & * Number of acres of public parks and recreation land to be acquired. Recreation Land * Number of acres of public parks and recreation land impacted by Ldn 65. Wetlands _ ' Number of acres of wetlands within site boundary. Farmland _ ' Number of acres of prime and unique farmland and %entury farms" to be acquired. - * Number of acres of agricultural preserve land to be acquired• ' Number and size of dairy farms to be acquired. Waste Disposal Sites * Number and size of known active land fills within 10000 feet and 5 miles of runway ends. * Type and size of known hazardous waste sites within airport boundary. Source' HNTB Revised: 11/10/92 ' DUAL -TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING STUDIES SITE SCREENING FACTORS (Cont'd) FACTOR CRITERIA Water .Quality • Number of acres within site classified as very high sensitivity relative to the Prairie Du Chien Aquifer based on Dakota County Geologic Atlas. ' Distance from site to stream segment with greatest capacity to accommodate potential discharges. Bird Strike Issues ' Conditions potentially conducive to bird strikes (including rivers, wetlands, operating land fills, and flyways) within 10,000 feet of runway ends' Endangered/Threatened . Known communities of endangered and threatenedspecies (flora and fauna) within site & Special Concern boundary. * Known communities of special concern species (flora'iland fauna) within site boundary. Species Differential Land ' Differential land acquisition costa. Acquisition and Site ' Differential site preparation costs arising from topography, soil (including acres of Preparation Costs bedrock within 10 feet of surface for each site), hydrology, well abandonment, utility infrastructure, off -airport access, and floodplain to prepare site for airport construction. Source: HNTB Revised: 11/10/92