HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Award of Contract for East Side Utility StudyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE November 17 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Award of East Side Utility AOMMA SECTION: Study (RFP) Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson �,,t AGMMJT W 11((�� T/" City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACBMENTS: List of Proposals RO BY: Contract Agreement The City received seven (7) proposals from the ',,Request for Proposals (RFP) which was sent out to thirteen (13) firms on October 7, 1992. The proposals received were quite detailed and,all were from reputable firms. The list attached shows the firms and the associated proposal cost estimate. On Thursday, October 29, 1992,,the Selection Committee consisting of myself, Ron Wasmund, Lisa Freesef Shawn Mulhern from the Utility Commission and Harry Willcox from the City Council met and discussed the merits of the seven (7) proposals. After some discussion, the Committee agreed that the project should be awarded to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. The,Bonestroo proposal was selected on the content of the proposal, the experience of the project team, the ability to meet the proposed time schedule, and the overall satisfaction with the work scope understanding and cost of the studies. As a firm, Bonestroo had',ve�ry good references, as did the proposed personnel involved. The firms experience in completing such studies is excellent. Therefore, the Selection Committee recommended''that the Utility Commission approve the award of the study to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. The Utility Commission did approvetheaward - of the study at their November 9, 1992 regular meeting. However they approved it with the recommendation that the City Council award the proposal to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AWARD THE CONTRACT AND WATER STUDIES TO BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIK COMMISSION ACTION: 1 FOR THE EASTERN SEWER ND ASSOCIATES. EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER & WATER STUDIES PROPOSAL RESPONDENTS AND PRIGS FIRM COST* Bolten & Menk, Inc. $60,350.00 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. $49,367.00 Orr, Schelen, Mayeron & Associates, Inc. $61,000.00 Rieke, Carroll, Mueller Associates, Inc. $80,820.00 Schoell & Madson, Inc. $61,100.00 Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc. $76,000.00 Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. $59,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Between CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK AND THIS AGREEMENT, effective this day of 1992, and made between the City of hereinafter called the City, and Bonestroo, Associates, Inc., hereinafter called the Eng. WITNESSETH: , INC. t, Minnesota, , Anderlik and WHEREAS, it is the goal of the City to obtain engineering and architectural services in a cost-effective and'',ti.mely manner; and WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Engineer from time to time to provide such professional services for general engineering needs as well as for the planning, design and construction of public works projects, all as may directed by the City; and WHEREAS, The City may desire to retain the Engineer from time to time for the planning, design and construction of such special projects as buildings and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer deem it mutually advantageous to set forth the details of their relationship in,writing; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree that ',the following shall constitute a joint Agreement for professional services. SECTION 1. ENGINEER'S SERVICES 1.1. General 1.1.1. The .City herewith employs the Engineer to perform and the Engineer herewith agrees to perform the services hereinafter described. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute an exclusive right of the Engineer to perform engineering services for the City. 1.1.2. The Engineer will conduct its through the City Administrator. 1.1.3. The City may direct the Engineer to investigations or such other special plannin plans for City- or area -wide water resources m sanitary sewer, water, transportation, traffi For any requested Special Project, the Engine with the City provide feasibility � studies as master Magement, storm and control or parks. ar will provide the City with a scope of services and a written eslti.mate of the costs and will not begin work until so authorized by ',the City. 1.2. Basic Services for Construction Projects'! 1.2.1. The City may request the Engineer to provide planning, design, and construction -related services for! public improvement projects. A single construction contract shall be deemed a Project." 1.2.2. The Engineer's Basic Services for construction projects shall consist of the Feasibility Report Phase' the Design Phase, and the Construction Phase. Engineer servicesiduring these phases are described below. 1.3. Feasibility Report Phase Upon receipt of the City's authorization to proceed with the Feasibility Report Phase, the Engineer shall:` 1.3.1. Consult with the City to ascertain the ''City's requirements for the Project. 1.3.2. Prepare an engineering feasibility report on the Project. The report shall indicate the scope of the Project and shall include the following elements: 1) Summary of preliminary design alternatives and recommendations 2) Construction cost estimates 3) Engineering cost estimates based on a ,percentage of the construction cost (from the Fee Schedules Al and A2 appended to this Agreement) 4) List of permits required from other'' governmental and administrative bodies 5) Project sketches indicating the general nature of the proposed Project improvements 6) Proposed funding sources 1.3.3. In sufficient detail to enable the City to make reasonable judgments thereon, outline the anticipated permanent and temporary easements and rights-of-way needed for the construction of the Project. 1.3.4. Submit 15 copies of the Feasibility (Report to the City Administrator five days before review by the City Council. 1.3.5. Using maps and diagrams which "depict the nature and location of the Project, present the data contained in the Report to the City Council at a public hearing. 1.4. Design Phase Upon receipt of City authorization to proce Phase, the Engineer shall: -2- with the Design 1.4.1. Design and prepare detailed plans and the Project. During the consideration and p designs, plans and specifications, the Engineer consult with the City to insure that the C. respect to the Project are being satisfied. U Engineer shall submit five sets of plans and review by the City, five days prior to their by the City Council at a public meeting. 1.4.2. Prepare the Contract Documents, which 1) Construction agreement forms 2) Payment and performance bond forms 3) General conditions 4) Special provisions 5) Specifications 6) Detailed plans 7) Proposal forms specifications for reparation of said shall periodically Lty's desires with pon completion, the specifications for review and approval 1 include: The Engineer shall furnish Contract Document'! sets in sufficient quantity to satisfy the number of anticipated bidders. 1.4.3. Advise the City as to the necessity of obtaining services in addition to those furnished by the Engineer such as land and easement surveys, soil borings, testing services and other information needed for the implementation of the Project. If and when concurred with and authorized by the City, the Engineer shall assist the City in procuring these services. 1.4.4. Prepare a statement of the Engineer's Opinion of the Probable Construction Cost for the Project, Ibased upon designs established to this point. 1.4.5. Upon receipt of City Council authorization to proceed, the Engineer shall assist the City in obtaining and analyzing bids and shall prepare a recommendation for award of the Construction Contract. 1.5. Construction Phase Upon receipt of City authorization to ,proceed with the Construction Phase of the Engineer -designed prpjects, the Engineer shall: 1.5.1. Organize, attend and assist the City at the pre - construction conference with the successful bidder, and any other parties, bodies, or agencies who have an interest in the Project. 1.5.2. Visit the Project site at intervals', appropriate to the various stages of construction as the Engineer, deems necessary to: 1) Become generally familiar with the progres Contractor's work completed, and to -3- and quality of the 2) Determine in general if the work is being performed in a manner indicating that the work, when completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Engineer shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quajlity or quantity of the work. On the basis of such on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, '',the Engineer shall keep the City informed of the progress and quality of the work, and shall endeavor to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the work. 1.5.3. Review the Contractor's request for ,progress payments, advise the City in writing as to the Engineer's opinion of the extent of the work completed in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract, and issue for processing by the City, all Requests for Payment. 1.5.4. Make recommendations to the City as to ',all claims relating to the execution and progress of the construction work. 1.5.5. Issue such additional instructions to the Contractor as may be necessary to interpret the drawings and specifications or the illustrated changes required in the Contractor's work. 1.5.6. After discussion with the City, prepare Change Orders for work not covered by the Contract or for substantial over -run of estimated "contract quantities" as defined!, in the Project's Contract Documents, for the City's approval and execution. Change Orders shall be processed as soon as practical after written approval thereof has been received by the Engineer from the City. 1.5.7. Conduct construction progress reviews!with the Contractor and the City related to the Contractor's date of completion. 1.5.8. Coordinate periodic field tests during the course of construction. 1.5.9. Conduct an inspection to determine: if the work is substantially complete and on the basis of its on-site observations, the Engineer shall prepare a "unch list" for the Contractor, listing work left to be completed 9y the Contractor. 1.5.10. Conduct, in the presence of the City,'s Representative, a final inspection of the Project as constructed to determine whether it: 1) Conforms with the Engineer's design concept of the Project as contained in the Contract Documents, and 2) Appears to be constructed in accordance'', with the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall certify a recommendation f'or acceptance of the work to the City and then shall forward to'i the City a written -4- approval of the Contractor's Request for Final be signed by the Contractor. 1.5.11. Arrange for the City to receive de regarding the operation and maintenance c machinery or apparatus installed as a part of instruction shall be supplied by the Contract03 representatives, including two certified copies maintenance manuals. SECTION 2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 2.1. If authorized in writing by the City, furnish or obtain from others those services w under Section 1, "Engineer's Services." Payme shall be as provided in Section 4, "Payment "Additional Services" include those services following Paragraphs. Payment which shall :ailed instructions f any equipment, the Project. Such and manufacturers' of operational and the Engineer shall ich are not covered t for such services to the Engineer." identified in the 2.2. Required Additional Services The City hereby pre -authorizes and requires the Engineer to provide the following Additional Services for g Project: 1) Construction inspection by persons other than the Project Manager 2) Construction staking 3) Review and approval of shop drawings and samples 4) Assisting the City in preparing applications necessary for approvals, permits and licenses from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Watershed Districts, railroads, and utilities. 5) Preparation of reproducible "Record Plans", 2.3 Other potential Additional Services include, but are not limited to: 1) Transportation engineering and planning services, including: a. Transportation analysis which encompasses and benefits an area greater than that of the Project.' b. Traffic signing and pavement marking design. c. Traffic analysis, signal justification reports, and development of signal timing associ ted with preparing traffic signal plans and specifications. d. Traffic analysis required for roadway and intersection geometric design. e. Project development reports (project path and design study) required for MnDOT or FAU projects. 2) Construction dispute resolution assistance " 3) Attendance at neighborhood meetings -5- 4) Assistance with assessments 5) Attendance at and assistance with assessment hearings 6) Assistance with easements 7) Environmental assessments, worksheets or impact statements 8) Preparation of detailed operation and maintenance manuals 9) User rate studies 10) Pilot testing 11) Preparation of applications for funding assistance 12) Hydraulic and hydrologic studies a. Hydraulic analysis benefitting an area greater than that of the Project. b. Stormwater, surface water and groundwater quality analyses. 13) Attendance at more than one public hearing per Project 14) Change in Scope of Services, including: a. Redesign after plan approval b. Design revisions resulting from Project scope changes due to coordination of multi -agency reviewsl(e.g., City/County/ MnDOT/etc.). c. Redesign required by enactment or revisions of codes, laws or regulations. d. Redesign required as a result of developers' changes or failure to render information or decisions in a timely manner. 2.4. As an Additional Service, the Engineer shall monitor the replacement of all such parts of the Project as may be damaged by fire or other cause during construction and assist the City in arranging for continuation of the work should the Contractor default for any reason. 2.5. As an Additional Service, the Engineer shall review shop drawings, samples and other submissions of the Contractor solely for their conformance with the Engineer's design intent and for conformance with information given in the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall not be responsible for any aspects of a shop drawing submission that affect or are affected by the means, methods, techniques, sequences and operations of construction, safety precautions and programs incidental thereto, all of which are .the Contractor's responsibility. 2.6. Reimbursable costs of the Engineer abc agreed to herein elsewhere shall include the f 1) Transportation and subsistence of principi out-of-town trips required for the Project when authorized in advance by the City 2) Long distance telephone calls, faxes, and t to expedite work of the Contractor 3) Construction stakes 4) Reproduction of drawings and specification: e and beyond those llowing items: is and employees on to other locations, legrams as required 5) Mileage 2.7. As an Additional Service, the Enginee3 testify and shall testify as an expert witness litigation or other proceedings involving thif otherwise assist the City or its representative litigation or other proceedings involving the F 2.8. If requested by the City or recommended authorized by the City, one or more full -tin Representatives (and assistant(sj) shall be Engineer and directed by the Engineer in order with continuous representation at the Projec Construction Phase. Such resident project r Additional Service. SECTION 3. THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES The City will: 3.1. Provide full information as to its Project. shall prepare to .or the City in any Project and shall in connectionwith -oject. by the Engineer and e Resident Project provided by the to provide the City t site during the apresentation is an is for a 3.2. Place at Engineer's disposal all available written data pertinent to the Project, including existing reports, plats, surveys, contour mapping, city utility mapping and other data affecting the design and/or construction of the Project. 3.3. Acquire all land, easements, and rights-of-way for the Project. These efforts shall include land surveys and the preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits',or plats. 3.4. Guarantee access to the Project site and,make all provisions for the Engineer to enter upon public and private lands as required by the Engineer to perform its services under this Agreement. 3.5. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, opinions of probable construction costs, specifications, drawings,'' proposals and other documents presented by the Engineer and promptly render its decisions pertaining thereto. 3.6. Provide legal review of the Construction Contract Documents and provide such accounting and insurance counseling services as are required for a Project. 3.7. Designate a single person to ac Representative with respect to the Engine( performed under this Agreement. Such person authority to transmit instructions, receii interpret and define the City's policies respect to service covered by this Agreement approval when required by law, ordinance, reg -7- t as the City's ,r's service to be shall have complete e information, and and decisions with subject to Council ilation, or policy. 3.8. Give prompt written notice to the Engin observes or otherwise becomes aware of any de whenever the City in the Project. 3.9. Furnish, or instruct the Engineer to provide at the City's expense, necessary Additional Services as provided in Section 2 of this Agreement or other services as they may be required. 3.10. Furnish to the Engineer, prior to any! performance by the Engineer under this Agreement, a copy of any planning, design and construction standards which the City shall require the Engineer to follow in the preparation of Construction Contract Documents for a Project. 3.11. Act promptly on all construction Chan, authorization before Change Orders are issued a Project. SECTION 4. CITY'S PAYMENT TO ENGINEER 4.1. Payment for Basic Services 4.1.1. For the Basic Services performed "Engineer's Services," City will pay Engineer "Construction Cost of the Project." This fee in accordance with Appendix "A1" or "A2" Agreement. Appendix "A1" shall be used to c, the following types of construction Projects: 1) Projects involving process engineering (e. wells, water treatment, etc.) 2) Projects which require outside funding age 3) Buildings and structural facilities (e.g., retaining walls, etc.) 4) Park work and landscape architecture 5) Multi -agency projects 6) Traffic signal projects 7) Arterial streets Appendix "A2" shall be used to calculate th types of construction Projects. 4.1.2. Projects whose construction costs a3 are not covered by Appendix "A1" or "A2." performed by the Engineer for these Projects the Engineer on an hourly basis in accordant Appendix "B," Hourly Billing Rates. These annually at the beginning of the year in Engineer's normal review procedures. Orders and provide the Contractor on under Section 1, a percentage of the shall be calculated attached to this lculate the fee for ., pumping stations, y approval umphouses, bridges, fee for all other -e less than $50,000 For Basic Services the City will pay !e with the attached rates are adjusted accordance with the 4.1.3. The City will pay the Engineer 'for the costs of Reimbursable Expenses as defined in Section 2 on the basis of the Engineer's cost. IM 4.1.4. "Construction Cost of the Project" is c cost of all work designed or specified by tl Project, including change orders, and shall follows with precedence in the order listed: 1) For completed construction, the costs t( construction work performed, including t alternates designed but not awarded for con: 2) For construction work bid but not construct fide bid received from a qualified bidder, of all alternates designed whether awarded c 3) For work for which bids are not received, tl Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. Construction Cost of the Project does not incli 1) Any payments to the Engineer or other Consu: 2) The cost of the land or right-of-way 3) Other costs which are the responsibilit provided in Section 3. tined as the total Engineer for the be determined as the City of all he value of all truction. ed, the lowest bona including the value r not. .e Engineer's latest tants of the City as 4.1.5. Progress payments to the Engineer ,shall be made in proportion to services performed. The compensation for Basic Services shall amount to the following percentage of the total fee at the completion of each phase of the work: 1) Upon completion of the Feasibility Report Phase, the City will pay to the Engineer a sum equal to 20 percent of the Engineer's fee, based on the Engineer's opinion of probable construction cost. 2) Upon completion of the Design Phase, the City will pay to the Engineer a sum equal to 85 percent of the Engineer's fee, based upon the construction cost of the Project (Plus any alternates) designed by the Engineer, whether awarded by the City or not, less any portion of the fee previously paid',. 3) For Basic Services rendered in the Construction Phase, the City will pay to the Engineer a sum equal to 100 percent of the Engineer's fee, based upon the construction cost of the Project, less any portion of the fee previously paid. Payments shall be made monthly, invoiced in direct proportion to the amount of construction work completed. 4.1.6. Each properly documented Engineer from the City shall be receipt of the Engineer's invoice. and authorized payment due the made within', 30 days after City 4.2. Payment for Additional Services 4.2.1. For the preparation of reproducible City shall pay the Engineer 1/2 percent of t of the Project for Projects whose constructii IM "Record Plans," the e construction cost i costs are greater than $50,000. For the preparation of reproducible Record Plans for Projects whose construction costs are less than $50,000 and for all other services performed by the Engineer under Section 2, "Additional Services," the City will pay the Engineer on an hourly basis in accordance with the attached Appendix!,"B,"Hourly Billing Rates. 4.2.2. The City will pay the Engineer for the costs of Reimbursable Expenses as defined in Section 2 o the basis of the Engineer's cost. 4.2.3. For other extra services not herein provided for, the City shall pay the Engineer in accordance with the attached Appendix B." 4.2.4. If any work performed by the Engineer is abandoned by the Contractor or suspended in whole or in part by the City, the Engineer shall be paid for costs and services performed prior to receipt of written notice from the City of ,such abandonment or suspension. The Engineer shall also be paid for any terminal expenses resulting therefrom in accordance with the attached Appendix "B." 4.2.5. Sums due under this Paragraph will be invoiced monthly during the progress of the work. Each properly documented and authorized payment due the Engineer from the: City shall be made within 30 days after City receipt of the Engin e{tier's invoice. 4.3. Payment for Special Projects 4.3.1 "Special Projects" are the types of studies and planning activities generally described in Paragraph 1.11.3 and which do not require detailed design plans and specifications nor construction - related services. Payment for the Engineer'js services shall be made on an hourly basis in accordance with Appendix "B" plus reimbursable expenses. 4.3.2. Sums due under this Paragraph will be invoiced monthly during the progress of the work. Each properly documented and authorized payment due the Engineer from thel City shall be made within 30 days after City receipt of the Engineer's invoice. SECTION 5. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1. The Engineer shall act as the City's agent only as provided for within this Agreement. 5.2. The Engineer will prepare plans and timely manner, but it is hereby agreed that 1 held responsible for delays occasioned by fa( his control, or by factors which could not foreseen at the time this Agreement was prep -10- specifications in a to Engineer cannot be ,ors which are beyond reasonably have been .ed and executed. If the Engineer discerns that the schedule be met for any reason, Engineer shall so as practically possible. for ',a Project shall not zoti,fy the City as soon 5.3. The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs is an opinion only and is supplied as a guide only.) Since the Engineer has no control over the cost of labor and material or over competitive bidding and market conditions, the Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of such opinion. 5.4. Terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the City and the Engineer. Such changes Shall be approved by both parties and incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. 5.5. No deductions shall be made from the Engineer's compensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or !,other sums withheld from payment to Contractors, except as may be determined by mediation, arbitration, litigation or other ',dispute resolution mechanism. 5.6. The Engineer shall not delegate its, duties under this Agreement without the written consent of the City. 5.7. Insurance 5.7.1. The Engineer agrees to maintain,a pr insurance policy, insuring payment of damage arising out of the performance of profession City, in the _insured's capacity as Engine liability is caused by negligent acts, errors insured or of any person of organization for legally liable and responsible, to an an $1,000,000 annual aggregate, on a claims -mad such insurance is reasonably available under rates comparable to those currently in effe, cannot be cancelled until thirty days after t written notice of the insured's intention to c 5.7.2. The Engineer shall maintain: 1) Statutory workers compensation and insurance coverage. 2) Comprehensive general liability insuri automobile liability insurance coverage in than $1,000,000. 5.8. Ownership of Instruments of Service 5.8.1. All reports, plans, specifications, notes, laboratory test data, calculations, documents prepared by the Engineer as instrume remain the property of the Engineer. -11- ifessional liability for legal liability i1 services for the :r, if such legal or omissions of the whom the insured is punt of at least basis, as long as tandard policies at t. Such insurance ie City has received incel the insurance. loyers' liability Lnce coverage and the sum of not less field data, field stimates and other Lts of service shall pon completion or termination of the Project, reproducible copies or microfiche of the plans and specifications shall be transmitted to the City. 5.8.2. The City shall retain sole ownership of the plans and specifications relating to said Project after six years. For certain projects, Engineer shall retain the (original plans and furnish the City with reproducible copies thereof, as the Engineer considers necessary for legal purposes. Any 'reuse or adaptation of these instruments of service occurring after termination of the Project shall entitle the Engineer to further compensation in amounts to be agreed upon by the City and the Engineer. 5.8.3. In the event of any use or adaptation by the City after termination of the Project whereby the drawings and specifications are revised, altered or otherwise modified by anyone other than the Engineer, City agrees to defend and indemnify the Engineer from any claims, damages, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of any defect or deficiency in the modified drawings or specifications or in a''Project constructed pursuant to them. 5.9. Termination 5.9.1. The City or the Engineer may terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches its responsibilities under this Agreement. The party effecting termination shall so notify the other party, and termination will become effective 14 calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. 5.9.2. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination, the City shall, within 30 calendar days of termination, pay the Engineer for services rendered and costs incurred in accordance with Appendixes "A1" and "A2" and, where these schedules are not applicable, in accordance with Appendix "B." 5.9.3. Services shall include those rendered up to the time of termination, as well as those associated with) termination itself, such as demobilizing, modifying schedules, reassigning personnel, etc. Costs shall include those incurred up to the time of termination, as well as those associated with termination and post -termination activities. 5.10. Dispute Resolution 5.10.1 Unless the City and the Engineer mutually agree otherwise, all claims, disputes, and other matters in question between the parties to this Agreement, arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the then -most current rules of the American Arbitration Association. 5.10.2. The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on the parties. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Engineer shall proceed diligently with performance of its -12- responsibilities under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. By Ma in L. Sorvala, President Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA By Edward B. McMenomy, Mayor And By Stephan Jilk, Administrator Date -13- 14 13 12 T.; U d Q C 9 E8 0 co a r>7 P 5 4 vpl���l�llll�lNet Construction % From Cost Curve AI 13.22 1 II ■�IIIII�50,000 '■��p,1,I1II8IN@nI;�� I6,000,000 6.208,000,000 6.10 6.03 �1�II�'110,000,000 20,000,000 5.80 YI 111111 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 Net construction cost, in millions of dollars FIG. 1 — CURVE A, MEDIAN COMPENSATION FOR BASIC SERVICES, EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTIODN COST FOR PROJECTS OF ABOVE-AVERAGE COMPLEXITY. ASCE Manual No. 45 Appendix 'Al" 14 13 12 r 2 7 N- 5 5 4 1oil 10111111- 71 11111111I I 50,000 10.059.01250,000 7.81000 7.00750,0006.636.221,000,0002,000,000 5.754,000,000 5.306,000,000 5.1081000,000 5.05 — 4.9720,000,000 �I10,000,000 4.88 1� I SID 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 Net construction cost, in millions of dollars FIG. 2 - CURVE B, MEDIAN COMPENSATION FOR BASIC SERVICES, EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST FOR PROJECTS OF AVERAGE COMPLEXITY''. ASCE Manual No. 45 Appendix "A2" Appendix "B" 1992 Billing Rate Schedule Labor Classification Senior Principal Principal / Project Manager Registered Engineer/Architect Project Engineer/Architect Graduate Engineer/Architect/Field Supervisor Senior Draftsperson Senior Technician Technician Word Processor Clerical / Printing These rates are adjusted annually at the f accordance with the normal review procedures Anderlik and Associates, Inc. For review of private developers' plans for improvements and for inspection of public designed by others, the above rates will be cover professional liability insurance costs Reimbursable Expenses * Reproduction, printing, duplicating * Out-of-pocket expenses such as field supplies, telephone calls, etc. * Mileage -16- ly Rate $77.75 67.50 58.50 52.00 46.50 42.75 39.50 27.50 28.25 21.75 t of the year in Bonestroo, Rosene, clic infrstructure covement projects tiplied by 1.3 to legal expense.