HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Dodd Road ImprovementsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 17, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Dodd Road Improvements AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Public Works Ron Wasmund Director/Building Official AGENDI�'i(►/$ .11 r! .'"i1 f i c{Y�f- ;:0 ATTACMUMS: Petition, Information PRO�fiM B r Letter This item is brought to you as a discussion and update item. Thirty-four (34) residents on and around Dodd Boulevard submitted a petition to have 132nd Street from Highway 3 to Dodd Boulevard and Dodd Boulevard from 132nd Street to County Road 38 paved. A cost estimate was prepared, which included the petitioned section of road as well as Dodd Boulevard from County Road 38 north to 120th Street. The total cost was divided equally among the benefitted properties and a letter was mailed out to all parties informing them of the project cost. The letter asked for an indication of support for the project at the proposed costs. The majorityofthe responses were negative. That indicated the lack of support for the project as proposed. There has been on-going discussions with some of the residents on what can be done to eliminate the rough, dusty conditions that exist with Dodd, a gravel road. Our purpose at the Council meeting will be to discuss alternatives and try to answer questions relating to each. There may be some residents present to share in the discussion. After ourldiscussion we may decide a "neighborhood" meeting is needed. The goal is to reach a consensus with the affected property owners and be in position to do a project next spring if that is the desired conclusion. RECOMMMMED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: 2 NONE Gii Kai, 11, 1991 City of Rosemount Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Petition to improve designated section of Dodd Rd. We, the undersigned, do petition the City of Rosemount to pave Dodd Rd. from County Road 38,South to 132nd Street and East to State Highway 3, approximately 4000 feet. We as the undersigned group of people pray that the City of Rosemount and/or the County of Dakota pays for all requested improvements. If assessments are to be considered, they should be divided equally among the property owners on Dodd Rd.., south to 132nd Street and east to State Highway 3, as well as those on Dodd Ct., Charlston Way and Charlston Court, and 131st St. in consideration that all owners need access Dodd Rd. and would share equally in the benefits of the improvement''. Comments: Safety: Heavy dust prevents adequate!,visibility. Washboard effect causes vehicle control problems, as well as costly damage to vehicles. No speed limit signs are posted on gravel roads. Costs: Unstable bed requires constant maintenance to no avail. Property values. Preserve: Dodd Rd. is one of the earliest roads in MN. and thus has historical value. ��� �C o ►� ,e tV RN to j f 1 Tj 46) 7Oa� ' ST S % LGJ �7 �Ucxk p l a p41 -aA ot"fi e5lA*- C�CN RA") i e 1 �i1ee` ,T6-(4 PA) L 54 S AV d n - - IIL- i o Rosemou PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 October 30, 1991 Dear Property Owner; MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk In June of 1991 the City of Rosemount received apetition bearing signatures of 35 property owners requesting the City to pave Dodd Boulevard with bituminous surface. Reasons of safety, maintenance costs,property values, and historical value of Dodd Boulevard were cited as reasons for the request. The process for ordering a Public Improvement Project includes: 1. City Council ordering a Feasibility Report to be prepared by an Engineer. 2. City Council holding a- public hearing to receive the Feasibility Report and order preparation of Plans and Specifications. 3. City Council receiving Plans and Specifications and authorizing Contractor Bids. 4. City Council receiving Contractor Bids and awarding contract and ordering the project. 5. City Council certifying project amount and setting Public Hearing date for Assessment Hearing.'' Prior to starting this process, City staff has p of cost for the project to determine what the < each property owner will be. This cost preliminary reflecting only the cost of plac (materials and labor). Assumptions were made road could be used "as is" with no changes in w vertical alignment, and no soil corrections. The design used was a two lane 24 foot driving pavedshouldersfor on road bicycle paths. T surfacing 132nd Street from Highway 3 to Dodd from 132nd Street to 120th Street. The total this design is $436,672.87. The section of roi to 120th Street was added with interest from x section. This section will provide contiguous on Dodd to the northern limit of Rosemount, el: conditions and allow for more speed control. (verylkings (90m.zng Up (R -os 10 100x -epared an estimate pproximate cost to estimate is very .ng the bituminous that the existing .dth, horizontal or >urface with 8 foot e project includes :oad, and Dodd Road estimated cost for I from 125th Street .sidents along that surfacing and trail ninate similar road The cost to each property owner was calculated with the assumption that each of the 58 properties along Dodd (within the project area), 132nd Street and contained in Rosemount Hills 2nd and 3rd Addition would be assessed equally at one unit each. The cost to each property based on all assumption made would be $7,528.84. Please use the lower portion of this letter to indicate your support for this project. Please provide your name, address, legal description or P.I.D. number and signature in the spaces provided. Check either yes, no, or undecided in the appropriate box and submit with any comments to Ron Wasmund, Director of Public Works 2875 145th Street, Rosemount, MN. 55068. A decision to proceed with the project will be made based upon the signed responses received. For the project to be completed in 1992 the decision to proceed and the Feasibility Study must be made by February 1992. Thank you in advance for your response! Sincerely, Ron Wasmund Director of Public Works -DETACH HERE ------------------------------ NAME: ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION or P.I.D. NUMBER SUPPORT THE PROJECT YES NO UNDECIDED COMMENTS: SIGNATURE: