HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Joint Powers Agreement Copper / TestingCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 16, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Powers Agreement AGENDA SECTION: Copper/Lead Testing Consent PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO. Public Works Director/Building Official ITEM ATTACED1ENTS: Agreement, Memo AP VE BY: Attached is a copy of the agreement and the memo which went to the Utility Commission for their June 8, 1992 meeting. It is upon their recommendation that Staff is asking you to approve of the Joint Powers Agreement for Copper/Lead Testing. 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: June 8, 1992 7AGtNDAITEM: Joint Powers Agreement AGENDA SECTION: Copper/Lead Testing Old Business D BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director 4c. ATTACEMENTS: Memo, Agreement I AP,�-ROVED �Y: Attached is a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement and a memo explaining the need for this agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES FOR THE TESTING OF MUNICIPAL WATER. COMMISSION ACTION: MEMO TO: UTILITY COMMISSION FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 4, 1992 ENGINEER/ASSISTANT PUBLIC RE: UPDATE ON COPPERILEAD TESTING GTND APPROVAL OF THE JOINT POWERS AG Attached is a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement put together by the participating cities and a copy of the bid tabulation for laboratory services for testing of water samples. The Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) and a spec for lab services s sties sh ut theruld by Staff members from all the participating cities. It was felt that he ut it in writing and seek bid prices for the testing services at the same time. All the included cities are seeking their appropriate Utility Commission and Council app roval this month so that the testing services contract can go into effect July 1st. Rosemount is currently taking bacteriological samples to Burnsville for pickup with their lab testing needs monthly, as are many other area communities. it was felt that with the proposed Copper/Lead testing that these services should be expanded and put into writing, along with a Joint Powers Agreement. The bid tabulation attached shows that Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories (MVTL) was the low bidder for the testall of theservices. Thir area citees bid for At thehpreisent t mes amounted to $22,312.80 per year for Rosemount test seven samples each month per Minnesota Department of Health regulations at a cost of approximately $42.00 per month. Under the new contract this would total $49.00 per month, plus the optional $7.00 per month for pickup at Rosemount City Hall. Other items that can be tested for are listed and we may participate in others from time to time as requested by residents and/or situations. This does not include any testing of the contaminated wells in eastern Rosemount from the ground water on the University site, which are paid for by the University of Minnesota. The proposed contract with MVTL will also allow the City to be charged $7.00 for pickup of our samples at our City Hall facilities which saves the City time and cost for sending someone to the Burnsville Water Treatment Plant with the samples. The attached JPA is a fairly simple document and has been reviewed by the City Attorney. The copper/lead testing, which is required by the EPA has been modified drastically since the State of Minnesota tooklegislation ata charge of $5 21sota Department of Health to provide the copper/lead 9 connection for each connection to a Municipal Water System. This copper/lead testing now is in a state of limbo because the Department of Health is not prepared to undertake such a large number of samples for testing. At this time, we think that Rosemount will be tested sometime after September, and probably will not receive our results until late in the year or early in 1993. We do not feel this will be a problem in any way and gives us more time to set up our list of homes which will be sampled. At the present time we have approximately 35 homeowners which have agreed to the testing and we will continue to solicit more on our list so that we can be prepared by September 1 for the sampling. Staff recommends that the Utility Commission approve the entering into the Joint Powers Agreement and the lab testing services contract with Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories. 2 _. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, FARIBAULT, FARMINGTON, LAKEVILLE NORTHFIELD, PRIOR LAKE, ROSEMOUNT AIND SAVAGE FOR WATER QUALITY -TESTING AGREEMENT made this day of ,-T9 by and between the cities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage. RECITALS This agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.59. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the joint contracting of laboratory services for the cities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage. The intent is to utilize one common laboratory to perform analysis of our water quality test'' -ng programs. This agreement pertains to test requirements mandated by the Minnesota Health Department, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, and the Safe Drinking Water Act. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:. 1. Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, Burnsville shall prepare any plans, specification, request for proposal, or advertisement for bid. 2. Apple Valley, Eagan, Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake, Rosemount, and Savage shall each provide a list of all required tests and quantities of these tests to the City of Burnsville. Each community must subsequently approve the bid documents. 3. Burnsville shall tabulate the bids received for laboratory services and make recommendation of award to Apple Valley, Eagan, Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake, Rosemount, and Savage and upon their approval of all jurisdictions shall award the contract pursuant to state law. Page Two (JPA) BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, FARIBAULT, FARMINGTON, LAKEVILLE NORTHFIELD, PRIOR LAKE, ROSEMOUNT AND SAVAGE 4. Each City shall be responsible for: Establishing their own sampling points Collecting their own samples Maintaining their own record system and reporting results to the designated agencies Transporting their samples to the laboratory or common collection point of pick up 5. In accordance with the agreement the laboratory will submit an itemized invoice to each city separately for the wort: perfor-med for each City. Upon approval of the invoice by the respective city, that city will remit the approved invoice amount directly to the laboratory. 6. It is agreed that the Cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake, -Rosemount, and Savage and each of them, indemnify, save, and hold harmless the City of Burnsville and all of its agents and employees -from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, for whatever nature, arising out of the contracting procedure by reason of the execution or performance of the work purchased for each respective city under this agreement, and that the cities of Apple r� Valle,., Eagan, Faribault, Farming ton, Lakeville, Northfield, Pr Lake, Rosemount, and Savace further agree to defend, at their sole cost and expense, any actions or pm roceedings commenced against their respective cities for the purposes of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. 7. This agreement can be terminated on the part of any individual city by giving sixty (60) days written notice. to all of the other cities involved in the agreement, otherwise the agreement will automatically renew on January 1, 1993 and January 1, 1994 to coincide with terms of the laboratory contract. Page Three (JPA) VALLEY, EAGAN, FARIBAULT, FARMINGTON, LAKEVILLE BURNSVILLE, APPLE NORTHFIELD, PRIOR LAKE, ROSEMOUNT AND.SAVAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date indicated below. CITY OF BURNSVILLE BY • Mayor BY: Manager Date: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date• CITY OF EAGAN BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF FARIBAULT BY 2ayor BY: City Adm - Date: CITY OF FARMINGTON BY: Mayor CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY • xayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF NORTEFIELD BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BY: Mayor BY: Manager Date' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY .N,ayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF SAVAGE BY: Mayor BY: Clerk BY:_ Date: Date: City Adm. Lowest to I lighest Labolaloly I ost flactol iological Lead Copper Alkalinity Ammonia DOD's Calcium Chloride hon manganeso . 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