HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of October 27, 1992 Special Council MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, October 27, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Willcox, Klassen and Wippermann present. Councilmember Staats was absent. City Administrator Jilk, City Attorney Miles, financial consultants Dan O'Neill and Roger Schaunas and most of city staff were also present. The purpose of:the special meeting was to authorize bond issues and discuss City salary and budget information. Finance Director Jeff May presented information on the General Obligation Bonds 1992C approved in February 1991. Bids were accepted this morning at Springsted, Inc. Dan O'Neill from Springsted, Inc. reported that Norwest was sole bidder for this issue at 6.38% interest rate. He explained the higher interest rate was due to the large number of bonds for sale at this time and the climate created by the Presidential race. See Clerk's File 1992 . Mr. O'Neill attended with City Administrator Steve Jilk, Finance Director Jeff May and Port Authority Chairman Ed Dunn the interview with Moody's Investment Services. He said all participants did an excellent jpb presenting Rosemount's future plans and past history which resulted in a reinstatement of an "A" Rating for the City and the Port Authority. Moody's was impressed by the strong city funds level, low debt in terms of value and commented that Rosemount looked like a very positive investment. Klassen asked what that means for Rosemount. O'Neill explained that the interview included presentations of demographics, planning for the future, government structure, budget structure, ratios of debt to value and per capita. The interview was very intense, lasting over three hours. The National Guard Armory Project was reviewed, the facility study, the Master Parks Plan, the Erickson Park Master Plan, all budget information, the Port Authority's background and budget, and past history provided by Ed Dunn. The "A" rating now qualifies the City of Rosemount to receive better interest rates and insurance to other interested parties that "Rosemount is a good investment". MOTION by Wippermann to adopt a RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE SALE OF $1,080,000 j GENERAL OBLIGATION COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS, SERIES 1992C, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. 3 C MOTION by Wippermann to adopt a RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE SALE OF $1,470,000 a GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1992D, PROVIDING FOR THEIR S ISSUANCE AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. Second by McMenomy. a Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Klassen. Nays: 0. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1992 Lucy Holzer, 15614 Cornell Trail, a member of TRB, responded thater ofhad from City staff at the Octobbe Cit Council. with a letter Brom the Rosemount Ch addressed the Y respons seemed The additional actions of 'I'� Commerce and had not received any 6,-1992 .City Council meeting. required to have staff take action• noted that Council has to be She Lorraine Ingram, 3310 137th Street, when they will not be 'mer are. hard, a freeze of salaries would be in order. realistic, ti will not go up good image asked, "Can we believe'our taxes politicians do not have a g or March. We don't want to known to us until Januar ems to have a good staff, of a raise. right now." The City deserving discredit them, but we are all (residents too) ether. Ingram encouraged Council and staff to work together. with staff to solve any ed the TRB Committee to WO deserve a more Klassen also encourag Klassen said the employeeswork saturation facts and figure differences. City staff has reached aThere are better credible format for discussion. sto endure a wage freeze. point, and Yet, they salaries. ways to cut spending than freezing labor cost for the Cit Willcox noted that ty are high, 67% of budget. He he la of budget. believes this should be cut to 60 number of fulltime employees hied that the per capita numb the total I Administrator Jilk rep Taking per 1000 people in population in Rosemount is 4- per year and P budget of $2,114,573 puts our labor costsat homeep budget now. operating Center will add. The population since 1990109000gpeople_ Thes�ommun ty .3 to 5.2. h per capita will increase by f so would be estimated a year so the p arson to use. three new employees next Y not be a realistic comp a Employees per 1000 population may policy that City Council will seek a W: McMenomy to establish a p 1, 1993. Second by ti MOTION by employees for January ermann. Motion tc salary e freeze all cityMcMenomy, Willcox. Nays: Klassen, Wipp Willcox. Ayes: failed. s possible - di e Mayor called for a 10:30 adjournment or as near as p Thregular meeting under OLD se 1992 reg em Willcox requested that at the November 3► ht back for a full Council vote. se: BUSINESS, the salary freeze issue be broug pr<issue is back in the Council's lap Mayor McMenomy said, "Now the salary where it belongs. olice union, 'bility of a third union for o the having ' trator Jilk reminded Councillof the matters with the p Adminis Jilk suggested public works union and no are notdepartmentheads. remaining employees Relations Corporation who deals with unions and re resentative from Labor a rep 4 ROSEKODNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1992 comparable worth attend a Council meeting to discuss comparable worth and employee compensation programs. Mayor McMenomy recommended going ahead with authorizing the $7500 expense for the Comparable Worth Study after hearing the speaker from Labor Relations Corporation. Mayor McMenomy noted Jane Myklya's presence in the audience. She had a complaint with city services and requested a response from staff which was not received. Administrator Jilk apologized for the delay and would follow up by the end of the week. The City Auditor, Roger Schaunas of Boeckermann Heinen & Mayer, reviewed . the reasons why a budget is developed including many requirements by the State and Federal agencies. Each city develops one differently. Rosemount uses the State Chart of Accounts for account numbers, legal restrictions, and generally accepted accounting principals. Rosemount has made several improvements to clarify the budget in the past two years some are: revenue line items, cash flow reports, and monthly financial statements. Willcox noted that he had not seen cash flow reports. Sinnwell thought each department should have a budget which reflected all costs of their operation. Mr. Schaunas said that kind of detail requires additional staff time daily so Council would have to decide priorities and if this staff time expense would be efficient. Public Works Director Wasmund explained the maintenance of all city fleet vehicles was moved to the Public Works Department because the mechanics required an efficient way to expedite purchase orders. Each category can be broken out to identify department costs so expenditures can be tracked. Administrator Jilk presented some examples of interim budget reports. Jilk suggested a quarterly review of these reports to help Council discern the City's financial position. MOTION by Willcox to adjourn. Second by McMenomy. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary 61