HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Presentation of 1993 Budgets - City Administrator Sephan JilkCITY OF ROSE 1 MOUNT 7993 BUDGET n 0 INTRODUCTION eily of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 . 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O.-Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCIL Sheila Klassen lasses S James (Red) Staats Harry Wilk:ox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Mayor McMenomy Stephan Jilk Council Members: Klassen,�Staats, Willc x, ippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: December 7, 1992 RE: 1993 General Fund, Port Authority Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, and Utilities Funds Presented -herewith are the General Fund, Port Authority Fund, Capital.Improvement Fund, Water, Sewer and Storm Water Funds as budgeted for 1993 for the City of Rosemount. This is the first year that all city operating and capital improvement budgets are being presented together in one document. This change, along with many other changes in the way that the budget document is being presented should provide you with a better perspective on the overall financial operations of the city. I wish to thank city staff, the members of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Port Authority and the Utilities Commission for their hard work and consideration through this years budget process. - The Port Authority and the Utilities Commission have approved their budgets as they are presented in this document and they are presented for your reference and use as part of the overall financial management of the city's affairs. In some cases as noted, these operating budgets fund portions of employee costs and share in the purchase of certain equipment with the General Fund in a continuing effort to utilize our financial resources in the best way we can. I wish to note several factors which effect the proposed 1993 Budget and corresponding tax levy. A general summary of the budget and what it contains will follow. As presented, the total expenditures for 1993 in the General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, Port Authority, and CIP Funds Expenditures supported through tax levies This is an increase of $294,691 over 1992. Operating Budget is set at $3,585,633 for $347,917. amount to $4,429,363. The General Fund 1993 or an increase of 6verylkings CDoming (Up Rosemounl ' Budget Review Memo December 7, 1992 Through the increase in user fees, higher than budgeted building and planning review fees and expenditure reduction,these increases will be less dependent on general tax levy in 1993. The levy for 1993 will be set at $2,913,401. This is an increase of $165,983 over 1992 or approximately 6g. The portion of total expenditures that the levy will pay in 1993 is at 66t, this is the same as in 1992. Ever since 1988 the City has been receiving less money every year in Local Government Aid. In 1988 the City received $547,000 in Local Government Aid. In 1993 the City will receive $296,512 in Local Government Aid. This continued reduction in ,government aid places greater pressure on the City to collect these needed revenues locally. In 1992, for one-half the year, and fully in 1993, the City will be required to pay state sales tax on most of the purchases it makes. This will require the City to pay approximately $130,000 more in expenditures based on the proposed budget.' Again, greater demand on the local taxpayer for a revenue ';source. Another major effect on the City's expenditures for 1993 will be the financing and construction of the Community Center. In 1993 the City will be collecting some $230,000 in general taxes for the construction of the Rosemount Armory and Community Center. For 1993 this amounts to about 8% of the City's total levy. A portion of this annual expenditure is new for 1993,, approximately $106,000. In an attempt to place greater demand on user fees and less on general tax levy we are able to increase our overall operating osts by 10.75%, but seek a tax levy increase of only 6.011. We will also be able to maintain the City's historical (1988- 1992) share of the property tax bill. In 1993 the City's share will be 25%. I believe this is an accomplishment in itself because of items I mentioned, including the payment of sales tax, loss of state aid and the construction of the Community Center. Maintaining an equitable share of the tax dollar, a tax capacity rate in the low 40% of the cities in the Metropolitan area and a level of service acceptable to the residents is now being accomplished. E Budget Review Memo December 7, 1992 I would suggest though, that long term, the City needs to consider a greater investment in the capital items and infrastructure. This may not come without a greater level of support from the tax payers. Unless the equipment and facilities that we have are maintained in the long run the taxpayers will need to "catch up" to keep these investments "usable" and "safe" for the future. The 1993 General Fund Budget will maintain, adequately, those services now being provided to the community. In some cases such as street maintenance these services will actually increase to protect the integrity of our paved roads. in most 'cases services will be "status quo." With the addition of the Storm Water Utility and needed funding, services on storm water holding ponds and unpaved roads will be able to be increased. An additional engineering technician specializing in surface water management is being funded by the Storm Water Utility. Federal and state regulations for management of surface water requires the City to preform certain functions. This staff position will allow the City to meet these mandates. Additional police service will be provided through the addition of one police officer in April and a second officer in October. Adding these officers will help provide needed police patrol coverage during certain hours where we now have only one officer on duty. The 1992 and 1993 budgets both contain funds to expand the City's use of computers and software to increase city staff's efficiency in meeting the increased demands brought on by our growth and State and Federal mandated programs. Without our expanded use of computer technology and selected software programs such as GIS (Geographic Information System) and CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) additional personnel would be necessary. Funds are also budgeted for the completion of a Fixed Asset System for financial record keeping. For several years our annual audit report has indicated that the major reason the City cannot receive an unqualified opinion is that we don't maintain a fixed asset system. Completion of this portion of our financial record keeping system is a major upgrade'of that system. 3 Budget Review Memo December 7, 1992 The 1993 General Fund Budget and Storm Water Utility Budget includes proposals for new staff positions. These are: Police 2 new officers, one starting in April, one in October. Public Works A Building Inspector position transferring from a contract position to a full time staff position. A maintenance position starting in October. - An Engineering Technician (funded and staffing the Storm Water Utility). Parks and Rec. - A 3/4 time Recreation Programmer Finance - A 1/2 time Accounting/Deputy Registrar Position The Budget also provides for salary and benefits adjustments for all city employees. Negotiations with employees represented by unions are ongoing and will determine the final level of these adjustments. The budget also includes adjustments for non- union, full time employees and funding requirements to pay the City's portion of the Fire Department Relief Association. Decisions on each of these employee matters, hiring and compensation programs will take separate action by the Council. The City continues to deal with the Minnesota Pay Equity Program and compliance with the Pay Equity Act in 1993 may require additional pay adjustments. Adoption of the 1993 budget and levy will bring to close a -six Month process of working with city staff, commission members, citizens and the Council. The resulting budget reflects input made by all involved and should thus represent a budget and levy reflecting the community's choices. 4 COU NCIL ACTION SECTION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1993 GENERAL FUND 'OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1993 C.I.P. BUDGET AND THE 1993 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF'ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 1993 will be in the amount of $3,817,093 for the General Operating Fund, CIP and Retirement/Severance funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Project total $612,270; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $1,',515,962; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received the Port Authority and Utility Fund budgets approved by the Rosemount Port Authority and Utility Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total levy certified to the Dakota County.Auditor shall be $2,913,401; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the 1993 General Fund departmental budgets as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held this date; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the 1993 C.I.P. Fund budget as presented to them at the Budget Hearing held this date. ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1992. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: E.B. McMenomy,,'Mayor Seconded by: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL TAS LEVY FOR FUNDING OF AN ARMORY WHEREAS, the Minnesota Army National Guard has selected the City of Rosemount as the location of an Army National Guard Armory; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, by its Resolution No. 1990-24 adopted March 20, 1990, approved the establishment of an Armory within the City and is desirous of seeing this project completed; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 275.50,_ subdivision 5, clause (d) authorizes the City of Rosemount to levy an amount up to $95,000 for taxes levied beginning in 1990 for the purpose of acquiring an armory and to be serviced by the levy without regard to the limits on debt service and debt otherwise provided by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 193 or 475; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount City Council has held the required public hearing and met all public notice requirements for this special levy as set out in Minnesota Statute Section 275.50, subdivision 5, clause (d). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby authorizes a special tax levy to be levied in 1992 and collected in 1993 in the amount of $95,000 for the purpose of meeting funding requirements for the construction of rA Army National Guard Armory; Adopted this 10th day of December, 1992. ATTEST• E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 A RESOLUTION LEVYING A TAX FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE ARMORY BUILDING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has entered into an agreement with the Minnesota Army National Guard to construct an Army National Guard Armory within the City of Rosemount. WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 193.145, Subdivision 2, provides in part, that a municipality in which an armory has been constructed or is to be constructed hereunder may by resolution of its governing body irrevocably provide for levying and collecting annually for a specified period, not exceeding 40 years, a tax which, unless levied by a county, shall not exceed 0.00798 percent of taxable market value. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: 1. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 193.145, Subdivision 2, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City a direct annual ad valorem tax in the amount of 0.00798 percent of that taxable market value spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general property taxes in the City of Rosemount beginning in 1993 and continuing until all funding requirements for the construction of the armory have been satisfied. 2. The proceeds of the levy shall be used for the purpose of funding the construction of a new state armory. The obligation of the City to levy, collect, and pay over the taxes shall not be deemed to constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any provision of law or of its charter limiting its total or net indebtedness, and such taxes may be levied and collected without regard to any statutory or charter provision limiting the amount or rate of taxes which such county or municipality is otherwise authorized to levy. 4. The Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, together with such other information as the Auditor shall requre, and to obtain the Auditor's certificate that the tax levy has been made. ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1992. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted Against• E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992- 97 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1993.OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1993 C.I.P. BUDGET AND THE 1993 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 1993 will be in the amount of $3,915,413; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded General Obligation Debt, Armory Fund and Equipment Certificates total $612,270; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $1,512,587. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the -Dakota County Auditor shall be $3,015,096; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purposes of presenting the proposed budget and levy to the general public and to comply with Truth and Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota State Legislature, and that the hearing shall take place on December 10,1992, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if a continuation of that hearing is necessary it shall take place on December 17, 1992, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., and at that public hearing the final operating budget and levy shall be adopted by the Rosemount City Council. ADOPTED this 9th day of September, 1992. ATTEST: n M. WgXsh, City Clerk Motion by: Wippermann E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by: Willcox Voted in favor: Willcox, Wippemmnn, Staats, McMenomy Voted against: Klassen D% 1 KOTA COUNT � NORMA D .OMARSN (612) 438-4375 UAKU I A GUUN 1 Y GUVI:HNMtN I GtN1 tH 1560•HWY.55-HASTINGS, MINNESaTA55033 f NORKA B. KARSH,DAROTA COUNTY AUDITOR FROM: CITY/TOWNSHIP OF ROSEMOUNT DATE: September 10, 1992 We have set the date for our City/Township public levy hearing to be as follows: 12-10-92 Rosemount City Hall 8:00 m (Date) (Time 2875 - 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068' (Place) The date set for reconvening the hearing (if necessary) will be: 12-17-92 Rosemount City Hall 8:00 pm The "Notice of Proposed Property Tag" sent to each taxpayer contains the following information about where to send comments and/or review a copy of you proposed budget. Please provide it as you want it to appear on that notice. Name OR Title: City Administrator Address: 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone Number: 423-4411 Proposed Levy for 1993: Revenue $ 2,402,826 Debt $ 612,270 Fire $ Other $ TOTAL $ 3,015,096 S IGNED') : /2 59ty or .);6wnship Clerk/A¢Ntiinistrator THIS FORK MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR BY S AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1992 Notice Of Taxes Proposed Propert" y The Rosemount city council will soon hold a public budget hearing to vote on the amount of property taxes to collect to pay for services the city will provide in 1993. Attend the Public Hearing All Rosemount residents are invited to attend the public hearing of the city council to express their opinions on the budget and the proposed amount of property taxes on Thursday, December 10 8 p.m. Council Chambers Rosemount City Hall 2875 -145th Street West Rosemount OTHER INFORMATION Page; One December 10, 1992 REVENUE SOURCES 1992 ADOPTED 1993 PROPOSED +/ TYPES BUDGET - BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE - Local Goverment Aid $287,859 $296,512 $8,653 3.01% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits $215,800 $239,150 $23,350 10.82% Intergovernmental $146,300 $165,000 $18,700 12.78% Charges for Services $194,950 $429,800 $234,850 120.47% Fines ,and Forfeits $50,000 $42,000 ($8,000) -16.00% Recreational Fees $96,700 $101,000 $4,300 4.45% Miscellaneous Revenues $159,358 $57,500 ($101,858) -63.92% Transfers In $235,592 $185,000 ($50,592) -21.47% Total Internal Revenues ------------------------------------------------------- $1,098,700 $1,219,450 $120,750 10.99% Levy Sources: Special Levies $2,194,157 $2,301,131 $106,974 4.88% General Levy $553,956 ------------------------------------------------------- $612,270 $58,314 10.53% Total Levy $2,748,113 $2,913,401 $165,288 6.01% TOTAL REVENUE SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------- $4,134,672 $4,429,363 $294,691 7.13% + Page Two December 10, 1992 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS 1992 ADOPTED 1993 PROPOSED +/- DEPARTMENTS BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE Council Budget $102,058 $166,747 $64,689 63.38% Administration Budget $241,215 $224,608 ($16,607) -6.88% ***Merged with Clerk's*** Election Budget $14,019 $7,615 ($6,404) -45.68% Finance Budget $130,645 $140,115 $9,470 7.25% General Government Budget $156,307 $156,500 $193 0.12% Planning Budget $161,804 $157,982 ($3,822) -2.36% Government Buildings Budget $59,700 $72,600 $12,900 21.,61% Police Budget $727,195 $794,706 $67,511 9,.28% Fire Department Budget $154,033 $160,182 $6,149 31.99% Public Works Operating Budget $623,893 $720,038 $96,145 15.41% Paved Streets Budget $55,100 $82,649 $27,549 50.00% Unpaved Streets Budget $15,600 $32,278 $16,678 106.91% Ice & Snow Budget $13,380 $17,413 $4,033 30.14% Street Lights Budget $46,900 $64,294 $17,394 37.09% Signal Lights Budget $6,300 $6,991 $691 10.97% Park & Rec Budget -General Operating $482,867 $521,915 $39,048 8.09% Park & Rec Budget -Revenue Producing $96,700 $101,000 $4,300 4.45% Insurance Budget $150,000 $158,000 $8,000 5.33% TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS $30237,716 $3,585,633 $347,917 10.75% Five (5) Year GIP Requirement $297,000 $171,460 ($125,540) -42.27% Retirement/Severance Fund #204 $46,000 $60,000 $14,000 30.43% * To Bring Total to 60% Bonded Indebtedness $377,949 $436,887 $58,938 15.59% *Of 1993's, $106,222 for Comm Center* Certificates of Indebtedness $51,776 $50,054 ($1,722) ($0) Armory Anticipatory Levy $124,231 $125,329 $1,098 0.88% *$95,000 + ($380,064,700x.00798%)* TOTAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------- $4,134,672 $4,429,363 $294,691 7.13% Certificates of Indebtedness G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1991C(Authorized $50,054) $ 50,054 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS $ 50,054 Principal and interest on Armory Bonds ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES($95,000 + $380,064,700x.00798%) $ 125,329 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS, $ 125,329 GRAND TOTAL 1992 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $2,913,401 1992 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1993 General Levy GENERAL FUND $2,069,671 5 -YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND 171,460 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE FUND 60,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $2,301,131 Bonded Indebtedness G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS 1986(Authorized-$150,444) $ 150,444 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1987A(Authorized-$319,523) 92,132 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1988B(Authorized-$72,659) -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1989B(Authorized-$88,089) 88,089 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A(Authorized-$0) -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992A(Authorized-$0) -0- G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C(Authorized-$106,222) 106,222 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D(Authorized-$7,622) _ -0- G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS 1992E(Authorized-$152,728) -0- TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 436,887 Certificates of Indebtedness G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1991C(Authorized $50,054) $ 50,054 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS $ 50,054 Principal and interest on Armory Bonds ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES($95,000 + $380,064,700x.00798%) $ 125,329 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS, $ 125,329 GRAND TOTAL 1992 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $2,913,401 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISONS December 10, 1992 PAYABLE PAYABLE PAYABLE PAYABLE 1989 1990 1991 1992 City of Rosemount ------------------------------------------------ 26.879% 22.001% 27.705% 29.224% Dakota County 20.721% 21.061% 22.542% 25.536% IDS #196 52.249% 40.793% 47.058% 54.602% Special Districts 4.755% 4.844% 4.978% 6.139% Totals ------------------------------------------------ 104.604% 88.699% 102.283% 115.501% NOTE: For property taxes payable in 1989, taxes were determined by multiplying the gross tax capacity by the tax capacity rate, expressed as a percentage. This replaced the use of assessed value multiplied by mill rates. Beginning with taxes payable in 1996, net tax capacity has replaced gross tax capacity as the basis on which taxes are levied. TAX RATE - LEVY - EXPENDITURE COMPARISON EST. Year 19 1989 1990 1991 1992 1 Operating 1,884,129 2,312,182 2,784,343 3,044,711 3,237,716 3,585,633 Budget Total 2,557,653 2,982,673 3,596,031 4,070,773 4,134,672 4,429,363 Expenditures Total 1,478,132 1,675,252 2,095,644 2,498,285 2,748,113 2,913,401 Levy % of Total 56% 56% 58% 61 % 66 % 669'0 Expenditure Levy Equals % of Total Operating 76% 72% 75% 82% 85% 81% Population 7,420 est. 8,014 est. 8,622 9,129 est. 10,000 est. 10,750 est. Levy per Capita 199 209 243 274 275 271 Operating Bupgta Per 254 289 323 334 324 334 City Tax _Capacity 28.389 (mill rate) 26.879 22.001 27.705 29.224 30.256* City- Share of Total Tax 24% 26% 25% 27% 25% 2596 *Estimate using revised Levy After County Calculated Rates TAX RATE - LEVY - EXPENDITURE COMPARISON EST. Year 1188 1989 1990 1992 im Operating 1,884,129 2,312,182 2,784,343 3,044,711 3,237,716 3,585,633 Budget Total 2,557,653 2,982,673 3,596,031 4,070,773 4,134,672 4,429,363 Expenditures Total 1,478,132 1,675,252 2,095,644 2,498,285 2,748,113 2,913,401 Levy % of Total 56% 56% 58% 61 % 6696 66 Expenditure Levy Equals % of Total Operating 76% 72% 75% 82% 85% 81 % Population 7,420 est. 8,014 est. 8,622 9,129 est. 10,000 est. 10,750 est. Levy Capita per 209 243 274 275 271 Operating Budget per Capita 254 289 323 334 324 334 City Tax Capacity 28.389 (mill rate) 26.879 _ 22.001 _ 27.705 29.224 30.256* City Share of Total Tax 24% 26% 25% 27% 25% 25% *Estimate using revised Levy After County Calculated Rates MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DIVISION MAIL STATION 3340 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55146-3340 PHONE. (612) 296-5141 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID NOTICE CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL - BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 JUNE 26, 1992 THE 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FOR YOUR CITY IS $ 296,512 THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE FACTORS USED IN THE CALCULATION FOR AN EXPLANATION OF YOUR CITY'S OF THESE 1993 FACTORS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID. SEE THE ENCLOSED LETTER AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF YOUR CITY'S LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID. 1. 1992 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID BEFORE STATE COST REDUCTIONS * - $ 288,363 2. 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID BEFORE STATE COSTS (1 X 1.03): S 297,014 3. REDUCTION FOR STATE COSTS S 502 4. 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER STATE COSTS (2 - 3): 296,512 5. AID REDUCTION RESULTING FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TAX $ U INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT: 6. FINAL 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER TAX INCREMENT $ 296,512 REDUCTION (4 - 5): FROM LINE 3 OF YOUR CITY'S 1992 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID NOTICE. i MINNESOTA * Department of Revenue Local Government Services June 26, 1992 TO: CITIES Mail Station 3340 Phone (612) 296-5141 RE: NOTICE OF 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 Fax (612) 297-2166 ti The amount of your city's 1993 local government aid has been determined and is shown on the enclosed notice. The notice also lists the factors that pertain to your city which were used in determining your city's 1993 local government aid. The following is an explanation of these factors. 1. 1992 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID BEFORE STATE COST REDUC- TIONS: This is the amount of local government aid that your city was certified to receive in 1992 before reductionfor certain state costs (State Demographer's Office, the Governmental Information Division of the State Auditor's Office, the Department of Administration for the Local Government Records Program and the Intergovernmental Information Systems Advisory Council, and the Department of Employee Relations for administering the Local Government Pay Equity Function). This amount is from line 3 or your city's 1992 Local Government Aid Notice. 2. 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID BEFORE STATE COSTS: Laws 1992, Chapter 511, Article 1, Section 16, provided for a three percent increase in local government aid for all cities. Your city's 1993 local government aid before state costs is the amount of your city's 1992 local government aid before state costs (line 1) multiplied by 1.03. 3. REDUCTION FOR STATE COSTS: Minnesota Statutes 1991 Supplement, Section 477A.014, Subdivision 4 provides for reductions in local govern- ment aid to finance certain state costs. All cities and towns receiving local government aid in 1993 receive a reduction for state costs based on their prorated share of the following amounts: An equal opportunity employer continued s To Cities June 26, 1992 Page 2 State Demographer State Auditor for Government Information Division Department of Administration for Local Government Records Program and HSAC Department of Employee Relations for Administering the Local Government Pay Equity Function Calendar Year 1993 $ 16,000 215,972 205,800 55.000 TOTAL S 492,772 4. 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER STATE COSTS: This is the amount of your city's 1993 local government aid after the reduction for state costs. It is equal to the 1993 local government aid before state, costs on line 2 minus the reduction for state costs on line 3. S. AID REDUCTION RESULTING FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT: Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399 requires that a reduction be made to local government aid (and, if necessary, to homestead and agricultural credit aid) if a reduction in aid results from the establishment of a tax increment financing district. If this provision applies to your city, the amount of the reduction is listed here. 6. FINAL 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER TAX INCREMENT REDUCTION: This is the total amount of your city's 1993 local govern- ment aid after state costs and after the aid reduction resulting from the establishment of a tax increment financing district. If there is not an amount listed on line 5, this amount is the same as the amount listed on line 4. If there is an amount listed on line 5, this amount is equal to the amount on line 4 minus the amount listed on line 5. NOTE: As of this date, any reductions to local government aid due to the establishment of a tax increment. financing district (line 5 above) have not yet been determined. When these reduction amounts have been determined, our office will be sending out revised local government aid certifications to those cities to which this reduction applies. To Cities June 26, 1992 Page 3 Your city's local government aid will be paid in two equal installments. The first installment will be paid on or before July 20, 1993, and the second half install- ment will be paid on or before December 26, 1993. Minnesota Statutes, Section 477A.014 provides that a governmental unit may object to the amount of aid that the Department of Revenue has determined for it. No objection may be raised later than 60 days after receipt of this notice. Such objection should be addressed to Michael P. Wandmacher, Director, Local Government Services Division, Minnesota Department of Revenue, Mail Station 3340, St. Paul, MN 55146-3340. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call me at (612) 296-5141. Sincerely, Larry L. Bewley Research Analysis Specialist Local Government Services Division Enclosure DAKOTA COUNTY ' UmnU 1 H �.UUN 1 T UV V Cn1VMCN 1 I.CIV 1 cn . I NORMA B. MARSH AUDITOR (612) 438-4375 00 - MIA.') 11NUJ, m1 m1VCJ V 1 N z9xil" August 25, 1992 A TO: All Cities, Townships and School Districts FROM: Norma B. Marsh, Co. Auditor RE: Market Value Based Referendum Taxes Beginning with levy year 1992, taxes payable 1993, you may have a levy approved by referendum that is subject to the new market value based levy provisions. Please complete the following for our information: Referendum Taxes (Market Value Based) 1. For Bonded Indebtedness $ 2. For all other purposes $ An amount must be entered above even if the amount is -0-- The market value based levy provisions apply to all local units of government but only for levies approved by referendum which are first effective for taxes payable year 1993 or a subsequent year. The following levies are the only levies subject to the market value based levy provisions: 1. A school district levy for operating purposes'' approved by the voters at a referendum held after November 1,',1992. Any school district levy for bonds or capital expenditures approved at a referendum is exempt from the market value based levy provisions. 2. A town or special taxing district levy for general or special purposes, including bonds, approved by the voters at a referendum held on or after May 31,1991 and first effective for taxes payable year 1993 or a subsequent year. 3. A city levy for general or special purposes, including bonds, approved by the voters at a referendum held after May 31, 1991 and first effective for the taxes payable year -1993 or a subsequent year. If the city referendum was held after May 31, 1991 and before May 31, 1992, and the referendum was advertized using levy amounts that reflected net tax capacity, the 'levy approved at that referendum is exempt from the market valeu based levy provisions. If you have any questions, please call Margaret at 438-4390.- I-IN 38-4390.• II cif Q.14Q.Ac, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR SCHOOL VISTRtUr�C— AN EQUAL OPPORTUNItY EMPLOYER GENERAL FUND REVENUES GENERAL FUND REVENUES December 10, 1992 1992 ADOPTED 1993 PROPOSED TYPES BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE GENERAL FUND REVENUES General Property Taxes $1,851,157 $2,069,671 $218,514 11,.80% Licenses and Permits $215,800 $239,150 $23,350 10.82% Intergovernmental $434,159 $461,512 $27,353 6,.30% Charges for services $194,950 $429,800 $234,850 120.47% Fines and Forfeits $50,000 $42,000 ($8,000) -16,.00% Recreational Fees $96,700 $101,000 $4,300 4.45% Miscellaneous Revenues $159,358 $57,500 ($101,858) -63.92% Transfers In $235,592 $185,000 ($50,592) -21.47% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES ------------------------------------------------------- $3,237,716 $3,585,633 $347,917 10'.75% Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 31010 -OO- 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 101 - 31010 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 31020 -00- 000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 101 - 31020 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 31030 -00- 000 Mobile Home Taxes 101 - 31030 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 31040 -00- 000 Fiscal Disparities 101 - 31040 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 31710 -00- 000 Gravel Taxes 101 - 31710 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 31810 -00- 000 Franchise Taxes 101 - 31810 -00- 000.1 From Star Cable 101 - 32110 -00- 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 101 - 32110 -00- 000.1 101 - 32160 -00- 000 Licenses to do Business 101 - 32160 -00- 000.1 101 - 32161 -00- 000 Licenses to do Business -Kennel 101 - 32161 -00- 000.1 101 32162 -00- 000 Licenses to do Business - 101 - 32162 -00-000.1 Sptatball Permits 101 - 32180 -00- 000 Cigarette Licenses 101 - 32180 -00- 000.1 101 - 32210 -00- 000 Building Permit Revenue 101 - 32210 -00- 000.1 101 32211 -00- 000 Coates Bldg Official Remib 101 - 32211 -00- 000.1 101 - 32212 -00- 000 Mineral Extraction Permit 101 - 32212 -00- 000.1 101 - 32220 -00- 000 Electrical Permit Revenue 101 32220 -00- 000.1 101 - 32230 -DO- 000 Plumbing Permit Revenue 101 - 32230 -00- 000.1 101 - 32240 -00- 000 Animal Licenses 101 - 32240 -00- 000.1 101 - 32250 -00- 000 Sewer Permit Revenue 101 - 32250 -00- 000.1 101 - 32255 -00- 000 County Recording Fee -City Shre 101 - 32255 -00-000.1 101 - 32260 -00- 000 Heating/Air Cond Permit Revnue 101 - 32260 -00- 000.1 101 - 32290 -00- 000 Other Non -Business Lic & Pmts 101 - 32290 -00- 000.1 101 - 33401 -00- 000 Local Government Aid (LGA) 101 - 33401 -00- 000.1 From State 101 - 33402 -00- 000 Hstd & Ag Credit Aid (HACA) 101 - 33402 -00- 000.1 From State 101 - 33403 -00- 000 Mobile Home HACA 101 - 33403 -00- 000.1 From State PAGE TOTALS $721,596 $1,010,368 $1,199,306 $1,199,306 $29,526 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $61404 $12,000 $9,000 $9,000 $246,442 $310,034 $302,808 $302,808 $4,284 $4,300 $4,000 $4,000 $18,540 $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $9,900 $12,500 $12,000 $12,000 $7,585 $500 $5,000 $5,000 $25 $0 $50 $50 $100 $0 $100 $100 $216 $200 $200 $200 $140,746 $160,000 $180„000 $180,000 .$953 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $150 s0 $0 s0 $5,332 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $8,945 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $1,790 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 $6,725 $8,000 $6,000 $6,000 $220 $200 $100 $100 $10,243 $12,400 $14,000 $14,000 $250 $0 $200 $200 $300,761 $287,859 $296,512 $296,512 $372,365 $448,063 $484,865 $484,865 $19,899 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 ------------------------------------------- 1,912,995 $2,343,424 $2,595,641 $2,595,641 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund 'Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 - 33416 -00- 000 Police Training Reimbursement $50,983 $59,000 $60„000 101 - 33416 -00- 000.1 Post Board Training Reimb $5,000 101 - 33416 -00- 000.2 State Aid (Tied to PERA) $55,000 101 - 33418 -00- 000 MSA for Streets - Maintenance $15,825 $16,000 $16,000 101 33418 -00- 000.1 From State $16,000 101 - 33424 -00- 000 Equalization Aid $82,973 $82,692 $82,692 101 - 33424 -00- 000.1 From State $82,692 101 - 33630 -00 000 Police Services Levy -ISD #196 $0 50 $16,000 101 - 33630 -00- 000.1 516,000 101 - 34103 -00- 000 toning & Subdivision Fees $3,606 $2,000 $2,000 101 - 34103 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 34104 -DO- 000 Plan Checking Fees $85,886 $104,000 $120,000 101 - 34104 -00- 000.1 65% of Bldg Permit Fees $120,000 101 - 34105 -DO- 000 Sales of Maps & Publications $1,053 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 34105 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 34106 -00- 000 Deputy Registrar Fees $24,334 $25,000 $25,000 101 - 34106 -00- 000.1 $25,000 101 - 34107 -00- 000 Assessment Searches $573 $400 $500 101 - 34107 -00- 000.1 $500 101 - 34108 -00- 000 Administrative Fee -Other Funds 50 $47,250 $138,500 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 All Funds Except Constrctn $58,500 101 - 34108 -00- 000.2 Construction Funds $80,000 101 - 34109 -00- 000 Other Gent Charges for Service $424 $500 $1,000 101 - 34109 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 34110 -00- 000 Service Chg on Returned Checks $203 $100 $200 101 - 34110 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 34111 -00- 000 Service Lookup Check(Bldg) $0 $0 $1,000 101 - 34111 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 34112 -00- 000 Utility Permit Application Fee $0 $0 $200 101 - 34112 -00 000.1 New Developments $200 101 - 34150 -00- 000 User Fees-USPCI 50 $0 $112,000 101 - 34150 -00- 000.1 $112,000 101 - 34151 -00- 000 User Fees -Koch Bauxite $0 $0 $15,000 101 - 34151 -00- 000.1 $15,000 101 - 34202 -00- 000 Fire Services -Burning Permits $25 $100 $200 101 - 34202 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 34203 -00- 000 Accident Reports $863 $500 $500 101 - 34203 -00- 000.1 $500 101 - 34204 -00- 000 Day Care Inspection Fees $0 $0 $200 101 - 34204 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 34206 -00- 000 Other Police Services $263 $0 $0 101 - 34260 -OO- 000.1 S0 101 - 34207 -00- 000 Other Fire Protection Services $5,941 $12,000 $9,000 101 - 34207 -00- 000.1 U of M & Coates Contracts $8,000 101 - 34207 -00-000.2 Other Fire Calls $1,000 PAGE TOTALS $272,952 $350,542 $600,992 $600,992 Page Three 101 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $2,109 GENERAL REVENUES $2,100 December 10, 1992 $451 $600 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 $600 $862 $3,000 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 34301 -00- 000 Street, Sidewalk_ & Curb Repair $25 $0 $0 101 - 34301 -00- 000.1 $3,000 $0 101 - 34303 -00- 000 Mow Weeds $571 $100 $500 101 - 34303 -00- 000.1 $500 101 - 34305 -00- 000 Culverts & Accessories $235 $0 $0 101 - 34305 -00- 000.1 $0 101 - 34306 -00- 000 Other Highway & Street Revenue $736 $1,000 $2,000 101 - 34306 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 34407 -00- 000 City Share of Metro Sac Chgs $1,149 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 34407 -00- 000.1 $1,000 101 - 34721 -00- 000 Softball Revenues $24,471 $44,000 $44,000 101 - 34721 -00- 000.1 $44,000 101 - 34722 -00- 000 Volleyball Revenues $10,890 $16,000 $16,000 101 - 34722 -00- 000.1 $16,000 101 - 34723 -00- 000 Playground Revenues $156 $0 $0 101 - 34723 -00- 000.1 101 - 34724 -DO- 000 Tennis Revenues $1,646 $2,000 $2,000 101 - 34724 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 34725 -00- 000 Tiny Tot Revenues $12,307 $12,000 $16,200 101 - 34725 -00- 000.1 $16,200 101 - 34726 -00- 000 Pom Pom Revenues $3,835 $4,000 $4,100 34726 -00- 000 1 54 100 - 101 - 34727 -00- 000 Field Trip Revenues - 101 - 34727 -00- 000.1 101 - 34728 -00- 000 Broomball Revenues 101 - 34728 -00- 000.1 101 - 34729 -00- 000 Skating Lesson Revenues 101 - 34729 -00- 000.1 101 - 34730 -00- 000 Track & Field Revenues 101 - 34730 -00- 000.1 101 - 34731 -00- 000 Soccer Revenues 101 - 34731 -00- 000.1 101 - 34732 -00- 000 Adult Basketball Revenues 101 - 34732 -00- 000.1 101 - 34733 -DO- 000 Other Programs Revenue 101 34733 -00- 000.1 101 - 35101 -00- 000 Court Fines 101 35101 -00- 000.1 From County 101 - 35104 -00- 000 Other Fines 101 - 35104 -00- 000.1 101 - 36101 -00- 000 Principal -Special Assessments $16,175 $18,000 $5,000 101 - 36101 -00- 000.1 $5,000 101 - 36210 -00- 000 Interest Earnings -Investments $20,057 $30,000 $18,000 101 - 36210 -00- 000.1 _ $18,000 -------------------------------------------- $150,203 $196,800 $169,500 $169,500 PAGE TOTALS $5,321 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $2,109 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $451 $600 $600 $600 $862 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $400 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,431 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $47,377 $50,000 $42,000 $42,000 $0 $0 $0 PAGE TOTALS Page Four 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101'- 36215 -00- 000 Interest Earnings $8,335 $8,000 $7,000 101 - 36215 -00- 000.1 Checking Account $7,000 101 - 36220 -00- 000 Rents & Royalties $2,780 $2,500 $2,500 101 - 36220 -00- 000.1 US West Antenna Rent $2,500 101 -'36230 -00- 000 Contributions/Donations $10,553 $21,108 $0 101 - 36230 -00- 000.1 $0 101 - 36260 -00- 000 Other Revenue $62,507 $27,250 $25,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.1 Workmen's Comp Refund $15,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.2 Miscellaneous $10,000 101 - 39203 -00- 000 Transfer from $129,625 $115,000 $35,000 101 - 39203 -00- 000.1 Armory Repayment #2 of 5 $35,000 101 - 39207 -00- 000 Transfer from EDA Fund $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 101 - 39207 -00- 000.1 Repayment #3 of 3 $50,000 101 - 39209 -00- 000 Transf from Bonds Paid Up Fund $265,051 $70,592 $100,000 101 - 39209 -00- 000.1 $100,000 101 - 39310 -00- 000 Loan Proceeds $0 $52,500 $0 101 - 39310 -00- 000.1 $0 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $528,851 $346,950 $219,500 $219,500 GRAND TOTALS $2,864,999 $3,237,716 $3,585,633 $3,585,633 INTERNAL REVENUES $1,140,862 $1,098,700 $1,219,450 $1,214,450 Grand Total Less Ad Valorem, , HACA, Fiscal Disparity, & Equalization Revenue Page Five 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVENUES December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 34108 -00- 000 General Fund Admin Fees 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 Fund Administrative Fees s0 $47,250 $58,500 `101 - 34108 -00- OOO.a Fund 102 $1,125 Paid -Up Debt Sery Bond Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.b Fund 201 $5,625 Port Authority Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.c Fund 202 $2,250 5 -Year CIP Program Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.d Fund 203 $1,125 Capital Projects MSA Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.e Fund 204 $1,125 Severance & Retirement Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.f Fund 205. $2,250 Park Improvements Fund 101 - 34108 -00- 000.9 Fund 220 $5,625 National Guard Armory Project 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.h Fund 230 $1,125 Diamond Path Project 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.i Fund 301 $1,125 G.O. Community Center 1992C 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.j Fund 303 $1,125 G.O. Municipal Bldgs 1986 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.k Fund 304 $1,125 G.O. Equip Certificates 1991C 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.I Fund 321 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1992A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.m Fund 324 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1985A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.n Fund 325 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1987A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.o Fund 326 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1988B 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.p Fund 327 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1989B 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.q Fund 328 $1,125 G.O. imps Bonds 1991A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.r Fund 329 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 19916 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.s Fund 330 $1,125 G.O. Impr Bonds 1992D 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.t Fund 381 $1,125 G.O. Municipal Bldg 1992E 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.0 Fund 382 $1,125 G.O. Tax Inc Bonds 1988A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.v Fund 601 $5,625 Water Utility Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.w Fund 602 $5,625 Sewer Utility Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.x Fund 603 $5,625 Storm Water Utility Fund 101 - 34108 -DO- OOO.y Fund 604 $1,125 Water & Sewer CIP Program Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.z Fund 605 $1,125 Water Hook -Up Core Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.aa Fund 606 $1,125 Sewer Hook -Up Core Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.ab Fund 607 $1,125 Storm Water Connectn Fees Fund 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.ac Fund 612 $1,125 G.O. Water Bonds 1989A 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.ad Fund 613 $1,125 G.O. Storm Water Bonds 19926 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $0 $47,250 $58,500 $58,500 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND, EXPENDITURES December 10, 1992 1992 ADOPTED 1993 PROPOSED CLASSIFICATIONS/DEPARTMENTS BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT Council $102,058 $166,747 $64,689 63.38% Administration $241,215 $224,608 ($16,607) -6.88X Elections $14,019 $7,615 ($6,404) -45.68X Finance $130,645 $140,115 $9,470 7.25% General Goverment $156,307 $156,500 $193 0.12% Planning $161,804 $157,982 ($3,822) -2.36X Government Buildings $59,700 $72,600 $12,900 21.61% Insurance $150,000 $158,000 $8,000 5.33% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------------------------------- $1,015,748 $1,084,167 $68,419 6.74% PUBLIC SAFETY Police $727,195 $794,706 $67,511 9.28% Fire $154,033 $160,182 $6,149 3.99% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ------------------------------------------------------- $881,228 $954,888 $73,660 8.36% PUBLIC WORKS Public Works-Generat $623,893 $720,038 $96,145 15.41% Paved Streets $55,100 $82,649 $27,549 50.00% Unpaved Streets $15,600 $32,278 $16,678 1016.91% Ice & Snow $13,380 $17,413 $4,033 30.14% Street Lights $46,900 $64,294 $17,394 37.09% Signal Lights $6,300 $6,991 $691 10.97% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ------------------------------------------------------- $761,173 $923,663 $162,490 21.35% PARKS & RECREATION P & R -General $482,867 $521,915 $39,048 8.09% P & R -Revenue $96,700 $101,000 $4,300 4.45% TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION ------------------------------------------------------- $579,567 $622,915 $43,348 7.48% GRAND TOTALS - GENERAL FUND ------------------------------------------------------- $3,237,716 $3,585,633 $347,917 10.75% GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS CITY COUNCIL POLICY DEVELOPMENT Provides for the legislative and policy making activities for all of municipal government. * Provides for the planning and control of all city expenditures through the adoption of the City's annual budget. * Provides for the definition of the City's tax structure through the levying of taxes and approval of user fees and rate structures. * Provides for citizen input to policy making process by establishing, appointing and managing advisory commissions, ad hoc committees and community groups. GENERAL OPERATIONS * Provides funding for general government projects and needs such as: City Clean -Up Days Fireworks Display Recycling Program Employee Education Program Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL - 41110 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1993 1993 1993 101 - 41110 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $23,973 $26,722 $27,607 101 - 41110 -02- 103.0 E. McMenomy, Mayor $6,459 ($350/month + 150/month Extra) 101 - 41110 -03- 103.0 S. Klassen, Councilmember $5,167 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) 101 - 41110 -04- 103.0 J. Staats, Councilmember $5,407 ($300/month + 1'00/month Extra) 101 - 41110 -05- 103.0 H. Willcox, Councitmember $5,407 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) 101 - 41110 -06- 103.0 D. Wippermann, CamCiLmembr $5,167 ($300/month + 100/month Extra) 101 - 41110 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $6,240 $0 $0 101 - 41110 -01- 304.1 $0 101 - 41110 -01-307.0 Management Fees $38,213 $38,000 $115,690 101 - 41110 -01- 307.1 Newsletter $27,690 101 - 41110 -01- 307.2 Spring Cleanup $15,000 101 - 41110 -01- 307.3 Fireworks $6,000 101 - 41110 -01- 307.4 Recycling Contract -Knutson $31,000 101 -41110 -01- 307.5 Senior Citizen's Center $6,000 101 - 41110 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $0 $2,500 $7,300 101 - 41110 -01- 319.1 Retreat/Goat Setting $1,300 101 - 41110 -01- 319.2 Education Reimbursement $6,000 101 - 41110 -01- 331:0 Travel Expense $1,036 $1,000 $400 101 - 41110 -01- 331.1 Mileage to LMC Conference $300 (3) to State Conference 101 - 41110 -01- 331.2 Miscellaneous $100 101 - 41110 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $900 $0 101 - 41110 -01- 351.1 $0 101 - 41110 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance $0 $0 $900 101 - 41110 -01- 369.1 Council & Committees $900 Accidental Insurance 101 - 41110 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $405 $7,570 $7,950 101 - 41110 -01- 433.1 LMC Dues $5,000 101 - 41110 -01- 433.2 LMC - Amicus $500 101 - 41110 -01- 433.3 AMM Dues $2,000 101 - 41110 -01-433.4 NDCC Dues $450 901 - 41110 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $0 $350 $100 101 - 41110 -01- 435.1 Miscellaneous Literature $100 101 - 41110 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $2,699 $4,400 $2,300 101 - 41110 -01- 437.1 Registration & HoteL-LMC $1,800 101 - 41110 -01- 437.2 Miscellaneous LMC Events $500 101 - 41110 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $69 $0 $0 101 - 41110 -01- 439.9 $0 101 - 41110 -01- 598.0 Council Designated $21,464 $20,616 $17,000 101 - 41110 -01- 598.1 Contingencies $8,000 101 - 41110 -01- 598.2 Union Contract Contingency $9,000 101 - 41110 -01- 601.0 Principal on Loans $17,500 101 - 41110 -01- 601.1 Plan Assistance -Comp Plan $11,775 Payment #1 of 3 101 - 41110 -01- 601.2 Plan Assistance -Airport $5,725 Payment #1 of 3 PAGE TOTALS $94,098 $102,058 $166,747 $166,747 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $94,098 $102,058 $166,747 $166,747 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION * Provides overall management administration and coordination of activities in all city departments including: Finance, Fire, Police, Public Works, Planning and Parks and Recreation. * Provides for preparation and overall management of city's budget. * Provides project management for projects not unique to and therefore not assignable to any other department. * Provides overall coordination of city legal consultants. * Provides for the execution of all policies as adopted by the City Council. * Provides administrative and clerical support to the City Council and Port Authority including the preparation, distribution and maintenance of City Council and Port. Authority meeting documents. RECORDS MANAGEMENT * Provides for the preparation and maintenance of official records for the City including: Council and Committee Minutes Preparation and posting of offical notices Public information on ordinances, contracts and policies LICENSING * Provides for the issuance and renewal of all licenses issued for liquor establishments. * Provides for the issuance and renewal of the licenses for the sale of cigarettes. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Page 2 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION * Provides central personnel services to all city government including the administration of personnel policies, procedures, state and federal personnel regulations. * Provides for central administration of all city personnel insurance programs. RECEPTION * Provides General Government/City Hall Reception Administration. PUBLIC RELATIONS * Provides for public relations and information activities to keep citizens informed of the City's activities. STAFFING * 1992 saw a change in the Administration Department staffing makeup. With the resignation of the Assistant City Administrator and Economic Development Specialist, the department was reorganized. The Assistant City Administrator position was deleted and the Economic Development Specialist position was upgraded to a Economic Development Coordinator. * At the end of 1992, the Department consists of six positions: City Administrator Administrative Assistant Administrative Secretary Economic Development Coordinator Economic Development/Personnel Secretary Receptionist * There are no personnel changes recommended for 1993. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - 41320 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund -Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments --------------------- 1993 101 - 41320 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $172,759 $222,019 $205,698 101 - 41320 -02- 101.0 S. Jilk, Administrator $80,205 101 - 41320 -03- 101.0 S. Walsh, Admin Assistant $51,443 101 - 41320 -04- 101.0 L. Jentink, Admin Secretary $31,464 101 - 41320 -05- 101.0 D. Widstrom, Persnl Secrtry $15,324 50% Paid by Port Authority 101 - 41320 -06- 101.0 C. Coughlin, Receptionist $27,262 101 - 41320 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $3,125 $5,096 $3,300 101 - 41320 -04- 102.1 L. Jentink $2,500 101 - 41320 -05- 102.2 D. Widstrom $500 50% Paid by Port Authority 101 - 41320 -06- 102.3 C. Coughlin $300 101 -41320 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $171 $250 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 203.1 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies $0 $0 $1,800 101 - 41320 -01- 207.1 Safety Committee $250 101 - 41320 -01- 207.2 Right to Know $1,550 Training & Annual Fees 101 - 41320 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $73 $300 $300 101 - 41320 -01- 209.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $300 101 - 41320 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $117 $875 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 304.1 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $45 $0 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 305.1 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 307.0 Management Fees $798 $2,000 $9,000 101 - 41320 -01- 307.1 Labor Consultant $7,500 101 - 41320 -01- 307.2 Dept Head Team Building $1,500 101 - 41320-01- 331.0 Travel Expense $308 $1,200 $300 - 101 - 41320 -01- 331.1 State Conference - LMC $100 S. Jilk 101 - 41320 -01- 331.2 State Conference - MCMA $100 S. Jilk 101 - 41320 -01- 331.3 State Conference - MCFOA $100 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses $219 $300 $300 101 - 41320 -01- 339.1 Reimburse for Mtng Travel $300 Gas & Oil from City Vehicles 101 - 41320 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $23 $2,000 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 351.1 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 352.0 General Notices & Public Info $3,566 $2,500 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 352.1 $0 101 - 41320 -01- 353.0 Ordinance Publication $0 $500 $800 101 - 41320 -01- 353.1 Codification of Code $800 i01 - 41320 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $374 $825 $210 101 - 41320 -01- 433.1 MCMA Dues $60 101 - 41320 -01- 433.2 MAMA Dues $25 S. Jilk 101 - 41320 -01- 433.3 MCFOA Dues $25 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 433.4 IIMC Dues $50 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 433.5 IPMA Dues $25 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 433.6 MAUNA Dues $25 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets so $200 $400 101 - 41320 -01- 435.1 FLSA Handbook $250 101 - 41320 -01- 435.2 Miscellaneous Purchases $150 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $181,577 $238,065 $222,108 $222,108 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - 41320 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments �.. -- ---------------------- -------------- ----------------- -- ---- - = - ---- --- ----------------------------- $2,500 - - -- 101 - 41320 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $1,749 $3,150 $2,500 101 - 41320 -01 437.1 Registration & Hotel LMC $200 S. Jiik 101 41320 -01- 437.2 Registration & Hotel MCMA $350 S. Jilk 101 - 41320 -01- 437.3 Resistration AMM $200 S. Jilk 101 - 41320 -01- 437.4 Registration & Hotel-MCFOA $500 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01 437.5 Personnel Workshop & Conf $500 S. Walsh 101 - 41320 -01- 437.6 Staff (2) Each $400 Jentink, Widstrom & Coughlin 101 - 41320 -01- 437.7 Miscellaneous Seminars $100 101 - 41320 -01- 437.8 Municipal's Banquet $250 Various Departments & Staff -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $1,749 $3,150 $2,500 $2,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $183,326 $241,215 $224,608 $224,608 NOTE: 1991 Actual & 1992 Adopted Budget Include Administration and Clerk's Budgets for Those Years ELECTIONS GEN ERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE * Provides for the conduct of all local, state and federal' elections. In 1993, the city will hold its municipal election in November. VOTER REGISTRATION * Provides for the maintenance and execution of procedures for voter registration BALLOTS & BALLOT COUNTER * Provides for the preparation of ballots and the programing of the ballot counter SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT * Provides for the necessary supplies and minor equipment necessary to conduct the election. STAFFING * Provides for the appointment of election judges to work at the city's five precinct polling places. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS - 41410 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 41410 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $1,594 $8,200 $3,000 101 - 41410 -01- 103.1 Election Judges $3,000 (1) Election Only 101 = 41410 -01- 122.0 FICA Contributions $99 $514 $186 101 - 41410 -01- 122.1 Election Judges $186 101 - 41410 -01- 125.0 Medicare Contributions $23 $150- $44 101 - 41410 -01- 125.1 Election Judges $44 101 -'41410 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $2,331 $0 $3,400 101 - 41410 -01- 203.1 Ballots & Programming $3,400 101 - 41410 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $0 $225 $125 101 - 41410 -01- 208.1 Various Election Purchases $125 101 - 41410 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $428 $1,000 $250 101 - 41410 -01- 219.1 Meals for Election Judges $250 101 - 41410 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $0 $0 $150 101 - 41410 -01- 242.1 Ballot Machine Equipment $150 101 —41410 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $0 $800 $250 101 - 41410 -01- 321.1 Costs for Precinct Phones $250 101 - 41410 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $0 $80 $50 101 - 41410 -01- 351:1 Election Publications $50 101 - 41410 -01- 359.0 Other Printing & Binding Costs $2 $200 $0 101 — 41410 -01- 359.1 $0 101 - 41410 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $50 $2,600 $0 101 - 41410 -01- 409.1 $0 101 - 41410 -01- 439.0 other Miscellaneous Charges $O $250 $160 101 - 41410 -01- 439.1 Janitorial Services $160 101 - 41410 -01- 570.0 Office Equip & Furnishing Purc. $210 $0 $0 101 - 41410 -01. 570.1 $0 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $4,737 $14,019 $7,615 $7,615 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $4,737 $14,019 $7,615 $7,615 FINANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE * Provides for the fiscal management, processing and maintenance of all accounting transactions for all funds of the City, including budgetary controls, preparation of interim accounting reports and the Annual Financial Report. DATA PROCESSING * Provides for evaluation of appropriate computer hardware and software on a continuing basis. * Coordinates efforts between departments to assure an integrated information system. Acts as an in-house consultant providing technical assistance when possible, and if not possible, coordinating the procurement of outside technical assistance when needed. TREASURY * Fund Management Collects and deposits revenues and manages the investment of idle funds. * Budgetary - Compiles historical and current expenditures and revenue data to facilitate budget preparation. * Bonding - Assists in the issuance, sale and record maintenance of indebtedness. * Insurance - Maintains all records for property and workmen's comp insurance requirements, handles allclaims and prepares all documents for yearly renewals of policies. PAYROLL * Receives employee time cards, coordinates insurance, pay rates and other applicable payroll information with personnel, prepares payroll checks, prepares all Federal and State required reports, prepares all employee withheld and employer promised obligation funds for disbursement to applicable organizations, and prepares all reports as needed both internally and externally. UTILITY BILLING * Coordinates the mailing of all meter cards and utility bills, as well as the collection of both items. Handles on the computer system, final bills and new accounts. Fields and responds to utility billing complaints. Compiles operating statistical information, which is available to other departments as needed. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE * Processes purchase orders prepared by all departments, checking for accuracy and matching with invoices and all other supporting documentation so payments can be made in a timely manner. Also, prepares all checks and supporting reports that accompany each check run. Coordinates the review of bills by Council by providing applicable reports and supporting documentation. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/CASH RECEIPTS * Prepares invoices for all departments for items/services that must be billed to outside sources. Maintains records that allow for the timely collection of invoiced items/services. Receipts monies on a daily basis and deposits those monies daily in designated banking institutions. Maintains a system that allows for the appropriate reporting of all monies collected within the accounting system. DEPUTY REGISTRAR * Maintains an office which handles vehicle license transfers and DNR consistent with the requirements MISCELLANEOUS vehicle license renewals, licensing transactions, of the State. * Handles all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator. STAFFING In 1992, staff consisted of a Finance Director, two Accountants and a Deputy Registrar. For ,1993, proposing the addition of one half-time Deputy Registrar Clerk and the restructuring of the support staff to include an Assistant Finance Director, an Accountant II position and an Accountant I position, as well as the Finance Director and the half-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. Page One PAGE TOTALS $112,347 $126,045 $136,115 $136,115 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT - 41520 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 41520 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $102,933 $101,245 $123,915 -101 - 41520 -02- 101.0 J. May, Fin Director(75%) $46,218 25% Paid by Utilities 101 - 41520 -03- 101.0 J. Gilb, Assistant F/D(75%) $35,381 25% Paid by Utilities 101 - 41520 -04- 101.0 D. Korpela, Accountant(O%) s0 100% Paid by Utilties 101 - 41520 -05- 101.0 D. Werner, Accountant(100%) $30,143 101 - 41520 -99- 103.0 1/2 Deputy Registrar(100%) $12,173 101 - 41520 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $1,224 $4,000 $1,000 101 - 41520 102.1 Jane Gilb $0 101 - 41520 102.2 Denise Werner $1,000 101 - 41520 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services s0 $2,000 $500 101 - 41520 -01- 301.1 Consulting Services $500 Non -Audit Related Services 101 - 41520 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees s0 $500 $0 101 - 41520 -01- 304.1 101 - 41520 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $61 $0 $300 101 - 41520 -01- 305.1 Physicals $300 101 - 41520 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $0 $1,000 $500 101 - 41520 -01- 319.1 Springsted Consulting $500 Non -Bond Finance Issues 101 - 41520 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $255 $700 $800 101 -41520 -01- 331.1 Finance Director $500 Conventions & Seminars 101 - 41520 -01- 331.2 Staff $300 Seminars 101 - 41520 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $0 s0 $500 101 - 41520 -01- 341.1 Ads for Permanent P/T $500 101 - 41520 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $6,256 $6,000 $6,200 101 - 41520 -01- 391.1 Micro System Maintenance $2,500 101 - 41520 -01- 391.2 Micro Software License $2,500 101 - 41520 -01- 391.3 General Network Support $1,000 101 - 41520 -01- 391.4 Miscellaneous P.C. Repairs $200 101 - 41520 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $625 $1,500 $700 101 - 41520 -01- 392.1 City System Supplies $700 101 - 41520 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchases s0 $4,000 $0 101 - 41520 -01- 393.1 s0 101 - 41520 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $680 $4,000 $0 101 - 41520 -01- 394.1 Miscellaneous S/W Packages 101 - 41520 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main s0 $250 $300 101 - 41520 -01- 409.1 Cash Register Maint Contrct $300 101 - 41520 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $313 $500 $1,200 101 - 41520 -01- 433.1 MORA Annual Fees $150 101 - 41520 -01- 433.2 MGFOA - Finance Director $150 101 - 41520 -01- 433.3 MGFOA - Staff $300 101 -41520 -01- 433.4 GFOA - Finance Director $150 101 - 41520 -01- 433.5 GFOA - Staff $300 101 - 41520 -01- 433.6 Magazine Subscriptions $150 101 - 41520 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $0 $350 $200 101 - 41520 -01- 435.1 Accounting Related Books $100 101 - 41520 -01- 435.2 finance Related Books $100 PAGE TOTALS $112,347 $126,045 $136,115 $136,115 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT - 41520 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 41520 -01-437.0 Conferences & Seminars $576 $2,600 $3,500 101 - 41520 -01- 437.1- MDRA Conference(For Three) $300 101 -'41520 -01- 437.2 Computer Symposiums $500 101 - 41520 -01- 437.3 MGFOA Annual Conf - F/D $300 101= 41520 -01- 437.4 MGFOA Annual Conf - Staff $500 101 - 41520 -01- 437.5 GFOA National Conf - F/D $1,300 101 - 41520 -01- 437.6 Miscellaneous Seminars $600 101 - 41520 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $306 $1,000 $500 101 —41520 -01- 439.1 Chgs Not Covered Elsewhere $500 101 - 41520 -01- 570.0 Office Equipment Purchases $0 $1,000 $0 101 - 41520 -01- 570.1 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $883 $4,600 $4,000 $4,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $113,229 $130,645 $140,115 $140,115 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DUPLICATING & COPYING * Providesfor maintenance agreements for two copy machines at city hall. Maintenance agreement fees are based on a per copy basis after minimum number of copies per month. Also provides for microfilming costs projected to be expended by administration, police and 'finance departments. PRINTED FORMS & PAPER * Provides for copy paper utilized by all departments and provides for forms utilized by the finance department. ENVELOPES & LETTERHEADS * Provides for letter head utilized by all departments and for various types and sizes of envelopes. MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES * Provides for janitorial and miscellaneous supplies used at all city facilities. OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES * Provides for general office supplies utilized by all city departments. EQUIPMENT PARTS * Provides for the maintenance and repair ofgeneral office equipment. OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES * Provides for purchasing from Dakota county an updated plat book which contains the legal descriptions and property identification numbers (PID) of all properties within the city. GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Page 2 AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICES * Provides for the annual audit of the city's accounting transactions for all funds of the city and for the preparation of the Annual Financial Report. Also provides for other services as required of the city's financial consultant. LEGAL FEES * Provides for general legal services provided by the city attorney or law firm utilized by the city for such services OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Provides for the city's portion of the overall funds for the Fire Relief Association's retirement benefits. TELEPHONE COSTS * Provides for the rental costs of the city's telephone system, monthly services fees, long distance calls and miscellaneous installation costs. POSTAGE COSTS * Provides for postage costs for all departments and maintenance agreements for the postage machine and postage allocator. OTHER TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES * Provides for two year renewals of city vehicle license plates, emission fees and duplicate plates, titles or tags if needed. GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Page 3 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING * Provides for the publication of legal documents from all departments except when publication costs are charged to specific projects. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 41810 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 -41810 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying $7,655 $9,900 $12,500 `& 101 - 41810 -01- 202.1 Microfilming $3,000 Administrn, Finance Police 101 - 41810 -01- 202.2 Copying Costs $9,500 101 - 41810 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $4,088 $9,400 $9,150 101 - 41810 -01- 203.1 Copy Paper $3,100 101 - 41810-01- 203.2 General Receipt Books $750 101 - 41810 -01- 203.3 Purchase orders $850 101 - 41810 -01- 203.4 Payroll Checks $1,100 101 - 41810 -01- 203.5 A/P Checks $2,200 101 - 41810 -01- 203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) $1,150 101 - 41810 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letterheads $1,957 $6,100 $6,550 101 - 41810 -01- 204.1 Letterhead $3,100 101 - 41810 -01- 204.2 Plain Envelopes $450 101 - 41810 -01- 204.3 A/P & Payroll Envelopes $400 101 - 41810 -01- 204.4 10 x 13 Tyvek Envelopes $1,300 101 - 41810 -01- 204.5 10 x 15 Tyvek Envelopes $1,300 101 - 41810 -01- 206.0 Microfilm Supplies $105 s0 $0 101 - 41810 -01- 206.1 S0 101 - 41810 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $8,347 $6,000 $9,500 101 - 41810 -01- 208.1 Janitorial & Misc City Hall $9,500 101 - 41810 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $21,817 $19,000 $180000 101 - 41810 -01- 209.1 General Office Supplies $18,000 101 - 41810 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $359 $500 S0 101 - 41810 -01- 212.1 S0 101 - 41810 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 $1,000 $1„100 101 - 41810 -01- 221.1 City Hall Equipment Repairs $1,100 101 - 41810 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies S49 $300 $300 101 - 41810 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $300 101 - 41810 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $399 $1,000 so 101 - 41810 -01- 242.1 SU 101 - 41810 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $6,063 $20,000 $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 301.1 1992 Audit Fees $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $13,576 $15,000 $21,000 101 - 41810 -01- 304.1 General City Legal Fees $21,000 101 - 41810 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $32,990 $34,607 $26,000 101 - 41810 -01- 319.1 Fire Relief Ass n $26,000 101 - 41810 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $23,571 $20,000 $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 321.1 Monthly Billings $20,000 101 - 41810 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $11,669 $11,000 $11,000 101 - 41810 -01- 322.1 General Postage Costs $11,000 101 - 41810 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses $942 $2,500 $200 101 - 41810--01- 339.1 General Costs $200 101 - 41810 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing s0 s0 $1,200 101 - 41810 -01- 351.1 Notices Costs -All Depts $1,200 101 - 41810 -01- 352.0 General Notices & Public Info $4,772 $0 s0 101 - 41810 -01- 352.1 $0 101 - 41810 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $40 $0 so 101 - 41810 -01- 415.1 $0 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $138,398 $156,307 $156,500 $156,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $138,398 $156,307 $156,500 $156,500 Planning Department Development Review Coordination * Coordinate interdepartmental staff review of all residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Responsible for reviewing for compliance with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. * Provide recommendations to advisory Planning Commission and City Council on all deliberations concerning zoning, variances, site plan review, platting, and special permits (interim use permits, mining permits, etc.). * Draft all development contracts, in consultation with the Public Works Department and City Attorney., Coordinate execution of all legal documents and permits. Receive all securities and dedication fees. * Provide assistance to City sponsored economic development and building activities pertaining to development review. Zoning Code Enforcement and Administration * Monitor properties within the City for zoning ordinance compliance. * Review and approve all sign permits. * Investigate complaints regarding code violations. * Maintain Zoning & Subdivision Ordinances in compliance with federal, state, and county requirements (statutes and rules) . Comprehensive Planning * Provide for the development of long range plans to guide the physical development of the community. * Responsible for overseeing review of local plans by the Metropolitan Council. * Preparation of special studies as requested by the Planning Commission, City Council, or City Administrator. Regional and Intergovernmental Coordination * Monitor federal, state, and other governmental regulations pertaining to development to insure compliance. * Monitor regional activities affecting the City, including but not limited to land use, transportation, waste management, and sewer services. Includes active participation by departmental staff in various committees and organizations. * Provide staff liaison to the MVTA. Planning Department - Page 2 Geographical Information System * Initiate the development of in-house GIS system capabilities for the City by selecting hardware and software. * Coordinate system development with other departments and the County. * Serve as system data administrator for the GIS. Staffing In 1992, the department consisted of the Planning Director, Assistant Planner, and Planning Secretary. A summer intern was also employed. In 1993, no staffing changes are proposed and the summer intern has been eliminated. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PLANNING DEPARTMENT - 41910 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 11993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 41910 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $192,138 $124,379 $139,402 101 - 41910 -02- 101.0 L. Freese, Planning Dir $62,394 101 - 41910 -03- 101.0 D. Quintus, Planning Sectry $37,956 101 - 41910 -04- 101.0 R. Pearson, Asst Planner $39,052 101 - 41910 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $1,679 .53,500 36,000 101 - 41910 102.1 D. Quintus $2,000 101 - 41910 102.2 R. Pearson $4,000 101 - 41910 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $7,378 $3,200 $4,500 101 - 41910 -99- 103.1 Planning Commission $4,500 5 Members a $35/Meeting 101 - 41910 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying s0 $0 $300 101 - 41910 -01- 202.1 Zoning/Subdivisn Ordinance $300 101 - 41910 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $290 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 203.1 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies s0 $250 $160 101 - 41910 -01- 205.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $160 Markers, Tapes, Pens, etc 101 - 41910 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $1,006 $400 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 212.1 Ford Tempo $0 101 - 41910 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $64 $0 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 241.1 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $198 $2,000 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 304.1 Contingencies s0 101 - 41910 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $0 $0 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 305.1 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees $14,840 s0 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 312.1 s0 101 - 41910 -01-313.0 Temporary Service Fees $955 $0 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 313.1 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $31,592 $23,175 $3,120 101 - 41910 -01- 319.1 Planning Consultant $2,320 101 - 41910 -01- 319.2 Ordinance Codification $800 Upkeep Service 101 - 41910 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $137 s0 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 323.1 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs $393 $0 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 329.1 Mobile Phone $0 101 - 41910 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $199 $1,000 $450 101 - 41910 -01- 331.1 Reg, State & Local Conf $300 Staff 101 - 41910 -01- 331.2 Miscellaneous Expenses $150 Parking/Planning Comm Mileage 101 - 41910 -01- 351.0 Legal Notices Publishing $15 $900 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 351.1 $0 101 - 41910 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $0 $0 $410 101 - 41910 -01- 392.1 P.C. Accessories $310 101 - 41910 -01- 392.2 Phone Line Installation $100 Modem/GIS Tax Info 101 - 41910 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $47 $600 s0 101 - 41910 -01- 394.1 Graphics Software s0 PAGE TOTALS $250,930 $159,404 $154,342 $1',54,342 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PLANNING DEPARTMENT - 41910 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 -'41910 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $1,073 $650 $1,240 -` 101 - 41910 -01- 433.1 APA/AICP Memberships $310 Director & Assistant Planner 101 - 41910 -01- 433.2 URISA Membership $80 Department 101 - 41910 -01- 433.3 Planners Advisory Service $350 Annual fee 101 - 41910 -01- 433.4 Miscellaneous Memberships $200 Land Use Coalition, etc 101 - 41910 -01- 433.5 Subscriptions $300 APA Journal, Zoning News, etc 101 - 41910 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $596 $350 5300 101 - 41910 -01- 435.1 Planning Books $300 101 — 41910 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $1,363 $1,200 $1,800 101 - 41910 -01- 437.1 National Conference $300 Director 101 - 41910 -01- 437.2 Regional/State Conference $200 Assistant Planner 101 - 41910 -01- 437.3 Local Conferences/Seminars $300 Planning Staff 101 - 41910 -01- 437.4 Planning Commissnr Training $250 Commissioners 101 - 41910 -01- 437.5 Secretarial Training $150 Secretary 101 - 41910 -01- 437.6 Computer Training $600 GIS Training(1 a $600 Each) 101 - 41910 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $141 $200 $300 101 - 41910 -01- 439.1 Meeting Expenses $150 Special Meeting Arrangements 101 - 41910 -01- 439.2 Miscellaneous Charges $150 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $3,172 $2,400 $3,640 $3,640 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $254,103 $161,804 $157,982 $157,982 POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL * Provides for the protection of life and property and an atmosphere of community security through the deterrence of criminal activity by visible patrols; the enforcement of traffic laws and accident investigation; the apprehension of criminal offenders; and the delivery of other non -emergency community services. COMMUNITY INVESTIGATION * Provides for the investigation of serious criminal incidents and the apprehension of criminal offenders through the gathering, analysis and presentation of evidence and testimony. CRIME PREVENTION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION * Provides for the prevention and reduction of the criminal victimization of persons and property through development and implementation of comprehensive activities designed to anticipate, recognize and analyze crime risks, and to educate and assist the general public, home and business owners in planning for the protection of persons and property. Provides drug education to elementary age children through the D.A.R.E. program. ALCOHOL SAFETY ACTION PROGRAM * Provides for the reduction of alcohol related traffic accidents through the apprehension of motor vehicle operations driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT * Provides for the overall administration of the Police Department. Included is the preparation of information regarding programs, preparation of the annual report and budget, training and professional development, court case preparation and operational analysis. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 ANIMAL CONTROL * Provides for the enforcement of ordinance relating to the control of animals and the apprehension of unleashed animals. CIVIL DEFENSE * Provides for the preparation of survival plans which may be used in the event of war or natural disaster, for the administration of training programs, for implementation of those plans and for the provision and inspection of shelters, supplies, installations and equipment. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT * Provides for the preparation of emergency plans which may be used in the event of any community disaster such as a major technical or natural disaster. STAFFING * In 1993, the Police Department hopes to hire two additional officers. This addition will provide double coverage between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. daily. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPARTMENT - 42110 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 42110 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $557,867 $602,817 $671,132 101 - 42110 -02- 101.0 L. Knutsen, Police Chief $65,787 101 - 42110 -03- 101.0 D. Kuhns, Lieutenant $55,598 101 - 42110 -04- 101.0 J. Ericson, Team Sergeant $53,137 101 - 42110 -05- 101.0 J. O'Leary, Team Sergeant $53,484 101 - 42110 -06- 101.0 B. Burkhalter, Patrol Offer $52,716 101 - 42110 -07- 101.0 G. Thorstad, Patrol Officer $47,575 101 - 42110 -08- 101.0 W. O'Donnell, Patrol Officr $52,088 101 - 42110 -09- 101.0 M. Robideau, Patrol Officer $53,032 101 - 42110 -10- 101.0 J. Sommers, Patrol Officer $52,102 101 - 42110 -11- 101.0 B. Weatherford, Patrol Off $52,009 101 - 42110 -12- 101.0 T. Murphy, Patrol Officer $44,402 101 - 42110 -13- 101.0 New Patrol Officer $29,136 9 Months - Start 4/1/93 101 - 42110 -14- 101.0 New Patrol Officer $9,920 3 Months - Start 10/1/93 101 - 42110 -20- 101.0 D. Marthaler, Admin Asst $38,714 101 - 42110 -21- 103.0 J. Driscoll, P/T Secretary $11,432 101 - 42110 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying 50 $0 $533 101 - 42110 -01- 202.1 Film Developing Costs $533 Regular Film Developing 101 - 42110 -01- 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies $5,241 $500 $783 101 - 42110 -01- 207.1 Practice Ammunition $533 Firearm Training Ammo 101 - 42110 -01- 207.2 Miscellaneous Instructional $250 101 - 42110 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $2,065 $1,628 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 208.1 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $1,431 $1,500 $1,598 101 - 42110 -01- 209.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $1,598 101 - 42110 -01- 211.0 Cleaning supplies $0 $0 $214 101 - 42110 -01- 211.1 Blanket Cleaning $107 Medical Blankets 101 - 42110 -01- 211.2 Squad Interior Cleaning $107 Interior Decontamination 101 - 42110 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $11,977 $13,000 50 101 - 42110 -01- 212.1 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $0 $200 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 213.1 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 217.0 Clothing Allowance - Police $0 SO $1,000 101 - 42110 -01- 217.1 New Officer #1 $500 Additional Funds for Start Up 101 - 42110 -01- 217.2 New Officer #2 $500 Additional Funds for Start Up 101 - 42110 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $178 $250 $293 101 - 42110 -01- 219.1 Duty Ammunition $293 Duty Ammo for All Officers 101 - 42110 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $4,923 $4,000 $1,065 101 - 42110 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Equipment $1,065 101 - 42110 -01- 222.0 Tires $1,483 $1,500 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 222.1 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $64 $150 $160 101 - 42110 -01- 241.1 Miscellaneous Tools $160 101 - 42110 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $38,871 $35,000 $51,400 101 - 42110 -01- 304.1 Prosecution $51,400 101 - 42110 -01- 305.0 Medical &Dental Fees $863 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 42110 -01- 305.1 Miscellaneous Medical Costs $1,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $624,962 $661,545 $729,178 $729,178 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPARTMENT - 42110 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 42110 -01- 306.0 Personnel Testing & Recruitmnt $0 $0 $3,700 101 - 42110-01- 306.1 M.P.R.S. Fees $1,500 Procurement Costs - 2 Officers ''" 101 J,. -"42110 -01- 306.2 ' Psychological' Testing $600 Procurement Costs - 2 Officers ;Z'1101,,- 42110 -01-'306.3 " Pre -Employment Physicals $1,200 Procurement Costs - 2 officers 101 -'42110 -01- 306.4 Hepatitis °B" Vaccinations $400 Procurement Costs - 2 Officers YT 101 - 42110 -01- 312.0 Contract inspection Fees $0 $6,700 $8,200 101 - 42110 -01- 312.1 Animal Warden Fees $8,200 101 - 42110 -01- 319.0 other Professional Services $20,170 $27,250 $23,500 101 - 42110 -01- 319.1 Dispatch Service -Dakota Cty $23,500 101 - 42110 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $0 $3,050 $2,400 101 - 42110 -01- 321.1 Cellular Phone Bills $2,400 7 Cellular Phones 101 - 42110 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $4,997 $2,500 $2,130 101 - 42110 -01- 323.1 Radio Repairs $2,130 101 - 42110 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $264 $800 $800 101 - 42110 -01- 331.1 Miscellaneous Expenses $800 101 - 42110 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $0 $250 $250 101 - 42110 -01- 391.1 Miscellaneous Maintenance $250 101 - 42110 -01- 396.0 Computer Maintenance $9,066 $8,800 $11,848 101 - 42110 -01- 396.1 ENFORS Maintenance $9,285 Bitted Monthly 101 - 42110 -01- 396.2 Pack Cleaning $760 Cleaned Bi -Yearly 101 - 42110 -01- 396.3 CJDN Hook-up Charges $1,803 Billed Quarterly 101 - 42110 -01- 397.0 Computer Accessories & Supply $4,873 $4,000 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 397.1 101 - 42110 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $1,075 $1,500 $1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 409.1 Outdoor Siren R & M $1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $12,122 $5,300 $4,800 101 - 42110 -01- 415.1 Animal Care, Shamrock, etc. $4,800 101 - 42110 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $365 $300 $500 101 - 42110 -01- 433.1 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 42110 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $530 $250 $300 101 - 42110 -01- 435.1 Miscellaneous $300 101 - 42110 -01- 436.0 Towing Charges $34 $200 $200 101 - 42110 -01- 436.1 Unanticipated Towing $200 101 - 42110 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $314 $4,750 $5,400 101 - 42110 -01- 437.1 Miscellaneous Training $525 101 - 42110 -01- 437.2 Officer Training Costs $4,875 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $53,809 $65,650 $65,528 $65,528 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $678,771 $727,195 $794,706 $794,706 FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE/MANAGEMENT * Provides for the overall administration and management of the Fire Department. Included is the collection, preparation, and dissemination of information; the preparation and presentation of semi-annual and annual reports operating and CIP budgets; state reports; and planning for the long and short term needs with respect to training, fire protection, emergency medical response, facilities, staffing, and the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, along with the coordination of efforts between other emergency response agencies and those of the City of Rosemount FIRE SUPPRESSION * Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of life, and the loss of property, within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. * Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of life, and the loss of property, within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota, along with the Railroad right- of-ways. ightof-ways. * Provides for the provision of all of these fire services to all the cities of Dakota County and many of Washington County via a mutual aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis,. RESCUE SQUAD * Provides for emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requiring emergency services, within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. * Provides for emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requiring emergency services, within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota. * Provides for the provision of all of these emergency operations to all the cities of Dakota County and many of Washington County via a mutual aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis. FIRE DEPARTMENT Page 2 'HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE * Provides a team of Operations Level hazardous material response personnel which respond to, identify, secure, and coordinate the efforts of outside agencies which are trained to contain, mitigate, and clean up the spill. TRAINING/EDUCATION * Provides for the necessary monthly and annual training requirements. * Allows for training above those that are required, in order that fire personnel may sharpen existing skills,'and acquire new skills. * Allows for training of fire fighters to prepare themselves for the acceptance of a position of leadership within the fire department. HEALTH TESTING * Provides for the screening and medical certification of potential new fire fighters. * Allows for the continuous health monitoring of existing personnel. * Provides for the protection of personnel from blood borne pathogens and communicable disease EQUIPMENT/MAINTENANCE * Allows for the replacement or addition of equipment necessary for fire, and medical response, including both. consumable and nonconsumable items. * Provides for the repair of vehicles, and equipment. STAFFING * In 1992 the fire department consisted of between 30 and 36 paid on call volunteers serving in various capacities within the department. This number is constantly changing due to retirements and new additions. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Page 3 In 1993 we hope to recruit 6 new people We have 4 people who have reached or exceeded full retirement requirements but often times people retire prior to the full 20 years We hope to end 1993 with a compliment of 35 to 40 people. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 42210 103.0 salaries & Benefits $100,384 $118,103 $116,382 = 101 - 42210 -02- 103.0 Fire Calls, Training, etc. $96,770 101 - 42210 -03- 103.0 George Lundy, Fire Marshal $19,612 1/2 Time Position 101 - 42210 -01- 201.0 Office Accessories' $98 SO EO 101 - 42210 -01- 201.1 $0 }l 101 - 42210 =01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying $94 $100 $260 101 - 42210 -01- 202.1 Xerox Dry Image $95 101 - 42210 -01- 202.2 Xerox Copy Cartridge $80 101 - 42210 -01- 202.3 Laser Printer $85 101 - 42210 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letterheads s0 $100 $100 101 - 42210 -01- 204.1 Envelopes $65 101 - 42210 -01- 204.2 Letterhead $35 - 101 - 42210 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $199 $0 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 209.1 s0 101 - 42210 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $317 $300 $300 101 - 42210 -01- 211.1 Soap $65 101 - 42210 -01- 211.2 Chamois $170 101 - 42210 -01- 211.3 Sponges $25 101 - 42210 -01- 211.4 SCBA Cleaner $40 101 - 42210 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $978 $1,700 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 212.1 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $185 s0 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 213.1 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 218.0 Fire Department Clothing $2,964 $2,700 $140 101 - 42210 -01- 218.1 General Uniform Costs $140 101 - 42210 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $540 $300 $630 101 - 42210 -01- 219.1 Gloves(Medical) $180 101 - 42210 -01- 219.2 Bandages $110 101 - 42210 -01- 219.3 Equipment(Medical) $95 101 - 42210 -01- 219.4 Tyvek Suits $70 101 - 42210 -01- 219.5 Consummable Medical $175 101 - 42210 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $2,962 $3,500 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 221.1 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $4,000 $850 $15,500 101 - 42210 -01- 229.1 Aerial Truck(Outside) $12,900 101 - 42210 -01- 229.2 Pumper Trucks(Outside) $1,800 101 - 42210 -01- 229.3 Other $300 101 - 42210 -01- 229.4 Vehicle Modifications $500 101 - 42210 -01- 230.0 Equipment Repair Materials $1,128 $750 $450 101 - 42210 -01- 230.1 Light Bars $100 101 - 42210 -01- 230.2 Smoke Machine $50 101 - 42210 -01- 230.3 Lanterns $50 101 - 42210 -01- 230.4. Miscellaneous $100 101 -42210 -01- 230.5 Xerox $150 101 - 42210 -01- 241.0 Small Toots 5448 $600 $425 101 - 42210 -01- 241.1 Axes $150 101 - 42210 -01- 241.2 Grass Fire $225 101 - 42210 -01- 241.3 Miscellaneous $50 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $114,298 $129,003 $134,187 $134,187 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 42210--01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $2,280 $3,000 $3,450 101 - 42210 -01- 305.1 Annual Stress Tests $3,250 101 -.42210:-01- 305.2 Emergency Checks $200 101"- 42210 -01- 306.0 Personnel Testing & Recruitmnt $4,388 $3,000 $4,800 101 - 42210 -01- 306.1 New Physicals(6) $3,600 101 - 42210 -01- 306.2 Hepatitis Shots(6) $1,200 101 - 42210 -01- 308.0 Instructors' Fees $2,356 $1,900 $6,740 101 - 42210 -01- 308.1 Fire Fighter 10 0) $1,700 101 - 42210 -01- 308.2 First Responder(10) $1,700 101 - 42210 -01- 308.3 1st Responder Refreshr(1/2) $450 101 - 42210 -01- 308.4 State Fire School(8) $680 101 - 42210 -01- 308.5 Sectional Schools $510 101 -42210 -01- 308.6 Haz-Mat Training(10) $1,700 101 - 42210 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $1,041 $1,000 $250 101 - 42210 -01- 310.1 Pumpers(Em. & 1994) $250 101 - 42210 -01- 313.0 Temporary Service Fees $2 $250 $1,050 101 - 42210 -01- 313.1 SCBA Contract $850 101 - 42210 -01- 313.2 SCBA Maintenance $200 101 - 42210 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $4,125 $1,000 $1,850 101 - 42210 -01- 319.1 Fire Prevention Materials $900 Flyers, Films, Videos, etc. 101 - 42210 -01- 319.2 Training Budget $950 Manuals, Videos, etc. 101 - 42210 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $117 $200 $510 101 - 42210 -01- 321.1 Chief's Phone $120 101 - 42210 -01- 321.2 Assistant Chief's Phone . $120 101 - 42210 -01- 321.3 Rescue Phone $150 101 - 42210 -01- 321.4 Command Van Phone $120 101 - 42210 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $18 $50 $50 101 - 42210 -01- 322.1 UPS $50 101 - 42210 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $3,080 $1,600 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 323.1 SO 101 - 42210 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs $822 $1,000 $1,100 101 - 42210 -01- 329.1 Pager Repairs $200 101 - 42210 -01- 329.2 Hand Held Radio Repairs $300 101 - 42210 -01- 329.3 Mobile Radio Repairs $400 101 - 42210 -01- 329.4 Base Repairs $200 - 101 - 42210 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $1,911 $1,500 $3,510 101 - 42210 -01- 331.1 Minn Chief's Conference $600 101 - 42210 -01- 331.2 State Fire Conference $1,200 101 - 42210 -01- 331.3 Sectional Schools $510 101 - 42210 -01- 331.4 National Conf/Accademy $1,200 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $20,139 $14,500 $23,310 $23,310 Page Three 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT - 42210 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 42210 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $451 $400 $460 101 — 42210 -01- 433.1 Magazines $30 101 - 42210 -01- 433.2 VFBA Insurance $170 101 - 42210 -01- 433.3 State Fire $90 101 - 42210 -01- 433.4 State Chiefs S65 101 - 42210 -01- 433.5 DCFC $30 101 - 42210 -01- 433.6 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 510 101 - 42210 -01- 433.7 Purchasing Consortium $35 101 - 42210 -01- 433.8 Capital City $25 101 - 42210 -01- 433.9 FIRM $5 101 - 42210 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $170 $800 $700 101 — 42210 -01— 437.1 State Fire Conference $440 101 - 42210 -01- 437.2 State Chief's Conference $210 101 - 42210 -01- 437.3 Vo -Tech $50 101 - 42210 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $3,355 $2,650 $1,525 101 - 42210 -01- 439.1 Food & Coffee $180 101 - 42210 -01- 439.2 Oxygen $225 101 - 42210 -01- 439.3 Extinguisher $250 101 - 42210 -01- 439.4 Plaques $20 101 - 42210 -01- 439.5 Paint $50 101 - 42210 -01- 439.6 Other $800 101 - 42210 -01- 570.0 Office Equip & Furnishing Purc $300 50 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 570.1 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment Purchases $17,058 $6,680 $0 101 - 42210 -01- 580.1 $0 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $21,333 $10,530 $2,685 $2,685 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $155,771 $154,033 $160,182 $160,182 PUBLIC WORKS The Public Works Department consists of the Building, Engineering, Street Maintenance, Utility Maintenance divisions, as well as providing Government Building Maintenance. We are responsible for the administration of the following budgets: Government Buildings Public Works General Operating Paved Streets Unpaved Streets Ice & Snow Street Lights Signal Lights Water Operating • Sewer Operating • Storm Sewer Operating • Water Core • Sewer Core • Storm Sewer Core • • Separate Enterprise Fund Budgets regulated by the Utility Commission of Rosemount. BUILDING * Provides complete code enforcement administration including public consultation, -plan review, permit issuance, report preparation and code compliance inspections in the areas of building, plumbing, heating, sewer and electrical. * Provides environmental reviews and evaluations through interaction with County, State and Federal agencies. ENGINEERING * The Engineering Division is responsible for the planning, initiation, preparation, administration., supervision, inspection and acceptance of all public improvement projects including, but not limited to, streets, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water supply, distribution and storage facilities, etc. It is also responsible for determining and tabulating any special levied or pending assessments for the various public improvement projects of streets and utilities. PUBLIC WORKS - PAGE 2 * Coordinates and oversees work contracted for from outside consultant services. * Develops a Capital Improvement Plan (C.I.P.) for the repair or replacement of streets and utility infrastructure. STREET MAINTENANCE * Provides continuing repair, upkeep and maintenance of the City's streets, storm sewers, street lights, maintenance equipment and building facilities. * Provides -.assistance to the Engineering Division in development of C.I.P. and its prioritization. UTILITY MAINTENANCE * Provides continuing repair, upkeep and maintenance of the City's wells, water towers, lift stations,, watermains and sewer mains. * Presently providing an upgrade of the City's water metering system for eventual provision of meter reading services. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Provides for custodial services in the City's three major buildings: City Hall, Maintenance offices and Fire Hall. * Provides for the coordination, plan development and review for repairs or replacement of City buildings. * Provides lease space for City needs. PUBLIC WORKS - PAGE 3 RESPECTIVE BUDGETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS * Provides for the management, operation, maintenance and repair of the City's non -park buildings.' PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL OPERATING * Provides for the administration and operation of the Public Works Department, including most salaries, office supplies, equipment and vehicle maintenance supplies tall Departments) and training and educational expenses. PAVED STREETS * Provides for the maintenance and preservation of the public road system through patching, sealing, grading and overlays of the City's paved street system. * Provides for pavement markings and guardrails. UNPAVED STREETS * Provides for the maintenance and preservation through grading, graveling and dust control of the City's unpaved street system. ICE & SNOW * Provides for the removal /and disposal of snow and for the control of ice on streets, municipally owned parking lots, and designated sidewalks. PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 4 STREET LIGHTS * Provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's street lighting system. SIGNAL LIGHTS AND SIGNS * Provides for the installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of traffic control devices such as street signs and signals ;on all roadways within.the City. STAFFING The Public Works Department currently has a combined work force of 18 employees including an engineering intern and one contract building inspector. Seasonally we employ 5 part-time people to help in high maintenance times In 1993 we have budgeted for and expectto fill three positions. • Maintenance Level I to start in October 1993 just prior to snow season. • Building Inspector to replace the current contract position. • Engineering Technician with a four (4) year degree funded by the Storm Utility for the development and management of storm water quality, policies and wetland management. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - 41940 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 41940 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $259 s0 $0 101 - 41940 -01- 211.1 $0 101 -41940 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $368 s0 50 101 - 41940 -01- 219.1 $0 101 - 41940-01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies 54,055 $6,000 $6,800 101 - 41940 -01- 223.1 Repair Garage Doors $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 223.2 Miscellaneous Bldg Repairs $2,500 101 - 41940 -01- 223.3 Shop Exhaust Gas Ventilatn $2,500 101 - 41940 -01- 223.4 Electrical Repairs $800 101 - 41940 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $412 $1,500 $1',,500 101 - 41940 -01- 225.1 Timbers, etc. $500 101 - 41940 -01- 225.2 Trees & Shrubs $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $37 $100 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 241.1 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment s0 $100 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 242.1 $100 101 - 41940 -01- 302.0 Architects' Fees s0 $500 $500 101 - 41940 -01- 302.1 $500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $5,210 $4,500 $4,500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.1 Elevator Maintenance $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 319.2 Heating/Cooling Maintenance $3,500 101 - 41940 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $20,268 $18,500 $18,500 101 - 41940 -01- 381.1 $18,500 101 - 41940 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $12,002 $12,000 $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 383.1 $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $9,243 $7,000 $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 384.1 General Bldgs & Parks $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 389.0 Other Utility Services $62 s0 $1,200 101 - 41940 -01- 389.1 Floor Mats -Monthly Charges $1,200 101 - 41940 -01- 401.0 Contracted Building Repairs $0 $500 $2,500 101 - 41940 -01- 401.1 Outside Vendor Bldg Repairs $2,500 101 - 41940 -01- 412.0 Building Rental $0 $8,100 $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 412.1 U of M Storage $12,000 101 - 41940 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $5,646 $400 $400 101 - 41940 -01- 415.1 Carpet Cleaner $400 101 - 41940 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $650 $500 $500 1111 - 41940 -01- 439.1 Other Building Charges $500 PAGE TOTALS $58,213 $59,700 $72,600 $72,600 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $58,213 $59,700 $72,600 $72,600 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 43100 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $293,504 S455,523 $531,941 101 - 43100 -02- 101.0 R. Wasmund, P/W Dir(50%) 101 - 43100 -03- 101.0 M. Widstrom, P/W Foreman 101 - 43100 -04- 101.0 H. Osmundson, Engineer 101 - 43100 -17- 101.0 D. Ahldrich, Mech I 101 - 43100 -05- 101.0 B. Bailey, Engineer Tech 101 - 43100 -07- 101.0 P. Heimkes, Bldg Inspector 101 - 43100 -09- 101.0 M. Stoffel, Bldg Secretary 101 - 43100 -10- 101.0 R. Barfknecht, Maint III 101 - 43100 -11- 101.0 D. derde, Maint I 101 - 43100 -12- 101.0 E. Day, Maint II 101 - 43100 -13- 101.0 D. Stauffer, Maint I 101 - 43100 -15- 101.0 D. Sandstrom, Mech dII 101 - 43100 -16- 101.0 J. Fremming, Maint I 101 - 43100 -14- 101.0 Maintenance I 101 - 43100 -08- 101.0 Building Inspector 101 - 43100 102.0 Full -Time Overtime 101 - 43100 -17- 102.1 D. Ahldrich, Mech I 101 - 43100 -05- 102.1 B. Bailey, Engineer Tech 101 - 43100 -07- 102.1 P. Heimkes, Bldg Inspector 101 - 43100 -09- 102.1 M. Stoffel, Bldg Secretary 101 - 43100 -10- 102.1 R. Barfknecht, Maint III 101 - 43100 -11- 102.1 D. Jerde, Maint I 101 - 43100 -12- 102.1 E. Day, Maint II 101 - 43100 -13- 102.1 D. Stauffer, Maint I 101 - 43100 -15- 102.1 D. Sandstrom, Mech III 101 - 43100 -16- 102.1 J. Fremning, Maint I 101 - 43100 -14- 102.1 Maintenance I 101 - 43100 -08- 102.1 Building Inspector 101 - 43100 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits 101 - 43100 -99- 103.1 Engineering Intern 101 - 43100 -99- 103.2 P/T Seasonal Maintenance 101 - 43100 -01- 201.0 Office Accessories 101 - 43100 -01- 201.1 Assorted Dept Supplies 101 - 43100 -01- 201.2 100' Tape 101 - 43100 -01- 201.3 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 - 43100 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper 101 - 43100 -01- 203.1 Inspection & Permit Forms 101 - 43100 -01- 203.2 R/W Permit & Inspctn Forms 101 - 43100 -01- 203.3 Work Orders 101 - 43100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies 101 - 43100 -01- 205.1 Paper for Plan Reproduction 101 - 43100 -01- 205.2 Off -Site Reproductions 101 - 43100 -01- 205.3 Miscellaneous Toots 101 - 43100 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies 101 - 43100 -01- 209.1 Gas Inspection Tags 101 - 43100 -01- 209.2 Door Knockers PAGE TOTALS $32,578 50% Paid by Utilities $54,997 $53,579 $28,751 $38,280 $44,132 $31,143 $40,230 $31,125 $34,546 $28,496 $39,261 $30,641 $6,540 3 Months - Start 10/1/93 $37,642 $9,009 $21,600 $16,103 $1,557 100 hrs x 1.5'x 10.38/hr 5877 40 hrs x 1.5 x 14.62/hr $514 20 hrs x 1.5 x 17.13/hr $754 40 hrs x 1.5 x 12.57/hr $2,295 100 hrs x 1.5 x 15.30/hr $1,710 100 hrs x 1.5 x 11.40/hr $2,081 100 hrs x 1.5 x 13.87/hr $1,692 100 hrs x 1.5 x 11.28/hr $2,384 100 hrs x 1.5 x 15.89/hr $1,391 100 hrs x 1.5 x 11.19/hr $417 30 hrs x 1.5 x 9.27/hr $431 20 hrs x 1.5 x 14.35/hr $20,849 $25,970 $22,816 $10,200 1200 hrs x 8.50/hr $12,616 100 days x 3 x 6.00/hr $0 $0 $1,385 $1,065 Calculator, Files, Folders, et $53 $266 $0 $650 $1,807 $1,065 500 3 -part NCR Forms $530 $212 Vehicle Repair & Care $2,632 $1,200 $1,227 $575 $326 $326 Leroy Set, Triangles, Scales $601 $1,000 $533 $266 Pressure & Orset Tests $267 Weed Notices, etc ---------------------------------- $326,595 $505,943 $575,812 $575,812 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43100 -01= 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $241 $200 $426 101 - 43100 -01- 211.1 Shop $213 Degreasers, Floor Dry, etc 101"- 43100 -01- 211.2 Vehicles $213 Glass Cleaners, Wax, etc 101 - 43100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $18,361 $16,000 $36,425 101 - 43100 -01- 212.1 Public Works $12,780 101 - 43100 -01- 212.2 Parks $5,325 101 - 43100 -01- 212.3 Police $14,910 101 - 43100 -01- 212.4 Fire $2,663 101 - 43100 -01- 212.5 Administration $533 101 - 43100 -01- 212.6 Planning $214 101 - 43100 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $2,442 $3,000 $6,392 101 - 43100 -01- 213.1 Public Works $2,663 101 - 43100 -01- 213.2 Parks $1,278 101 - 43100 -01- 213.3 Police $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 213.4 Fire $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 213.5 Administration $214 101 - 43100 -01- 213.6 Planning $107 101 - 43100 -01- 215.0 Shop Materials $0 $7,000 $9,588 101 - 43100 -01- 215.1 Public Works $6,390 101 - 43100 -01- 215.2 Parks $2,130 101 - 43100 -01- 215.3 Police $320 101 - 43100 -01- 215.4 Fire $320 101 - 43100 -01- 215.5 Administration $214 101 - 43100 -01- 215.6 Planning $214 101 - 43100 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $7,944 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 219.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $29,277 $20,000 $38,021 101 - 43100 -01- 221.1 Public Works $21,300 101 - 43100 -01- 221.2 Parks $8,520 101 - 43100 -01- 221.3 Police $3,408 101 - 43100 -01- 221.4 Fire $2,663 101 - 43100 -01- 221.5 Administration $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 221.6 Planning $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 222.0 Tires $2,445 $2,000 $5,913 101 - 43100 -01- 222.1 Public Works $2,130 101 - 43100 -01- 222.2 Parks $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 222.3 Police $1.757 101 - 43100 -01- 222.4 Fire $533 101 - 43100 -01- 222.5 Administration $214 101 - 43100 -01- 222.6 Planning $214 101 - 43100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $1,838 $2,000 $4,140 101 - 43100 -01- 241.1 Mechanics' Shop Tools $1,598 Hand Tools & Miscellaneous 101 - 43100 -01- 241.2 Truck Tools $533 Field Tools 101 - 43100 -01- 241.3 Parks Tools $214 Surplus Tool Box 101 - 43100 -01- 241.4 Shovels & Rakes $1,130 Bituminous Tools Included 101 - 43100 -01- 241.5 Safety Equipment $665 Hard Hats, Vests, Glasses PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $62,549 $50,200 $100,905 $100,905 Page Three 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 -- 43100 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $4,710 $5,000 $215 101 - 43100 -01- 242.1 Battery Charger $215 101`- 43100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $9,895 $5,000 $14,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.1 Gen'l Nan -Project Related $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.2 Testing $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.3 Sign Inventory $8,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.4 Pavement Management $2,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.5 I & I Investigation $2,000 101 - 43100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $327 $2,000 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 304.1 S0 101 - 43100 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $183 $700 $300 101 - 43100 -01- 305.1 Employment Physicals $300 3 New Positions 101 - 43100 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees $0 $28,800 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 312.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $2,000 101 - 43100 -01- 319.1 Plan Review $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 319.2 3rd Party Testing $1,000 101 - 43100 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $38 $0 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 321.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $4,692 $2,000 $1,250 101 - 43100 -01- 323.1 Repair Units $1,250 101 - 43100 -01- 324.0 Messenger Services $0 $0 $100 . 101 -43100 -01- 324.1 Courier Service $100 101 - 43100 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs $180 $900 $1,565 101 - 43100 -01- 329.1 Cellular Phone Monthly Chgs $1,054 3 a $40/month x 12 Months 101 - 43100 -01- 329.2 Pager Rental $511 5 a $8/month x 12 Months 101 - 43100 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $48 $1,200 $747 101 - 43100 -01- 331.1 APWA $533 101 - 43100 -01- 331.2 A.S.P.E. $214 101 - 43100 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expenses $2 $50 $100 101 - 43100 -01- 339.1 Personal Vehicle Mileage $100 Seminar Travel & Meetings 101 - 43100 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $309 $1,000 $852 101 - 43100 -01- 341.1 Building Inspector $426 101 - 43100 -01- 341.2 Maintenance I $426 101 - 43100 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $65 $300 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 349.1 S0 101 - 43100 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $0 $1,000 $2,000 101 - 43100 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste $2,000 Paint, Thinners, Oil & Tars 101 - 43100 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $0 $500 $2,800 101 - 43100 -01- 391.1 Gopher One -Call $500 Service Agreement 101 - 43100 -01- 391.2 State Aid $500 Service Agreement 101 - 43100 -01- 391.3 Manatron & Fastport $1,800 Annual License fee 101 - 43100 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $0 $500 - $1,066 101 - 43100 -01- 392.1 Modem $320 Manatron On -Line Support 101 - 43100 -01- 392.2 Training for Manatron $639 Upgrades & Additional Staff 101 - 43100 -01- 392.3 Printer Paper $107 For Gopher One -Call System PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $20,447 $48,950 $26,995 $26,995 Page Four 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING - 43100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account '# Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43100 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases s0 $3,000 $1.066 101 - 43100 -01--394.1 Fastport Upgrade $852 101 - 43100 -01- 394.2 PDS Upgrade -$214 101 - 43100 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Improvm $445 $0 $0 101 - 101 - 43100 -01- 403.1 43100 -01-404.0 Contracted Mach & Equip Repair $1,886 $1,800 SO $10,440 Repairs Done Outside City Hall 101 - 43100 -01- 404.1 Public Works $6,390 101 - 43100 -01- 404.2 Parks $2,130 101 - 43100 -01- 404.3 Police $746 101 - 43100 -01- 404.4 Fire $746 101 - 43100 -01- 404.5 Administration $214 101 - 43100 -01- 404.6 Planning $214 101 - 43100 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $1,669 $8,000 S0 101 - 43100 -01- 409.1 S0 101 - 43100 -01- 413.0 Office Equipment Rental $0 $1,000 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 413.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $35 $1,000 $320 101 - 43100 -01- 415.1 Miscellaneous Rentals $320 101 - 43100 -01- 416.0 Machinery Rental $0 $1,000 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 416.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 417.0 Uniforms Rental $422 $0 SO 101 - 43100 -01- 417.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $287 $700 $690 101 - 43100 -01- 433.1 APWA $$75 Each for 101 - 43100 -01- 433.2 ICBG $75 1 f City 1 101 - 43100 -01- 433.3 NEPA $75 1 for City 101 - 43100 -01- 433.4 CEAM Registration $50 1 Professional Engineer 101 - 43100 -01- 433.5 Lake Country $90 3 a $30 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 433.6 North Star $90 3 51 $30 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 433.7 Professional Secretaries $60 2 0> $30 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 433.8 Trade Magazines $100 101 - 43100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $24 $300 $2,200 101 - 43100 -01- 435.1 ISTS Information $200 101 - 43100 701- 435.2 Code Books $600 - Minnesota Updated & Plumbers 101 - 43100 -01- 435.3 ASTM Standards $400 Reference Manuals 101 - 43100 -01- 435.4 Manual Updates $1,000 MN Dot, APWA, ICBG, etc. 101 - 43100 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $797 $1,000 $1,610 101 - 43100 -01- 437.1 Annual Building Officials $390 3 51 $130 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 437.2 Computer Training $300 4 51 $75 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 437.3 State Code Seminars $120 4 @ $30 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 437.4 Clerical $300 4 a1 $75 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 437.5 Lake Country ICBO $500 4 51 $120 Each 101 - 43100 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $84 $0 S0 101 - 43100 -01- 439.1 $0 101 - 43100 -01. 570.0 office Equipment Purchases $197 $1,000 $0 101 - 43100 -01- 570.1 $0 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $5,846 $18,800 $16,326 $16,326 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $415,436 $623,893 $720,038 $720,038 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PAVED STREETS - 43121 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43121 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $21,804 $27,600 $38,872 X101 - 43121 -01- 224.1 Bituminous Patching $27,796 1450 Tons -General Patching 101 - 43121 -01- 224.2 Striping $2,130 Paint -Crosswalks, Curbs, etc X101 - 43121 -01- 224.3 Gravel Shouldering $3,195 Class V Shoulder Material "`101 - 431211-01- 224.4 Crack Sealant $5,751 12,000 lbs of Material IS,101 - 43121 -01-'225.0 Landscaping Materials $1,082 $2,500 $3,728 Boulevards & Ditches 101 - 43121 -01- 225.1 Sod $1,065 Plow Damages 101 - 43121 -01- 225.2 Seed $1,065 200 lbs Turf Mix 101 - 43121 -01- 225.3 Black Dirt $1,065 40 Cubic Yards Pulverized 101 - 43121 -01- 225.4 Trees $533 Replacements 101 - 43121 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $0 $2,500 $267 101 - 43121 -01- 242.1 Template Material $267 Painting Templates 101 - 43121 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $0 $1,000 $0 101 - 43121 -01- 303.1 $0 101 - 43121 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $0 $1,000 $0 101 - 43121 -01- 310.1 $0 101 - 43121 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $32,273 $15,000 $33,282 101 - 43121 -01- 319.1 Seal Coating $26,892 4 Mites of Work 101 - 43121 -01- 319.2 Traffic Markings $6,390 J.P.A. for Center & Fog Lines 101 - 43121 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $1,439 $3,000 $4,000 101 - 43121 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal $2,000 101 - 43121 -01- 384.2 Roadside Garbage $2,000 101 - 43121 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $45 $2,000 $2,000 101 - 43121 -01- 415.1 Miscellaneous Equipment $2,000 101 - 43121 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $500 $500 101 - 43121 -01- 439.1 Unforseen Incidents $500 PAGE TOTALS $56,643 $55,100 $82,649 $82,649 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $56,643 $55,100 $82,649 $82,649 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS UNPAVED STREETS - 43122 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43122 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $25,985 $9,000 $25,015 y 101 --43122 =01- 224.1 Gravel Repairs $16,105 Top Dressing - 5 Mites of Work 101 - 43122 -01- 224.2 Chloride $8,910 Dust Control for 3 Miles 2x/9 1011- 43122 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $395 $2,500 $2,663 101 - 43122 -01- 225.1 Sod $533 500 Yards for Repairs 101 - 43122 -01- 225.2 Seed $1,065 200 lbs for Highway Mix 101 - 43122 -01- 225.3 Stack Dirt $1,065 40 Cubic Yards Pulverized 101 - 43122 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $0 $0 $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 310.1 Road Failures, Density $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $360 $2,600 $2,600 101 - 43122 -01- 384.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal $2,000 Contaminants 101 - 43122 -01- 384.2 Roadside Garbage $600 General Cleanup 101 - 43122 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $0 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 415.1 Grader $500 101 - 43122 -01- 415.2 Miscellaneous Equipment $500 101 - 43122 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $500 $0 101 - 43122 -01- 439.1 $0 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $26,740 $15,600 $32,278 $32,278 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $26,740 $15,600 $32,278 $32,278 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ICE & SNOW REMOVAL - 43125 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43125 -01- 216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products $11,720 $7,800 $8,520 101 - 43125 -01- 216.1 Salt(Approx 400 Tons) $8,520 101 — 43125 =01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $1,494 $1,200 $2,130 101 -'43125 -01- 224.1 Sand $2,130 1000 Tons & $2/ton 101 -'43125 -01- 230.0 Equipment Repair Materials $0 51,000 $2,131 101 - 43125 -01- 230.1 Plow Edges $1,065 Replacement of Cutting Edges 101 -'43125 -01- 230.2 Sander $533 Bearings & Hydraulic Motor 101 - 43125 -01- 230.3 Hydraulics $533 Hoses & Pumps 101 - 43125 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $1,889 $2,880 $4,132 101 - 43125 -01- 415.1 Truck Rental $3,067 2 x 6 hrs x 540/hr x 6 Times 101 - 43125 -01- 415.2 Grader With Wing Rental $1,065 570/hr x 15 Hours 101 - 43125 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $34 $500 $500 101 - 43125 -01- 439.1 Unanticipated Costs $500 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $15,136 $13,380 $17,413 $17,413 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $15,136 $13,380 $17,413 $17,413 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET LIGHTING/SIRENS - 43160 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43160 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies $0 $800 $1,065 101 - 43160 -01- 227.1 Bulb Replacement $1,065 Street Lights & Parking Lots 101 - 43160 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $42,540 $44,000 $51,546 < 101 - 43160 -01- 381.1 Monthly Charges $51,546 More Lights & Rate Increase 101 - 43160 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvm $602 s0 s0 101 - 43160 -01- 403.1 $0 101 - 43160 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $2,460 $2,000 $11,183 101 - 43160 -01- 409.1 Repairs -Scattered Locations $6,390 12 Lights & $500 Each 101 - 43160 -01- 409.2 Relocate 2 Lights $2,663 2 Lights on 145th Street 101 - 43160 -01- 409.3 Miscellaneous Repairs $2,130 Due to Auto Accidents 101 - 43160 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $500 101 - 43160 -01- 439.1 Unanticipated Costs $500 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $45,602 $46,900 $64,294 $64,294 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $45,602 $46,900 $64,294 $64,294 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAL LIGHTS & SIGNS - 43170 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET MOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 43170 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $2,228 $3,000 $3,195 101 - 43170 -01- 226.1 Sign Inventory & Replacemnt $2,130 101 - 43170 -01- 226.2 Street ID Signs $1,065 101 ='43170 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies $0 $500 $533 43170 -01- 227.1 Bulbs, Lenses, Signs, etc. $533 101 - 43170 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $1,140 $0 $0 101 = 43170 -01- 229.1 $0 101 - 43170 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $2,147 $2,200 $2,663 101 - 43170 -01- 381.1 Monthly Charges $2,663 New Light at 42 & 3 101 - 43170 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $0 $500 5500 101 - 43170 -01- 409.1 Due to Auto Accidents $500 101 - 43170 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 101 - 43170 -01- 439.1 Unanticipated Costs $100 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $5,516 $6,300 $6,991 $6;991 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $5,516 $6,300 $6,991 $6,991 PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION * Provides for overall planning, coordination, management of personnel and finances, and administration of activities within the departments of Parks and Recreation that are required to provide a diversified range of facilities and programs for the Rosemount residents. The long range planning of park needs and master planning of individual parks, along with development, budget preparation, parks acquisition, parks forestry, contract administration, and coordination with other service agencies are on-going activities. Administration services also provide Rosemount residents an opportunity to reserve facilities and register for Parks and Recreational programs. RECREATION * Provides for the operation of a variety of participatory activities for the diversified interests of Rosemount residents. Tots, youth, adult, and senior citizen activities are provided by way of special programs, athletic events, instructional classes, and social gatherings. Coordination with local youth associations provides an opportunity for youth to participate in various athletic and community service programming both in the area of Parks and in Recreation. PARKS MAINTENANCE Provides for the maintenance of parks facilities, athletic, fields, community parks, park shelter buildings, park . trails, as well as other municipal grounds - including the City Hall and the fire station. Parks development activities include the installation of various playground equipment, landscaping projects, hockey rink construction, and other similar construction activities in the development and improvement of Rosemount's parks. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 45100 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $304,396 $324,397 $388,901 101 - 45100"-02- 101.0 D. Bechtold, P & R Director $62,357 101 45100 -03- 101.0 - R. Cook, P & R Foreman $55,993 101 45100 -04 101.0 L. Jost,,P & R Admin Asst $51,525 101 45100 -05 101.0 J. Moliman, Prog Director $30,143 101 - 45100 -07- 103.0 3/4 Program Director -Parks $21,265 101 - 45100 -06- 103.0 K. Budinger, Secretary Aide $12,886 24 Hours/Week- 101 -45100 -10- 101.0 C. Dahnke, Maint 1 $31,302 101 - 45100 -11- 101.0 M. Joosten, Maint II $37,731 101 - 45100 -12- 101.0 S. Strese, Maint III $42,666 101 - 45100 -13- 101.0 J. Koslowski, Maint II $36,614 101 - 45100 -08- 103.0 Asst Programmer(24 Hrs/Wk) $6,419 50% Paid by Revenue Producing 101 - 45100 102.0 full -Time Overtime $6,932 $5,200 $6,164 101 - 45100 -05- 102.1 J. Mollman $521 101 - 45100 -10- 102.1 C. Dahnke $1,151 101 - 45100 -11- 102.1 M. Joosten $1,458 101 - 45100 -12- 102.1 S. Strese $1,566 101 - 45100 -13- 102.1 J. Koslowski $1,468 101 - 45100 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $37,000 101 - 45100 -83- 103.1 Playground Salaries $7,730 $8,000 $9,000 101 - 45100 -94- 103.1 Warming House Attendants $3,889 $6,840 $8,000 101 - 45100 -97- 103.1 General Clerical $8,087 $11,500 $0 -- 101 - 45100 -98- 103.1 Parks Maintenance $13,322 $15,000 $16,500 4 x 75 Days x 6.25/Hr 101 - 45100 -99- 103.1 P & R Commission Members $1,195 $3,500 $3,500 - 7 Members x $35/Mtng x 12 101 - 45100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies $3,122 $1,500 $750 101 - 45100 -01- 205.1 General Drafting $500 101 - 45100 -01- 205.2 Film, Developing & Lamintng $250 101 - 45100 -01 207.0 Training & Instructnl Supplies $240 $450 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 207.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $0 $16,550 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 208.1 S0 101 - 45100 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies s0 $250 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 209.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $9 $250 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 212.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 215.0 Shop Materials $17,191 $5,000 $8,000 101 - 45100 -01- 215.1 Seed, Sod, etc. $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 215.2 Red Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc $5,000 101 - 45100 -01- 215.3 Misc Equipment & Supplies $500 101 - 45100 -01- 216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products s0 $5,000 $11,500 101 - 45100 -01- 216.1 Herbicides(Gen'l Park Use) $3,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.2 Fertilizer $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.3 Herbicides(Carroll's Woods) $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $3,065 $2,700 $750 101 - 45100 -01 219.1 Arts & Crafts Supplies $500 101 - 45100 -01- 219.2 Brushes, Brooms, etc. $250 PAGE TOTALS $369,176 $406,137 $453,065 $453,065 Page Twc 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 45100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $13,288 $7,230 $3,500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.1 Fence Repair(Non-Landscape) $500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.2 Lighting Repairs $500 101 - 45100 -01- 221.3 Irrig Repair(Non-Contract) $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 221.4 Misc/Split Rail, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 222.0 Tires $398 s0 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 222.1 s0 101 - 45100 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $7,844 $4,500 $2,250 101 - 45100 -01- 223.1 Paint, Brushes, Rollers,etc $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 223.2 Shingles, Boards, etc. $750 101 - 45100 -01- 223.3 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $14,889 $6,000 $7,000 101 - 45100 -01-225.1 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc. $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.2 Timbers, Fence, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 225.3 Paving & Sealcoating(Parks) $5,000 Trail in Schwarz Park 101 - 45100 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $3,922 $500 s0 101 - 45100 -01- 226.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $14 $2,500 $3,000 101 - 45100 -01- 229.1 Nets, Poles, Bases, etc. $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.2 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 45100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $5,486 $3,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 241.1 Hammers, Wrenches, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 241.2 Saws, Drags, etc.(Larger) $500 101 - 45100 -01- 302.0 Architects' Fees $0 s0 $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 302.1 Landscape Architect Work $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $2,250 $2,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.1 Various Park Work $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $212 $500 s0 101 - 45100 -01- 304.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $174 $750 $300 101 - 45100 -01- 305.1 Employment Physicals $300 101 - 45100 -01- 315.0 Special Programs $3,578 $4,700 56,650 101 - 45100 -01- 315.1 Sunday Specials $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.2 Leprechaun Days $100 101 - 45100 -01- 315.3 Halloween $500 101 45100 -01- 315.4 Ground Pounders(Running) 5400 101 - 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor, etc. $500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.6 Puppet Programs $650 101 - 45100 -01- 315.7 Special Events(X-Mas, etc) $500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.8 Adopt - A -Park Programs $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 315.9 Miscellaneous Programs $500 101 - 45100 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $3,323 $3,750 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 319.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $1,348 $500 $500 101 - 45100 -01. 323.1 Cellular Phone Bills $500 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $56,724 $35,930 $27,200 $27,200 Page Three 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------- BUDGET Comments 101 - 45100 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $132 $250 $350 101 - 45100 -01- 331.1 Seminars & Workshops $125 101 - 45100 -01- 331.2 General Miscellaneous $225 101 - 45100 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $0 $1,500 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 341.1 General Employment Ads $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $5,903 $4,750 $2,200 101 - 45100 -01- 349.1 Brochures & Paper $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 349.2 Copy & Duplicating $500 101 - 45100 -01- 349.3 Display Boards, etc(SOAR) $200 101 - 45100 -01- 349.4 Banners $300 101 - 45100 -01- 349.5 Miscellaneous Advertising $200 101 - 45100 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $9,457 $15,000 $16,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.1 Skating Rinks $6,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.2 Softball Fields $6,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.3 Irrigation $3,500 101 - 45100 -01- 381.4 Miscellaneous $500 101 - 45100 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $62 $0 S0 101 - 45100 -01- 383.1 S0 101 - 45100 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchases $1,058 $0 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 393.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $4,158 $6,000 $4,000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.1 Irrigation Repair $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 409.2 Electrical Repair $2,000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.3 Miscellaneous 1$500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $5,462 $8,500 $14,000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 Portable Toilets $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.2 St. John's - Tiny Tots $1,500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.3 Equipment, Machines, etc. $2,500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.4 Brush Hog(Carrolls Woods) $2,000 10 hrs g $200/hr 101 - 45100 -01- 415.5 Wood Chipper(Carrolls Wood) $1,000 10 hrs 2 $100/hr 101 - 45100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $361 $750 $1,050 101 - 45100 -01- 433.1 Memberships $650 101 - 45100 -01- 433.2 Dues $400 101 - 45100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $525 $250 $350 101 - 45100 -01- 435.1 Recreation $200 101 - 45100 -01- 435.2 Parks $150 101 - 45100 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $899 $1,800 $1,700 101 - 45100 -01- 437.1 Seminars & Workshops $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 437.2 Staff/Parks Comm. Meetings $300- 101 - 45100 -01- 437.3 School & Tuition $400 101 - 45100 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $272 $2,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- 439.1 Unanticipated Costs $1,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $28,289 $40,800 $41,650 $41,650 NON -REVENUE PRODUCING DEPARTMENT TOTALS $454,189 $482,867 $521,915 $521,915 Page Four 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET- Comments -------------------------------------------------------- $101,000 101 - 45100 -81- Softball $20,442 $44,000 $44,000 101 - 45100 -82- Volleyball $8,015 $16,000 $16,000 101 - 45100 -84- Tennis $1,592 $2,000 $2,000 101 - 45100 -85- Tiny Tots $12,857 $12,000 $16,200 101 - 45100 -86- Pom Poms $2,836 $4,000 $4,100 101 - 45100 -87- Field Trips $5,713 $7,000 $7,000 101 - 45100 -88- Broombatt $1,902 $2,100 $2,100 101 - 45100 -89- Skating Lessons $320 $600 $600 101 - 45100 -90- Track & Field $116 $3,000 $3,000 101 - 45100 -91- Soccer $163 $2,000 $2,000 101 - 45100 -92- Adult Basketball s0 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -93- Other Programs $1,349 $3,000 $3,000 REVENUE PRODUCING DEPARTMENT TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $55,305 $96,700 $101,000 $101,000 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PARKS DEPARTMENTS $509,494 $579,567 $622,915 $622,915 REVENUE PRODUCING DETAILS ON FOLLOWING PAGES Page Five 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET -Comments 101 - 45100-81- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $2,461 $8,000 $8,000 101 - 45100 -81- 103.1 $8,000 101 - 45100 -81- 121.0 PERA Withholding $114 $300 $300 101 - 45100 -81- 121.1 $300 101 - 45100 -81- 122.0 FICA Withholding $177 $350 $350 101 - 45100 -81- 122.1 $350 101 - 45100 -81- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $17 $50 $50 101 - 45100 -81- 125.1 $50 101 - 45100 -81- 219.0 Operating Supplies $6,568 $12,000 $12,000 101 - 45100 -81- 219.1 $12,000 101 - 45100 -81- 311.0 Officiating Fees $8,832 $17,000 $17,000 101 - 45100 -81- 311.1 $17,000 101 - 45100 -81- 319.0 Other Professional Services $2,274 $6,000 $6,000 101 - 45100 -81- 319.1 $6,000 101 - 45100 -81- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $0 $200 $200 101 - 45100 -81- 415.1 $200 101 - 45100 -81- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 101 - 45100 -81- 439.1 $100 101 - 45100 -82- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $1,055 $3,850 $3,850 101 - 45100 -82- 103.1 $3,850 101 - 45100 -82- 121.0 PERA Withholding $49 $150 $150 101 - 45100 -82- 121.1 $150 101 - 45100 -82- 122.0 FICA Withholding $76 $225 $225 101 - 45100 -82- 122.1 $225 101 - 45100 -82- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $7 $75 $75 101 - 45100 -82- 125.1 $75 101 - 45100 -82- 219.0 Operating Supplies $1,619 $2,250 $2,250 101 - 45100 -82- 219.1 $2,250 101 - 45100 -82- 311.0 Officiating Fees $3,916 $7,700 $7,700 101 - 45100 -82- 311.1 $7,700 101 - 45100 -82- 319.0 Other Professional Services $1,294 $1,750 $1,750 101 - 45100 -82- 319.1 $1,750 101 - 45100 -84- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $903 $1,500 $1,500 101 - 45100 -84- 103.1 $1,500 101 - 45100 -84- 122.0 FICA Withholding $38 $100 $100 45100 -84- 122.1 $100 ]Ui - 45100 -84- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $13 $100 $100 101 - 45100 -84- 125.1 $100 101 - 45100 -84- 219.0 Operating Supplies $638 $300 $300 101 - 45100 -84- 219.1 $300 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $30,049 $62,000 $62,000 $62,000 Page Six 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 45100 -85- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $9,510 $8,350 $11,000 101 - 45100 -85- 103.1 $11,000 101 - 45100 -85- 121.0 PERA Withholding $132 $50 $200 101 - 45100 -85- 121.1 $200 101 - 45100 -85- 122.0 FICA Withholding $458 $150 $600 101 - 45100 -85- 122.1 $600 101 - 45100 -85- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $108 $50 $200 101 - 45100 -85- 125.1 $200 101 - 45100 -85- 219.0 Operating Supplies $1,930 $1,600 $2,200 101 - 45100 -85- 219.1 $2,200 101 - 45100 -85- 339.0 Other Transportation Charges $180 $150 $350 101 - 45100 -85- 339.1 $350 101 - 45100 -85- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $540 $1,600 $1,600 101 - 45100 -85- 415.1 $1,600 101 - 45100 -85- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $50 $50 101 - 45100 -85- 439.1 $50 101 - 45100 -86- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $1,567 $2,250 $2,250 101 - 45100 -86- 103.1 $2,250 101 - 45100 -86- 122.0 FICA Withholding $58 $50 $100 101 - 45100 -86- 122.1 $100 101 - 45100 -86- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $23 $50 $50 101 - 45100 -86- 125.1 $50 101 - 45100 -86- 219.0 operating Supplies $1,187 $1,550 $1,550 101 - 45100 -86- 219.1 $1,550 101 - 45100 -86- 339.0 other Transportation Charges $0 $100 $150 101 - 45100 -86- 339.1 $150 101 - 45100 -87- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $1,949 $0 $0 101 - 45100 -87- 219.1 s0 101 - 45100 -87- 339.0 Other Transportation Charges $3,763 $7,000 $7,000 101 - 45100 -87- 339.1 $7,000 101 - 45100 -88- 219.0 Operating Supplies $296 $100 $100 101 - 45100 -88- 219.1 $100 101 - 45100 -88- 311.0 Officiating Fees $630 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -88- 311.1 $1,000 101 - 45100 -88- 319.0 Other Professional Services $976 $1,000 $1,000 _6 - 45100 -88- 319.1 $1,000 4101 - 45100 -89- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries $315 $450 $450 101 - 45100 -89- 103.1 $450 101 - 45100 -89- 122.0 FICA Withholding $0 $25 $25 101 - 45100 -89- 122.1 $25 101 - 45100 -89- 125.0 Medicare Withholding $5 $25 $25 101 - 45100 -89- 125.1 $25 101 - 45100 -89- 219.0 Operating Supplies $0 $100 $100 101 - 45100 -89- 219.1 $100 PAGE TOTALS $23,628 $25,700 $30,000 $30,000 Page Seven 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARK & REC DEPARTMENT - 45100 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL` BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 - 45100 -90- 219.0 Operating Supplies $116 $2,500 $2,500 101 - 45100 -90- 219.1 $2,500 101 - 45100 -90- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $500 $500 101 - 45100 -90- 439.1 $500 101 - 45100 -91- 219.0 Operating Supplies $163 $150 $150 101 - 45100 -91- 219.1 $150 101 - 45100 -91- 311.0 Officiating Fees $0 $1,850 $1,850 101 - 45100 -91- 311.1 $1,850 101 - 45100 -92- 219.0 Operating Supplies $0 $1,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -92- 219.1 $1,000 101 - 45100 -93- 219.0 Operating Supplies -Other Prog $1,230 $2,800 $2,700 101 - 45100 -93- 219.1 $2,700 101 - 45100 -93- 322.0 Postage Costs $119 $150 $225 101 - 45100 -93- 322.1 $225 101 - 45100 -93- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $0 $50 $75 101 - 45100 -93- 415.1 $75 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $1,628 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 REVENUE PRODUCING TOTALS $55,305 $96,700 $101,000 $101,000 INSURANCE GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE * The handling of the insurance records, applying for renewal and paying of renewal premiums is all coordinated through the Finance Department at this time for both the workmen's comp and property insurance for the.City. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE - 49240 - December 10, 1992 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 101 —49240 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance $70,315 $70,000 $70,000 101 - 49240 -01- 365.1 Annual Premium - $70,000 101 - 49240 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance $75,422 $80,000 $88,000 -101 - 49240 -01- 369.1: General Liability & Auto $88,000 -------------------- ' PAGE TOTALS ------------------------ $145,737 $150,000 $158,000 $158,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $145,737 $150,000 $158,000 $158,000 5 -YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND 1993 BUDGET REVENUES & EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) * Provides for specific funding of items, the nature of which are not considered "current" in their use or life expectancy. These items are generally of a higher estimated cost than $500 and will have a life expectancy of 3 years or greater. * The source of funding for these expenditures is the general tax levy. Individual departments are designated for each item proposed for purchase in this plan. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 5 -YEAR CIP PROGRAN FUND December 10, 1992 - REVENUES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 202 - 31010 -00- 000.0 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $536,680 $297,000 $171,460 202 - 31010 -00- 000.1 $171,460 202 - 36210 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings -Investments $40,266 $32,000 530,000 202 - 36210 -00- 000.1 $30,000 202 - 36215 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings $2,030 $1,000 $1,000 202 - 36215 -00- 000.1 $1,000 202 - 39310 -DO- 000.0 Bond Proceeds $208,604 $0 $0 202 - 39310 -DO- 000.1 S0 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $787,581 $330,000 $202,460 $202,460 FUND TOTALS $787,581 $330,000 $202,460 $202,460 December 10, 1992 1993 CIP BUDGET WORKSHEET ------------------------------ ITEM ----- COST --- --------- DESCRIPTION a DEPARTMENT -- -- Office Equipment - • - $400 - .IBM Selectric Typewriter Administration ---•------------------------------------- 1--------------- Office Furniture . $2,000 Office Chairs for City Hall Employees Administration ------------------------------ 2----------- 2----------------------------------------------------------- 2------------ -- Total Administration $2,400 : ' ------------------------------ Office Equipment/Furniture •----------- $500 •---------------------- Additional Items for Finance Staff Finance ------------------------------ 3----------- 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 --------------- Upgrade Network File Server 58,000 : Hardware & Software Necessary for Upgrades to File Server : Finance ------------------------------ 4----------- 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 --------------- Implement Fixed Assets System : $12,000 : Fixed Assets System(Add'l $8,000 Needed from Utilities) : Finance ------------------------------ 5----------- 5----------------------------------------------------------- 5 --------------- PC & Printer Replacement Prog . $14,000 : Replace PC's and Printers • Part of Program : Finance -----------------•------------ 6----------- 6 ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 --------------- Total Finance $34,500 ' ------------•----------------- Fire Fighting Equipment$31800 -•---------- • :------------ Permanent Pieces of Equipment(Hose, Ladders, etc.) Fire ----------------------------------------------- 7--------------- Bunker Gear $6,000 : Protective Fire Fighting Gear • : Fire -------•---•------------------ 8----------- 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- 8 --------------- External Automatic Defibulator : $6,000 : DefibuLator to be Carried by Rescue Truck : Fire --------------------------------------- 9 --------------- Communication Equipment $18,000 : Base Radio & Hand Held Radios : Fire 10-----------10--------------------------------------------•---------------10--------------- Total Fire $33,800 : ' -----------------------------• Tracks for Skid Steer Loader •----------- $2,500 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tracks for Use in Difficult Terrain Park & Rec -----------11-----------11-----------------------------------------------------------11--------------- Sound Equipment-Rec Programs $3,500 Sound Equipment for Recreation Programs Park & Rec ------------------------------ 12 ----------- 12 ----------------------------------------------------------- 12--------------- Hand-Held Radios $1,500 : Hand -Held Radios for Park & Rec Staff : Park & Rec --------- --------------------- 13 ----------- 13 ----------------------------------------------------------- 13 --------------- Back Hoe for Skid Steer Loader : $10,000 : Back Hoe to be Used with Current Skid Steer Loader : Park & Rec ------------------------------14-----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Total Park & Rec $17,500 : ' --------------- --•--------------------------- GIS System •----------- : $2,000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Software Updates & Wide -Carriage Ink Jet Printer(Color) Planning ------------------------------ 15 ----------- 15-- ---------------------- -------------------- --------------- 15 --------------- Total Planning $2,000 : ' ------------------------------ Protective Entry Vests ----------- $3,200 ----------------------------------------------------------- Two Special MAAG EntrVests for High Risk Assignments Police ------------------------------16-----------16-----------•-----------------------------------------------16--------------- Computer Program Update $4,260 : MASYS 5.1 Computer Program Update Police ------------------------------17-----------17-----------------------------------------------------------17--------------- Squad Car Replacements $30,000 : Replace 2 Vehicles with 1 Squad & 1 4x4 Truck : Police ------------------------------18-----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18--•------------ Total Police $37,460 : ------------------------------ Mobile Radios •---•------- $1,000 :------------------------ Two New Mounted Radios for Vehicles Public Works ------------------------------19-----------19----------------------------------------•------•-----------19•-------------- Office Equipment/Furniture $1,000 : Additional Items for Public Works Staff : Public Works ------------------------------20----------•20-------•-----------------•---------------------------------20--------------- Curb Shoe $1,800 Bituminous Curb Shoe for Paver : Public Works ------------------------------21-----•-----21--------------------------------------------------•--------21--------------- Tree Dump Closure $10,000 To Complete Tree Dump Closure : Public Works ------------- ----------------- 22 ----------- 22 --- ------------------------- ---------- --------------------- 22 ------------ - Fuel Tank Replacement . $30,000 : Removal & Replacement of Existing Fuel Tanks : Public Works ------------------------------23-----------23-----------------------------------------------------------23--•------------ Total Public Works 543,800 . TOTAL 1993 C.I.P. $171,460 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 5 -YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND December 10, 1992 - EXPENDITURES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202 - 49002 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $100 $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 301.1 $0 202 -49002 -01- 317.0 Gent Fund Administrative Fees $0 $2,250 $2,250 202 - 49002 -01- 317.1 $2,250 202 - 49002 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $9,617 $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 319.1 S0 202 - 49002 -01- 510.0 land Purchases $29,618 $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 510.1 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 521.0 Building & Structure Purchases 50 $100,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 521.1 50 202 - 49002 -01- 530.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $45,000 $12,000 $12,000 202 - 49002 -01- 530.1 1993 -Implement Fixed Assets $12,000 202 - 49002 -01- 531.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $30,000 $60,000 $18,000 202 - 49002 -01- 531.1 1993 -Base Radio & Accessory $18,000 202 - 49002 -01- 532.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $26,000 $25,000 $1,000 202 - 49002 -01- 532.1 1993 -Mobile Radios for P.W. $1,000 202 - 49002 -01- 533.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $23,926 $35,000 $10,000 202 - 49002 -01- 533.1 1993 -Tree Dump Closure $10,000 202 - 49002 -01- 534.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $26,000 $15,000 $30,000 202 - 49002 -01- 534.1 1993 -Fuel Tank Replacement $30,000 202 - 49002 -01- 535.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $235 $0 50 202 - 49002 -01- 535.1 50 202 - 49002 -01- 540.0 Heavy Machinery Purchases $77,132 $25,000 $2,500 202 49002 -01- 540.1 1993 -Tracks for Skidster $2,500 202 - 49002 -01- 541.0 Heavy Machinery Purchases $65,000 $25,000 $10,000 202 - 49002 -01- 541.1 1993 -Back Hoe for Skidster $10,000 202 - 49002 -01- 542.0 Heavy Machinery Purchases $65,000 $25,000 $1,800 202 - 49002 -01- 542.1 1993 -Curb Shoe for Paver $1,800 202 - 49002 -01- 550.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $27,910 $40,000 $30,000 202 - 49002 -01- 550.1 1993 -Squad Car Replacements $30,000 202 - 49002 -01- 551.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $18,248 $17,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 551.1 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 552.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $19,039 $17,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 552.1 S0 202 - 49002 -01- 553.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $496 $28,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 553.1 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 554.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $0 $14,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 554.1 $D 202 - 49002 -01- 555.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $10,598 $18,000 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 555.1 S0 202 - 49002 -01- 557.0 Motor Vehicle Purchases $18,281 50 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 557.1 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 560.0 Furniture & Fixture Purchases $2,000 $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 560.1 S0 202 49002 -01- 570.0 Office Equip & Furnishing Purc 50 $6,000 $400 202 - 49002 -01- 570.1 1993 -IBM Typewriter $400 PAGE TOTALS $494,200 $464,250 $117,950 $117,950 Page Two FUND TOTALS $633,257 $542,750 $173,710 $173,710 NOTE: 1993's Proposed Budget Includes $2,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount (Covered by Interest Earnings) 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 5 -YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND December 10, 1992 - EXPENDITURES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 202 - 49002 -01- 571.0 Office Equip & Furnishing Purc SO $6,000 $2,000 202 - 49002 -01- 571.1 1993 -Office Chairs -Staff $2,000 202 - 49002 -01- 572.0 office Equip & Furnishing Purc $0 $6,000 $500 202 - 49002 -01- 572.1 1993 -Items for Finance $500 202 - 49002 -01- 573.0 Office Equip & Furnishing Purc $0 $6,000 $1,000 202 - 49002 -01- 573.1 1993 -Items for P.W. $1,000 202 - 49002 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment Purchases $40,000 $0 $3,800 202 - 49002 -01- 580.1 1993 -Fire Dept Equipment $3,800 202 - 49002 -01- 581.0 Other Equipment Purchases $9,999 $5,000 $6,000 202 - 49002 -01- 581.1 1993 -Bunker Gear $6,000 202 - 49002 -01- 582.0 Other Equipment Purchases $3,500 $12,000 $6,000 .202 - 49002 -01- 582.1 1993 -Automatic Defibulator $6,000 202 - 49002 -01- 583.0 Other Equipment Purchases $3,500 $2,000 $3,500 202 - 49002 -01- 583.1 1993 -Sound Equipment -P & R $3,500 202 - 49002 -01- 584.0 Other Equipment Purchases $2,458 $2,500 $1,500 202 - 49002 -01- 584.1 1993 -Nand Held Radios -P & R $1,500 202 - 49002 -01="585:0 Other Equipment Purchases $0 $9,000 $3,200 202 - 49002 -01- 585.1 1993 -Protective Entry Vests $3,200 202 - 49002 -01- 586.0 Computer Equipment Purchases s0 $15,000 $8,000 202 - 49002 -01- 586.1 1993 -Upgrade File Server $8,000 202 - 49002 -01- 587.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $9,600 $15,000 $14,000 202 - 49002 -01- 587.1 1993 -PC Replacement Program $14,000 202 - 49002 -01- 588.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $10,000 $0 $2,000 202 - 49002 -01- 588.1 1993 -GIS Printer $2,000 202 - 49002 -01- 589.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $10,000 $0 $4,260 202 - 49002 -01- 589.1 1993-MASYS 5.1 S/W Update $4,260 202 - 49002 -01- 710.0 Transfers $50,000 $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 710.1 $0 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $139,057 $78,500 $55,760 - $55,760 FUND TOTALS $633,257 $542,750 $173,710 $173,710 NOTE: 1993's Proposed Budget Includes $2,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount (Covered by Interest Earnings) 199-3 PORT AUTHO RITY BUDGET s 1993 WORK PROGRAM AND BUDGET FOR THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY. APPROVED DECEMBER 1, 1992 INTRODUCTION This document is meant to accomplish two tasks. First it is to outline different work items that the Rosemount Port Authority and its staff wish to complete in 1993. This is the work program. Second, the document is to show sources of revenue available to the Port Authority and the expenses that can be expected in completing the several work items. This is the budget. By completing a work program, the Port Authority wishes to show the business community and residents of Rosemount, not only how it will be assisting the community, but the extent of the effort in each area. As the year progresses, comparisons of expenses to the stated goals in the work program will allow both the Port Authority and the public to judge the effectiveness of the Port Authority's program. OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS Capital budgets include mostly big ticket items. The expenditures are large and the items involved are significant. A capital budget* for a Port Authority would include items such as the purchase of property, demolition and site preparation work, and infrastructure improvements. Soft costs - the paper shuffling involved in completing any project - would also be included as a separate item with each of the proposed projects. Operating budgets generally include revenues and expenses associated with day-to- day operations. Examples of items that would appear in a typical Port Authority operating budget would include Star City recertification, business retention programs, and business park promotion, staff salaries, and legal fees. Sources of revenue also differ greatly. Revenue to support activities found in operating budgets typically come from excess tax increment payments, interest income, or other sources such as grants. The main source of revenue for capital gadgets is the creation of debt, i.e. the sale of bonds. In addition, tax increment payments are also a primary source of revenue for capital projects and for the retirement of debt. * Capital budgets are more often called capital improvement programs especially when covering more than one year and sometimes erroneously labeled capital improvement plans. In the strict sense of language, the former is correct while the latter should refer to something more in line with a planning element, i.e. a plan showing capital improvements. By way of example, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has a "Planning and Programming Division." Within the division there are people planning projects while others are working to find ways to fund them. Page 1 The Rosemount Port Authority is the successor of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Rosemount Economic Development Authority. As a result, the Port Authority has "inherited" both property and the financial obligations of these now defunct organizations. It is also the inheritor of projects initiated by the earlier boards of commissioners. The immediate effect of all of this on the efforts of the Rosemount Port Authority to prepare a work program and budget is a blurring of the traditional budget guidelines and definitions. For the most part, the budget that follows in the succeeding pages is an operating budget. There are, however, some revenues and expenses that would normally be found in a capital budget. As the Port Authority develops its own community development strategies and after it receives the Downtown Redevelopment Plan from the Downtown Scoping Committee, it can develop a distinct and separate capital budget. If in calendar 1993 the Port Authority determines the need to initiate a major project not listed in the work program, the funding of that work will be outside this budget and all budgetary determinations will have to be made independently. It's important to note that no tax increment payments are used for administrative activities only as permitted by law. Loan payments from Loch and Blake are available for administrative activities. In addition, items such as loan repayments and payments of general obligation tax increment financing bonds are not included in any work program item but are found in the budget. PROCEDURE The Port Authority should approve a budget prior to December 10 when the City Council is scheduled to approve its 1993 Operating Budget. At that time the Utility Commission will have a completed budget, for example, and the residents of Rosemount will be able to see the total cost of municipal and Port Authority operations. CALENDAR November 6 Distribute draft agenda to commissioners November 17 Work session to review and amend draft budget. November 24 (If necessary) second work session to review and amend budget. December 1 Approval of final draft. If the commissioners wish an additional week, a special meeting could be called before December 10. Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENT PROTECTS 101. Strese Relocation ........................................... 4 102. Strese Oil Site Preparation ................................ 5 103. Repairs Inc. Relocation ..................................... 6 104. Repairs Inc. Site Preparation/Redevelopment........ 7 105. Armory Businesses Acquisition ......................... 8 106. Armory Businesses Relocation .......................... 9 107. Community Center/Ice Arena Project Management. 10 ADMINISTRATION 201. Star City Recertification .................................. 11 202. Business Liaison ............................................ 12 203. Downtown Redevelopment_ Planning................... 13 204. General Administration ................................... 14 205. Staff/Commissioner Development ...................... 15 206. Property Maintenance ..................................... 16 207. Audits and Evaluations .................................. 17 NEW INITIATIVES 301. Senior Housing ............................................. 18 302. Business Park Development ............................. 19 303. CMC Housing .............................................. 20 1993 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Sources of In -Flows and Cash Balance ................................ 21 Expenditures................................................................ 22 ARMORY ACQUISITION/RELOCATION FUND ............ 24 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 101 - Strese Relocation Description of Work: David Strese is presently operating a business at a site known locally as Strese Oil. in 1992, work started to relocate Strese's business (Rosemount Ice) to another site in order to permit removal of blighted structures from the site and redevelopment of the land. That work will carry over into 1993. The Port Authority has a contract with DCHRA to complete relocation activities. There will be some expense in paying relocation costs and very likely in building rehabilitation at the new -site of Rosemount Ice. Responsible Staff: Dakota County HRA, Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: ..........:::.:::::::: ....................................., J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: Finding Mr. Strese a suitable location and unknown relocation costs. Page 4 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 102 - Strese Oil Site Preparation Description of Work: With the relocation of David Strese's Rosemount Ice Company from the Strese Oil site, demolition of existing buildings and site reclamation are to be completed. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S .0 N D Potential Problems: The environmental assessment indicated contaminated soil at the site. Mr. Strese has stated he intends to remediate the problem. Page 5 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 103 - Repairs, Inc. Relocation Description of Work: The business known as Repairs, Inc. is planned to be moved from its present location on T.H. 3 near 145th Street to a site on T.H. 3 known locally as the Nordvick property. The relocation of Repairs, Inc. will allow for the redevelopment of the blighted site presently occupied by this business. Work has started on this work item in 1992 and will carry over into 1993. The Port Authority has a contract with the DCHRA to complete relocation activities. There will be relocation expenses to be paid to Repairs, Inc. The current contract between the Port Authority and Repairs, Inc. by which the business continues its operation ends in February 1993. Responsible Staff: Dakota County HRA, Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: .................................... ....... J F M A M J J A S 0 N I Potential Problems: Page 6 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget :Item: 104 Repairs, Inc. Site Preparation/Redevelopment Description of Work: With the relocation of Repairs, Inc., the vacant structures can be demolished and the site prepared for redevelopment. In addition to expenses involved with demolition, there will also be site grading and erosion control expenses. An environmental assessment of the property has shown no significant contamination. These expenses may be part of new project development. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: ......................... ....... ..........::........... 0.6....:....... ...................................... J F M A M J J A S 0 N I Potential Problems: Not known. Page 7 Budget Category: Budget Item: Description of Work: Responsible Staff: Timetable: Current Projects 105 Armory Businesses Acquisition With the construction of the National Guard Armory headquarters, community center, and ice arena, the four structures located in the front of the T.H. 3 site will be acquired to provide ponding for the project. Work started in 1992 with the completion of appraisals, environmental audits, and beginning acquisition and relocation activities. The work will continue into 1993 and most likely condemnation will occur on at least some of the parcels. This item will be funded through a 1992 bond issue and costs will be incurred in Construction Fund No. 425. Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator J F M A M J J A •S O N I Potential Problems: Possible condemnation. Page 8 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 106 Armory Businesses Relocation Description of Work: There are currently six businesses operating in the four buildings to be acquired for the armory - community center - ice arena. The Port Authority has a contract with the DCHRA to provide relocation _ activities and work with the six businesses started in 1992. That work will carry over into 1993. It appears that some businesses will relocate in Rosemount, others will relocate outside the city, and some will discontinue operations. Relocation expenses will be incurred and possible building rehabilitation activity is probable. This item will be funded through a 1992 bond issue and costs will be incurred in Construction Fund No. 425. Responsible Staff: Dakota County HRA, Economic Development Coordinator, Attorney Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: Relocation costs and keeping businesses in Rosemount. Page 9 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 107 Community Center/Ice Arena Project Management Description of Work; The Port Authority's Executive Director will serve as the project manager for the National Guard Armory, community center, ice arena construction project. This work will continue through 1993 to the project's completion in 1994. Responsible Staff: Executive Director Timetable: ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ J F M A M J J A S O N D Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 10 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 201 Star City Recertification Description of Work: If Rosemount is to maintain the city's status as a Minnesota Star City, recertification activities must be completed. These include such items as preparation of a one-year economic development plan, revision of the five-year economic development plan, and revision of the 1990 Rosemount Fact Book. It is expected this will be a task to be completed every two years. Other networking" options are possible including the Dakota County Economic Development Partnership. Responsible Staff; Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: u••••u• •uu••.uL • •u•••■ L ••uu••• L ••u•••• J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 11 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 202 - Business Liaison Description of Work: There are two areas where activity is required. The Port Authority must work with existing local businesses on issues of retention, expansion, and community business climate. Second, work must be completed to attract new businesses to the City. Sites that should be considered for development include the Carlson, Lund -Thorsen, and Chippendale 42 Partners properties. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: ..,f....................................................................................................... •..ff....{■f1.■f\....f\/..{....{..{.....••./{....{.■■..•f...\...f.............•\■...••.{/■•{..{/\.... ....................... {...{••.• J F M A M J J A S 0 N _ D _ Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 12 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 243 Downtown Redevelopment Planning Description of Work: In August of 1992 the City Council appointed Downtown Scoping - Committee had its inaugural meeting. Preliminary work on completing a downtown redevelopment plan has been completed and activity will carryover into 1993. The Port Authority staff is providing support for the activities of the committee. The committee members have agreed a consultant is not needed. Other city staff resources will also be used. Responsible Staff- Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 13 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 204 - General Administration Description of Work: This work item includes all of the routine but necessary tasks necessary for the operation of the Port Authority. Included are agenda preparation, budgeting, administration and reporting of tax increment activities, preparation of payroll, disbursements of Port Authority funds, and other office functions. The amount for legal fees includes the amount of the general contract with Mr. Miles, firm which is $2,500. Costs for special circumstances not covered by the contract are beyond the contract. As the Executive Director, Mr. Jilk is involved in this work item but his work as project manager of the armory is charged elsewhere. Also included here is the General Fund Service Fee paid to the city of Rosemount for auditing, accounting, and other administrative services. This is in direct relation to city approved Policy F-4. Responsible Staff: Executive Director, Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator, Attorney. Timetable: ••.•u!ltarta••\••••t•••!u\\u•••••••!u!ulto••■a••••■\•\......... •••t••t••u•u•••u\ut•u•ttu u••!u\ut!•...... ••u\ ••\••••!!t•\•!•\t•••••••t�••................. t\••\••t••tett\.\\f••••tt•/•\•!t••••t••••!\•\•••\••••!•\\tt!•\•••t•\•\\•• J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 14 Budget Category: Staff/Commissioner Development Budget Item: 245 Description of Work: Local economic development activities are dependent upon, subject to, and affected by changes in state and federal legislation, banking conditions, market shifts, and population changes. To effectively complete their responsibilities to the residents of Rosemount, the Port Authority commissioners and staff must make themselves available for training and education as provided through conferences, seminars, and various meetings as provided by professional and trade organizations. Time and travel are included as are memberships in several organizations. Responsible Staff: Timetable: .............................................•........................................................ ............::::••:::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::••:::::::::::..... ::::::::::: J F M A M J J A S O N ll Page 15 Budget Category: 246 Budget Item: - Property Maintenance Description of Work: The city's public works people maintain the several Port Authority owned parcels of land. This includes lawn mowing and snow removal. Responsible Staff: Contracted to city. Timetable: •/\\//y ■f ■f //\/• •/i•f \\\• •/\a/f •/• ■\\/\\f \■ ■/•\•�\/• /\/•\\/\/ •\/\\f\\■ •/f/\/\/• ■//\/•/f• \f//./\/\ ••\\/\\t J F M A M J J A S O N I Page 16 Budget Category: 207 Budget Item: Audits and Evaluations Description of Work: The Port Authority is required by law to complete an annual reprot of its activities for the City Council. In addition, the commissioners need to review their own accomplishments in a manner that provides both an evaluation of procedures and results. Standars should be adopted that provide quantifiable criteria for year-to-year comparisons. Obviously it is hoped the commissioners and thier staff people will improve the quality of their operations as a result of this work. It is also hoped the work tasks of the Port Authority will become mroe focused as results of different activities are studied. Responsible Staff: . Executive Director, Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: ......... ......./.................................................................../.............../.,... .......:.................................../.../................................................. J F M A M J J A S O N D Page 17 Budget Category: Budget Item: Description of Work:' Responsible Staff: Timetable: New Initiatives 301 - Senior Housing The Port Authority will consider an agreement with the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority that will provide for the construction of 40 units of senior housing .in downtown Rosemount. The Port Authority will be responsible for acquisition of land (in general) and the HRA for construction (in general). The Port Authority will need to work on site selection, acquisition, funding of the acquisition, design, review, and relocation. This work should continue throughout 1993. Preliminary work such as soil analysis and site selection being completed in 1993, land acquisition in 1994 and 1995, with construction occurring in 1996. Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator ......... ......... ......... ......... ........................• ......... .... a...•.........• ........ :::::::::...........................,........................................ . ................................................. ..................................................................................................................... J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: None foreseen. Page 18 Budget Category: New Initiatives Budget Item: 302 Business Park Development Description of Work In September of 1992 the Port Authority directed its staff to complete a proposal for development of a business park to be located south of C.R. 42, east of T.H. 3, north of 160th, and west of Biscayne Avenue. In 1993 the Port Authority will look at the issues of acquisition, design, development of infrastructure, marketing, and finance. It must be expected that business park development will be a very long term project, Responsible Staff: Executive Director, Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator, Timetable: ......................................................................................... ...... ........ ................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: Inability to control property without purchase. Very high development costs. Ability to draw private sector into project. Page 19 Budget Category: Budget Item: Description of Work: New Initiatives 303 - CMC Housing The successor to the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad has been encouraged by the City to proceed with residential development of the 103 acre site immediately east of the downtown area. This development by CMC Heartland Partners should start in 1993. As the property is in the original 1979 tax increment financing redevelopment district, the increased amount of taxes collected through the year 2000 will be available to the Port Authority. There will be some development issues to come before the Port Authority from the CMC project including relocation of the rail spur, redevelopment of the Soo Line property at the northeast quadrant of T.H. 3 and C.R. 42, drainage, and walking access to the downtown. It is expected that the tax increment revenue from the project will be used for downtown redevelopment. Primary responsibility for completion of plans, development agreements, and phasing of the development has been assigned to the city's planning department. With this work item there is considerable uncertainty. Again, the planning staff must negotiate with the developer several issues including residential density, allocation of sewer hook-ups, phasing of the project, relocation of the rail spur, physical and fiscal linkage with the downtown, and allocation of TIF funds. There could be both substantial expenses and benefits from the project. It is also very possible there could be no income and no expenditures with the project in 1993. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: ...........................................................,....................................., ...............................................................:................................................. J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Potential Problems: Page 20 * * 1993 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS CASH BALANCE (estimated) January 1, 1993 $350,000 *** S CES OF CASH 7M-= LOUTS OUR Mortgage Pam ents Blake (South Robert Square) $ 52,400 Loch (South Robert Square) $ 55,000 Fixture Loan Payments Blake $ 2,422 Loch $ 2,231 GENERAL REVENUE Tax Increment Payments July Payment $136,000 December Payment $136,000 Investment Income $ 4,000 Communes Development Block Grant $114,031 Administrative Fee Construction Fund $ 12,000 TOTAL SOURCES OF IN -FLOW AND CASH BALANCE $864,084 Page 21 * * 1993 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS * * EXPENDITURES Personnel Full --time Employees * Economic Development Coordinator * Port Authority Secretary (50% of costs) Part-time Employees * Port Authority Member Stipend Professional Services and Charges Architect's Fees Legal Fees Other Professional Services General- Fund Administrative Fee Travel * Mileage Reimbursement Legal Notices Worker's Compensation Insurance Property Maintenance * Reimburse Public Works Department for maintenance of Port Authority properties. Education and Training Dues and Subscriptions Minnesota Industrial Development Assoc. * Minnesota Real Estate Journal * City Business * Urban Land Institute * Sensible Land Use Coalition * Wall Street Journal * American -Economic Development Council * Dakota County Economic Development Partnership Books and Periodicals Page 22 55,074 15,350 D'I 3,000 8,000 23,500 6,750 1,000 400 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,862 400 * * 1993 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS * * Conferences/Seminars/Meetings $ 3,000 * Star City * Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce (Port Authority) * Rosemount Chamber of Commerce (Port Authority) * Urban Land Institute Workshops * Minnesota DTED Economic Development Workshops Miscellaneous 250 Subtotal Administrative Operating Costs $ 138,818 Proiect Development Project Activities Purchase of Property From Current Projects 1. Strese Oil Relocation Costs From Current Projects 1. Rosemount Ice 2. Repairs, Inc. Total From Current Projects 120,000 Senior Housing Property Acquisition and Planning 15,000 Business Park ProRM Purchase/Develoument 40,000 Fund Transfers Debt Service Transfer * 1988 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds and Partial Account Fees 309,000 2-1-93 Payment - 1988A G.O. TIF 136,000 8-1-93 Payment - 1988A G.O. TIF 36,000 2-1-94 Payment - 1988A G.O. TIF 137,000 * Transfer to General Fund 50,000 (Payment 3 of 3 repaying loan to HRA) * 1992E G.O. Municipal Building Bonds - 8-13-93 Interest 16,000 2-1-94 Interest & Principal 81,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 769,818 CASH BALANCE ESTIMATED 12-31-93 $ 94,267 Page -23 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY ARMORY ACQUISITION/RELOCATION FUND SOURCES OF CASH IN -FLOWS Sale of Bonds 600.000.00 TOTAL CASH IN -FLOWS 600,000.00 EXPENDITURES General fund Administration Fee (9 %) 24,E-00 Land Acquisition 330,000.00 Improvements Other Than Building 246,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 600,000-00 FUND BALANCE (12-31-93) $ 0.00 Page 24 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGET December 1, 1992 - REVENUES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 - 31050 -00- 000.0 Tax Increments $235,513 $300,000 $272,000 201 - 31050 -00- 000.1 July Receipts $136,000 201 - 31050 -00- 000.2 December Receipts $136,000 201 - 33100 -00- 000.0 Federal Grants & Aids $88,950 50 $114,031 201 - 33100 -00- 000.1 Community Development Stock $114,031 201 - 33100 -00. 000.2 Grant 201 - 34108 -DO- 000.0 Administrative Fee -Other Funds s0 50 $12,000 201 - 34108 -00- 000.1 Fees From Relocation Project $12,000 201 - 36105 -00- 000.0 Principal on Notes SO $0 87,103 201 - 36105 -00- 000.1 Blake S/T Note $2,315 201 - 36105 -DO- 000.2 Loch S/T Note $2,132 201 - 36105 -00- 000.3 Blake L/T Note 50 201 - 36105 -00- 000.4 Loch L/T Note $2,656 201 - 36210 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings -Investments $2,640 $4,000 $3,000 201 - 36210 -00- 000.1 Interest Earned on CD's $3,000 201 - 36211 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings - Loch $53,603 $52,811 $52,443 201 - 36211 -00- 000.1 Loch L/T Mortgage Interest $52,344 201 - 36211 -00- 000.2 Loch S/T Loan Interest $99 201 - 36212 -OO- 000.0 Interest Earnings - Stake $51,011 $50,771 $52,507 201 - 36212 -00- 000.1 Blake L/T Mortage Interest $52,400 201 - 36212 -00- 000.2 Blake S/T Loan Interest $107 201 - 36215 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings $3,440 $2,000 $1,000 201 - 36215 -00- 000.1 Checking Interest & Misc $1,000 201 - 36265 -00- 000.0 Use of Reserve Funds $O SO $254;256 201 - 36265 -00- 000.1 $254,256 201 - 39203 -00- 000.0 Transfer From $3,023 $O $0 201 - 39203 -00- 000.1 S0 PAGE TOTALS $438,180 $409,582 8768,340 $768,340 FUND TOTALS $438,180 $409,582 $768,340 $768,340 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGET December 1, 1992 - EXPENDITURES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 201 - 46300 101.0 Salaries & Benefits 538,289 $38,285 570,740 201 -46300 -02- 101.0 J. Miller, Econ Dev Coordntr 555,416 100% Paid by Port Authority 201 - 46300 -03- 101.0 D. Widstrom, Secretary(50%) $15,324 50% Paid by General Fund 201 - 46300 102.0 Ful{ -Time Overtime $1,857 $1,715 50 201 - 46300 -03- 102.1 D. Widstrom, Secretary 201 - 46300 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $2,037 $5,880 $6,500 201 - 46300 -99- 103.1 Port Authority Members $6,500 201 - 46300 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $1,000 $0 $0 201 - 46300 -01- 301.1 50 201 -46300 -01- 302.0 Architects' Fees 50 $1,000 $3,000 201 - 46300 -01- 302.1 $3,000 201 - 46300 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $350 $4,000 $8,000 201 - 46300 -01- 303.1 $8,000 201 - 46300 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $11,086 $10,000 $8,000 201 - 46300 -01- 304.1 $8,000 201 - 46300 -01- 307.0 Management Fees SO $4,000 50 201 - 46300 -01- 307.1 $0 201 - 46300 -01- 317..0 Gen'l Fund Administrative Fees $0 $6,750 $6,750 201 - 46300 -01- 317.1 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 $6,750 201 - 46300 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $7,961 $12,000 $23,500 201 - 46300 -01- 319.1 $23,500 201 - 46300 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $546 $750 $1,000 201 - 46300 -01- 331.1 Mileage Reimbursement $1,000 201 - 46300 -01- 351.0 legal Notices Publishing s0 $500 $400 201 - 46300 -01- 351.1 1 $400 201 - 46300 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance $1,205 $2,000 $2,000 201 - 46300 -01- 365.1 $2,000 201 - 46300 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Improvm $2,000 201 - 46300 -01- 403.1 Reimburse P.W. Dept, for SO $25,945 $2,000 201 - 46300 -01- 403.2 Maintenance of P/A Property 201 - 46300--01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $174 $500 $1,800 201 - 46300 -01- 433.1 Prof Organizations/Journals $1,800 201 - 46300 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $76 $200 $400 201 - 46300 -01- 435.1 $400 201 - 46300 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $1,201 $1,725 $3,000 201 - 46300 -01- 437.1 Star City, Chamb of Commerce $3,000 201 - 46300 -01- 437.2 & Various Workshops 201 - 46300 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $50 $500 $250 201 - 46300 -01- 439.1 $250 201 - 46300 -01- 510.0 Land Purchases $120,000 201 - 46300 -01- 510.1 Purchases & Relocations $120,000 Strese oil/Rmt Ice/Repairs Inc 201 - 46300 -01- 511.0 Land Purchases $4,670 $48,251 $15,000 201 - 46300 -01- 511.1 Senior Housing Property $15,000 Acquisition & Planning 201 - 46300 -01- 512.0 Land Purchases $40,000 201 - 46300 -01- 512.1 Business Park Property $40,000 Purchase & Development PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $70,502 $164,001 $312,340 $312,340 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGET December 1, 1992 - EXPENDITURES 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 - 46300 -01- 522.0 Building & Structure Purchases $131,000 $0 $0 201 - 46300 -01- 522.1 s0 201 - 46300 -01- 530.0 Improvements other Than Bldgs $0 $25,000 $0 201 - 46300 -01- 530.1 $0 201 - 46300 -01- 710.0 Transfers $183,000 $170,983 $406,000 201 - 46300 -01- 710.1 2/1/93 Pymt-1988A G.O. TIF $136,000 Principal &Interest 201 - 46300 -01- 710.2 8/1/93 Pymt-1988A G.O. TIF $36,000 Interest Only 201 - 46300 -01- 710.3 2/1/94 Pymt-1988A G.O. TIF $137,000 Principal & Interest 201 - 46300 -01- 710.4 8/1/93 Pymt-1992E G.O. Bldgs $16,000 Interest Only 201 - 46300 -01- 710.5 2/1/94 Pymt-1992E G.O. Bldgs $81,000 Principal & Interest 201 - 46300 -01- 720.0 Transfers $0 $50,000 $50,000 201 - 46300 -01- 720.1 To Gen'l Fund(#3 of 3) $50,000 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $314,000 $245,983 $456,000 $456,000 FUND TOTALS $384,502 $409,984 $768,340 $768,340 1993 UTILITY FUNDS BUDGETS WATER, SEWER & STORM WATER WATER OPERATING * An enterprise fund consisting of revenues from water sales which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's wells, towers and distribution system. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - REVENUES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obi # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT- BUDGET Comments 601 - 36101 -00- 000.0 Principal -Special Assessments $14,247 $15,000 $15,000 601 - 36101 -00- 000.1 Property Tax Payments $15,000 1Delinquent Bills Levied to Cty 601"= 36102 -00- 000.0 Penalties & Interest - S/A $111 $0 $0 601 - 36102 -00- 000.1 Property Tax Payments 50 Delinquent Bills Levied to Cty 601 - 36210 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings -Investments $16,867 $11,000 $13,000 601 - 36210 -00- 000.1 $13,000 601 - 36215 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings $2,304 $1,000 $1,000 601 - 36215 -00- 000.1 $1,000 601 - 37110 -00- 000.0 Residential Water Revenues $225,345 $255,000 $280,,000 601 - 37110 -00- 000.1 $280,000 601 - 37120 -00- 000.0 Apartment Water Revenues $36,955 $35,000 $40,000 601 - 37120 -00- 000.1 $40,000 601 - 37125 -00- 000.0 institutional Water Revenues $11,433 $12,000 $15,000 601 - 37125 -00- 000.1 $15,000 601 - 37130 -00- 000.0 Commercial Water Revenues $26,950 $27,000 $30,000 601 - 37130 -00- 000.1 $30,000 601 - 37140 -00- 000.0 Industrial Water Revenues $5,848 $5,000 $6,000 601 - 37140 -00- 000.1 56,000 601 - 37160 -00- 000.0 Penalties -•Water Revenues $10,670 $10,000 $8,000 601 - 37160 -00- 000.1 $8,000 601 - 37165 -00- 000.0 Meter Maint Water Revenue $8,787 $10,000 510,000 601 - 37165 -00- 000.1 $10,000 601 - 37180 -00- 000.0 Water Meter Sales Revenue $16,939 $20,000 $20,000 601 - 37180 -00- 000.1 $20,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $376,455 $401,000 $438,000 $438,000 FUND TOTALS $376,455 $401,000 $438,000 $438,000 Page One PAGE TOTALS $203,116 $224,978 $228,180 $228,180 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 601 - 49400 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $120,142 $139,546 $147,548 601 - 49400 -77- 101.0 R. Wasmund-P.W. Dir(35%) $22,804 50.0% General, 15.0% Sewer 601 - 49400 -77- 101.0 J. May -Finance Dir(17.5%) $10,784 75.0% General, 7.5% Sewer 601 - 49400 -78- 101.0 C. Dorniden-Secretary(70%) $25,113 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -78- 101.0 J. Gilb-Accountant(17.5%) $8,256 75.0% General, 7.5% Sewer 601 - 49400 -78- 101.0 D. Korpeta-Accountant(70%) $25,142 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -79- 101.0 A.J. Korpela-Maint LI(70%) $26,657 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -79- 101.0 G. Romo-Maint II(70%) $28,792 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 102.0 Futt-Time Overtime $4,554 $2,744 $2,744 601 - 49400 -78- 102.1 C. Dorniden-Secretary(70%) $280 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -78- 102.2 J. Gilb-Accountant(17.5%) $0 75.0% General, 7.5% Sewer 601 - 49400 -78- 102.3 D. Korpela-Accountant(70%) $280 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -79- 102.4 A.J. Korpela-Maint II(70%) $1,008 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 -49400 -79- 102.5 G. Romo-Maint II(70%) $1,176 30.0% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $2,434 $5,5$8 $5,588 601 - 49400 -99- 103.1 Utility Comm Wages(70%) $788 30% Paid by Sewer 601 - 49400 -99- 103.2 Maintenance Labor $4,800 100 days o1 $6.00/hour 601 - 49400 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $0 $1,400 $1,400 601 - 49400 -01- 203.1 Meter cards, Misc paper $700 601 - 49400 -01- 203.2 Water Bill Statements $700 601 - 49400 -01- 209.0 Other office Supplies $50 $500 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 209.1 Disks, Ribbons, etc $500 601 - 49400 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $0 $1,200 $1,200 601 - 49400 -01- 212.1 For #s 103, 107 & 114 $1,200 601 - 49400 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives SO $500 $500 601 -49400 -01- 213.1 Oil for Pumps $500 601 - 49400 -01-216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products $15,573 $20,000 $16,000 601 - 49400 -01- 216.1 Chlorine, Flouride, Polyphos $16,000 Historical Average 601 - 49400 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $788 $1,500 $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 219.1 Maint Supplies, Nuts & Bolts $1,000 Based on 1991 Expenses 601 - 49400 -01- 220.0 Water Meter Purchases $56,235 $46,000 $46,000 601 - 49400 -01- 220.1 For Replacements $27,600 Estimated 300 Replacements 601 - 49400 -01- 220.2 For New Homes $18,400 Estimated 200 New Homes 601 - 49400 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $1,971 $3,000 $3,000 601 - 49400 -01- 221.1 Vehicles & Equipment $2,000 #s103,107,114,Backhoe & Tamper 601 - 49400 -01- 221.2 Well Motors & Misc Equip _ $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 222.0 Tires $0 $200 $200 601 - 49400 -01- 222.1 Repairs & Replacements $200 601 - 49400 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $404 $600 $600 601 - 49400 -01- 224.1 Patching from Breaks $600 601 - 49400 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $792 $600 $600 601 - 49400 -01- 225.1 Topsoil, Seed & Sod $600 601 - 49400 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies $76 $1,000 $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 227.1 Sleeves, DIP, Curb Stops $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 228.0 Meter Repair Materials $97 $600 $300 601 - 49400 -01- 228.1 Misc Meter Parts $300 PAGE TOTALS $203,116 $224,978 $228,180 $228,180 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 601 - 49400 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $3,213 $3,300 $3,300 601 - 49400 -01- 229.1 Supplies for Hydrants $2,000 Paint, Seal Repairs, Flags, 24 601 - 49400 -01- 229.2 Valve & Curb Boxes $1,300 Hydrants to be Adjusted 601 - 49400 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $179 $500 $250 601 - 49400 -01- 241.1 Wrenches, Shovels, etc $250 601 - 49400 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $1,986 $4,000 $3,000 -601 - 49400 -01- 242.1 Meter Testing Equipment $1,500 Chlorine Seal 601 - 49400 -01- 242.2 Misc Testing Equipment $1,500 Chemical & Lead Testers 601 - 44400 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $600 $0 $0 601 - 49400 -01- 301.1 S0 601 - 49400 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees s0 $100 $100 601 - 49400 -01- 303.1 Miscellaneous Fees $100 601 - 49400 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $200 $500 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 304.1 Miscellaneous Fees $500 - 601 - 49400 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees s0 $0 s0 601 - 49400 -01- 305.1 601 - 49400 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $544 $4,500 $2,500 601 - 49400 -01- 310.1 Bacteria & Water Quality $1,500 601 - 49400 -01- 310.2 V.O.C., Pesticides, etc $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees $2,341 $2,500 $3,000 601 - 49400 -01- 312.1 Gopher State One -Call $3,000 601 - 49400 -01- 317.0 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $5,625 $5,625 601 - 49400 -01- 317.1 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 $5,625 601 - 49400 -01: 319.0 Other Professional Services $850 $3,000 $3,000 601 - 49400 -01- 319.1 Thaw Pipes, Check Leaks $1,500 601 - 49400 -01- 319.2 Supervisory Controls $1,500 Maintenance Agreement 601 - 49400 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $1,060 $1,500 $1,500 601 - 49400 -01- 321.1 Lines for Telemetry $1,500 601 - 49400 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $1,271 $0 $1,500 601 - 49400 -01- 322.1 Billings & Meter Cards $1,500 1/3 of Postage Costs 601 - 49400 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $418 $2,000 $2,000 601 - 49400 -01- 323.1 Replace/Repair Pagers $2,000 601 - 49400 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $0 $1,000 $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 331.1 AWWA National Seminar $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 333.0 Freight & Express Expenses $0 $100 $100 601 - 49400 -01- 333.1 Mail -in Repairs $100 601 - 49400 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $359 $300 $300 601 - 49400 -01- 341.1 Ads for Part-timers $300 601 - 49400 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $0 $1,000 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 349.1 "Miscellaneous Costs $500 601 - 49400 -01- 352.0 General Notices & Public Info $0 $1,000 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 352.1 Newsletters $500 601 - 49400 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance $3,298 $0 $4,000 601 - 49400 -01- 365.1 Water's Share of Premiums $4,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $16,320 $30,925 $32,675 $32,675 Page Three 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 601 - 49400 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance $5,794 $0 $9,000 601 - 49400 -01- 369.1 Water's Share of Premiums $9,000 601 - 49400 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $787 $300 $300 601 - 49400 -01- 391.1 IBM Maint Agreement $300 601 - 49400 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $0 $200 $200 601 - 49400 -01- 392.1 Miscellaneous Expenses $200 601 - 49400 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchases $0 $1,500 $0 601 - 49400 -01- 393.1 $0 601 - 49400 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $684 $1,500 $750 601 - 49400 -01- 394.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $750 601 - 49400 -01- 395.0 P.C. Repairs $462 $500 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 395.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $500 601 - 49400 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn $5,467 $500 $1,000 604 - 49400 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Expenses $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $603 $200 $200 601 - 49400 -01- 415.1 Miscellaneous Rentals $200 601 - 49400 -01- 416.0 Machinery Rental $31 $600 $600 601 - 49400 -01- 416.1 Miscellaneous Rentals $600 601 - 49400 -01- 421.0 Depreciation Expense $131,446 $65,000 $65,000 601 - 49400 -01- 421.1 $65,000 601 - 49400 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $270 $500 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 433.1 AWWA for 2 Members $500 601 - 49400 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $85 $300 $300 601 - 49400 -01- 435.1 Reference Materials . $300 601 - 49400 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $409 $800 $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 437.1 MN Health Dept School $1,000 601 - 49400 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $924 $100 $100 601 - 49400 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 601 - 49400 -01- 560.0 Furniture & Fixture Purchases $0 $500 $500 601 - 49400 -01- 560.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $500 601 - 49400 -04- 570.0 Office Equipment Purchases $0 $100 $100 601 - 49400 -01- 570.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $100 601 - 49400 -01- 586.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $3,500 601 - 49400 -01- 586.1 Fixed Asset System $3,500 601 - 49400 -01- 710.0 Transfers $0 $10,000 $10,000 601 - 49400 -01- 710.1 Water Tower Repair $10,000 601 - 49403 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $2,156 $300 $300 601 - 49403 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $300 601 - 49403 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $363 $300 $500 601 - 49403 -01- 223.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $500 601 - 49403 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services _ $275 $1,000 $1,000 601 - 49403 -01- 319.1 Independent Inspections $1,000 601 - 49403 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $3,381 $7,000 $7,000- 601 - 49403 -01- 381.1 Pumping & Lighting $7,000 601 -49403 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $558 $400 $400 601 - 49403 -01- 383.1 Heat & Engine Backup $400 PAGE TOTALS $153,693 $91,600 $102,750 $102,750 Page Four 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments =• 601 - 49403 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $347 $300 $300 601 -'49403 -01- 409.1 RTU's, Pump Motor, etc $300 601 - 49403 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 601 - 49403 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 601 - 49406 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $1,378 $100 $100 601 - 49406 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $100 601 - 49406 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $168 $200 $200 601 - 49406 -01- 223.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $200 601 - 49406 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services s0 $100 $100 601 - 49406 -01- 319.1 Independent Inspections 5100 601 - 49406 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $329 $600 $600 601 - 49406 -01- 381.1 Pumping & Lighting $600 601 - 49406 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $233 $400 $400 601 - 49406 -01- 383.1 Heat & Engine Backup $400 601 - 49406 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $497 $300 $300 601 - 49406 -01- 409.1 RTU's, Pump Motor, etc $300 601 - 49406 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 601 - 49406 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 601 - 49407 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $554 $100 $100 601 - 49407 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $100 601 - 49407 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $687 $300 $300 601 - 49407 -01- 223.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $300 601 - 49407 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $75 $500 $500 601 - 49407 -01- 319.1 Independent Inspections $500 601 - 49407 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $10,605 $9,000 $9,000 601 - 49407 -01- 381.1 Pumping & Lighting $9,000 601 - 49407 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main $569 $15,300 $600 601 - 49407 -01- 409.1 RTU's, Pump Motor, etc $600 601 - 49407 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges s0 $100 $100 601 - 49407 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 601 - 49407 -01- 530.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $5,000 $600 601 - 49407 -01- 530.1 Miscellaneous Improvements $600 601 - 49408 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $50 $100 $100 601 - 49408 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $100 601 - 49408 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies $69 $100 $100 601 - 49408 -01- 223.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 601 - 49408 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $725 s0 $0 601 - 49408 -01- 319.1 s0 601 - 49408 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $14,449 $10,000 $10,000 601 - 49408 -01- 381.1 Pumping, Heating & Lighting $10,000 601 - 49408 -01- 383.0 Gas Utilities $339 $0 so 601 - 49408 -01- 383.1 S0 601 - 49410 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies s0 $100 $100 601 - 49410 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $31,073 $42,800 $23,700 $23,700 Page Five 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 601 - 49410 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts 601 - 49410 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts 601 - 49410 -01- 223.0 Building Repair Supplies 601 - 49410 -01- 223.1 Miscellaneous Supplies 601 - 49410 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 601 - 49410 -01- 381.1 Pumping, Heating &'Lighting 601 - 49410 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 601 - 49410 -01- 409.1 Misc Unplanned Repairs 601 - 49411 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts 601 - 49411 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts 601 - 49411 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 601 - 49411 -01- 381.1 Pumping 601 - 49415 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts 601 - 49415 -01- 221.1 Touch-up Paint 601 - 49415 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 601 - 49415 -01- 319.1 Miscellaneous Costs 601 - 49415 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 601 - 49415 -01- 381.1 601 - 49415 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 601 - 49415 -01- 409.1 601 - 49415 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 601 - 49415 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs 601 - 49416 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts 601 - 49416 -01- 221.1 Touch-up Paint 601 - 49416 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees 601 - 49416 -01- 303.1 601 - 49416 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services 601 - 49416 -01- 319.1 Miscellaneous Costs 601 - 49416 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities 601 - 49416 -01- 381.1 601 - 49416 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Repair & Main 601 - 49416 -01- 409.1 601 - 49416 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges 601 - 49416 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs 601 - 49416 -01- 530.0 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 60'i 49416 -01- 530.1 New Fence PAGE TOTALS FUND TOTALS 50 $100 $100 $100 50 $100 $100 $100 s $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $0 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $100 $100 $100 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $500 $500 $500 $0 $100 $100 $100 $0 $200 $200 $200 SO $500 $500 $500 $0 $200 $200 $200 $113 $500 $500 $500 $42 $0 $0 $0 $123 $100 $100 $100 $394 $200 $200 $200 $0 $500 $500 $500 $0 $200 $200 $200 $26 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 -------------------------------------------- $698 $23,300 $20,300 $20,,300 $404,900 $413,603 $407,605 $407,605 SEWER OPERATING * An enterprise fund consisting of revenues from sewer charges which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's lift stations and mains for the collection and treatment of sewage. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - REVENUES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 602 - 36101 -00- 000.0 Principal -Special Assessments $11,396 $14,000 $14,000 602 - 36101 -00- 000.1 Property Tax Payments $14,000 Delinquent Bills Levied to Cty 602 - 36102 -00- 000.0 Penalties & Interest - S/A $111 $0 $0 602 - 36102 -00- 000.1 Property Tax Payments $0 Delinquent Bills Levied to Cty 602 - 36210 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings -Investments $2,465 $4,000 $3,000 602 - 36210 -00- 000.1 . $3,000 602 - 36215 -DO- 000.0 Interest Earnings $1,453 $2,000 $1,000 602 - 36215 -00- 000.1 $1,000 602 - 37210 -00- 000.0 Residential Sewer Revenues $290,677 $373,000 $380,000 602 - 37210 -00- 000.1 $380,000 602 - 37220 -00- 000.0 Apartment Sewer Revenues $51,639 $57,000 $60,000 602 - 37220 -00- 000.1 $60,000 602 - 37225 -00- 000.0 Institutional Sewer Revenues $43,264 $33,000 $35,000 602 - 37225 -00- 000.1 $35,000 602 - 37230 -00- 000.0 Commercial Sewer Revenues $32,307 $38,000 $40,000 602 - 37230 -00- 000.1 $40,000 602 - 37240 -00- 000.0 Industrial Sewer Revenues $8,841 $7,000 $7,000 602 - 37240 -00- 000.1 $7,000 602 - 37260 -00- 000.0 Penalties - Sewer Revenues $8,403 $13,000 $10,000 602 - 37260 -00- 000.1 $10,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $450,556 $541,000 $550,000 $550,000 FUND TOTALS $450,556 $541,000 $550,000 $550,000 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 602 - 49450 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $51,487 $59,808 $63,235 602 - 49450 -77- 101.0 R. Wasmund-P.W. Dir(15%) $9,773 50.0% General, 35.0% Water 602 - 49450 -77- 101.0 J. May -Finance Dir(7.5%) $4,622 75.0% General, 17.5% Water 602 - 49450 -78- 101.0 C. Dorniden-Secretary(30%) $10,763 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -78- 101.0 J. Gitb-Accountant(7.5%) $3,538 75.0% General, 17.5% Water 602 - 49450 -78- 101.0 D. Korpeta-Accountant(30%) $10,775 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -79- 101.0 A.J. Korpela-Maint II(30%) $11,424 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -79- 101.0 G. Romo-Maint II(30%) $12,340 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 102.0 Full -Time Overtime $1,952 $1,176 $1,176 602 - 49450 -78- 102.1 C. Dorniden-Secretary(30%) $120 70.0% Paid by.Water 602 - 49450 -78- 102.2 J. Gilb-Accountant(7.5%) 50 75.0% General, 17.5% Water 602 - 49450 -78- 102.3 D. Korpela-Accountant(30%) $120 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -79- 102.4 A.J. Korpela-Maint II(30%) $432 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -79- 102.5 G. Romo-Maint II(30%) $504 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $727 $9,938 $9,938 602 - 49450 -99- 103.1 Utility Come Wages(30%) $338 70.0% Paid by Water 602 - 49450 -99- 103.2 Maintenance Labor $9,600 2 @ 100 days a 56.00/hour 602 - 49450 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $0 $600 $300 602 - 49450 -01- 203.1 Meter cards, Misc paper $300 602 - 49450 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $49 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 209.1 Disks, Ribbons, etc $500 602 - 49450 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $0 $1,200 $1,200 602 - 49450 -01- 212.1 For #s 103,107,114 & 101 $1,200 602 - 49450 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $0 $300 $300 602 - 49450 -01-.213.1 Oil for Lift Stations $300 602 - 49450 -01- 216.0 Chemical & Chemical Products $1,260 $2,000 $2,000 602 - 49450 -01- 216.1 Root Killer, Degreaser $2,000 602 - 49450 -01- 219.0 Other operating Supplies $3 $1,000 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $500 602 - 49450 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $159 $2,000 $2,000 602 - 49450 -01- 221.1 Vehicles & Equipment $1,500 602 - 49450 -01- 221.2 Miscellaneous Equipment $500 602 - 49450 -01- 222.0 Tires $0 $200 $200 602 - 49450 -01- 222.1 For #114 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 222.2 For #103 & #107 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials $0 _ $600 $600 602 - 49450 -01- 224.1 Patching from Breaks $600 602 - 49450 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $0 $400 $400 602 - 49450 -01- 225.1 Topsoil, Seed & Sod $400 602 - 49450 -01- 227.0 Utility System Maint Supplies $45 $600 $600 602 - 49450 -01- 227.1 Manhole Castings $600 602 - 49450 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $1,500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 229.1 Sleeves, Wyes, etc $500 602 - 49450 -01- 241.0 Small Tools s0 $500 $250 602 - 49450 -01- 241.1 Wrenches, Shovels, etc $250 602 - 49450 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $1,284 $4,000 $2,500 602 - 49450 -01- 242.1 Safety Equipment $2,000 602 - 49450 -01- 242.2 Miscellaneous Equipment 5500 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $56,965 $86,322 $86,199 $86,199 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991- ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 602 - 49450 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $600 $0 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 301.1 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $0 $100 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 303.1 Miscellaneous Fees $100 602 - 49450 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $0 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 304.1 Miscellaneous Fees $500 602 - 49450 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $0 $0 50 602 - 49450 -01- 305.1 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees $166 $1,500 $1,500 602 - 49450 -01- 312.1 Gopher State One -Call $1,500 602 - 49450 -01- 317.0 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $5,625 $5,625 602 - 49450 -01- 317.1 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 $5,625 602 - 49450 -01- 319.0 Other Professional Services $850 $6,000 $6,000 602 - 49450 -01- 319.1 Televising $3,000 CIP Development 602 - 49450 -01- 319.2 Root Control $2,000 602 - 49450 -01- 319.3 Supervisory Controls $1,000 Maintenance Controls 602 - 49450 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs $1,059 $1,500 $1,500 602 - 49450 -01- 321.1 Lines for Telemetry $1,500 602 - 49450 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $1,271 $2,200 $1,100 602 - 49450 -01- 322.1 Billings & Meter Cards $1,100 1/3 of Postage Costs 602 - 49450 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $418 $2,000 $1,000 602 - 49450 -01- 323.1 Replace/Repair Pagers $1,000 602 - 49450 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $0 $100 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 331.1 1liscellaneous Local Seminars $100 602 - 49450 -01- 333.0 Freight & Express Expenses $0 $100 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 333.1 Mail -in Repairs $100 602 - 49450 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising $0 $300 $300 602 - 49450 -01- 341.1 Ads for Part-timers $300 602 - 49450 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $0 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 349.1 Miscellaneous Costs $500 602 - 49450 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance $1,413 $0 $3,000 602 - 49450 -01- 365.1 Sewer's Share of Premiums $3,000 602 - 49450 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance $5,794 $0 $9,000 602 - 49450 -01- 369.1 Sewer's Share of Premiums $9,000 602 - 49450 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $280 $0 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 391.1 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $0 $200 $200 602 - 49450 -01- 392.1 Miscellaneous Expenses $200 602 - 49450 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchases $0 $1,500 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 393.1 $0 602 - 49450 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchases $0 $1,500 $750 602 - 49450 -01- 394.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $750 602 - 49450 -01- 395.0 P.C. Repairs $0 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 395.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $500 602 - 49450 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn $0 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Expenses -------------------------------------------- $500 PAGE TOTALS $11,851 $24,625 $32,275 $32,275 Page Three 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # Ob j # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 602 - 49450 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $93 $200 $200 602 - 49450 -01- 415.1 Miscellaneous Rentals $200 602 - 49450 -01- 416.0 Machinery Rental $31 $600 $600 602 - 49450 -01- 416.1 Miscellaneous Rentals $600 602 - 49450 -01- 421.0 Depreciation Expense $0 $65,000 $65,000 602 - 49450 -01- 421.1 $65,000 602 - 49450 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions s0 $500 $500 602 -49450 -01- 433.1 Miscellaneous $500 602 - 49450 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets s0 $300 $300 602 - 49450 -01- 435.1 Reference Materials $300 602 - 49450 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars $389 $800 $600 602 - 49450 -01- 437.1 MPCA School & Miscellaneous $600 602 - 49450 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $98 $100 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 602 - 49450 -01- 560.0 Furniture & Fixture Purchases $0 $500 $500 602 - 49450 -01- 560.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $500 602 - 49450 -01- 570.0 Office Equipment Purchases $0 $100 $100 602 - 49450 -01- 570.1 Miscellaneous Purchases $100 602 - 49450 -01- 586.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $3,500 602 - 49450 -01- 586.1 Fixed Assets System $3,500 602 - 49450 -01- 602.0 Sewer Service Charges $264,108 $251,755 $290,000 602 - 49450 -01-"602.1 MWCC Charges $290,000 602 - 49450 -01- 710.0 Transfers $0 $20,000 $20,000 602 - 49450 -01- 710.1 $20,000 602 - 49451 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $331 $100 $100 602 - 49451 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 602 - 49451 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 $500 $500 602 - 49451 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $500 602 - 49451 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies s0 $200 $200 602 - 49451 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $200 602 - 49451 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $453 $600 $500 602 - 49451 -01- 381.1 $500 602 - 49451 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn $0 $200 $200 602 - 49451 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $200 602 - 49451 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 602 - 49451 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 602 - 49452 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $331 $100 $100 602 - 49452 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 602 - 49452 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $50 .$500 $500 602 - 49452 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $500 602 - 49452 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $200 $200 602 - 49452 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $200 602 - 49452 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $1,057 $1,000 $1,100 602 - 49452 -01- 381.1 $1,100 602 - 49452 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn $0 $200 $200 602 - 49452 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $200 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $266,940 $343,555 $385,100 $385,100 Page Four 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 602 - 49452 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges so $100 $100 602 - 49452 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 602 - 49453 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $331 $100 $100 602 - 49453 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 602 - 49453 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 $500 $500 602 - 49453 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $500 602 - 49453 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies s0 $200 $200 602 - 49453 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $200 602 - 49453 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $833 $800 $800 602 - 49453 -01- 381.1 $800 602 - 49453 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn s0 $200 $200 602 - 49453 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $200 602 - 49453 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 602 - 49453 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 602 - 49454 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $0 $100 $100 602 - 49454 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 602 - 49454 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $199 $500 $500 602 - 49454 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $500 602 - 49454 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 $500 $500 602 - 49454 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $500 602 - 49454 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $829 $1,000 $1,000 602 - 49454 -01- 381.1 $1,000 602 - 49454 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn s0 $200 $200 602 - 49454 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $200 602 - 49454 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 602 - 49454 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 602 - 49455 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $331 $100 $100 602 - 49455 -01- 219.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $100 602 - 49455 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 $500 $500 602 - 49455 -01- 221.1 Miscellaneous Parts $500 602 - 49455 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies s0 $200 $200 602 - 49455 -01- 229.1 Miscellaneous Supplies $200 602 - 49455 -01- 381.0 Electric Utilities $574 $600 $600 602 - 49455 -01- 381.1 $600 602 - 49455 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Imprvmn $0 $200 $200 602 - 49455 -01- 403.1 Miscellaneous Repairs $200 602 - 49455 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $100 $100 602 - 49455 -01- 439.1 Miscellaneous Costs $100 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $3,096 $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 FUND TOTALS $338,852 $460,602 $509,674 $509,674 STORM SEWER OPERATING * Previously, expenditures relating to storm water drainage for operations and maintenance were charged against the Public Works Department in the General Fund. During 1991, a storm water utility fee was approved within the Public Enterprise Fund. Expenses relating to storm water drainage are being consolidated in this department to better manage an effective water quality program for the community. Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - REVENUES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund Account # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 503 - 36210 -OO- 000.0 Interest Earnings -Investments $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 36210 -DO- 000.1 $1,000 603 - 36215 -00- 000.0 Interest Earnings $0 $500 $1,000 603 - 36215 -00- 000.1 $1,000 603 — 37300 -00- 000.0 Storm Water Utility Revenues $0 $200,000 $260,000 603 - 37300 -00- 000.1 $260,000 603 - 37360 -DO- 000.0 Penalties -Store► Water Utility $0 $4,500 $4,000 603 - 37360 -00- 000.1 $4,000 PAGE TOTALS -------------------------------------------- $0 $206,000 $266,000 $266,000 FUND TOTALS $0 $206,000 $266,000 $266,000 Page One 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # _ Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Comments 603 - 49500 101.0 Salaries & Benefits $0 $32,290 $42,392 603 - 49500 -78- 101.0 Senior Engineer Tech $42,392 603 - 49500 102.0 Fult-Time Overtime $0 $9,000 $9,000 After Hour Stornrs & Pumping 603 _ 49500 -79- 102.1 Maintenance Overtime_ $9,000 603 - 49500 -99- 103.0 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits $0 $0 $0 603 - 49500 -99- 103.1 Utility Commission?? 603 - 49500 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper SO $1,000 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 203.1 Meter Cards, Misc Paper $500 603 - 49500 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies 50 $800 $800 603 - 49500 -01- 205.1 Paper, Pens, & Reproduction $800 603 - 49500 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 208.1_ Stakes, Ribbons, Level, etc $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $0 $3,250 $3,250 603 - 49500 -01- 212.1 Fuel -Diesel & Gas $3,250 603 - 49500 -01- 213.0 Lubricants & Additives $0 $250 $250 603 - 49500 -01- 213.1 Oil & Grease $250 603 - 49500 -01- 215.0 Shop Materials $0 $200 $200 603 - 49500 -01- 215.1 Small Tools $200 603 - 49500 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $0 $1,500 $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 219.1 Soaps, Shovels, Rakes, etc $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 $500 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 221.1 Filters, Hoses, Lights, etc $500 603 - 49500 -01- 222.0 Tires $0 $500 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 222.1 Repair & Replacement $500 603 - 49500 -01- 224.0 Street Maintenance Materials 50 $500 $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 224.1 Blacktop $500 Structure Repair, Equip Damage 603 - 49500 -01- 224.2 Gravel $1,000 Erosion to Damaged Roads 603 - 49500 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Materials $0 $2,500 $3,500 603 - 49500 --01- 225.1 Rip -Rap, Matting, Rock, etc $2,500 Erosion Control 603 - 49500 -01- 225.2 Black Dirt & Seed $1,000 Ditch Repair, Culvert Replcmnt 603 - 49500 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $0 $550 $550 603 - 49500 -01- 226.1 Advance Warning Sign Rental $550 603 - 49500 -01- 230.0 Equipment Repair Material 50 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 230.1 Due to Breakdowns $1,000 603 - 49500.-01- 241.0 Small Tools $0 $500 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 241.1 Shovels, Rakes, Picks, etc $500 603 - 49500 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 603 - 49500 -01- 242.1 Hose for Pumping Ponds $2,000 603 - 49500 -01- 301.0 Auditing & Accounting Services $0 $500 $0 603 - 49500 -01- 301.1 Miscellaneous Fees $0 603 - 49500 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $0 $3,000 $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 303.1 General Services $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $0 $1,500 $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 304.1 General Services $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 310.1 Water Quality Tests $1,000 -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $0 $63,340 $72,942 $72,942 Page Two 1993 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY OPERATING BUDGET December 7, 1992 - EXPENSES - 1992 1993 OBJECT 1993 1991 ADOPTED DETAIL PROPOSED Fund ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # Obj # Description ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET --------------------------------------- Comments 603 - 49500 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspection Fees SO $500 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 312.1 3rd Party Inspection Program $500 603 - 49500 -01- 317.0 Gen'l Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $5,625 603 - 49500 -01- 317.1 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 $5,625 603 - 49500 -01- 322.0 Postage Costs $0 $1,000 $1,500 603 - 49500 -01- 322.1 Billings & Info Mailings $1,500 1/3 of Billing, Mailing & Info 603 - 49500 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $0 $1,200 $1,200 603 - 49500 -01- 323.1 Replacement $800 603 - 49500 -01- 323.2 Repairs $400 603 - 49500 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Costs $0 $600 $0 603 - 49500 -01- 329.1 $0 603 - 49500 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $0 $200 $200 603 - 49500 -01- 331.1 Personal Vehicle Use/Conf $200 603 - 49500 -01- 352.0 General Notices & Public Info $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 352.1 Public Info Brochure $1,000 Also Newspaper Articles 603 - 49500 -01- 365.0 Workmen's Comp Insurance $0 $0 $2,000 603 - 49500 -01- 365.1 Storm's Share of Premiums $2,000 603 - 49500 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $0 $600 $600 603 - 49500 -01- 384.1 Roadside Debris $600 603 - 49500 -01- 389.0 Other Utility Services SO $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 389.1 Hazardous Materials Disposal $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 403.0 Contracted R & M -Other Impr $0 $5,000 $15,000 603 - 49500 -01- 403.1 Dredging & Structure Repair $15,000 603 - 49500 -01- 404.0 Contracted Mach & Equip Repair $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 404.1 Repairs Sent out $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 416.0 Machinery Rental $0 $15,000 $5,000 603 - 49500 -01- 416.1 Backhoe, Lowboy, Grader, etc $5,000 603 - 49500 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $0 $0 $6,000 603 - 49500 -01- 433.1 Vermillion River WMO $6,000 603 - 49500 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $0 $500 $500 603 - 49500 -01- 435.1 Utility Information $500 603 - 49500 -01- 437.0 Conferences & Seminars SO $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 437.1 APWA-Storm Water Mgmt $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 510.0 Land Purchases $0 $3,000 $0 603 - 49500 -01- 510.1 Miscellaneous Easements $0 Project -Related or Core Exp 603 - 49500 -01- 560.0 Furniture & Fixture Purchases $0 $450 $450 603 -49500 -01- 560.1 File Cabinet & Calculators $450 603 - 49500 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment Purchases $0 $1,000 $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 580.1 Other Than Large Machinery $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 586.0 Computer Equipment Purchases $0 $0 $1,000- 603 - 49500 -01- 586.1 Fixed Assets System $1,000 603 - 49500 -01- 710.0 Transfers $0 $0 $36,000 603 - 49500 -01- 710.1 1/2 of 8/1/93 Interest Pymt $36,000 G.O. Revenue Bonds 1992B -------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $0 $33,050 $80,575 $80,,575 FUND TOTALS $0 $96,390 $153,517 $153,517 1992 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND Park & Rec ( no/_ Public Works (23.5%) '1 Govt (31.4%) 1993 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND Park & Rec k-1 P7 Public Works (25.8%) ram en'l Govt (30.2%) uul�.- ,safety (26.6%) 1992 SUMMARY OF REVENUES GENERAL FUND Misc Revenue (4.9%) Intergovernmental (13.41/o) Fines & Forfeits (1.51/o) Licenses & Permits (6.71/o) - Transfers In (7.31/o) Charges for Services (6V Recreational Fees Gen'I Property Taxes (57.2%) 1993 SUMMARY OF REVENUES Intergovernme Fines & Forfeits (1 Licenses & Permits (6.70, Transfers In (5.29/o) Charges for Services (12.( GENERAL FUND Recreational Fees (2.8%) en'I Property Taxes (57.71/o) ALLOCATION OF CITY SHARE OF ESTIMATED 1993 PROPERTY TAX Debt -Armory (2.8%) Debt (11. C I P (3.9%) Retirement/Severance (1.4% Park & Rec (14.1 %) Public Works (20.91/o) en'I Govt (24.5%) Public Safety (21.6%) 2. TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS) m Special General LGA Internal M 1989 1990 M 1991 R:F:R 1992 1993 H n Q It) 1992 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON GROUPED BY GOVERNMENT UNIT City of Rosemount Dakota County IDS #196 Speciai uistricts 1989 1990 M 1991 FTR1992 s�• TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON (AS A % OF TOTAL RATE) Specia' !A CO/\ rl[_t_: _L_ IDS #196 (49.9%) y of Rosemount (25.7°lo) lakota County (19.8°/x) 1990 TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON (AS A % OF TOTAL RATE) Special n1-4.-:-..- IDS #196 (46.0%) of Rosemount (24.8%) kota County (23.7%) TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON (AS A % OF TOTAL RATE) Specie IM. -4-4-- 1A nO/X IDS # 196 (46.0%) ty of Rosemount (27.1%) <ota County (22.0%) N"* TAX CAPACITY RATE COMPARISON (AS A % OF TOTAL RATE) Special �:_�_: .� 1C IDS # 196 (47.30/6) y of Rosemount (25.31/o) akota County (22.1%) REVENUE INFORMATION WORKSHEET December 10, 1992 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 ADOPTED #IS ADOPTED #'S ADOPTED #IS ADOPTED #IS ADOPTED #'S Special Levies ------------------------------------------------------------ $204,691 $275,775 $454,382 $553,956 $612,270 General Levies $1,470,561 $1,819,869 $2,043,903 $2,194,157 $2,301,131 Total Levies ------------------------------------------------------------ $1,675,252 $2,095,644 $2,498,285 $2,748,113 $2,913,401 Local Government Aid $607,896 $443,462 $405,311 $287,859 $296,512 Internal Revenue $699,525 $1,056,925 $1,167,177 $1,025,092 $1,219,450 Total Revenues ------------------------------------------------------------ $2,982,673 $3,596,031 $4,070,773 $4,061,064 $4,429,363 1989 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (ASA % OF TOTAL REVENUE) Internal Revenue (23.: Local Government Aid (20.41/o) (6.9%) eneral Levies (49.3%) 1989 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS) Special General LGA Internal 1990 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (ASA % OF TOTAL REVENUE) Internal Revenue (29.4% Local Government Aid (12.3% (7.70/,) neral Levies (50.61/6) 1990 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTSE Special General LGA Internal 1991 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (ASA % OF TOTAL REVENUE) Internal Revenue (28.7°/< Local Government Aid (10.0%) .vies (11.2%) eneral Levies (50.21/o) 1991 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS) Special General LGA Internal 1992 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (ASA % OF TOTAL REVENUE) Internal Revenue (25 Local Government Aid (7.1 %) n--^'^"_evies (13 .6%) ral Levies (54.0%) 2. 1992 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTSE Special General LGA Internal 1993 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (ASA % OF TOTAL REVENUE) Internal Revenue (27 Local Government Aid (6.7%) Levies (13.8%) Dral Levies (52.01/o) 2 1 1993 TAX LEVY INFORMATION (BY DOLLAR AMOUNTS) Special General LGA Internal