HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Comprehensive Guide Plan ProcessCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Comprehensive Guide Plan AGENDA SECTION: Proposed Schedule & Staffing Recommendation OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Lisa Freese, Director Planning AGENDA lffEM of ATTACM1ENTS: Memo; Proposed Schedule; List of APP 9YEBY: Tasks; Guide 'Plan Contents; Staff Summary. / U At the April 14th Planning Commission meeting, the Comprehensive Guide Plan update was discussed. The Planning Commission discussed at length the proposed schedule for completion and the required staffing. The attached memo summarizes the issues presented to the Planning Commission and the rationale for their recommendations on the schedule timeline and staffing. The proposed schedule would include the scheduling of two special City Council meetings, one each in May and June. The schedule also includes an informal staff review of the City's Guide Plan by the Metropolitan Council. If this schedule is adhered to by the City Council, the public hearing for the final draft would be held before or at the first meeting in August. The approved plan would be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for their review and approval in August. The proposed staffing includes retaining Mr. Fred Hoisington to complete the items agreed upon in the original staffing plan and hiring a summer intern to assist with research and document compilation. The remaining tasks would be handled by the Planning staff with technical support from other City Departments as required. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) A motion to support the proposed schedule. 2) A motion to authorize staff to develop a contract with the planning consultant and commence hiring a planning intern. COUNCIL ACTION: �iiy of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 423.4411 2875 • 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 T0: Mayos McMenomy Councilmembers: Klassen Staats Willcox Wippermann FR: Lisa J. Freese, Director of Planning X -:f" MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Wasson James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox Dennis Wippennann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk RE: Comprehensive Guide Plan Proposed Schedule and Staffing Recommendation At the last City Council meeting, Mayor McMenomy indicated that he would like to complete the update of the Comprehensive Guide Plan as soon as possible. With your support and direction at Tuesday night's meeting, I would like to set the process back in motion. Last year the City put considerable effort into the completion of the Guide Plan update. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the planning issues being discussed and the staffing changes in the City, the Plan did not get completed as scheduled in 1991. It was necessary to secure additional funding to complete the plan. In January, a Planning Assistance Loan was approved by the Metropolitan Council to help fund the completion of the Guide Plan. Due to the timing of my maternity leave in early February, it has not been possible to proceed with the Plan update process until now. Completing the Plan update is the Planning Department's highest priority and with your support all available staff resources will be allocated to this project during the next four months. REMAINING TASKS AND SCHEDULE: Attached to this memo is a listing of the tasks involved in the guide plan process and the status of those tasks at this time. At the present time staff is working to compile a complete draft of the actual guide plan document (see attached outline). There are still some outstanding issues that staff needs further policy direction. During the month of May it is anticipated that the Planning Commission will be reviewing a set of alternatives for each one these issues and then making recommendations to be discussed at a special Council meeting to be scheduled in late May. Staff is recommending that this meeting be a joint meeting including the City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Utility Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee. Also, City staff are presently meeting with Metropolitan Council staff to identify the potential regional issues resulting from the policies that are emerging in the draft guide plan. It is hoped that the Metropolitan Council staff will be able to complete an 6verythings �ovning (UP gosemouvdY t1 re wWd Dane. 7 4/10/92 Proposed Schedule for Completion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 4/14 Planning Commission: Discussion of 1) Process Schedule and 2) Staffing recommendations. Week of Staff meets with Planning Consultant regarding proposed work program, budget and]] 4/20 schedule. 4/21 Port Authority: Presentation regarding economic development element of the plan. Discuss and provide policy direction to staff. 4/21 City Council: Presentation regarding process schedule and proposed staffing. Week of Planning staff meets with Metropolitan Council staff regarding potential metro 4/27 systems issues. 4/28 & 5/12 Planning Commission: Discussion of 1) Organization of Plan Document; and 2) Remaining Issues. 5/5 City Council: Finalize consultant staff arrangement and set Special Joint Meetings with Planning Commission and Port Authority (1 -May, 1 -June) Week of Draft document distributed to City Council, Planning Commission, Port Authority, 5/11 Utilities Commission, Parks & Recreation Committee and Met Council staff for review. Between Special City Council Meeting with Planning Commission and Port Authority held 5/18 & 5/29 to discuss plan and make recommendations to staff on remaining issues. 6/15-6/30 Special City Council Meeting with Plannin LCommission and Port Authority to review overall document. 6/23 or 7/14 Planning Commission review of final document and forward to City Council to set Public Hearing. 7/7 or 7/21 City Council accepts final document and sets Public Hearing. 7/21 or 8/4 City Council holds Public Hearing. Makes final recommendations and requests appropriate staff revisions. 8/4 or 8/18 City Council accepts final document and forwards it to the Metropolitan Council for review. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN STATUS REPORT 0 Work Task ResponslbWty status 1. Base Mapping 1 Data Mapping 3. Inventory 4. Analysis a. Summarize Census Data b. Graphics c. Analysis/Narratives 5. Assumptions/Forecasting 6. Community Goals a. Assembly b. Goals Statements 7. Policy/Concept Plan 8. Comprehensive Plan a. Introduction b. Inventory/Analysis c. Land Use Plan 1) Text 2) Graphics d. Transportation Plan 1) Text 2) Graphics e. Public Facilities Plan 1) Utilities a) Plans b) Narrative 2) Parks 3) Other Facilities f. Environmental Protection g. Implementation Plan 9. Mappine Background Graphics 10. Preliminary Plan Graphics 11. Final Plan Graphics 12. Working Drafts a. Land Use b. Transportation c. Public Facilities d. Environmental Protection e. Economic Development 13. Final Plan Draft 14. Meetings (PC/CC) 15. Meetings (Staff) City Complete City Complete City Complete City Complete City Partially Complete Consultant Incomplete Shared Partially Complete City Complete Consultant Complete Consultant Complete Consultant Incomplete Shared Partially Complete Consultant Partially Complete City Incomplete Consultant Complete City Incomplete City Incomplete Consultant Incomplete Brauer & Assoc. Draft Complete City Incomplete City Incomplete City Incomplete City Incomplete Consultant Complete" City Incomplete Consultant Partially Complete Consultant Complete Shared Partially Complete City Partially Complete City Partially Complete City Partially Complete Consultant I of 12 Remain Consultant 0 of 8 Remain Following Contract Outline Except for differentiation between 2000 and 2010 11/04/91 City of Rosemount COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN UPDATE Remaining Tasks 1) Completion of Draft & Review - See attached task; list (C) S 7,800 - Meetings: Two with City Council One with Metro Council Three with City staff (S) 5.000 $ 12,840 11/04/91 2) SuRRIemental Studies: - Pine Bend Utility Feasibility Study (C) $ 50,000 - TH 52 Corridor Study (C) 3,000 - Airport Impact Study (C) 7,500 - Downtown Plan (C) 12,000 - Staff Coordination & Review of Supplemental Studies (S) 5.000 $ 77,500 3) Preparation of Final Guide Plan Document - Desk -top Publishing (S) S 1,000 - Graphics/Maps (S) 2,500 - Implementation Plan (S) 1,000 (C) 1,500 - Printing of Document (Final) (P) 3.000 $ 9,000 4) Final Adoption of Plan (S) $ 800 ' 5) Implementation - Subdivision Ordinance (S) S3,500 (A) 500 - Zoning Ordinance (S) 1,500 (A) 500 - Other Implementation Tasks (S) 3,000 $ 9,000 PREVIOUS EXTENDITURES: Consultant (Plan) S 15,930 Consultant (Sewers) S2,500 Intern (Cindy Carlsson) S 6,400 Staff (undetermined) KEY S = staff C = Consultant A = Attorney P = Punter 11/04/91 . Comprehensive Guide Plan Completion of Draft & Review Consultant's Estimate of $ 7,800 includes: 1) Two more City Council Meetings ............................ 4 hours/each 2) Three Staff/Consultant Meetings ............................ 3 hours/each 3) One Metropolitan Council Staff Meeting .... .......... ..... 3 hours/each. 4) Analysis Section - provide narrative ........ ... . ... .. 12 hours 5) Assumtions/Forecasting Section - complete ..................... 6 hours 6) Comprehensive Guide Plan - Introduction .. ................ . 2 hours 7) Comprehensive Guide Plan - Inventory ....................... 12 hours 8) Comprehensive Guide Plan - Land Use Plan ................... 6 hours 9) Comprehensive Guide Plan - Public Facilities Plan ............... 6 hours 10) Required Support Services - Secretarial/Graphics ........ ... .. Variable D Rosemount Minnesota Year 2000-2010 Comprehensive Guide Plan I. INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose 2. Process D -a � I 1 / g2 II. REGIONAL/HISTORICAL SETTING 1. Historic Context [MAP) 2. Regional Growth and the Metropolitan Council 3. Rosemount's Regional Position III. DEMOGRAPHICS/CITY PROFILE A. Population Characteristics 1. Age 2. Household Size 3. Education B. Employment Opportunities and Economic Activity IV. PROPERTY VALUATION AND TAB CAPACITY V. ASSUMPTIONS.AND PROJECTIONS/LAND DEMAND VI. COMMUNITY GOALS AND ISSUES VII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. Land Use Element 1. General Existing Land Use vtXISTING LAND USE MAP EXISTING ZONING MAP `/a. Historic Land Use Patterns and Calculations b. MUSA MUSA MAP FOR YEAR 2000 and 2010 2. Agricultural Areas a. Objectives and Policies for Plan 3. Residential Land Use a. Residential Construction and Housing 1.) Physical Development Patterns 2.) Rural Residential Development 3.) Urban Single Family Development 4.) Multiple Family Housing 5.) Housing Affordability 6.) Housing Assistance b. Housing and Neighborhood Plan 1.) Objectives and Policies for Plan rk 11" mi Wr_J 4. Public and Institutional Land Uses )PUBLIC LAND USE MAP a. Parks and Open Space b. University of Minnesota C. Objectives and Polices for Plan 5. Conservancy Areas a. objectives and Policies 6. Commercial Land Use a. Existing b. Objectives and Policies for Plan 8. Industrial Land Use a. Existing Land Use 1.) Light industry and industrial parks 2.) Industry in Pine Bend b. Industrial MUSA district b. objectives and Policies for Plan 9. Waste Management Plan B. Transportation Element EXISTING TRANSPORTATION MAP 1. Existing Transportation a. Streets and Highways b. Public Transit C. Aviation, Railroads, & Barge Facilities 2. Transportation Plan a. Streets and Highways b. Public Transit C. Aviation C. Community Facilities and Services 1. Public Utilities a. Existing Conditions for sewer, water, & storm sewer (public and Private systems) ING CRUTfrwav CV-WV.'P STORM SEWER, and WATER .M.A.LQ.L I SERVICE MAPS b. Projections and flows C. Public Utilities Plan 2. -Public Services a. Police b. Fire C. Street Maintenance 3. City Government 4. Schools D. Environmental Protection 1. Rosemount's Natural Environment a. soils /SOILS MAP b. Water Resources 1.) Surface Waters 2.) Ground Water C. Vegetation 2. Environmental Protection Plan E. Economic Development 1. Current Conditions 2. Economic Development Plan VII. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances 1. Design and performance standards 2. Wetland protection B. Capital Improvements Program C. Central Business District Plan Redevelopment? D. Housing (should these be under A?) 1. Density Transfers for environmentally sensitive development? 2. Techniques to encourage creative multifamily development 3. Housing maintenance code and rehabilitation program E. Public Utilities Sewer Inspection Program F. Transportation