HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b, Utility Permit Application Fees for Private Utility CompaniesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Utility Permit Application AGENDA SECTION: Fees for Private Utility Companies New Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGEND -NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director JI # ATTACHMENTS: Example Letter & Permit APPROVED BY: Application (Front & Back) The City currently requires all private utility companies to submit a completed "Permit Application" form (an example copy is attached) for each installation project they have within the City. The installations vary from new subdivision construction to replacement within established areas. The Engineering Department is responsible for processing these permits. We must investigate the compatibility of the proposed utility with other private and public utilities in the area, not only on paper and plans, but during the installation/construction as well. All of these tasks take anywhere from a few minutes to a number of hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the installation and the success of tracking down the right person to talk to. Many of the utilities sub- contract out the larger installations. These sub -contractors are usually paid by the length of the installation, so they do not usually take the time necessary for proper restoration, nor do they ask questions prior to beginning the installation. Therefore, at this time Staff is requesting that the City establish a $50.00 permit application fee to be submitted with each permit application. This "user fee" will assist in putting the burden of payment for Staff time on the utility and not on the Rosemount General Public, especially in this era of possible State budget cuts year after year. Other area communities charge for permits and each of those contacted are shown below: Apple Valley $30.00 Burnsville $13.00 per street Eagan $10.00 Lakeville $50.00 We are proposing the $50.00 permit application foreach"contiguous project. A letter would be sent out to all utility companies notifying them of the charge. The permit fees would be income to the General budget and would assist in offsetting Engineering Department salaries. Please call me if you have any questions. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING UTILITY PERMIT FEES FOR PRIVATE UTILITY COMPANIES COUNCIL ACTION: 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING UTILITY PERMIT FEES FOR PRIVATE UTILITY COMPANIES NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby establishes a utility permit application fee in the amount of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars which shall be submitted by private utility companies at the time of application; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Fifty ($50.00) Dollar permit fee shall be for each contiguous project. ADOPTED this 21st day of April, 1992. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• EXAMPLE PHONE (612) 423+411 FAX (612) 423.5203 Date: Attn: (911y of Rosemount 2875 - 14Sth Street West, Rosemount. Minnason M&d;nQ Address. P.O. Boz 510, Rosemount, Mmnesdta 5506&0510 Re: Permit Application No. Location Project Name City Project No. (if applicable) City of Rosemount MAYOR Edward B. McMsnomy COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheiia K4saen James (Red) stoats Harry WBIWX Dennis w4nor mann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Dear The attached application No. is approved with the following stipulations: 1. No open cutting of bituminous, concrete or Class 5 surfaced streets or sidewalks is allowed. 2. All areas must be restored to original or better condition at your cost, including sodding or seeding as appropriate. 3. Wherever possible, these facilities are to be installed within easements obtained in the platting process, or within easements obtained by the applicant. 4. The City is not responsible for the installation of any conduits required for crossings for the utility use. These are totally the responsibility of the utility company. Thank you for your cooperation on these matters. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Boyd Bailey Engineering Technician cc:Paul Heimkes, Building Inspections EXAMPLE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT W 1470 Permit Application For Installation of Utilities, Street Excavation or Driveway Access Within City Right -of -Way or Easements APPLICANT: PHONE: ADDRESS: PARTY PERFORMING WORK: ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: LOCATION OF WORK: (please attach sketch showing work to be completed) SURFACE TO BE DISTURBED: Concrete Bituminous Gravel Sod Other: (Describe) METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: STARTING DATE: COMPLETION DATE: DRIVEWAY ACCESS: Residential Commercial Type (see standard plates) UTILITIES: SIZE, TYPE, & LENGTH: DEPTH: TYPE & LOCATION OF CONNECTION TO EXISTING UTILITIES: WILL DETOUR BE REQUIRED? _YES `NO IF YES, DESCRIBE DETOUR ROUTE: I hereby acknowledge that this information is correct and that I agree to conform to City of Rosemount ordinances and State Law regarding this construction, and further agree to pay the permit fee of $ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: DATE: NOTE: Requirements shown on reverse side shall be complied with along with all special conditions as listed below. FOR CITY USE ONLY Authorized by: Date: SPECIAL CONDITIONS White Copy to Applicant Yellow Copy to Engineer Pink Copy to Inspector EXAMPLEGoverning Specifications The 1988 Edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Construction" Shall Govern Safety 1) The Applicant shall provide for the safety of the general public on and near the work site. 2) Flags, flares, signs and barricades shall be erected in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3) All fire hydrants on and near the work site must remain accessible. 4) Excavation shall comply with current OSHA standards. Requirements 1) No work under this application is to be started until approved and the permit issued. 2) Party performing work shall provide Insurance coverage with the City as the additional insured for not less than the following amounts: $100,000 Each occurrence $300,000 Annual aggregate 3) Applicant shall provide a minimum $2,000 bond. 4) All utilities are to be protected whether shown on a drawing or not. The Applicant is responsible for notifying the proper utility company for locations prior to the start of construction. 5) The Applicant shall guarantee all the work performed under this permit for a period of one year after the date of final acceptance. Within this period, the Applicant shall at no expense to the Owner, correct all defects that may appear in his own work. 6) Cutting and trimming of trees within the right-of-way and removal of resulting stumps requires prior approval of the City. 7) After the work on the project is completed the applicant must notify the City within 24 hours that such work has been completed and is ready for final inspection and acceptance by the City of Rosemount. 8) Restoration must be to that of surrounding area. Roadway 1) All work shall be completed prior to street surfacing. 2) Installation of pipe under concrete or bituminous pavement or curb is to be done by jacking or boring unless otherwise authorized by the City. When an installation is made by jacking or boring a pipe three inches or larger in diameter, a casing of larger dimension must be used to encase the service pipe. 3) All disturbed areas of street surface must be compacted to 100010 density. 4) All back -filling must be placed in 6" layers and thoroughly tamped. The material must be flush with the surrounding area when finished. Exception: When "repaving around a structure (manhole, gate valve) the bituminous patch must be 1\4" above the structure. 5) Replacing of concrete\bituminous pavement or curb will be according to City specifications. 6) All street patching will be completed no more than 24 hours after back filling. 7) Streets may not be closed to traffic unless authorized by the City. If closing is authorized, see the following guide lines: a) 48 hours notice (EMERGENCY VEHICLE NOTICE) b) a drawing showing the detour route, barricades and signs c) informational signs stating date of street closing. This must be done no later than 24 hours of closing. d) a letter stating the proposed procedure and time table of construction with names of subcontractors, suppliers and type of material.