HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of July 7, 1992 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS ITEM # REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, July 7, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with all members present. Staff present included: Executive Director Jilk, John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator, and Lisa Freese, Planning Director. City Attorney Mike Miles was also present. Additions to the agenda were made as follows: 5. D) Update on Old Post Office Property, 5. E) Update on Motel, 5. F) Economic Resource Network Seminar Synopsis, and 6. C) Funding Sources. MOTION by Dunn to approve the minutes of the June 16, 1992 regular meeting as printed. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Discussion was held regarding payment for attending special meetings that are held jointly with City Council. Executive Director Jilk advised that Commissioners have not received payment for special meetings. Jilk noted that Councilmembers do not get paid for attendance at special City Council meetings. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve per them payments to EDA Board Members and Port Authority Commissioners for the first half of 1992 as submitted. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed the National Guard Armory/Community Arena timetable. A meeting will be held on July 21st with Briggs and Morgan, the City's bond counsel, on whether an amendment to the Tax Increment Financing is required. Jilk has met with the architects to review the design drawings which are 85 percent complete. Drawings should be fully complete within 10 days and a pre-bid opening meeting should be held the last week in July. A meeting with the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be held regarding access locations and turn lanes. Delays on the project could be experienced if changes are needed. A question was raised whether an environmental audit had been ordered for the Highway 3 businesses adjacent to the Armory site. Miller'iadvised Commissioners that he will prepare a request toad'ertise forbids and have it ready for the July 21st Port Authoritmeeting. Also discussed was whether the revision of the Compreiensive Guide Plan would be major or minor and what a realistic time frame would be for either. Planning Director Freese stated that if a revision needs to be done it would probably be minor and could take approximately 10 working days after the Metropolitan Council receives it. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1992 MOTION by Mawe to approve the RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN in acquiring land known locally as the Strese Oil property and described in Exhibit "A SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: Mawe, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell. Nays: 0. Mr. David Strese, owner of Rosemount Ice Company, addressed the Authority to request assistance in relocating his family's ice business. He informed members that well water on the site was a priority because Minnesota health regulations prohibit him from using municipal water to produce ice for commercial use. Commission members assured Mr. Strese that City staff will research this issue and get in contact with him and his family in the near future. Commissioner Anderson reviewed information she had obtained from her June 23, 1992 attendance at the "Economic Resource Network" seminar. Miller updated', the Commission regarding the Motel project to be located at the northwest corner of Highway 3 and County Road 42. Negotiations with the property owners are in progress regarding an acquisition price and a market analysis has been ordered to determine land value. Miller and Chairperson Dunn met with the potential developer of the project and have requested personal financial data and capabilities. Data will be made available to Commissioners when it is received. Miller advised the Commission that he had developed concept plans for both of the sites being considered for the Johnson Clinic. After developing these plans, he found that the Repairs Inc. site on Highway 3 has several limitations including that it is smaller than originally thought. Miller advised that if the Johnsons would like to 'move ahead quickly, the most ideal site would be the three parcels located at 145th Street and Burnley Avenue. After considerable discussion, it was decided to order appraisals on the three parcels, meet with the owner of the third lot to discuss its acquisition, and request formal quotes for a preliminary environmental site assessment of the Repairs, Inc. site. A concern was raised from a Commissioner on the need for an environmental assessment on the Repairs, Inc. site when a decision has r¢ot been made to locate the clinic there. MOTION by Mawe to order appraisals of the three parcels of property located at 145th Street and Burnley Avenue and to request formal quotes and supplemental documentation for a preliminary environmental site assessment of the Repairs, Inc. site. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Mawe. Nays: Sinnwell. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1992 Commissioner Edwards introduced discussion on commission members meeting with various groups or potential developers. Edwards suggested these meetings be conducted through some type of ad- hoc committee.City Attorney Mike Miles stated commission members should not make any commitments without official action taken by the Port Authority. Attorney Miles also recommended that in the event a commissioner or commission members would hold any conversations with developers or business owners, that a prepared statement be handed out which would advise that Port Authority action is necessary to uphold any commitment. Following further discussion, Commissioners concurred that City staff, and in particular the new Economic Development Coordinator, John Miller, should be the appropriate person to meet with potential developers and business owners. Economic Development Coordinator Miller suggested that the Port Authority invite the City's Bond Attorney, Financial Consultant, and Jeff May, Finance Director, to attend the July 21st meeting to explain and discuss various financial aspects of the Port Authority. Commissioners decided that a separate work session was the best way of handling this and requested that staff schedule a work session and invite the appropriate consultants. In response to a request for an update on the Old Post Office property, Executive Director Jilk advised members that he would provide an update at the July 21st Port Authority meeting. Commissioner Sinnwell requested that staff research various funding sources that may be available to the City. It was suggested that these funding sources be discussed at the upcoming work session. Chairperson Dunn requested that staff reschedule the trip to Chanhassen and asked Commissioners to consider attending along with the City Council and other committees. No action was taken to schedule an Executive Session with the City Attorney regarding land purchases and environmental issues. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary