HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. SOAR PresentationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: SOAR PRESENTATION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA l"M # 3 A ATTACHMENTS: ADVISORY COMMITTEE PLANNING AP O BY - SCHEDULE, LEG. BILL, SOAR COMMITTEE LISTING Pursuant to consensus given by the City Council Councilmember Klassen has arranged to have representatives of SOAR (Stop Our Airport Relocation) give a presentation at our Council meeting on Monday. SOAR has organized since the Advisory Council to the Metropolitan Council indicated a solid direction it was taking to choose the Dakota site as the final search area for a new airport. SOAR representatives would like to overview what their organization is doing, the progress of legislation they are supporting which would place more control for the decisions in this process with the people rather than the Metropolitan Council and recommendations as to the City's current position on the airport and its possible re -location. The one major issue that will be discussed is the immediacy of certain decision factors relating to the process. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. COUNCIL ACTION: AGENDA SOAR Research Committe® Meeting February 71 1992 Alternative Learning Center, Rosemount 7:30 p.m. 1. Introduction 2. Administrative Issues Committee secretary (minutes); information storage (location and access); classification/indexing of information; frequency of meetings; research protocol 3. Preliminary Research Topics (a) Metropolitan Council (including Metropolitan and Community Development Committee; Metro Systems Committee; and Contingency Planning Committee) (b) Metropolitan Airports Commission (Long -Term Comprehensive Plan for MSP Airport) (c) State Advisory Council on Airport Planning (d) Northwest Airlines (e) Federal Aviation Administration (Great Lakes Regional Office) (f) General Aviation Industry Trends (g) Other Airports (especially Denver, Chicago, Dallas -Ft. Worth, and St. Louis Lambert Field) (h) Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development ("Economic Blueprint for Minnesota") (i) Minnesota Department of Commerce (j) State Planning Agency (k) Regional Transit Board/Transit Regulation Board/ Transit Study Board (1) Mitigation Issues (City of Richfield/other cities/ Dakota County) (m) Washington County Land Trust (n) Department of Natural Resources/Minnesota County Biological Survey (MCBS)/Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR). (o) Environmental Issues (Pollution Control Agency; Environmental Quality Board) (p) Other Environmental Organizations (Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc.) (q) Other Topics/Issues Kevin P. Carroll Research Committee Chairman 423-7070 (home) 423-1155 (office) 423-1157 (fax) Summary of The 1989 Metropolitan Airports Planning Lave Presented to The State Advisory Council on Metropolitan Airport Planning Jill Schultz, Senate Research Tom Todd, House Research Deborah Dyson, House Research Revised November 18, 1991 The Metropolitan Airport Planning Process: 1989-1996 1989 Agency Coordination Documents Agency General Planning Documents Long -Range Annual Long -Range Plans for Planning Plans Existing Review for New Airport. Airport 1996 Final Agency Report and Recommendations The 1989 Metropolitans Airport Planning Law Reports and Planning Activities in Chronological Order Deadline for Completion Planning Activity or Report July 1, 1989 MAC -Council interagency agreement. September 1, 1999 MAC -Council scope of work report. February 1, 1990 Council amends Aviation Guide Chapter. February 1, 1990 ` Council report on site protection. March 1, 1990 ' Council report on long-range aviation goals. March 1, 1990 ' Council report on assumptions and methods for forecasting demand over nut 30 years. March 1, 1940 ' MAC report on assumptions and methods for forecs;asts used to operate and develop current airport. March 1, 1990 MAC report on airport integration with state, national and international air transportation system. March 1, 1990 MAC report on conceptual design study for a major new airport. December 1, 1990 ' Council report on general availability of land in and around seven -county metropolitan area. January 1, 1991 MAC completes conceptual design plan for major new airport. January 1, 1992 MAC adopts long-term comprehensive plan for the current airport. January 1, 1992 Council designates a search area for a new airport. January 1, 1993 Council reports on re -use of land at the current airport.. By January 1, 1996 MAC completes site selection for a now airport, comprehensive plan facility requirements, and environmental work for site acquisition. Until January 1, 1996 (or If constructing new runway or substantially expanded or end of process) relocated terminal, MAC must pass resolution, containing findings of fact and conclusions showing the construction is necessary and prudent. By July 1. 1996 MAC -Council report making recommendations on site acquisition and on major airport development in the metropolitan area for the next 30 years. February 15, annually Council prepares long-range assessment of air transportation trends and factors affecting major metro airport development. February 15, annually Council and MAC each report on results of aviation planning activities, expenditures, and funding sources. ' Designates a report on which the Minnesota Advisory Council on Metropolitan Airport Planning must review and comment to the Legislature. . 'I ne Metropolitan Airport Planning Process: 1989-1996 Agency Coordination Documents July 1, 1989 • Council - MAC Interagency September Council - MAC Scope of Work Agreement 1, 1989 • I+teport' Agency General Planning Documents Forecasting , ' March 1. 1990 • Council reports on forecasting aviation demand e MAC reports on forecasting airport operational and facility needs Existing Airport Plans UkU January 1,1996, before constructing a new runway or a .`' terminal, the MAC must pans a resolution, containing findings of fa( and conclusions showing that the project is accessary and prudent. January 1, 1992 • MAC adopts comprehensive airport development plan. Aviation System Februam 1. i990 • Council amends metro aviation plan Mamb I. 1 • Council reports on long-range aviation pals • MAC reports on airport cystoma and development issues Annual Planning Review Documents February is - Each Year council reports on trends and factors affecting aviation. February is - Each year council and MAC each report on planning acitivities. New Airport Plans February 1, 1990 • Council reports on site protection methods. goo March It 1M - MAC reports on conceptual design study. December it 1990 Council reports on availability of land in and around the metro area. January 1, 1991- MAC reports on conceptual design plan. January 1,1992 - Council selects airport search area. January 1, 1993 - Council reports on ways of reusing land at existing airport. Four years atter search area selection (by January 1, 1996) - MAC selects a site and completes a long-range development plan and other documents necessary for acnuirine land. I Final Report and Recommendations on Airport Development By Council and MAC, 180 dim after,iite selection (by July 1, 1996) DUAL --TRACK AIRPORT -PLANNING PROCESS, 1992--1996 SCHEDULE ELEMENT 1992 1993 1994 1995 NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION NEW AIRPORT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EIS PROCESS COMMUNITY IMPACT STUDIES ECONOMIC IMPACT r� STUDIES MSP LTCP CONTINUING ANALYSIS r�r■r & UPDATE DECISION DOCUMENT PUB11C REVIEW] COORDINATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROCESS TASK 1992 1993 1994 1995 FIRST PHASE SCOPING, SITE SELECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, SITE SELECTION STATE EIS, SITE SELECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. NEW AIRPORT PLANS STATE EIS, NEW AIRPORT COMPREHENSIVE PLANS ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. LISP PLANS STATE EIS. MSP LANG --TERM COUP. PLAN SECOND PHASE SCOPING PREPARE DRAFT ELS CONDUCT PUBWC BEARING/MEETING STATE EIS DOCUMENT FINAL FEDERAL EIS FEDERAL RECORD OF DECISION 02/15/92 (REVISOR 1 HMW/KM 92-4306 1 A bill for an act 2 relating to metropolitan airport planning; revising 3 the name, authority, and duties of the state advisory 4 council; expanding the council and altering the voting 5 status of certain members; authorizing staff and 6 office space; appropriating money; proposing coding 7 for law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 473. 8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 9 Section 1. Laws 1989, chapter 279, section 7, is amended 10 to read: 11 Sec. 7. (473.6851 (STATE-A9Vf88RV-e89Ne*b TASK FORCE; 12 AIRPORT PLANNING.) 13 Subdivision 1. (ESTABLISHMENT; PURPOSE.) A state of 14 Minnesota edvisery-eeanei& task force on metropolitan airport 15 planning is established to provide-a-forma-at-the-state-ieveI 16 for-edueationr-discassionr-and-advice review, analyze, and 17 report to the legislature on the reports prepared for the 18 legislature by the metropolitan council and metropolitan 19 airports commission. The task force shall consider and assess 20 the statewide economic impact of the reports, recommendations, 21 or proposals submitted to the legislature by the metropolitan 22 council or the metropolitan airports commission. The task force 23 shall serve as a clearinghouse and information center for the 24 collection, preparation, analysis, and dissemination of 25 information on metropolitan airport planning, and may conduct 26 its own research or investigations regarding issues related to 1 02/15/92 (REVISOR ) HMW/KM 92-4306 1 metropolitan airport planning. Except as provided by this 2 section, the creation of this adviserr-eeuncii: task :once does 3 not affect the existing reporting relationship of the commission 4 and council to the legislature. 5 Subd. 2. (AUTHORITY; DUTIES.) (a) The adviserr-cenrcii 6 task force shall review and comment to the legislature on the 7 scope of work report required by section 5 473.619, subdivision 8 2, and may make recommendations to the legislature from time to 9 time regarding the revision or modification of the original 10 scope of work report. it (b) The adviserr-couneii task force shall review and 12 comment to the legislature on the reports to the legislature 13 required by section -i sections 473.155, subdivision 4; section -3 14 473.616, subdivision 4; and section -4 473.618. The task force 15 may employ consultants to study issues raised by the reports. 16 The metropolitan council and the metropolitan airports 17 commission shall cooperate with the task force and its 18 consultants on the studies. 19 (c) The advisory -council -may task force shall conduct 20 annual public meetings on the reports to inform the public and 21 solicit opinion. 22 (d) The advisory-eoanei&-may task force shall request 23 interim briefings on work in progress. 24 (e) The adviserr-count+&-may task force shall gather 25 information, conduct research and analysis, and advise the 26 legislature on matters related to the eeanctiLs task force's 27 charge. 28 (f) The task force shall review the programs of state 29 agencies, commissions, councils, and boards that will or could 30 significantly affect metropolitan airport planning, and 31 coordinate those it determines are interdepartmental. The tank, 32 force may initiate interdepartmental investigations into matters 33 that it determines are in need of study. 34 (g) The task force may establish interdepartmental or 35 citizen subcommittees to study particular problems or issues. 36 (h) All state agencies, commissions, councils, and boards 2 02/15/92 (REVISOR ) HMW/KM 92-4306 1 shall submit to the task force all proposed legislation that 2 will or could significantly affect metropolitan airport 3 planning, and the task force may submit reports to the 4 legislature with comments on the legislation. 5 (i) The task force may prepare legislation to clarify or 6 accomplish its objectives. 7 (j) The task force shall respond to information requests 8 from the public or from interested organizations regarding 9 metropolitan airport planning issues. 10 (k) The task force shall make necessary arrangements with - 11 the department of natural resources for, to immediately begin, a 12 biological survey of the Dakota county search area and all land 13 located within fivemilesof the boundary of that search area. 14 Funds appropriated to the task force may, at the task force's 15 discretion, be used to fund all or part of the survey if 16 sufficient funds are not otherwise available. 17 Subd. 3. (MEMBERSHIP.) The members of the advisery-eeanei& 18 task force are: 19 (1) six legislators, three members of the senate and three 20 members of the house of representatives, appointed by the 21 customary appointing authority of each house; 22 (2) the commissioners of transportation, state strategic 23 and long range planning, agriculture, trade and economic 24 development, and the pollution control agency, or their 25 designees; 26 (3) two members of the metropolitan council, appointed by 27 the metropolitan council to serve as nonvoting members; 28 (4) two members of the metropolitan airports commission, 29 appointed by the airports commission to serve as nonvoting 30 members; 31 (5) two representatives of the aviation industry, eppeinted 32 by-the-metrepeiitan-eeuneit one appointed by the customary 33 appointing authority of each house; 34 (6) six public members who are not eligible for selection 35 under the other clauses of this subdivision, three appointed by 36 the customary appointing authority of each house of the 3 02/15/92 (REVISOR ) HMW/KM 92-4306 1 legislature; 2 (7) a representative of the federal aviation administration _.._.__._. 3 serving-es-s-nenveting-member appointed by the federal aviation 4 administration; and 5 (8) a person selected by the Minnesota congressional 6 delegationT-serving-as-e-nenveting-member. 7 At least one of the three persons appointed by each house 8 under clause (6) must reside outside of the metropolitan area. 9 Members serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. 10 Subd. 4. (CHAIRS.) The legislative appointing authorities 11 shall each designate a legislative appointee to serve as a 12 co-chair of the &dvi9ery-e6*fteti task force. 13 Subd. S. (ADMINISTRATION.) The task force shall employ a 14 full-time executive director, who shall perform the duties the 15 task force directs, including the hiring of clerical and other 16 employees as the task force shall approve. The executive 17 director and other staff shall be in the unclassified service of 18 the state and their compensation shall be established by the 19 task force. They shall be reimbursed for the expenses 20 necessarily incurred in the performance of their official_ duties 21 in the same manner as other state employees. 22 The commissioner of transportation shall provide adequate 23 office space for the executive director and staff of the .task 24 force. On the request of the advisory-eeanei& task force. 25 legislative staff offices and the state and metropolitan 26 agencies represented on the advisory-eeane** task force shall 27 provide additional administrative and staff assistance as needed 28 and upon the request of the task force or its executive 29 director. The task force may: 30 (1) utilize, with their consent, the services, equipment, 31 personnel, information, and resources of other state agencies or 32 commissions;_ 33 (2) accept voluntary and uncompensated servicest 34 (3) contract with individuals, corporations, or public and 35* private agencies; and 36 (4) request information, reports, and data from any agency 4 • 02/15/92 (REVISOR J HMW" -'KM 92-4306 1 of the state or any of its political subdivisicrs. 2 Members appointed under subdivision 3, clause (6), are 3 compensated as provided in section 15.0575, subdivision 3. 4 Subd. 6. (FUNDING.) The task force may apply for, receive, 5 and disburse federal funds made available under federal law for 6 any purpose related to its powers and duties. The task force 7 may accept any donations or grants from any public or private 8 entity. All money received by the task force is annually 9 appropriated to it for the purpose for which it is received. 10 When any person, corporation, the United States government, it or any other entity offers funds to the task force to carry out 12. its purposes and duties, the task force may accept the offer by 13 majority vote and upon acceptance the chairs shall receive the 14 funds subject to the terms of the offer and the limitations 15 otherwise provided by law. 16 Subd. 7. (TERMINATION.) The advisory-eavnei3 task force 17 ceases to exist when the actions required by section -3 sections 18 473.616, subdivision 3, and section -4 473.618 are completed. 19 Sec. 2. (APPROPRIATION.) 20 5....... is appropriated from the general fund to the task 21 force on metropolitan airport planning for the fiscal year 22 ending June 30, 1993. 23 Sec. 3. (APPLICATION.) 24 This act applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, 25 Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. 5 "'� �L.t; .:1 _� 1���-i 110'=,i�iiE�F'l� '_V(I�U�TI�i•� �..: _ t�"°�.. BOARD QV DIRRCIVgS FOR STOP O 1R Ayg WRT R C)C&MON Nr February 22, 1992 President Legg] Counsel At Large Dirmtors Wendy Wustenberg David Bunde Dr. Bill Wustcnbere M828 Ahern Boulevard 22695 Dark Horse Lane 2OS28 Ahern Roulcv;ard Farmington, MN SS024 Hampton, MN 55031 iratmington, MN 550:4 460-8340 (phone & fax) 347-7148 (office) 460-8340 (home & fax) 347-7077 (fax) 624-1258 (affi(x) Trewmrer/Finance Chair 463-2924 (home) Jia Wollmering 10411 E 205th St. Hastings, MN SS033 437-6534 Secretary/Marketing Chair Gerry Drewry 24090 Northfield Blvd. Hampton, MN 55031 460-6755 (office) 463-8006 (home & fax) Paces. CommlLegislativo Chau O.J. Doyle, Jr. 12893 Floral Ave. Apple Valley, Mw Ss134 431.7352 (phone & fax) S26-44SS (pager) Pates. Coram/MAC Chair Dan Schutt 1021 Lyn Way, #114 Hastings, MN 53033 437-9183 Met Council Chair Paul Hicks 1194 Villa Court Hastings, MN 55033 296-2314 (offic4) 437.2866 (home 296.1326 (fax) Research Chair Kevin Carroll 3325 147th St. W. Rosemount, MN SS068 423-7070 (home) 423.11 SS (office) 423-1157 (rax). .Environment Chair Tim Fitzpatrick 14377 117th St. Hastings, MN 55033 437-4359 438-2905 (fax) Speakers furcate Chair Tom Nesbitt 221 W. 8th St. Hastings, MN 55033 437-9704 Networking Chair Howard Schuoder 2820 E. 245th St. Hampton, MN 55031 460-6475 (home) 450.3808 (ofi'ice) infbimation Manag. Chair Carol Elbers 3630 120th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 423-2120 Richard Mcyer I S780 E. 193rd St. Hastings, MN $5033 437-9933 Lx Officio Advisors Regional Reps on State Advisory Council The Honorable Dennis 4amnt 327S 14Sth St. E. Rosemount, MN 55068 296-4306 (office Capitol) 331-3577 (fire station) 649-4087 (pager) 296-3949 (fax) 423-1331 (home act fast) Gloria Pinke 9795 170th St. E. Hastings, MTI 55033 43&4217 (office) 438-4469 (fax) 437-6279 (hoax) SOAR Amounting Cosnrel Jim R. Carlisle Chippendale Office B;dg. 3480 Upper 149th St. W. Po*.=ount, MN 53068 423-2513