HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. LMC Legislative Conference AttendanceCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: LEAGUE LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDInA ''YY,, L ATTACHMENTS: CONFERENCE MEMO APP VED Y: 6y On March 24, 1992 the League of Minnesota Cities will hold its annual Legislative Conference. Attached is a conference agenda and registration. For those who can take the opportunity this is an excellent time to listen to legislators in vital positions speak on those major issues facing cities this session. I would recommend your approval for council and department heads to attend. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attendance of department heads and City Council Members at the 1992 LMC Legislative Conference on March 24, 1992. COUNCIL ACTION: League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 227-5600 Legislative conference brings city officials together Will the state raid the local government trust fund to balance its budget? Will the Dyrstad Commission on Local and State Government Relation's findings affect the way cities do business? Will the Legislature place a constitutional amendment on the ballot for transportation funding? Find out about these and other important issues affecting cities at the 1992 Legislative conference on March 24, 1992 at the St. Paul Radisson Hotel. The message to legislators this year, is "DON'T BUST THE TRUST." We need to work together to communi- cate this important message to all legislators. There is strength in numbers, so come to St. Paul to attend the z Legislative Conference and Capitol rally. Help protect the trust +r and tell legislators about the important services cities provide. Iry i After the Capitol rally, city officials are encouraged to visit their legislators and share with them the importance of maintaining the trust --not only the local government trust fund, but the trust between the state and cities. So don't delay, register today. DON'T BUST THE TRUST ECEIVED �t3 2 4 1992 "`-__° �'L.ERK'S OFFICE C r r 17'Y OF ROSEMOUNT f 1992 Legislative Conference Agenda 8:00 a.m. Registration opens 9:00 a.m. Presidential message Pete Solinger, LMC President, Councilmember, Rochester 9:15 a.m. State revenues and the local government trust fund Commissioner John Gunyou, Department of Finance 10:30 a.m. Capitol rally, Capitol Rotunda *Governor Arne Carlson Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe Senate Minority Leader Duane Benson 11:15 a.m. Individual meetings with legislators (City officials should make appointments to see their legislators during this time) 12:15 p.m. Luncheon House Speaker Dee Long House Minority Leader Terry Dempsey 1:45 p.m. Report on the commission on local and state government relations Lt. Governor Joanell Dyrstad 2:45 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. Pay equity Commissioner Linda Barton, Department of Employee Relations 4:15 p.m. Concurrent sessions Annexation' "Review of Annexation Legislative Proposals" *Sen. Randy Kelly, Vice chair, Judiciary; Member, Economic Development and Housing, Member, Taxes, Member, Metro Affairs Environment "Review of Environmental Legislation" *Sena Steve Morse, Chair, Legislative Commission on Water, Chair, Environmental Division, Finance; Member, Environment and Natural Resources Transportation "Perspectives on Dedication of Funding for Transportation Systems" Fred Corrigan, Executive Director, Minnesota Transportation Alliance Jack Nawrocki, President, Southern Minnesota Highway Improvement Association 5:15 p.m. Reception for city officials and legislators • Invited to speak 1992' Legislative Conference Registration 1992 Legislative Conference Housing -- Organization LeaaueofMinnesotaCities City (Please print or type) � �l tslativeConference Dates Match23-24.1992 Name Title Function Name Title All requests f orthe above group must be received by {arch 9.1992 � Name Title NI lease print or type) Cornpan � Ir y Registration fee: $75.00 advance Address $85.00 on-site ` city State Zip Sharingroomwith No. of persons AdvanceRegistration i Signature PhoneNumber Deadline—March 17,1992Yew ,,tDw Year Arrival Time I Ar" Dors Depertute Corte Check in time 3:00 p.m. Check out time 12:00 p.m. Acootmadatbns wiN not be cordk ned without a check for the first night's dePosa or use Fee includes conference registration luncheon and your annex or hers Club credit card number to guarantee your reservation. You will be evening reception with legislators invited. � ) �� for the firs � n � urveitioris am � cew 4a hours prior to ��. Credit caro a Amex 0 Diners Ch bo visa0 Mastercard 0 Make check payable and mail to i fon dam (P"w slNar League of Minnesota Cities Speclel Radumd Rdse for Make check payable and mall to the 183 University Avenue Fast Member, only ftasson Hots) St Paul St. Paul, MN 55101 i see sft+e 11 East KeUM Blvd. $60 nous (2 people) St Paul, MN 66101 9[11 League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101.2526 (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221.0986) February, 1992 TO: Mayors, Councilmembers, Managers, and Clerks FROM: Peter Solinger, LMC President RE: LMC Legislative Policy Committees Would you like to help shape the League's legislative policies and priorities? The involvement of local officials is a key component of the League's legislative program. Local officials contribute to the League's ability to advance city positions by identifying issues, studying and recommending solutions, voting on legislative policies at the Legislative Policy Adoption Conference, and through personal contact with their legislators. LMC legislative policies have high credibility with legislators because they know that the policies are determined through the grass roots involvement of many local officials. To encourage increased participation of city officials --particularly elected officials --the League will revamp its committee process this year. We will also attempt to make less demand on committee members' time by limiting the number of meetings to three --one meeting in the month of July, one meeting during the month of August, and one meeting in early October. We encourage elected and appointed officials from throughout the state to sign up for a committee. The six legislative committees and their policy areas are DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: general development issues including tax increment finance, industrial development bonds, redevelopment, economic development authorities, and housing. ELECTIONS AND ETHICS: election and ethical issues, such as voter registration, local government elections, and combined city/school district elections. FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE: develop positions on federal policy issues in coodination with the National League of cities on issues such as fiscal relations, rural development, housing, environment, and transportation policies. (OVER) GENERAL LEGISLATION AND PERSONNEL: comparable worth, open meetings, tort liability and insurance, purchasing authority, mandates, charitable gambling, licensing of contractors, competitive bidding issues, personnel, PERA and other pensions, emergency medical services, veterans' preference, volunteer fire, and military leave issues. LAND USE, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, AND TRANSPORTATION: wastewater treatment, solid and hazardous waste, ground and surface water management, land use (planning, annexation, eminent domain, and adverse possession), energy conservation, and transportation issues. REVENUE SOURCES: municipal finance, -levy limits, property tax law, local government aid, and truth in taxation. In May 1992, I will appoint new legislative committee members. The committee appointments are for a two-year period (1992/93) that coincides with the state's biennium. The League strives to achieve balanced representation from all regions of the state on each committee. I can't guarantee you will be placed on the committee of your first choice, but every effort will be made to do so. PLEASE RANK YOUR PREFERENCE FROM l (FIRST) TO 6 (LAST). I would like to serve on: (use ranking to indicate preference) Development Strategies Elections and Ethics Land Use, Energy, Environment General Legislation and Transportation and Personnel Revenue Sources Federal Legislative Name Title Address City, zip Home phone ( ) Work phone Please return this form by April 6, 1992, to Mary Diedrich, League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Avenue East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2526.