HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Land Recycling Act - Proposed LegislationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EBECUTIQE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1992 Councilmember Klassen has brought to our attention the information regarding the proposed legislation being supported by Attorney General Humphrey. This legislation, know as the Land Recycling Act, provides for certain legal protection and financial assistance programs for parties which purchase and develop contaminated or polluted land. Since this legislation falls in line with and by nature of its basis supports other legislation we are also developing for the use of Tax Increment Funds for pollution cleanup. I would recommend that the council take action to support this legislation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE LEGISLATION "THE LAND RECYCLING ACT", and to request support of this legislation by Dakota County Legislators. COUNCIL ACTION: AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM: LAND RECYCLING ACT - PROPOSED LEGISLATION PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA MM # 6A ATTACHMENTS: MEMO, LEGISLATION INFORMATION, RESOLUTION APP D Councilmember Klassen has brought to our attention the information regarding the proposed legislation being supported by Attorney General Humphrey. This legislation, know as the Land Recycling Act, provides for certain legal protection and financial assistance programs for parties which purchase and develop contaminated or polluted land. Since this legislation falls in line with and by nature of its basis supports other legislation we are also developing for the use of Tax Increment Funds for pollution cleanup. I would recommend that the council take action to support this legislation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE LEGISLATION "THE LAND RECYCLING ACT", and to request support of this legislation by Dakota County Legislators. COUNCIL ACTION: (Pity Of Rosemount 2875 . 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR PHONE (612) 423.4411 Edward B. McMenOmy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMSheila Klassenassen James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Councilmember Klassen Stephen Jilk FROM Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: February 26, 1992 RE: Land Recycling Act Attorney General Proposal In my review of the information provided on this draft legislation I would suggest that is in our best interest to support it. What the Attorney General is recommending seems to support the special legislation several cities are proposing and one which Mr. Ozment has also shown interest in supporting. That is the new version of the Tax Increment legislation we worked on last year and which is being considered this year. I am preparing a resolution of support for the Attorney General's proposal and will have it on the agenda for Monday evening. ij &verrylhivngs doming (Up RosemounlP February 16, 1992 To: Steve Jilk, City Administrator �( From: Sheila Klassen, Councilmember Re: Redevelopment of contaminated properties Steve, attached is a press release and summary of the Land Recycnng Act ithis n on I proposed this legislative session by the Attorney General. Based o can see where this Act could possibly be of some benefit to Rosemount. Perhaps we should track this one through the session, ask Rep. Ozment and Senator Pariseau to look into it and/or lend our support to it by way of a resolution or testimony. Let me know what you think. cc: Mayor, Councilmembers Port Authority Commissioners HUB ERT H. HL. IPHREY, III ,MRVEA• GENERAL STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL : STATE C WITOL CALL. \i[ TELEPHONE: 1611) "ACSI\11LE: ARI.) 29'jl" CONTACT: Pat Milan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MaryKay Miila February 5, 1992 (612) 296-6196 HUMPHREY PROPOSES'ZA" RECYCLING ACT' Proposal Encourages the Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties (St. Paul, ltZN) - Attorney General Hubert Humphrey III today announced a legislative proposal designed to encourage the clean-up and redevelopme Land nt of contaminated properties in Minnesota. Hump hrey s initiative, titled Recycling Act of `1992", will provide state assistance and limit Superfund liability Recy g and redevelop real estate that was for developers and lenders that clean up of the Minnesota. previously contaminated. The legislation has the support Pollution Control Agency, key legislators, and environmental organizations. "The legislation will stimulate developers to clean-up pollution and redevelop gain," said economically dead sites that might never have been productive a Humphrey. "In essence, we're encouraging developers to recycle land through clean-ups and new development. We're saying that in exchange for cleaning up contaminated land and redeveloping that property, the state will promise not to u other sources of pollution that you did not create." Under the force you to dean -up proposed law, previous land owners or other persons who polluted the property would still be liable for any future dean -up. "Too often, environmental protection and economic development are portrayed as conflicting goals," " Humphrey said. "This proposal demonstrates that we don't have to trade-off a clean environment for economic development. Equally important, it promotes the reuse of urban properties rather than expansion into farmland, forests, and other undeveloped areas." -MORE Land Recycling Act of 1992 February 7, 1992 Page 2 Specifically, Humphrey's proposed legislation will: • Protect developers (who are not otherwise responsible for contamination) from Superfund clean-up liability for contamination that they clean-up following an 1VIPCA-approved clean-up plan; • Protect developers from clean-up liability for other contamination remaining on a property after the initial clean up that is necessary to build the project. The developer must agree to cooperate with the MPCA on any additional clean up of remaining contamination; • Protect lenders and purchasers involved in a clean-up/development project from Superfund liability; and, • Provide additional MPCA staff and technical resources to review additional clean up plans that result from the new legislation. The cost of providing State assistance must be paid by the parties requesting it so that State expenditures for assistance are recovered from those who benefit from it. The Land Recycling Act of 1992 is a direct extension of 1988 legislation initiated by Humphrey which created the Property Transfer Program within Superf ind. That program has allowed MPCA staff to assist owners and developers in identifying- and cleaning up contamination on more than 180 properties to encourage sales and financing. In recent months, the Attorney General and MPCA have worked out written agreements with some developers and lenders to test the clean up/redevelopment concept. These pilot projects are leading to the redevelopment of several prime real estate sites whose redevelopment was jeopardized because of contamination. (See attached list.) The "Land Recycling Act" will streamline the process and put into law the protections that were used in the pilot projects and build on their success. Senator Ted Mondale, St. Louis Park, and Representative Jean Wagenius, Minneapolis, will be chief authors of the legislation and are expected to introduce the bill when the legislature reconvenes on February 17. -30- 3i STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, III vTTOR4'EY GE\ERAL C STATE c' VITOL PAI. L. t1V .:!<s Ti'LEPHOXE* (61:''.9"196 aC51 MLE: 1 12129'41" ATTORNEY GENERAL'S PROPOSED' RECYCLING ACT' I. SUPERFUND LIABILITY PROTECTION The legislation provides statutory protection from Superfund/Clean-up liability for parties not responsible for contamination who voluntarily perform an N TCA clean-up plan a. Parties will be able to obtain protection from all clean-up liability if they clean-up that portion of the contamination affected by the project and agree to cooperate with MPCA when remaining contamination is cleaned up. b. Liability protection will apply to others involved in the project such as lenders and purchasers of the property. c. The new provision prevents purchasers, developers and lenders who voluntarily clean-up work from exposure to Superfund liability without modifying or weakening the existing liability statute that is largely responsible for Minnesota's successful clean-up program.. IL ADDITIONAL MPCA STAFF/TECIIINICAL ASSISTANCE a. The legislation provides additional staff and technical resources to the MPCA Property Transfer Program to meet the increasing needs for technical assistance to identify pollution and develop clean-up plans. -MORE- Humphrey Environment Legislation February 5, 1992 Page 2 b. Parties requesting MPCA help must pay the full cost of state assistance. III. EXPANDED MPCA COMMISSIONER AUTHORITY The legislation expressly authorizes the MPGA commissioner to issue "no action" determinations under the State Superfund law to persons who own contaminated property where the source of contamination originates from other property if, • the owner of the contaminated property agrees to cooperate with any necessary clean-up actions; and, • the owner of the contaminated property agrees to avoid any activities that contribute to the contian. Owners of these properties who need assurance about potential liability in order to sell, develop, or finance their property will be able to obtain it under these provisions. -30- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE 1992 LEGISLATION KNOWN AS THE "LAND RECYCLING ACT" WHEREAS, Attorney General Skip Humphrey has presented certain legislation for consideration by the 1992 Minnesota State Legislature; and WHEREAS, this legislation would provide certain financial and legal incentives to property owners and developers which would assist in developing certain contaminated and polluted properties; and WHEREAS, these incentives may provide for many such sites in Minnesota to be cleaned up and developed and put to positive beneficial use; and WHEREAS, there are such sites in the City of Rosemount and assistance in the form proposed is of a positive and beneficial - nature which may cause these sites to be cleaned up and developed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby supports the "Land Recycling Act" as proposed by Attorney General Skip Humphrey and asks the Minnesota State Legislature to approve the legislation to adopt this Act. Adopted this 2nd day of March, 1992. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: HOUSE H. F. SUBJECT AUTHORS: COMMITTEE: ANALYST: RESEARCH Bill Summary (Bill Draft) S.F. Land Recycling Act --Liability for Voluntary Environmental Cleanups Wagenius Legislative Commission on Waste Management Linda S. Taylor 296-8961 DATE: February 16, 1992 [OVERVIEW: The bill exempts from Superfund liability persons who are not otherwise liable and who voluntarily undertake full or partial cleanup of contamination under agreement with and supervision of the Commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency (PCA). This bill also adopts the current administrative policy of not seeking to impose Superfund liability on property owners located near the source of environmental contamination as long as they cooperate in cleanup activities and do nothing to make the contamination worse.] Section 1. Superfund Investigations. Clarifies that a person who investigates environmental contamination in cooperation with the commissioner of the PCA does not become associated with the contamination for the purpose of imposing Superfund liability on the person solely because of the investigation. Se-. 2. Voluntary Response Actions; Liability Protection; Procedures. Subdivision 1. Protection From Liability; Scope. A person who is not otherwise responsible to clean up environmental contamination under Superfund and who voluntarily undertakes to clean up all or a specified portion of the contamination does not become liable under Superfund for the contamination. Effect: This provision makes sure that a volunteer who acts under a formal agreement with the Commissioner of the PCA (Commissioner) to clean up all or a portion of contamination on property will not be subject to the strict, joint and several liability provisions of Superfund that are applied to those responsible for the contamination if the volunteer follows the provisions of this section ..i o ..,. .....,a„mac ann Ci,n1c f1fftf-o Ririldinn Land Recycling Act r Page 2 Subd. 2. Partial Response Action Plans; Criteria. Authorize the Commissioner to approve a voluntary response action plan (plan) that includes only a partial cleanup of the contamination if: (1) the plan requires actions necessary to carry out the proposed development or future use of the property while protecting public health and welfare and the environment. (2) the actions to be taken under the plan will not aggravate or increase the cost of cleaning up the remaining contamination; and (3) the owner of the property agrees to cooperate with future cleanup efforts, including allowing access to the property and placement of structures or fixtures on the property for those cleanups. Note: A response action plan under current law is the formal document that is proposed by a person who is going to respond to the presence of contamination. The Commissioner must approve this plan In this context "respond" or "response" means removing or remediating contamination on property to protect the public and the environment "Response action" includes such actions as testing, monitoring, removal, containment, prevention, neutralization, diversion and similar actions to control or clean up contamination. Subd. 3. Submission and Approval of Voluntary Response Action Plans. A plan is to be submitted to the PCA under its Property Transfer Program, which can provide assistance to review it and supervise work done under it A plan must meet the requirements of a regular response action plan to protect the public and the environment The commissioner may include in an approval of a plan a statement that on certification of completion of the plan, the person submitting the plan will receive the liability protection of this section. Subd. 4. Association With the Release. Persons who clean up contamination under a plan do not associate themselves with the contamination for the purpose of imposing liability on them under Superfund. Subd. 5. Certification of Completion. The Commissioner must certify completion of response actions and if the plan allows for partial cleanup, the certificate of completion must include agreement by the owner and operator of the property to cooperate and not interfere with future cleanup actions. Subd. 6. Persons Protected From Liability. After certification of completion of response actions, the protection from Superfund liability granted under this section extends to the person who undertook and completed the response actions and: Lan:, Recycling Act Page 3 (1) an owner of the identified property or operator of a facility on the property who is not otherwise liable under Superfund; (2) a lender who provides financing for the response actions, purchase of the property, or operation of a facility on the property; and (3) a successor or assign of any of the above. Note: ane protection from liability extends to future property owners, operators of facilities on the property, and future lenders or successors in interest to original lenders. Subd. 7. Persons Not Protected From Liability. The liability protection does not apply to: (1) a person who aggravates or contributes to contamination not remedied under the Plan (2) a person listed in Subdivision 6 who was liable under Superfund for the contamination prior to the response actions taken under the plan; or (3) a person who fraudulently obtains a voluntary response action plan or knows the plan was fraudulently obtained Subd. 8. Other Rights and Authorities Not Affected. This section does not affect the operation of Superfund except by its specific terms. Sec. 3. Liability of Land Owners near Contaminated Property. Provides statutory authority for the commissioner of the PCA to determine or enter agreements not to seek recovery of Superfund costs from persons who own property that is near or affected by contamination that originates on other property. Land owners must still cooperate with cleanup activities, allow PCA staff access to their property if necessary, and avoid making the contamination worse. A determination or agreement made by the commissioner under this section extends to future owners of the property to which it applies and persons who lend money for the property to which it applies and persons who lend money for the property or development of the property. Note: This section places in statute the current "good neighbor policy" adopted by the PCA board on February 27, 1990. Under section 5 it applies retroactively to determinations and agreements made prior to its effective date. Sec. 4. PCA Complement and Appropriation. Increases the staff complement of and appropriation to the PCA in the Property Transfer Program in order to provide the assistance and oversight required in the bill. Land Recycling Act Page 4' - Note: The statute authorizing the Property Transfer Program requires that the Program bill its services to users; the appropriation is designed to match the increased revenue from billing users. Sec. 5. Short Title. "The Land Recycling Act of 1992." Sec. 6. Effective Date; Application. The bill is effective immediately. Section 3 applies to agreements made prior to the effective date of the bill. 32/15/92 (REVISOR ) CMR/LS 92-4126 1 A bill for an act 2 relating to the environment; providing protection from 3 liability for releases of hazardous substances to 4 persons not otherwise liable who undertake and 5 complete cleanup actions under an approved cleanup 6 plan; providing for submission and approval of cleanup 7 plans and supervision of cleanup by the commissioner 8 of the pollution control agency; authorizing the 9 commissioner of the pollution control agency to issue 10 determinations or enter into agreements with property 11 owners near the source of releases of hazardous 12 substances regarding future cleanup liability; 13 appropriating money amending Minnesota Statutes 1990, 14 section 115B.17, subdivision 14; proposing coding for 15 new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 1158. 16 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 17 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1990, section 1158.17, 18 subdivision 14, is amended to read: 19 Subd. 14. [REQUESTS FOR REVIEW, INVESTIGATION, AND 20 OVERSIGHT.] (a) The commissioner may, upon request, assist a 21 person in determining whether real property has been the site of 22 a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, 23 pollutant, or contaminant. The commissioner may also assist in, 24 or supervise, the development and implementation of reasonable 25 and necessary response actions. Assistance may include review 26 of agency records and files, and review and approval of a 27 requester's investigation plans and reports and response action 28 plans and implementation. 29 (b) The person requesting assistance.under this subdivision 30 shall pay the agency for the agency's cost, as determined by the �2"9? V--Z6✓J 1 commissioner, of providing assistance. Money received by the 2 agency for assistance under this section must be deposited in 3 the environmental response, compensation, and compliance fund. 4 (c) When a Derson investicates a release or threatened 5 release in accordance with an investication plan anDroved by the 6 commissioner under this subdivision, the investication does not 7 associate that person with the release or threatened release for 8 the purpose of section 1158.03, subdivision 3, oaracraph (d). 9 Sec. 2. (115B.175) [VOLUNTARY RESPONSE ACTIONS; LIABILITY 10 PROTECTION; PROCEDURES.) 11 Subdivision 1. [PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY; SCOPE.) (a) 12 Subject to the provisions of this section, a person who is not 13 otherwise responsible under sections 115B.01 to 115B.18 for a 14 release or threatened release will not be responsible under 15 those sections for the release or threatened release if the 16 person undertakes and completes response actions to remove or 17 remedy all releases and threatened releases at an identified 18 area of real property in accordance with a voluntary response 19 action plan approved by the commissioner. 20 (b) The liability protection provided under this 21 subdivision applies to releases or threatened releases at the 22 identified property that are not required to be removed or 23 remedied by the approved voluntary response action plan if the 24 requirements of subdivision 2 are met. 25 (c) The liability protection provided under this section 26 does not apply to a release or threatened release that is not 27 identified in the approved voluntary response action plan or a 28 release that begins after the completion of response actions 29 required by the plan. 30 Subd. 2. (PARTIAL RESPONSE ACTION PLANS;; CRITERIA FOR .31 APPROVAL.) ja) The commissioner may approve a voluntary response 32 action plan submitted under this section that does not require 33 removal or remedy of all releases and threatened releases at an 34 identified area of real Drooerty if the commissioner determines 35 that all of the following criteria have been met: 36 (1) if reuse or development of the property is proposed, 2 02/15/92 [ REVISOR ] CMR/LS 9i:J4" V:1 L 1 the voluntary response action plan provides for all response 2 actions required to carry out the proposed reuse or development 3 in a manner that protects public health and welfare and the 4 environment; 5 (2) the response actions and the activities associated with 6 anv reuse or development proposed for the oronerty will not 7 acaravate or contribute to releases or threatened releases that 8 are not required to be removed or remedied under the voluntary 9 response action plan, and will not interfere with or 10 substantiallv increase the cost of response actions to address_ 11 the remaininc releases or threatened releases; and 12 (3) the owner of the proDertv`acrees to cooperate with the 13 commissioner or other persons acting at the direction of the 14 commissioner in taking response actions necessary to address 15 remaining releases or threatened releases, and to avoid any 16 action that interferes with the response actions. 17 (b) Under Daracraph (a), clause (3), an owner may be 18 required to scree to anv or all of the following terms necessary 19 to carry out response actions to address remainina releases or 20 threatened releases: 21 (1) to provide access to the property to the commissiorar 22 and the commissioner's authorized representatives; 23 (2) to allow the commissioner, or persons _acting at the 24 direction of the commissioner, to undertake activities at the 25 property including placement of borings, wells, equipment, and 26 structures on the property; and 27 (3) to grant easements or other interests in the oroperty- 28 to the aaencv for anv of the purposes provided in clause (1) or 29 (2). 30 (c) An agreement under paragraph (a), clause (3), must 31 aDDly to and be binding upon the successors and assicns of the 32 owner. The owner shal_ record the acreement with the title of 33 the real property if requested by the commissioner. 34 Subd. 3 (SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF VOLUNTARY RESPONSE 35 ACTION PLANS.) (a) A person shall submit a voluntary response 36 action plan to the commissioner under section 1158.17, :EVISOR j CMR/LS 1 subdivision 14. The commissioner TAy provide assistance to 2 review voluntary response action plans or supervise response 3 action implementation under that subdivision. 4 (b) Response actions required in a voluntary resoonse 5 action plan under this section must meet the same standards for 6 protection of public health and welfare and the environment that 7 apply to response actions taken or requested under -section 8 115B.17, subdivision 1 or 2. 9 (c) When the commissioner approves a voluntary response 10 action plan, the commissioner may include in the approval an 11 acknowledament that, upon certification of completion of the 12 resr)onse actions as provided in subdivision 5, the person 13 submitting the plan will receive the protection from liability 14 provided under this section. 15 Subd. 4. [PERFORMANCE OF RESPONSE ACTIONS DOES NOT 16 ASSOCIATE PERSONS WITH RELEASE.] Persons specified in 17 subdivision 6 do not associate themselves with any release or 18 threatened release identified in an aporoved voluntary response 19 action plan for the purpose of section 115B.03, subdivision 3, 20 paragraph (d), as a result of performance of the response 21 actions reQuired in accordance with the plan and the direction 22 of the commissioner. This subdivision does not apply to a 23 person specified in subdivision 7 Nothing in this section 24 relieves a person of any liability for failure to exercise due 25 care in performing a response action 26 Subd. 5. (CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION OF RESPONSE 27 ACTIONS.) (a) Response actions taken under an approved voluntary 28 response action plan are not completed until the commissioner 29 certifies completion in writinc. 30 b Certification of completion of response actions taken 31 under a voluntary response action plan that does not require 32 removal or remedy of all releases and threatened releases is 33 subiect to compliance by the owner, and the owner's successors 34 and assigns, with the terms of the acreement required under 35 subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (3). 36 Subd. 6. (PERSONS PROTECTED FROM LIABILITY.) In addition Y . -{d12 6� U 02/..5/92 (REVISOR J CMR /L S 1 to the person who undertakes and completes response actions, and 2 subject to the provisions of subdivision 7, the liability 3 protection provided by this section applies to the following 4 oersons when the commissioner issues the certificate of 5 completion of response actions under subdivision 5: 6 (1) the owner of the identified Droperty, if the owner is 7 not responsible for anv release or threatened release identified 8 in the aoDroved •-oluntary response action Dlan; 9 (2) a person providing financing to the person who 10 undertakes and completes the response actions, or who acquires 11 or develops the identified Droperty; and 12 •(3) a successor or assign of any person to whom the 13 liability protection applies. 14 Subd 7. (PERSONS NOT PROTECTED FROM LIABILITY.) The 15 orotection from liability provided by this section does not 16 apply to: 17 (1) a person who acaravates or contributes to a release or 18 threatened release that was not remedied under an aoprcved 19 voluntary response action olan; 20 (2) a person who was responsible under sections 115B.01 to 21~ 115B.18 for a release or threatened release identified in the 22 aoDroved voluntary response action Dlan before taking an action 23 that would have made the Derson subject to the protection under 24 subdivision 6; or 25 (3) a person who obtains au-oroval of a voluntary response 26 action plan for purposes of this section by fraud or 27 misrepresentation, or by knowingly failing to disclose material 28 information, or who knows that approval was so ot-ained before 29 taking an action thatwouldhave made the person subject to the 30 protection under subdivision 6. 31 Subd. 8. [OTHER RIGHTS AND AUTHORITIES NOT 32 AFFECTED.] Nothing in this section affects the authority of the 33 agency or commissioner to exercise any powers or duties under 34 this chaoter or other law with respect to any release or 35 threatened release, or the right of the agency, the 36 corrmissioner, or anv other person to seek any relief available 5 J2/15/92 REViSGR 1 under this chapter against any oarty who is not subject to the 2 liability protection provided under this section. 3 Sec. 3. (115B.177) [OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY AFFECTED BY 4 OFF-SITE RELEASE.) 5 Subdivision 1. [DETERMINATION OR AGREEMENT BY 6 COMMISSIONER.) (a) The commissioner ma issue a written 7 determination or enter into an agreement to take no action under 8 sections 115B.01 to 115B.18 against a person who owns real 9 property subject to a release of a hazardous substance, or 10 Pollutant or contaminant, if the commissioner finds that the 11 release originates from a source on adjacent or near b real 12 property and that the person is not otherwise responsible for 13 the release. 14 b A determination issued or agreement entered into under 15 this section must be conditioned upon the following: 16 1 agreement by the person to allow entry upon the 17 ro erty to the commissioner and the authorized representatives 18 of the commissioner to take response actions to address the 19 release, including in aparopriate cases an agreement to Grant 20 easements to the state for that purpose; 21 2 agreement by the person to avoid any interference with 22 the response actions to address the release taken by or at the 23 direction of the agency or the commissioner, and to avoid 24 actions that contribute to the release; 25 3 invalidation of the determination or agreement if the 26 commissioner receives new informal' �.on indicating that the 27 property owned by the person is a source of the release or that 28 the person is otherwise responsible for the release; and 29 (4) any other condition that the commissioner deems 30 reasonable and necessary to ensure that the agency and 31 commissioner can adequately respond to the release. 32 Subd. 2. [SCOPE AND EFFECT OF DETERMINATION OR 33 AGREEMENT.) (a) A determination issued or acreement entered into 34 under this section may extend to the successors and assigns of 35 the person to whom it originally applies, if the successors and 36 assigns are not otherwise responsible for the release and are 6 u2; 15/92 ;REVISOR ) CXR/LS `52=4126 1 bound by the conditions in the determination or agreement. 2 (b) Issuance of a determination or execution of an 3 aereement under this section does not affect the authority of 4 the acencv or commissioner to take anv response action under 5 sections 1158.01 to 115B.18 with respect to the release subject 6 to the determination or agreement, or to take administrative or 7 judicial action under those sections with respect to persons not 8 bound by the determination or agreement. 9 Sec. 4. (PROPERTY TRANSFER PROGRAM; POLLUTION CONTROL 10 AGENCY; COMPLEMENT AND APPROPRIATION.) 11 Subdivision 1. [COMPLEMENT.] The complement of the 12 pollution control acencv is increased by positions for the 13 purpose of orovidinc assistance under Minnesota Statutes, 14 section 1155.17, subdivision 14, including assistance to carry 15 out the orovisions of section 1. 16 Subd. 2. [APPROPRIATION.] 5....... is aDDropriated to the 17 pollution control acencv from the environmental resoonse, 18 comr)ensation, and compliance account for the biennium endine 19 June 30, 1993, for the purpose of providing assistance as 20 specified in subdivision 1. 21 Sec. 5. (SHORT TITLE.) 22 This act may be referred to as the "land recycling act of 23 1992." 24 Sec. 6. (EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION.) 25 This act is effective the day following final enactment. 26 Section 3 applies to a determination issued or an agreement 27 entered into by the commissioner of the oollution control acencv 28 prior to its effective date if the determination or agreement 29 meets the requirements of that section. 7