HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of March 2, 1992 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2 , 119 9 2 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Monday, March 2, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. The meeting was moved to Monday due to the precinct caucuses March 3, 1992. Acting C airperson Edwards called the meeting to order with members Mawe, Wi permann, McMenomy and Sinnwell present. Dunn and Anderson were abs nt. Staff prsent were Executive Director Stephan Jilk, City Attorney Mike Mil s and Linda Jentink, recording secretary. Acting C airperson Edwards called for any additions or corrections to the Agenda. Sinnwell added 6.(c.) Review of Johnson, Carlson, U of M, Armory, Metro East Partnership Participation and City's Bond Rating. 6.(a.) Add Comprehensive Guide Plan. Jilk added 8.(a.) Executive Director's Report- April Work Session. Mawe sugested changes to the minutes of February 4, 1992 as submitte . Motion bWippermann to approve the February 4, 1992 Port Authority minutes �ith correction. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. There were no bills or communications to handle this month. Executiv Director Jilk discussed the report compiled by Assistant Administ ator Sue VanderHeyden of six companies which had made proposal for the soil testing of the Strese Oil property. The recommen ation was to authorize American Engineering Testing, Inc. to conduct he initial site assessment of the Strese Oil property. This was base on their experience and variety of tests included. Mr. Sinnwell had reviewed these proposals as well and agreed that American Engineering would be highly recommended. Discussion was held on the timeliness of spending money before the property might be purchased. However, knowing what risk might be involved with the purchaselis necessary. Whoever would purchase the property would have theloption to purchase the test report. City Att rney Miles reported that ownership of the Strese property is still un lear but progress is being made. A "Quick Claim Deed" is in the pros ss by Strese's attorney which will give Olga Strese ownership. The sales tax lien is against the proprietor not the property. City staff met with officials from the Internal Revenue Department and they discussed the possibility for negotiations to lower the tax lien amount. F4 Motion b, Testing, Oil prop McMenomy Nays: 0 Executiv Developm Economic an oppor Authorit accounta: leadersh communit: with exp, tailored improve against 1 Council i ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1992 Mawe to authorize staff to hire American Engineering Inc., to conduct an initial site assessment of the Strese rty located at 14810 South Robert Trail. Second by Ayes: Mawe, Wippermann, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell. Motion carried. Director Jilk provided information on the Economic .t Coordinator position. The Assistant Administrator and levelopment Specialist positions have been vacated providing nity to redefine a position that will benefit the Port more directly. This would be a management position e to the City Administrator that would provide vision, and development skills both economic and social for the of Rosemount. The salary is higher to attract a person ience, background and knowledge that can begin a,program or Rosemount that will encourage new development and isting businesses. Some concerns were voiced both for and e immediate need. This will be addressed at the City eting this evening. Executive Director Jilk discussed the City of Rosemount's bond rating which is 'A". It has been an "A" rating for eight years. The Metro East Development Partnership about two and one half years ago approached all communities south of the river to become members. Rosemount decided not to participate because most of their marketing or advert sing is for the Hwy 94 area in St. Paul and the benefits for Rosemount would be minimal. Sinnwell said they have connections with large industrial businesses (i.e. IBM, 3M) that would possibly locate a ansions here if Rosemount was exposed to them. The Port Authority could invite Metro East here for a presentation to the Board. Members agreed that would be appropriate. The National Guard Armory/Community Center is proceeding well. Dickey and Associates are doing the final construction drawings to be submitted to their Washington, D.C. office by April 30th, 1992. The funding has had final approval. The school district is deciding whether onot to combine additional classrooms; there is a March 20th dead ne on this. Also, the Rosemount Area Hockey Association is trying to combine funding techniques to add "ice" or the multi- purpose arena to the structure. The businesses along the west side of Highway 3 near the armory site may be considered for relocation or purchase to provide better access and "clean up" the area. The foot print of the structure (115,000 Sq.Ft.), with parking, uses the entire original site. An industx Highway 3. done. EDP, committed ial park was proposed south of Highway 42 Engineering studies and preliminary cost members concluded that an initial tenant first, then development could take place. F% and east of estimates were should be ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1992 Johnson's Sports and Chiropractic is waiting to relocate to the Repairs Inc. site. Repairs, Inc. must be relocated first to a site with access and visibility off Highway 3. Several options are being considered. The Carlson Mall being developed by Ron and Rich Carlson is still proceeding. They are negotiating with an anchor tenant and are looking for financial assistance through tax increment financing. The request is still $50,000 per year for five years. This was supported by the past EDA and the Carlsons will contact the Port Authority when they are ready to proceed. Executive Director Jilk reviewed the concept and consideration for the"Down own Development Plan". Many aspects have been reviewed:. relocation of existing businesses; market analysis by McComb, Inc.; and combined commission/committees with City Council workshop held November 23, 1991. McMenomy noted that downtown businesses should be contacte to discern their interest. Mawe commented that "the retail districtshould be determined. Traffic counts help determine success f businesses and high exposure areas. Motion b Edwards to support the Downtown Development Plan by the formatio of a committee and confirm the commitment of $12,000 of Port Aut ority budgeted funds toward this endeavor. Second by McMenomy Ayes: Wippermann, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, Mawe. Nays: 0� In dealing with the University of Minnesota over the past two years in regard to the County's Waste to Energy Plant, many legal ways to purchase property from them have been explored. Real estate taxes were an issue and it was determined that the University was only exempt from condemnation when the use was for research or educational purposes So all the rented or purchased space not used for research or educa ional purposes could be acquired by the Port Authority. Dakota County recently found that under the Waste Management Act they could condemn the property. They have acquired 350 acres of which 40 are in Rosemount, the rest in Empire Township. The City has proven that the University must comply with the fire, building and zoning permitti g and codes. Regulations are needed and at this point there are still violations on U of M property. City staff does meet on an Advisory Committee once a month with the U of M staff. Item 6 (b.) was removed from the agenda due to time shortage. If any board member would have questions regarding the review of information packets please contact Mr. Jilk. Item 7 (a.) Port Authority Member Information is for members review. Please let staff know ahead so they can be placed on the agenda. Executive Director Jilk advised the board members that a work shop would be beneficial. Some misunderstandings on the roles and authority of the Port Authority must be reviewed. Consultants and/or 3 ROSEMOIINT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1992 staff will be available. Tuesday, April 14, at 6:30 p.m. was acceptable to present board members. An alternative date would be Tuesday, April 28. MOTION by Mawe to adjourn. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.. ATTEST: Stephan J�lk Executive Director Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 4