HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Star City Re-CertificationPHONE (612) 423-4411 FAX (612) 423.5203 TO: FROM: DATE: CDC y of Rosemount 2675 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 Chairperson Dunn Commissioners: Anderson, Sinnwell, Edwards, Mawe,-McMenomy, and Wippermanu Stephan Jilk, Executive Directo April 2, 1992 RE: (Star City Program Recertificati MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Stsats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippannann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk The City Df Rosemount gained Star City status in 1990. After two years in the program, and each year after that, the city must go through a recertification process. This proc ss includes several steps. One step is to update the city's one year and five year economic development program. Staff has provided a draft of the updated plan and we are seeking your input on that draft. We have enclosed a copy of the draft for your review. Please take time to do so and offer comments on Monday evening. The next (step in this process would be to take the draft document to the City's Star City Committee and then on the city council for thei approval. After th,t the Department of Economic Development from the state will send down an interview team to meet with the city staff and the star city committee to review the plan and other documents in order to consider us for recertification. lj 6very ikin9 rs %-/oming ( j6 RosemounlY 0 recycled oars, A) YEAR ONE: 1. OBS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STAR CITY FIVE YEAR PLAN FOR LONG RANGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1992 AND PARTICIPATE IN THE AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS 2. WORK WITH DAKOTA'COUNTY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REGARDING THE POSSIBLE SITING OF A WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY (compost facility, incinerator, etc.) 3. CONTINUE TO WORK WITH THE MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD OFFICIALS IN FINALIZING PLANS AND BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OF THE DIVISION HEAD UARTERS NATIONAL GU�AgR_D} ARMORY AND COMMUNITY CENTER IN ROSEMOUNT 4. CONT NUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT/REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ACTIVITIES 5. COMP TE A CITY UTILITY STUDY FOR THE PINE BEND INDUSTRIAL AREA 6. EVALPATE LAND USE POLICIES / ENCOURAGE DEVELOPMENT IN PINE BEND AND UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AREAS 7. ESTA LISH FINANCING POLICIES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT (pursuant to the Rosemount Port Authority Guidelines and any new loan fund guidelines) 8. - IN= CITY 9. EVAL MARK 10. COMP 11. DEVE LOCATi)1�3 AN INDUSTRIAL PARK WITHIN THE TE CITY HALL STAFFING NEEDS FOR BUSINESS RECRUITMENT AND ING THE REVISION OF THE ROSEMOUNT COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN P COMPLETE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN" B) YEAR TWO: 1993 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1993 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) 1. ESTABLISH MARKETING/RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK 2. EVALUATE CITY STAFFING ON SPECIAL PROJECTS 3. CONTINUE TO FOLLOW AND PARTICIPATE IN AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS 4. UPDATE STAR CITY 'PLAN AND MAINTAIN STAR CITY DESIGNATION 5. UPDATE "FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN" 6. EVALUATE THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND SHORT TERM 7. FOLLOW UP ON IMPACT OF 1993 LEGISLATIVE SESSION 8. IMPLEMENT THE ROSEMOUNT SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PLAN 9. EVALUATE ADDITIONAL SENIOR HOUSING NEEDS IN ROSEMOUNT 10. COMPLETE MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR UNIVERSITY PROPERTY C) YEAR THREE: 1994 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1994 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) 1. UPDATE STAR CITIES PLAN AND MAINTAIN STAR CITY DESIGNATION 2. UPDATE "FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN" 3. FOLLOW UP ON IMPACT OF 1994 LEGISLATIVE SESSION 4. CONTINUE EXPANSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT (commercial/retail) IN DESIGNATED AREAS 5. FOLLOW-UP ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE PINE BEND AREA, ON THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PROPERTY 6. INIT ATE A NEW PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE TO MARKET BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN ROSEMOUNT 7. CONTINUE TO FOLLOW AND PARTICIPATE IN AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS 8. DETERMINE PROJECT FOR 1994 CDBG PROGRAM D) YEAR FOUR 1995 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1995 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) 1. UPDATE STAR CITIES PLAN AND MAINTAIN STAR CITY DESIGNATION 2. UPDATE "FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN" 3. FOLLOW UP ON IMPACT OF 1995 LEGISLATIVE SESSION 4. CONTINUE PROMOTION OF RETAIL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES IN PLANNED AREAS 5. EVALUATE CAPACITY OF SERVICES.WITH RELATIONSHIP TO MARKETING, IE: TRANSPORTATION, PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES 6. CONTINUE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS IF NECESSARY E) YEAR FIVE: 1996 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1996 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) 1. UPDA E STAR CITIES PLAN AND MAINTAIN STAR CITY DESIGNATION 2. UPDA E "FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN" 3. ACTT VELY MARKET COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PARK SITES 4. FOLL6W UP ON IMPACT OF 1996 LEGISLATIVE SESSION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STAR CITY ONE YEAR WORK PLAN 1992 GOAL #1 OBSERVE Work Task as s: A) B) C) D) E) F) AND PARTICIPATE IN THE AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS Monitor final search area development restrictions and comprehensive guide plan impacts. Work with the Metropolitan Council and other agencies to obtain search area impact planning grants/loans. Monitor and lobby on behalf of the City concerning the airport deve opment plan process and transportation corridor improvements. Moni or the State Legislature's actions on relocating the airport. Moni or incremental environmental review of selected airport area. Part'cipate in all aspects of the airport planning process effecting the Pity of Rosemount. Rosemount City Council Rosemount City Staff (City Administrator; Economic Development Coordinator, Planning Director) 1992 - 1994 . Ongoing GOAL #2 WORK THE faci7 A) B) C) is Stri- loca, Publ deve dire City meet Deve cons prov Dist the Expe Impa WITH DAKOTA COUNTY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REGARDING POSSIBLE SITING OF A WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY (compost ity, incinerator, etc.) e for a cooperative effort between the County and City in ing a facility on University of Minnesota property. cite City of Rosemount strategy and position on this opment. Develop communications plan involving City Newsletter, t mailings, area newspapers and periodic updates at Rosemount Council meetings. Prepare to hold public informational ngs on a larger scale than Council op host community relationship with Dakota County; take into deration the number of jobs such a facility is likely to de; payment of funds in lieu of taxes to the City/School ict; increase in residential tax base from persons working at acility moving to Rosemount. t Dakota County to live up to the letter of the "Environmental �t Study." Insure this by hiring an inspector jointly with the coun y. E) Acti ely pursue "spin-off" industries to locate near a waste proc ssing facility with the intent of creating at least 20 new jobs in a dition to those created by the facility. Dakota County Officials (Department of Physical Rosemount City Council Rosemount City Staff (City Administrator; Planning Director) 1992 - 1996 Development) Economic Development Coordinator, . The project is in the conceptual stage at this time. GOAL #3 UE TO WORK WITH THE MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD OFFICIALS IN ZING PLANS AND BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OF THE DIVISION ARTERS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY AND COMMUNITY CENTER IN ROSEMOUNT tial 35-40 full time employees and 600 training personnel on s weekends) A) Worwith National Guard personnel and architects to complete final deslecessary gn plans to be submitted to Washington D.C. for final approval. B) Begn staffing discussion within City Hall on how much, if any, addtional staff will be needed. C) Preare plans, obtain necessary approvals and begin construction of water, sewer and storm sewer structures. D) fee the public informed of activities taking place throughout the con truction process. E) Res arch possible relocation of businesses located "in front" of the Armory site. F) Preare to pursue "spin-off" services/ industries which may want to loc to in Rosemount due to the large armory. Minnesot' National Guard Armory officials Rosemounj City Council City of osemount Staff (Ci'y Administrator; Department Heads; Economic Development Coordinator) Rosemount Community Facility Committee (Representatives from all sectors of the Community) 1992-1995 Status: I The project is in the final design stages at this time. GOAL #4: CO IN Wo k Tas s: A) B) C) D) E) Ros Ros DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT/REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ACTIVITIES Ass mble appropriate community representatives and possibly a con ultant to begin the Downtown Redevelopment Plan process. Def'ne what the "downtown" area is and assess what businesses and se ices which might be suitable for relocation out of or into "do town". Con inue participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CD G) program administered every other year for the City of Ros mount by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Wor with other businesses on a continuing 1990 and 1992 CDBG rel cation project which has the potential of creating one new commercial building, 1 rehabilitated building and 25 new jobs in the Rosemount downtown. Continue to assist businesses/managers who have open or excess space in their buildings in locating suitable businesses for those spaces. Kee a current listing of all those businesses and industries loc ted in the community so as to be able to assist and direct potential customers and potential "spin --off" businesses. City of City Council Port Authority Redevelopment Plan Steering osemount Planning Department December 1992 Status: IIn progress at this time Committee i GOAL #5 UATE LAND USE POLICIES/ENCOURAGE DEVELOPMENT IN PINS BEND AND II, IVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AREAS. A) Ini i.al research has been conducted concerning the feasibility of locating City water and sewer services to these areas to assist in the further development of this area of the City of Rosemount. Staff will continue to pursue this issue in the coming year. B Continue to assist businesses/managers who have open or excess space in their buildings in locating suitable businesses for those spaces. C) Keep a current listing of all those businesses and industries located in the community so as to be able to assist and direct potential customers and potential "spin-off" businesses. Assignments: Rosemount City Council Rosemount Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount Planning Department Rosemount Economic Development/Star City Committee : These activitiesaredone on a yearly basis. Status: ongoing GOAL #6 ESTABLISH FINANCING POLICIES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT (p rsuant to the Rosemount Port Authority Guidelines and any new loan fund guidelines) A) Ca efully review the changes in tax increment financing. B) Wo k with the League of Minnesota Cities to obtain additional lobbyists to promote tax increment financing and other financing option as viable development tools. C) Work with the Port Authority and financial advisor to develop guidelines for the creation of a loan fund so as to provide as istance to existing Rosemount businesses. D) Wo k with financial advisor to create a set of guidelines which wo ld make it easier for both staff and developers to determine wh ther or not tax increment financing or other options would be a iable financing source for various proposals. Rosemount City Council Rosemount Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount Planning Department Rosemount Economic Development Committee/Star City Committee Winter 1992 Sta us:'ITo be completed GOAL #7 INITIATE FURTHER STUDY FOR LOCATING AN INDUSTRIAL PARR WITHIN THE CITY Work Tasks: A) Locate appropriate properties within the City of Rosemount that would support the development of an industrial park. B) Work with various developers to attempt to locate one that will work with Rosemount in a development partnership. C) Conduct research in the Rosemount community regarding what industrial entities would be likely to locate in Rosemount - which would not and why. This information should aid in the search for industrial businesses which would be suitable for the Rosemount community. s: City Council Port Authority City Staff omic Development Coordinator; Director of Planning) Economic Development Committee/Star City Committee 1992-1994 Status•I Ongoing GOAL #S: EVALUATE CITY HALL STAFFING NEEDS FOR BUSINESS RECRUITMENT AND A) Asess businesses and services not available in Rosemount by coIew paring those available in most other communities (ie: drug stres, clothing stores, shoe stores). B) Asess, with the assistance of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan, whch businesses and services are most likely to be attracted to Roemount. C) Asess which types of businesses and services would be able to toate within Rosemount's existing market. D) Prpare a marketing plan for Rosemount based on results of the abve information (Is a new marketing package necessary?; Should a staff person be hired specifically for marketing Rosemount?). Rosemou t City Council Rosemou t Port Authority (E onomic Development Coordinator) Rosemout Planning Department (DTrector of Planning) 1992 — 1993 Status:) To be completed GOAL #9 COMPLETE THE REVISION OF THE ROSEMOUNT COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN WorK Tas s• A) The Director of Planning and the Associate Planner utilizing loan/grant monies which are being requested of the Metropolitan council will work towards completion of the final document in June B) oruly. Sta f will summarize data comprised by the Planning intern and C) rev The se/update as necessary. Director of Planning and the Engineering Department will make D) the The necessary changes on all maps. recently updated Rosemount Zoning Ordinance will be taken into account throughout the updating process. E) Monitor airport search/site selection for guide plan impacts. COMMENT: Completion of this document will provide a guideline by which City Officials can base a variety of their land use decisions with the knowledge that the document is up to date and is representative of the community of Rosemount. New businesses will be able to predict upoi looking at this document whether or not a proposal for dev lopment in certain areas of Rosemount will be accepted or denied. Rosemou City of (D City of (C Univers City Council semount Planning Department ctor of Planning; Associate Planner) ,semount Engineering Department Engineer and Engineering Technicians) of Minnesota Intern August 1992 Status: In progress GOAL #10 REVISE "FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSPLAN" A) Ci culate past "Capital Improvements Plan" for review. B) Re est department heads to work with staff in preparing department UP ates. C) Re iew updated "Capital Improvements Plan" with all department he ds prior to presentation to the City Council. D) Sc edule and advertise a Public Hearing at which the updated "C pital Improvements Plan" will be presented to both the general p lic in attendance and the Rosemount City Council for comment and approval. E) Publish the updated Capital Improvements Plan (budget) in the Rosemount City Paper or another document (direct mailer) which will be distributed to each Rosemount resident. Rosemou t City Council City of Rosemount Department Heads City of Rosemount Staff . This activity is done on a yearly basis. Status•I Ongoing