HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. East End Utility StudyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE:October 6, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: East Side Utility Study AGENDA SECTION: City Request For Proposal New Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA ATTACHMENTS: Draft RFP and Memo AP OVED BY -1.n Pursuant to direction given by City Council city staff have drafted a "Request For Proposal" to invite proposals from engineering firms to conduct a Utility Study for all of Eastern Rosemount for the location, size and costs of providing municipal water and sanitary sewer infrastructure improvements. In order to consider serving existing businesses and potential development in all areas not now served by city services of this nature. Mr. Bud Osmundson, City Engineer, will be present to provide this report and to discuss, with you, the purpose of the study and what is expected from it. I would recommend that the Board would consider a recommendation to the City Council that they proceed with this project. In order to consider any credible development on our East side we must look to providing water and sewer infrastructure to those areas. Supporting the enginneering analysis is the first step in this process. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to recommend to the City Council to authorize the advertising of the Citys REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for the EAST SIDE UTILITY STUDY and to proceed with the study in a timely manner. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE:October 6, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: East Side Utility Study AGENDA SECTION: City Request For Proposal New Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA ff.EM 11 9 B ATTACHMENTS: Draft RFP and Memo AP OVE B i Pursuant to direction given by City Council city staff have drafted a "Request For Proposal" to invite proposals from engineering firms to conduct a Utility Study for all of Eastern Rosemount for the location, size and costs of providing municipal water and sanitary sewer infrastructure improvements. In order to consider serving existing businesses and potential development in all areas not now served by city services of this nature. Mr. Bud Osmundson, City Engineer, will be present to provide this report and to discuss, with you, the purpose of the study and what is expected from it. I would recommend that the Board would consider a recommendation to the City Council that they proceed with this project. In order to consider any credible development on our East side we must look to providing water and sewer infrastructure to those areas. Supporting the enginneering analysis is the first step in this process. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to recommend to the City Council to authorize the advertising of the Citys REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for the EAST SIDE UTILITY STUDY and to proceed with the study in a timely manner. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: October Re RFP -Eastern Sewer & Water Studies Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a Request for Proposals (RFP) from the City of Rosemount for Comprehensive Sewer and Potable Water System Plans for the eastern two-thirds of Rosemount. Attached is the RFP which includes Exhibit "A", a land use plan for the area; Exhibit "B", a sanitary sewer study area and Exhibit "C", a potable water system study area. The City has sewer and water comprehensive plans for the remaining portions of the City. If your firm is interested in providing these engineering services we ask that you attend a pre -submittal conference which will be held in the Rosemount City Hall at 10:00 a.m. on October 16, 1992 to discuss the proposed Comprehensive Plans and to answer any questions from consultants. All interested firms are invited to attend to discuss the required services. We ask that you refrain from asking any specific questions on this project until the October 16, 1992 pre -submittal conference. All formal proposals are due at the front desk of the City Hall by 3:00 p.m.. on October 22, 1992. The formal proposal should include all information as requested in the RFP. A selection committee will review the proposal and recommend the firms for interviewing. The firms will be interviewed during the week of October 27th to November 2, 1992. It is anticipated to have the final selection made and approved by the Utility Commission on November 9, 1992 and City Council on November 17, 1992. Thank you for your interest and consideration for this Request for Proposal. Sincerely, Bud Osmundson, P.E. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 1.0 SCOPE OF PROJECT 1.1 Schedule of Project 1 1.2 Existing and Future Land Uses 2 1.3 Existing and Future Sewer Treatment Plant Capacity 2 1.4 Existing Potable Water Systems 3 1.4.1 Western City System 3 1.4.2 Rural Water System -. 3 1.4.3 University of -Minnesota System 3 1.5 Data Provided by the City 4 2.0 PROPOSAL 2.1 Information to Include 5 2.2 Selection Process 6 2.3 Terms and Conditions 6-7 3.0 SANITARY SEWER STUDY 3.1 Scope g 3.2 Project Tasks 8_9 3.3 Report Requirements 9-10 4.0 POTABLE WATER SYSTEM STUDY 4.1 Scope 11 4.2 Project Tasks 11-13 4.3 Report Requirements 13-14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 1.0 SCOPE OF PROJECT The general scope of the project is to provide City of Rosemount two separate studies; one being a comprehensive sanitary sewer plan and the second being a comprehensive potable water system plan for the eastern two-thirds of Rosemount. This will provide a basis for planning development of the area and will enable the City to suggest how to serve future development of the area with sewer and water services. The City request two separate reports. However, the City will chose only one consultant to provide the two reports. Both reports are based on land use, population forecast and the associated potable water requirements and sanitary sewer flows and much of the preliminary basis data for both reports can more easily be accumulated by one firm. The planning period is for the years 2000, 2010 and 2040, which may be the ultimate or fully developed use of the study area. 1.1 Schedule of Project October 5, 1992 RFP Approved by Utility Commission October 6, 1992 RFP Approved by City Council October 7, 1992 RFP's Sent to Consultants October 16, 1992 Pre -Submittal Conference for Consultants October 22, 1992 Proposals Due at Front Desk of City Hall by 3 P.M. October 26, 1992 Selection Committee Reviews Proposals and Selects Firms for Interviewing October 27 -Nov. 2, 1992 Interview Consultants (Probably Evenings) November 4, 1992 City Selects and Notifies Preferred Consultant November 9, 1992 Utility Commission Approves Consultant November 17, 1992 City Council Approves Consultant June 1, 1993 Two Final Reports are Completed and Submitted to City RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 1.2 Existing and Future Land Uses Generally the existing land uses for the study areas are Agricultural and General Industrial Most of the area is utilized for farming, either by individual landowners or by the University of Minnesota Research Center. There are numerous areas of hobby farms or "rural residential" pockets throughout the study areas. In the Highway 52-55 area there are approximately ten (10) General Industrial businesses. The largest is Koch Refining, which has become a major landowner in the area. More information will be provided about these particular landowners in the separate sanitary sewer and potable water study sections of this RFP. On the University of Minnesota Research Center site, which encompasses approximately 5 square miles, there are both business and agricultural uses. In addition, the Dakota County Area Vocational Technical Institute is located on that site. Dakota County is tentatively scheduled in 1993 and 1994 to build a waste to energy incinerator in the southeast area of the University site. Utilities may be provided to that site; hence its inclusion in the 2000 MUSA boundary. The future land uses are as shown on the attached. Exhibit "A". Certain assumptions will be made by City Staff and provided to the consultant for the large areas shown as "AG" on the land use map. The City is currently updating its Comprehensive Guide Plan and will have the land use map finalized prior to the final selection of the consultant for these studies. The MUSA boundaries are tentative and have not yet been approved by Met Council. 1.3 Existing and Future Sewer Treatment Plant Capacity Currently, the Rosemount Treatment Plant, which is operated by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC), has a capacity of approximately 0.6 mgd. This plant is located- approximately one Y2 mile east of Highway 52/55. The plant currently serves the residential portion of Rosemount adjacent to Highway 3 approximately five (5) miles west of its location. This sewage flows through an interceptor to the treatment plant from one (1) mile east of the Apple Valley border. The MWCC has undertaken a study to enhance the capacity of the Rosemount Treatment Plant and plan to have a plant expansion done by 1996. The consultant will be expected to provide our sewage flow projections to the MWCC personnel and its consultant for their use on the sizing of that treatment plant. ra RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 1.4 Existing Potable Water Systems 1.4.1 Western City System The western three (3) miles of Rosemount has a potable Water System Comprehensive Plan which was updated in 1988. A copy of that Comprehensive Report will be provided to the chosen consultant. It is served by six (6) wells and has one and a half (1 %) million gallons of storage capacity at this time. Future wells and storage facilities are included in the 1988 comprehensive report. It is expected that the eastern water report will address compatibility with the western system. 1.4.2 Rural Water System Rosemount has just taken over ownership of what we call the Rural Water System. This system was installed by the University of Minnesota due to contamination of many private wells near the University of Minnesota site along Dakota County Road 42. This system has two wells, a pumphouse and is a hydrostatic system. It has approximately 8 miles of PVC watermain and serves 29 homes. The eastern water study will address the utilization of the existing facilities. There is an interconnection between the Rural Water System and University of Minnesota Water System. 1.4.3 University of Minnesota Water System The City does not maintain nor does it have much useful information about the existing water system on the University of Minnesota property. The system was installed in the 40's with the construction of Gopher Ordinance Plant and does have a two hundred to three hundred thousand gallon above ground storage facility and many miles of watermain. The City does not expect that the watermain can be utilized in any eastern Rosemount system, but does want the consultant to investigate the use of the storage facilities and wells on the property. 3 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 1.5 Data Provided by the City 1. Land Use Maps and Population Projections as approved by City Staff and Met Council. 2. The population and land use projections for the years 2000, 2010, 2040. 3. The latest available topo and half section maps for the areas. 4. The completed Comprehensive Guide Plan. 5. Any as-builts as required. 6. The :western Comprehensive Water System study. 7. The western Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive plan. 8. Any well pump records and water quality analysis reports which the City currently has. 9. Any general information which the City currently has in its files. 10. Dakota County well location information as is available. 4 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 2.0 PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 2.1 Information to Include on Proposal A. A cover Fetter or title page which will include the firm name, address, local telephone number, fax number, contact person and date. B. A Table of Contents which identifies sections by page numbers. C. A restatement of the goals and objectives and the project tasks to demonstrate the consultants view of the project. D. Description of the local office, including the size of Staff and the experience of the project team who will work on the project. E. The qualifications of the firm as related to the specific services required. The consultant shall include descriptions of similar projects undertaken for other municipal clients and include a list of names, addresses and telephone numbers as references for those projects. F. Names, qualifications and resumes of all professional staff who will be assigned to this project. It should _include a list of all major projects currently or which may be assigned to the Rosemount project team. G. A reference list of current and previous municipal clients including a brief description of previous projects the personnel who are assigned to the Rosemount project have worked on. H. A detailed work plan identifying the work tasks to be accomplished for each report and the associated budget hours to be expended on each task. This work plan will be used as a scheduling and managing tool by the City and will serve as the basis for invoicing. The work plan shall outline a project schedule. The work plan shall include all tasks identified in this RFP and may include further task identification as the consultant feels is required to complete the two studies. It shall include any modifications to the schedule which we have proposed. The City Staff will be actively involved with the project and monthly meetings will be contained in the work plan to update City Staff as to the status of the two reports. The work plan shall include the explanation of any 5 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES computer modeling and software which is required to be purchased for the City under this contract. I. A detailed cost estimate for each report shall be submitted along with a detailed fee structure the firm will use for the project, including all hourly rates, multipliers, out of pocket costs, etc. which may be used for additional work on the project. The City will not base the selection of a consultant for the project solely on the cost estimate. Certain tasks may be eliminated from the project depending upon budget restraints. The City will entertain a consultants alternatives to fee payments for the two projects. J. The consultant shall submit their affirmative action EEO policy and a listing of „any potential conflict of interests the firm may have for providing services to the City of Rosemount. K. The consultant shall include their Standard Engineering Contract for a project such as this in their proposal. this contract shall be approved by the City Attorney and Council prior to execution. 2.2 Selection Process All proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated by representatives of the City. Factors upon which the proposals will be judged include: 1. Understanding of the project 2. Project work plan 3. Qualifications of the company and the assigned personnel 4. Project costs After evaluation of the written proposals, a number of firms will be asked to be interviewed for the project by the evaluation team. Following the interviews by the evaluation team, the preferred firm will be contacted by the City. If selected and the consultant accepts the terms, the contract for the projects will be taken to the Utility Commission and City Council for approval per the project schedule. 2.3 Terms and Conditions 1. The City of Rosemount reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to select the one considered most advantageous for the City. D RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 2. If for any reason the firm selected is not able to commence services under its proposal within 30 days after its award the City reserves the right to award the contract to the next most qualified firm. 3. The City shall pay the firm for services on the basis of the approved fee or fee schedule per the proposal. 4. The City will retain ownership of all plans, modifications, reports and originals of reports prepared for the two separate studies. 5. The firm shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the -City. 6. No change in personnel assigned to the project will be permitted without prior written approval by the City. 7 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 3.0 SANITARY SEWER STUDY 3.1 Scope of Project As previously stated, the general scope of the sanitary sewer study is to provide the City of Rosemount a comprehensive sanitary sewer plan for the eastern two-thirds of Rosemount. As shown on Exhibit "B" the study area is approximately 24.4 square miles and does include the University of Minnesota Research Center site and the City of Coates. The entire City of Coates is not shown on the study area, however the City feels it would be in the City's and the MWCC's best interests to be able to provide sanitary service to the City of Coates. The individual homes located in the study area are presently served by individual septic systems. Some businesses in the General Industrial area have their own treatment plant systems. The Rosemount Treatment Plant, operated by the MWCC, is located approximately a half mile east of Trunk Highway 52 on Dakota County Road 38. As stated, the MWCC has undertaken a study to expand the capacity of the treatment plant by the year 1996. The consultant chosen for this project will be asked to work closely with the MWCC and represent the best interest of Rosemount in that working relationship. It is the City's intent to provide a report which will enable the entire study area to be serviced by sanitary sewer. Certain assumptions will have to be made to provide for the sewer flows from the entire area and will be provided to the consultant by City Staff. The consultant will provide the City with its best advise on servicing separate areas as required. 3.2 Project Tasks • Review and confirm all population forecasts as provided for the study area. • Determine the average and peak flows for the study area and provide the information for the years 2000, 2010 and 2040 to the MWCC for their plant expansion study. The 2000 and 2010 average daily and peak flows shall be required to be submitted within two (2) months of the award of this project. • Identify the size and location of all projected sanitary sewer trunk lines. • Map the size and location of the trunk lines and all sanitary sewer sub -districts. 8 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES • Interview the MWCC project team for the Rosemount Treatment Plant expansion as required. • Interview and obtain all information necessary from the number of General Industrial businesses in the study area. The City will provide a letter of introduction or introduce the consultant to the appropriate personnel for these businesses and will sit in on all meetings. Information obtained must be held confidential and must include any existing flows from the industries/businesses, an investigation of future business expansion and their request for sewer service. • Coordinate all of the above with MWCC, Met Council and the City Staff or other agencies as required by the City. • Meet with City Staff monthly to update the status of the comprehensive sewer plan. • Plan on attending a minimum of ten (10) City Commission and/or Council meetings which are held at night. 3.3 Report Requirements A. Executive Summary B. Goals and Objectives of the Study C. Planning estimates of populations, growth trends, etc. and all assumptions and projections made D. Recommended improvements and associated timing of those improvements E. Provide cost estimates for the proposed 2000 and 2010 trunk facilities. Evaluate our sanitary sewer access fees as a method of financing the 2000 and 2010 trunk facilities and advise as to alternative methods of financing these facilities. F. An investigation and evaluation of all existing proposed Federal and State regulations pertaining to private septic systems and City sewer systems. 9 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES Include a timetable for any proposed future legislation which may affect the system. G. Provide the City with the proposed sewer district maps) in DXF format. The consultant will provide the City with 30 copies of the sanitary sewer comprehensive plan which will be an 8 % x 11 bound report. All originals of the report, including maps, will be provided to the City. 10 RFP - EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES 4.0 POTABLE WATER SYSTEM STUDY 4.1 Scope The general scope of the water system study is to provide the City of Rosemount a comprehensive water system plan for the eastern two-thirds of Rosemount. As shown in Exhibit "C" the study area for the water plan is approximately 26 square miles. As previously stated the City currently has a western City system and a Rural Water system previously described under Section 1.4. In addition the University of Minnesota has a water system on the Research Center site. The general idea is to provide the City with a plan for required storage facilities, well and trunk facility locations for the years 2000, 2010 and 2040. Again the study area map does not include the entire City of Coates, however we do want to include the entire City as part of our comprehensive plan. 4.2 Project Tasks • Review and confirm population growth trends for the study area. • Investigate and identify consumption trends for Residential, Commercial and Industrial uses and determine current demand for each type of use. • Investigate and determine the consumption trends of the Industrial users in the study area. As a note, the City Staff has met with Koch Refinery officials on their water system demands. Koch currently maintains three (3) separate systems; one being a potable water system, the second is a fire suppression system and the third is a process or utility system. They have expressed an interest only in obtaining potable water from the City. It will be appreciated if Koch and other Industrial users iii" the area are not contacted prior to the awarding of the contract for the study. • Develop individual projections of future consumptions for the high volume users in the study area. • Determine maximum daily and peak hourly demands for the design years and the ultimate population based on the projections and assumptions made in association with the City Staff. 11 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES • Investigate and advise as to the compatibility of the eastern system with the existing western City water system. • Investigate and advise as to the utilization of the existing Rural Water system facilities. • Investigate and advise as to the use of any of the University of Minnesota water system facilities. This will involve much investigation and questioning of University of Minnesota personnel. The City Staff will be included in all dialogue with the University of Minnesota personnel. • Investigate and project the water quality of future wells and capabilities of meeting State and Federal potable water regulations, including known and possible contamination sources. • Prepare a water distribution system analysis utilizing computer modeling techniques to evaluate the proposed trunk system of transmission of distribution mains. It will include all future demands, including domestic and fire flow requirements under adequate pressure and flow conditions. The computer model used will be an IBM and DOS compatible system approved by the City Staff. • Using the water system model, evaluate and make recommendations regarding the type, locations and sizing of future production and storage facilities as well as future transmission or distribution mains required to meet the design years and ultimate population demands. These recommendations shall include the ideal system and alternates for that system. Alternate sites for welds and storage facilities are requested. • Investigate and advise as to water treatment requirements for the study area system. Any associated problems in treating the water separately and/or in concurrence with the western water system shall be addressed. • Provide cost estimates for the proposed 2000 and 2010 source, storage and trunk facilities. Evaluate our water access fees as a method of financing the 2000 and 2010 facilities and advise as to alternative methods of financing these facilities. 12 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES • Investigate the possibility of inter -City connections with Inver Grove Heights and Empire Township to provide service to the study areas or to provide service to their areas. • Meet with Dakota County Staff regarding the Dakota County Ground Water Protection Plan and advise as to compliance with that plan. 4.3 Report Requirements A. Executive Summary B. Goals and Objectives C. Planning estimates, assumptions and projections D. Recommended improvements and associated timing of those improvements, linked to both population and demand. E. Recommendations on financing the proposed improvements. F. Water quality discussions G. Discussion and recommendations regarding the Rural Water system, the compatibility with the existing western water system and the University of Minnesota water systems. The recommendations for connections to these systems shall be discussed thoroughly. Maps to be provided shall include the land use map, including all assumptions made on the map and a proposed facilities map for the study years. H. The latest Minnesota Department of Health and Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Rules and Regulations and the compliance schedule for those Acts. The consultant will provide the City with 30 copies of this report and include all originals of this report, including all maps, tables and graphs, which the City can copy at its discretion. The consultant will provide the City with a licensed software program and the computer model disk or diskette as prepared by the consultant. The consultant will 13 RFP EASTERN ROSEMOUNT SEWER AND WATER STUDIES also advise the City as to the best method of updating the system and provide training for use of the selected software. 14 a A119 44) CA"101 1 D COMPREHENSIVE SANITARY SEWER PLAN CITY nG nnccunttuv STUDY AREA IS 24.4 SO. MILES 2000 MUSA BOUNDARY m m m 2010 MUSA BOUNDARY EXHIBIT C COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2000 MUSA BOUNDARY l Air �1ME` PE. . Ftwom =IBM IBM STUDY AREA IS 26 SO. MILES m m m .2010 MUSA BOUNDARY.