HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. 1993 Operating Budget and CIP DiscussionM E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Klassen Staats Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: September 4, 1992 SUBJ: 1993 Operating Budget 1993 Capital Improvement Budget 1993 Debt Service/Severance Budgets Attached please find: (1) A breakdown of items reduced in the proposed 1993 Operating Budget; (2) Proposed cuts in the 1993 CIP; and (3) Salary and benefit information as requested and as reflected in the proposed budget. This information is being provided to you in order that you may consider it in preparation for our budget discussion on September 9. At the Council's direction, I have worked with all departments in reducing the operating budgets and further to review the CIP for additional cuts that may be possible. It was my intent, based upon your direction, to: (1) Attempt to reduce the operating budget to a level which represented a 10% increase over '1 992; and (2) Attempt to make further reductions in the CIP on items proposed and which you had questions on. In that regard we have made suggested cuts in the proposed operating budget which have resulted in a $216,359 reduction in the proposed budget. This would result in an ending 12.5% increase in the operating budget for 1993 over 1992. We have made further reductions in the proposed CIP, along with those you had suggested to total cuts of $231,200. Your recommended cuts amounted to $155,000. i . t" With the cuts proposed in the operating budget and those made in the CIP items, we would experience total cost reductions from the budget proposed of $447,379. This would result in a total levy increase of $263,280 or 10%. In my review of proposed budgets and in making budget reductions, I have prioritized expenditures as follows: (1) Maintaining present staffing levels at current levels; (2) Maintain services to the community at current levels with the exception of police which we would be increasing by adding two new officers in 1993; (3) Maintain as high a level as possible, with financial - constraints as they are in streets, parks and building upkeep and maintenance; and (4) Replace equipment which is in need of replacement due to its condition, not just age and replacement cycle. This budget, as proposed, still provides for: (1) The addition of two new.police officers in 1993 (one in Salary April and one in October); (2) The addition of one maintenance worker in October, 1993; (3) The addition of a part-time employee in the Finance Department; (4) The addition of a part-time employee in Parks; and (5) The provision for necessary street and building maintenance programs. In order to further reduce both the operating and overall expenditures, I would prioritize additional cuts as follows: (1) Part-time person in Parks; (2) Part-time person in Finance (this would have to coincide with the closing of the Deputy Registrar service which I would not recommend); (3) Fireworks funding; (4) Spring Cleanup; (5) Animal Control Service; (6) Salary Freezes; and 2 (7) Full time position layoffs. I don't believe additional cuts from those proposed at this time should be made. As stated, this proposed budget allows for a 10% increase in the city's levy. At this time the city's market value, or tax base, has increased 8% over 1991. With the expected added value by year end, we should have a 10% increase in tax value to support a 10% increase in levy. In other words, the taxpayers in Rosemount should not experience any increase in taxes with the proposed budget. Considering that from 1992 the city will pay an additional $100,000 in sales tax and levy $98,354 (estimated) for the community center which amount to 7% of 1992's levy, we would be actually allowing only 3% for any growth in the portion of the budget that the levy supports locally. We could o on and on to talk about State aid cuts, armory levies ($125,00 yr.) and DARE ($50,000/yr.) officer costs which all cause pressure on the operating budget, but I believe you've heard enough about those things. The fact is we are doing a whole lot more in 1992 with a whole lot less in resources that we need. You, as councilmembers, are prioritizing expenditures as you must. But please realize that as each decision to add programs or projects which take funds away from the operating program, something must be given up or additional revenue must be generated. As proposed with these latest cuts, the operation of the city will continue to provide necessary services, but they will most assuredly strain employees to the limit. With the extent of growth we are experiencing, we must realize that. I would be much more comfortable with an additional 3% in operating funds for better maintenance and upkeep of programs. But with restraints you are directing, I believe the revised budget will be the best we can provide. Please review the attached data which provides detail on the cuts proposed. A revised budget packet will be provided to you on Wednesday at the budget meeting. Thank you for your continued consideration, and we look forward to further discussion on the proposed budgets for 1993. Please note that on Wednesday we would hope to have your approval on two items 3 (1) Approval of a preliminary levy and preliminary budget. It is important to understand that when the preliminary levy is adopted we cannot exceed that when the final levy is approved in December. The preliminary budget has to also be approved but changes in specific line items can be made before December. Also, approval of the preliminary budget does not mean approval of salary adjustments, promotions or hirings. It just assures funding for them when approval is given. Additional discussion on these matters can follow the setting of the preliminary levy. (2) A date for the city's public hearing on the budget needs to be set. Possible dates will be discussed at the meeting. Please be prepared to indicate your available dates for holding the budget hearing sometime during the first three weeks in December. The resolution to set the date and preliminary levy/budget will be presented to you Wednesday evening. 4 1993 BUDGET PROPOSED REDUCTIONS/ADDITIONS SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 Department 41110 City Council 41320 Administration 41520 Finance 41820 General Government 41910 Planning 41940 Government Buildings 42110 Police 42210 Fire 43100 Public Works, Streets, Signals, Roads 45100 Parks 49240 Insurance Total Operating Reductions CIP Reductions Amount 41 , 640) 4 4,490 5,500 13,000 8,545 (8,000) Add (10,062) Add 3,900 49,000 103,346 7,000 $218,179 (9,000) Add contingency for union settlements 7,000 Reduce health insurance costs as new premium is received with 5% rather than 10% increase. $216,179 $231 , 200 Total Reductions $447,379 41110 -- CITY COUNCIL 307.1 Newspaper Costs 319.2 Team Building Costs 319.3 Education Reimbursement 331.1 Travel 433.3 NLC Dues 437.1 Registration, etc. NLC 437.3 Misc. Meetings 598.0 Council Designated 307.4 Recycling 435.0 Books & Lit. 433.6 MACTA Membership 307.3 Fireworks 319.1 Goal Setting ii Cut $ 9,585 1 , 500 1 1000 1 , 500 750 4,000 400 7,000 'LO'''O 19,000 400 175 500 200 $41 0 41320 -- ADMINISTRATION $4,490 iii Cut 207.1 Safety Committee $ 250 331.1 Travel (National Conf.) 400 394.1 Index of Minutes 1,500 394.2 Software 300 433.1 ICMA Dues 500 433.2 MCMA Dues 40 433.5 Pro -Administrator 100 437.0 Conferences 1,400 $4,490 iii 41520 -- FINANCE 301 Auditing/Accounting 319 Other Professional Services 391 PC Maintenance 3522 PC 39� PC Software 435 Books/Pamphlets 439 Other Miscellaneous iv Cut $1,000 500 1 , 300 700 200 500 $5, 500 (9 � -- $13,000 v 41810 -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Cut 202.2 Duplicating/Copying $ 1,500 203.1 Printed Forms 2,000 204.1 Envelopes/Letterhead 2,000 208.1 Misc. Supplies 1,500 209.1 Other Supplies 2,000 242.1 Folding Machine 2,000 301.1 Auditing/Accounting 2,000 $13,000 v 41910 -- PLANNING $8,545 vi Cut 202 Duplicating/Copying 500 205 Drafting Supplies 250 242 Minor Equipment 1,140 319 Planning Consultant 2,680 329 Other Communication Costs 200 331 National Conference 750 392 PC Accessories 225 394 PC Software 640 433 Dues & Subscriptions 210 437 National Conference 150 437 Computer Training 1,800 $8,545 vi New Officer April 1 New Officer October 1 New Officer April 1 217 Clothing New Officers 219 Duty Weapon 306 Testing & Recruitment 319 Dispatching 42110 -- POLICE vii $29,142 12,952 $42,094 (29,142) $12,952 Add 500 Add (240) Cut 11,850 Add (5,000) Cut $10,062 Increase 41940 -- GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 412 Building Rental $8,000 Add To replace storage building proposed in CIP viii 43100 - PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING Total Cut $33,546 Please note: Lines items not available now. Ron Wasmund is out of town. These will be available at Wednesday's meeting. Cuts were mostly in supplies and maintenance items. Cuts did include the part-time building secretary, less overtime and fewer seasonal employees. It also removed the building inspection intern position. 43121 - PAVED STREETS Total Cut $7,455 Please note: Same as above. Items cut were mostly patching materials and a small amount of seal coating. 43122 - UNPAVED STREETS Total Cut $8,000 Please note: Same as above. Materials were cut for gravel and chloride applications. ix 45100 - PARKS AND RECREATION Please note that line item cuts are not available at this time in format sufficient for reviendividual cuts are reflected in a total cut of 3,346, e will have that information for you on Wedn sda s were mainly in supplies, materials, contracts services, part-time salaries and overtime. x 49240 - INSURANCE Cut 365.1 Worker's Comp Annual Premium $7,000 xi CIP ITEMS CUT/REDUCED 3 Office Furniture $ 1,700 4 Office Furniture 1,000 6 Council Chambers Cable Equip. 20,000 10 PC/Printer Replacements 7,000 15 Vehicle Pre-emption System 55,000 27 Furniture 15,000 28 Parking Lot Improvements (1994) 20,000 30 Parking Lot Improvements 29,000 31 Shannon Park Lights 40,000 32 Office Furniture 1,000 42 Office Equipment 1,000 47 Equipment Building 40,000 49 Office Equipment __ 500 $231r200 xii M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Klassen Staats Willcox Wippermann ffv FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrato , VY DATE: September 4, 1992 SUBJ: Salaries and Benefits Informational Sheets Attached find salary and benefit sheets for all full-time and permanent part-time employees. Sheet #1: This sheet shows all base salaries for 1993 with 3% adjustments made to them. It also breaks down annual salaries to all parts of the final budgeted amount. Sheet #2: This sheet adds all benefit costs paid by the city to reflect a total salary package cost for each employee. Sheet #3: This is the 1993 (with 3% adjustments) salary structure for all employees. The remaining sheets are salary and benefit sheets for all of these employees reflecting individual adjustments as approved already or as will be made under the proposed budget. Specific questions on individual salaries and benefits should be addressed to me or Sue Walsh. Please don't take for granted on what something means on these sheets. Please ask for clarification. DATE OF LAST UPDATE 01/01/93 1993 SALARY 6 BENEFIT WORKSHEET Worksheet Updated 8/11/92 M 3% Increase I MIRE CAR LICENSE MERIT EDUCATION SERGEANT 12 2% 31 4% S2 92 SALARSALAR HOURLY VACATION VACATION HOLIDAY OLIDAY RE EMPLOYEE NAME _ DATE = BASE ALLOWANCE_ PAY _ RAISE INCENTIVE ALLOWANCE-.ONSEVITY_LONGEVITYlON6EVITY_LON6EVITYlON6EVIT _" 0 RAZE HOURS JAY(108) HOURS Y(109j_ PAY 301)_. E. McRENOMY Ma - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00 0.000000 ala I/a R/a _ n/a _ 60 OO S. KLASSEN : a/a 4800:00 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4800.000 0.000000 _ 1/a _ n/a n/a _ a/a 4800.00 _ J. STAATS _ R/a _ 4800.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4800.000 0.000000 _ n/a 0/4 a/a a/a 4800.00 _ H. WILCOX _ A/a 4600.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4800.000 X0.000000 _ n/s A/a ua _ n/a 4800.00 _ D. WIPPERMANN _ a/a : 4800.00 _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4800.000 20.000000 _ A/a Ate : p/a _ A/a :4800.00 _ TOTAL COUNCIL S. JILK 11/01/86 _ 65357.62 _ 2400.00 _ _ 653.576 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 68411.196 _ 32.89000 _ 144.00 4736.16 _ 88.00 4.32 60700.72 L. JENTINK 12/14/87 _ 26145.06 _ 6/1/93 to Bottoa of '8'; 12/x/93 to Mid 'B' _ 261.451 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 26406.507. _ 12.69544 _ 144.00 _1828.14 _ 88.00 17.203461.11 _ J. MILLER '716/17/92 _ 47380.00 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ � 47380.000 _ 22.77885 83.00 1890.64 _ 88.00 _2 04.54 43484.82_ C. COUGHLIN -07/06/92 _ 20588.36 _ Bottom of 'B' for Ohole Year: _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 20588.360 _ 9.89825 _ 80.00 791.86 _ 88.00 _ 71,05 18925.45 S. WALSH 145/13/85 _ 43523.68 _ 145.079 _ 580.316 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 44249.075 _ 21.21359 _ 144.00 _3063.40 _ B8.00 1 72.08 _39313.60 _ D. RIOSTROM )9/06/88 _ 25618.90 _ 6/1193 to Bottom of '8'; 12/x/93 to Mid '.8' : 84.542 _ 0.000 _ 0.000: 0.000 _ : 25703.441 _ 12.35146_ 114.00 1779.47 _ 88.00 1 87.45 22836.52 _ TOTAL ADMIN J. MAY 05/06/65 50364.94 _ 2100.00 _ _ 167.883 _ 671.533_ .0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 53304.356 _ 25.62709 _ 144.00 3690.30 _ U.00 _2 55.18 47358.87 _ J. GIL$ -05113/91 : 38323.23 _ 94 Pts Bottom 'A'; 10/1/93 Sias to Botrorof 1 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 38323.228 _ 18.42463 _ 96.00 1768.76 _ 88.00 1 21.37 34933.10 _ D. KORPELA -08/23/83 _ 29805.6E _ 75 Pts Mid 'A' for Whole Year _ 0.000 _ 5%.112 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 30401.722 _ 14.61621 _ 154.00 2150,90 88.00 1 86.23 26864.60 _ D. IIERNER -02/06/89 25252.64 _ 60 Pts Mid 'A' For Whole Year 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 25252.640 _ 11.14069 _ 144.00 1740.26 _ 88.00 l 68.38 436.00 112 Dep Regstr )1101/93 :10855.66 _ 53 Pts Bottom 'A'; 711/93 Goes to Bottom of 'B' : 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _10855.658 _ 10.43813 _ A/a 0855.66 _ TOTAL FINANCE L. FREESE 06/03/91 49795.35 2100.00 _ _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 51895.350 _ 24.94969 _ 96.00 2395.17 88.00 2 95.57 47304.61 _ R. PEAR50N -01/22192 - 32220.83 " 7/22193 to Mid '8'� 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 32220.830 _ 15.49078 _ 96.00 87.12 _ 88.00 63.19 9370.53 _ D. DUINTUS )2/23/81 : 29197.41 : _ : 1000.00 : : : 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 905.922 _ 0.000 _ : 31103.332 _ 14.95353 _ 160.00 12.19 _ 88.00 15.91 7275.23 _ TOTAL PLANNING E. KNUTSEN 12/15/72 _ 50874.79 _ 2100.00 _ _ _ 0A00 _ 0.000. _ 0.000.2034.992 _ a/a 55009.782 _ 26,44701 _ 192.00 " 5077.83 88.00 27.34 47604.62 _ 8. BURKHALTER 06/21/87 _ 39828.97 _ _ _ 0/a 796.579 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 40625.549 _ 19.53151 _ 144.00 2812.54 80.00 18.77 17813.01 J. DRISCOLL -02/25/91 _ 10195.64 _ _ _ A/a - A/a n/a a/a _ On 10195.640 _ 9.80350 _ 1/a n/a Ma aJa 10195.64 J. ERICSOX 10/07/85 39828.97 _ _ _ 1296.00 2400.00 n/a 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 43524.970 _ 10.92547 _ 144.00 3013.27 88.00 1 41.44 40511.70 D. KUHNS '01/10/81 - 44141.68 _ _ _ _ _ 0.000 0.000 !324.250 : 0.000 -_ a/a 45465.930 _ 21.85862 _ 168.00 3672.25 _ 88.00 1 23.56 X39870.12 _ 0. MARTHALER 36/12/73 31631.30 _ _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 2265.252 o/a 328%:552 _ 15.81565 _ 192.00 3036.60 _ 88.00 1 91.78 28468.17 _ T. MURPHY 31/27/92 : 33594.76 _ _ A/a - 0.000 _ 0.000._ 0.000 - 0.000 33594. 60 _ 16.15133 _ %.00 1550.53 _ 0.00 l 21.32 32044.23 W. O'DONNELL -09/04/88 - 39828.97 _ _ _ _ _ n/a 265.526 _ 0.000 0.000 0.000 40094.496 _ 19.27620 _ 144.00 77S.77 _ 88.00 1 96.31 37318.72 _ J. O'LEARY 02/10/80 : 39828,97 _ _ _ _ 2400.00 -_ n/a 0.000 _ 0.000 1593.159 0.000 - 43822.129 _ 21.06833 _ 168.00 .48 _ 88.00 3 54.01 40282.65 M. ROBIDEAU -07/01/78 - 39828.97 _ _ _ _ _ A/a 0.000 _ 0.000 1593.159 0.000 41422.129 _ 19.91449 _ 168.00 3345.63._ 88.00 1 52.47 38076.50 J. SOMMERS -02/09186 - 39828.97 _ _ _ _ _ a/a _ 796.579 _ 0.000 _ O.o00 0.000 40625.549 _ 19.53151 _ 144.00812.54 88.00 3 18.77 37813.01 _ 6. THORSTAD 146/24/90 38264.86 _ _ _ _ _ n/a 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 38264.855 _ 18.39656 _ 120.00 207.59 _ 88.00 1 18.90 36057.27 _ B.WEATHERFORD 10/OZ/88 : 39828.97 _ Ala 199.145 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 40028.115 _ 19.24429 _ 144.00 771.18 _ 88.00 1 93.50 37256.94 _ NEW OFFICER )7/01/93 _ 21594.43 _Start 4/1/93 : : : : Na : 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 21594.428 _ 13.84258 _ 48.00 _ 664.44 _ 64.00 _ 65.93 30929.98 _ TOTAL POLICE 6. LONDY 08/21/89 _ 17490.51 _ _ _ _ _ _ 17490.512 _ 16.81780 _ Ate Na 8/1 aA 17490.51 _ R. WASHUND 04/01/85 _ 51383.61 _ 2100.00 _ _ _ _ _ 128.459 770.754 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 54382.823 _ 26.14559 _ 144.00 3764.96 88.00 :2 00.81 48317.05 _ D. AHLORICH -05/18/92 _ 21591.82 _ _ _ _ _ 0.000 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 21591.823 _ 10.38068 _ 84.00 871.98 88.00 13.50 9806.35 B. BAILEY 1/04/89 _ 30414.87 _ 0.000 : 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 : 30414.870 _ 14.62253 _ 144.00 2105.64 _ .88.00 :1 86.78 1022.44 R. BARFKNECHT 5108189 31516.71 _ 312.00 : - 0.000 - 0.000: 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 31828.713 _ 15.30227 _ 144.00 203.53 _ 88.00 1 46.60 8278.59 _ C. DORNIDEN -01/10/77 29197.41 _ _ _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 1167.896 _ 30365.306 _ 14.59871 _ 192.00 802.95 _ 88.00 1 4.69 16277 67 _ E. DAT 149/05/90 28646.94 _ _ 208.00 _ _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ _ 28854.935 _ 13.87256 _ 112.00 553.73 _ 88.00 1 20.79 6080.42 _ J. FREMMING 10/09/90 23277.18 _ _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 23277.175 _ 11.19095 _ 108.00 208.62 _ 88.00 84.80 11083.75 _ P. HEINKES 10/28/87 - 35281.19 86 Pts Mrd 'A' For -Whole YeAF 352.812 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 _ - 35634.002 17.13173 _ 144.00 466.91 88.00 07.59 11659.44 _ 0. JEROE -08/29/88 23630.67 _ _ 78.769 : 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 23709.439 31.39e77 _ 144.00 _1641.42 _ 88.00 03.09 21064.92 _ A.J. KORPELA 1/15/86 31279.04 : 416.00 : _ 312.790 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 32001 830 _ 15.38838 _ 144.00 2215.93 _ 88.00 54.18 28437.73 N. OSMUXDSON 2/17/92 ' 46153.33 : _ - _ _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 _ - 46153.333. _ 22.18910_ 96.00 2130.15 _ 88.00 52.64. 42070.54 _ G. ROMO -05122/78 : 31279.04 _ 416.00 : _ _ 0.000 -_ 0.000 _ 938.371 0.000 _ _ 32633.411 _ 15.66914 _ 168.00 2635.78 _ 88.00 1 80.64 20616.99 0. SANDSTROM 34/04/88 _ 32607.33 _ 208.00 _ _ 244.555 0.000 _ 0.000 - 0.000 _ 33059.885 _ 15.89418 _ 144.00 2288.76 _ 88.00 _I .69 _229372.44 _ D, STAUFFER 10/03/% _ 23355.18 _ : 104.00 _ - 0.000 - 0 000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 23459.175 _ 11.27845 _ 108.00 218.07 _ 88.00 92.50 1148.60 _ H. STOFFEL 44/17/89 26145.06 _ _ 0.000 0 000 _, 0.000 0.000 _ 26145.057 _ 12.56974 _144,00 810.04 _ 88.00 06.14 23228.08 N. WIDSTROM 31/01/84 44434.20 _ _ _ _ 0.000 888.684 _ 0.000 : 0.000 _ 45322:884 _ 21.78985 _ 144.00 _ 137.74 _ 88.00 17.51 40267,64 _ MAINTENANCE I 01/01/93: 4820.40 -Start 1071/93 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 _ - 4820.400 _ 9.27000 _ 20.00 _ 185.40 _ 40.00'_ 70.80 4264.20 BLDG INSPECTOR, -01/01193 29845.33 - 75 Pts Bottom '.0';7/1/93 Saes to Bottoa of '8' 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 29845.330 _ 14.34872 _ 64.00 _ 918.32 _ 88.00 1 62.69 7664.33 _ ENGINEER AIDE )1/01/93 : 27405.17 : b5 Pts Bottom 'A'; 7/1193 Goes to Bottom of '8' : 0.000: 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 27485.170 _ 13.21402 _ 64.00 _ 845.70 _ 88.00 1 62.83 5416.64 _ TOTAL P.W. 0. BECHTOLD 09/05/83 50840.80 _ _ _ _ _ 0.000 10116 _ 0.000 0.000 _ _ 51857.616 _ 24.93155 _ 152.00 3789.60 _ 88.00 293.98 45874.04_ L. JOST -03/19/85 - 43523.6 _ 94 Pts Mrd 'B' 72.539 _ _ 725 6.8394 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 44321.573 _ 21.30845 _ 144.00 3068.42 88.00 '1 75.14 39378.01 _ J. MOLLMAN 144/21/88 : 25252.64 _ 6 Pts Mid 'A' For"Whole Ytaf - 0.000 _ 0000 _ BOB0.0.000 _ 25252.640 _ 12.14069 _ 128.00 3554.01 _ 88.00 1 68.38 22630.25 _ K. BUDINGER ''pp4/06/92 _ 11492.49 _ 44 Pts 24 Hra/llk;4/6 to Bottoa '8':10/5 Mid '8' 0.000 _ 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 11492.489 _ 9.20873 _ 1/9 4/1 _ a/a a/a 131492.49 _ R. COOK 67/24172 _ 44434.20 _ _ 0.000 0.000 0.000 3777.368 46211.56 22.21710 192.00 !265.68 88.00 35.10 9990.78 C. DANNKE 2p7/19%59 :31279.01 : : 416.00 : _ 0.3000 _ 0 000 : 0000 - 0.0000 : 23666:977 1695 9040 15.23600 - 1/ 00 244.00 194- SAO _ 40.94 8159 81 N. JOOSTEN J. KOSLOWSKI -06/18/90 30698.81 _ 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 30698 807 14.75904 - 124 DU 830.11 _ 88.00 8.80 7569.89 S. STRESE 05/01180 32607.33 _ - 416.00 - - 0.000 0.000 _ 978.220 ' 0.000 : _ 34001 550 _ 16.346% 168 00746.28 N.00 38.53 9816.71 ' PROGRAM OIRECTR)1/01/93 18964.77 _ 60 Pts 3A Tiae; 771193 6oes-to Botta of B' 0.000 - 0.000 0.000 0.000 _ 18964.774 12 15691 ala _ 1/3 _ a/a a/a 8964.77 ASST PROGRAMMER 01/01/93 11448.47 44 Pts 24 Hrs/Wk; 3/1/93 Goes to Bottom of '8' 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 - 0.000 _ 11448.470 _ 9.17345: n/a ala ala A/a H48.4J SECRETARY AIDE )1101/93 :11055.78 :44 Pts 24 Mrs/Wk; 7/1/93 Goes to Bottom of 'B' : 0.000: 0.000 _ 0.000 : 0.000 _ :11055.782 _ 8.85880 _ 1/a : a/a : a!a : ala 1055.78 _ TOTAL P E R GRAND TOTALS r y 15A oV r 'It wi GRAND TOTALS 127194.36 -314.22 25186.13 148145.18 11851.13 _ 7950.80 1023.0 - 162.0 - 423%1.81 _ 2014011.36 - 2437973.17; 2120656.15'70458.79 _148128.71 _ 63483.73 03 umTOTAL:za. 6459.0 _ $167.20 _ $407.20 5407.20 5167.20 _ 0.0 27607.80 _ 0455.64 31583.92 _ 55074.50 _ 27512 39 _ 51563 80 30768 58 _ 0.00 _ 276958.83 .61744.48 _ 47425.50_ 36036.76 30263.09 _ 12172.45 _ 0.00 _ 187642.28 0.00 _ 140023.28 66037 62 52685.80 _ ` 11432.37 _ 52977.19 _ ` 55848 51 34.21 44371 90 52057 83 53324 09 _ $301.72 52071.81 47414,93 _ $1979.33 _ _ 29113.58 _ 0.00 _ 661150.88 _ 19612.11 _ 65406 12 29001.58 _ 38530.86 _ 4040.20 _ 35995.93 _ 3466.35 30891.36 44383 07 31376 06 38201 69 $3699.04 41382 51 39381.36 _ ` 28616 08 31263.76 $5247.21 _ 602.78 _ 37892.23 _ 245 79 _35245.19 _ 245.79 _ 737876.08 _ 0122.25 _ 51645.09 _ 30263.09 12886.53 _ ` 56243.70 _ 31552.70 37850 96 36733.88 42916.0 _ ` 21265.20 _ ' 12831.17 12396.85 _ 0.00 _ 406714.02 _ 24539 2431973.11._ EMPLOYEE NAME PE5A 'IIA M5v �`;E 6EAL!r DENIAL `^ ON1i1111 rL ,( 1111 _ (121) 5122) 1125) _ (131) (132) (173) 1137/217)_ `138) _ TOTAL .BENEFITS + TOTAL SALAR'f TOTAL - TOTAL TOTAL : TOTAL PACKAGE 101 201 601 642 6459.00 E. MCMENOMY S. KLASSEN 72.00 _ 87.00 _ R/a n/a Ma _ ala _ 297.60 69.60 Na o/a ` nh nA n/a _ n/a 367.20 : 4800.00 _ .6459.00 5167.20 5167.20 J. STAATS H. BILCOX _ - 24080 _ 297.60 69.60 _ n/a IhI/ Na - 240.00 297.60 69.60 Alla 4/a n/a Na 1/a Na - 07.20 607.20 ` 480080 4800.0 $407 20 S407.20 5407.20 5407.20 D. RIPPERMANN _ _ _ _ 297.60__ 69.60 _ n/a _ Ma _ n/a _ Ma = Ma _ 367.20 = 480.00 5167.20 $167.20 .57.00.... TOTAL COUNCIL 057.0___-. _ 40.0 _ 1562.40 _ 365.40 _ 0.0 _ 0.00 _ 0.00 _ 0.00 _ 0.00 _ 2407.0 _ 2520.0 _ »__.__.___ 27607.80 _ 2707.0 _ 0.00 _ 0.00 _ 0.0 S. JILK L. JENTINK 3064.82 _ 3534.0 _ 99L96 _ 3993.26 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ o/a _ 1183.01 1637.20 382.89 1513.91 20.0 152.90 1/a _ 27.0 _ 27.00 1204.45 _ 5177.42 68411.20 _ 26406.51 _ 80455.64 _ 80455.64 _ 31583.92 _ 31583.92 _ _ _ _ J. MILLER C. COOHLIN _ _ _ _ _ _ 2122.62 _ 2937.56 _ 687.01 _ 1513.91._ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ n/a _ _ 922.36 1276.48 298.53 3993.26 280.50 152.90 Ma _ n/a _ _ 7694.50 _ . 6924.03 47380.00 _ 20588.36 _ $5074.50 _ $5074.50 _ 27512.39 _ 17512.39 _ S. TIALSH 0. DIOSTRON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !982.36 _ 2743.4 _ 641.61 _ 1513.91 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ a/a _ _ 1151.51 _ 1593.61 _ 372.70 _ 1513.91 _ 20.50 _ 152.90 _ Alla _ A/a _ n/a _ ala _ _ 7314.12 _ 5065.14 _ 44249.07 _ 25703.44 _ 25703.»_ 51563.80 _ 51563.80 _ 30768.58 _ 15384.29 1-384.29 153»_29_ 1530--'-- ---------------------- --0,.000 ____»____ _TOTAL TOTALADMIN _ 10426.69 13722.30 _ 3374.71 _ 14042.16 _ 168380 _ 917.40._ 0.00 _ 54.00 _ 4220.26 _ 232738.58 _ 276958.83. _ 206500.04 70458.79 _ 0.00 _. .0.00 _ J. MAY J. 6ILB 2388.04 _ 3304.87 _ 772.91 _ 1513.91 _ 20.50 _ 152.90 _ 1/3 1716.88 2376.04 555.69 3993.26 280.50 152.90 Ila _ 27.00 _ 2780 8440.13 _ 9102.27 53304.36 _ 30323.23 61744.48 _ 46308.36 _ 47425.50 _. 35569.12 _ _ 10805.28 _ 4630.84 _ 8299.46 _ 3556.91 _ D. KORPELA RERMER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1362.00 _ 1884.91 _ 44.82 _ 1513.91 _ 20.50 _ 152.90 Ma _ 1131.32 1565.66 16 1513.91 152 9 Na _ n/a _ o/a _ 5635.04 _ $0110.45 _ 30401.72. 25252.64- 3036 76 . 30263 09 30263 89 25225.73 _.10811 03 YD. .� 1/2 Dep ReBatr _ =28050 = _ 157 _ 186.33 673.05 _ 157.41 _ Na Ma _ ala Na _ = _ ala 1316 44 10855.66 _ 12172 45 = = --- TOTAL TOTAL FINANCE » _ 7084.56 _ 904.53 _ 2293.00 _ 0534.99 _ 1122.00 _ 611.60 _ »0.0 _ 54.00 _ 29504.68 _ 158137.60 _ 187642 28 _ 124313.03 _ 0.00 _ 4330.4 _ 18998.78 _ L. FREESE R. PEARSON _ 2324.91 _ 3217.51 _ 752.48 _ 3993.26 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ n/a_ 1443.49 1997.69 47.20 1513.91 20.50 152.90 1/8 27.00 _ I/a 10748.57 _ 5855.69 _ 51895.35 _ 32220.83 _ 62643.92 _ 62643.92 38076.52 36076.52 D. OINTUS _ _ _ _ _ _ = 1393.43 _ 1928.41 _ 451.0 _ 3993.26 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ a/a _ a/a _ 8199.50 _ 31103.33 _ : 39302.83 _ 39302-83 5505,'»-------------------- . TOTAL PLANNING _ 5161.83 _ 7143.61 _ 1670.68 _ 900.44 _ 841.50 _ 458.70 _ 0,00 _ 27.00 _ 2403.76 _ 115219.51 _ 14023.28 _ 140023.28 _ 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 _ E. KNUTSEN S. BURKHALTER 6601.17 _ 3993.26 _ 200.50 _ 152.90 n/a _ ` 5081.32 613.99 = 3993.26 Ma 152.90 50.00 Ila _ n/a 11027.84 _ 10341.48 55009.78 _ 1,/.32 _ 66037.62 66031.62 52685 80 32685.80J. J. ERICSONL _ _ _ at& _ 54443.97 = 632.13 = 147.4 _ 1513.91 _ n/a _ 152 90 _ 5 0.00: _ Ih A/a _ 7610.78 _ 1 Cl .n4 1432.37 52977 19;, 52977.19 0. KUHNS 5455.91 _ 3993.26 _ 20.50 152.90 _ 50.00 _ ` `_ Na _ 10382.58 _ 93 55848 51 _ 5584 .51 D. MARTHALER T. MURPHY 1473.77 2039.59 477.0 1513.91 20.50 _ 152.90 _ a/a _ 4201.93 ` 507.73 3993.26: Na 152.90 500.00 a/a _ Ila _ 5937.66 _ 9355.83 _ 32896.55 36016.D8 _ 38934.21t_ 38834.21 4371 90 _ 4371.90 D. O'DONNELL J. O'LEARY _ _ _ _ 5014.90 ` - 605.97 _ 3993.26 _ Ih 152.90 _ 500.0 `. 5481.14 - 1513.91 Na ` 152.90 _ 500.00 _ a/a _ n/a 10267.03 _ 7647.95 _ 4 10.8Q _. 6.64: 52057 031 _ 52057.83 53324 09 _ 53324.09 _• _ _ _ M. ROBIDEAU J. SOMMERS _ 5180.95 - - 3943.26 _ Na _ 152.90 _ 500.0 _ 5081.32 - `_. 3993.26 _ o/a 112.90 _ $00.00 _ ` n/a _ n/a 9827.12 9727.48 431 4.66pp 4,32 5301 72 5301.72 52071 81, 52071.81 _, 47414.93 6. THORSTAD NEN OFFICER GEN 478685 578.31 1513.91 _ Ma _ 152 90 _ 500.00 _ 5006.59 ` 604.96 - 3993.26 _ 1/ _ 152.90 _ 500.00 _ _ 2697.64 _ _ 325.97 _ 29%.95 _ n/a _ 114.68 _ 500.00 _ 4/a _ R/a _ n/a _ - 7531.17 10257.72 6633.23 393 75 41711.61: 2#480.35; 47414 93. 9 33 51979.33 5 7iiiiikw 29113.58 TOTAL POLICE _ 61963.42 _ 2671.72 _ 3861.77 _ 40996..69 _ 841.50._ 1949.4 _ 5500.0 _ 0.00 _ 117764.58 _ $43366.30 _ 661150.88 _ 661150.88 _ 0.0. _ 0.0 _ ..0.00 _ 6. LUNDY R. YASHUND 783.57 _ 1084.41 _ 153.61 _ Na ala ala _ Ma _ 2436.35 3371.74 786.55 3993.26 ` 20.50 ` 157.90 n/a Ma 0/a 2121.60 _ 11023.30 17490.51 _ 54382.82 19612.11 _ 19612.11 _ 65406.12 _ 32703.06. _ . 22092.14 _ 9810.92,_ D. ANLWtICH B. BAILEY _ _ _ _ %7.31 _ 1338.49 _ 313.08 _ 3993.26 - 20.50 ` 152.90 _ 364.00 _ 1362.59 1885.72 441.02 3993.26 - 20.50 ` 152.90 44 - n/a _ 4/9 _. 7409.75 _ 8115.99 _ 21591..82, 0f414.87 ` ` .2901 58 _ .29001.58 38530 86 _ 38530.86 R. BARFKNECHT _ _ _ _ _ 425.93 1973.38 461.52 _ 3993.26 ` 20.50 -_ 152.90 _ 364.00 ` - - ` ` _ Ma _ _ 8651.49 _ 5630.62 31828.71 30365.37 _ 40480.20 _ 40480.20 _ 35995 93 25197.15 _ 10798.78 _ C. DORNIDEM E. DAY 130.37 1882.65 40.30 _ 151391 20.50 152.9 _ n/a _ 1292.70 -1789.01 - 418.40 1513.91 `280.50 - 152.9 364.00 = Alla _ 0/a _ 5811.41 _ 3466 35 _ 34666.35: P. HHEEINKESG _ _ $1616 .69 _ 3993 26 _ 2800.50 = 152 950 0 _ 3n/a 0 1596.40 = 22209.31 Ih Alla _ _ 8709.07 = 1288654.984 _ 9634 W 404983 D 11383 36 07 D. JUDE _ _ 1062.18 _ 1469.99 343.79 _ 3993.26 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ 364.0 ` o/a ` 7666.62 _ 2370990 31376.0_ 31376.06 _ 26741.18 _ 11460.51 ; A.J. KORPELA H.OSMUNDSON 1433.95 _ 194.49 464,11 1513.91 _ 20.50 152.90 364.0 _ 2067.67 2861.51 ` 669.22 1513.91 280.50 - 152.9 ` a/a Ma o/a _ 6193.86 _ 7545.71 3200783 _ 48153.33 38201.6 53699.01 53699.04 ;. 6. BOND D. SANDSTROM _ _ _ 141.9 2023.27 ` 473.18 3993.26 _ 20.50 ` 152.90 ` 364.0 _ = 1481.08 ` 2049.71 ` 479.37 - 1513.91 _ 20.50: 152.9 ` 364.00 _ n/a _ Ma _ _ - 8149.10 _ 6321.47 _39381 _ 43S$9:�: 41382 51 36!_ 39381.36D. 081_ 28616.0N. 28961.76 = 12414.75 _ STAUFFER 5TOFFEL 1050.97 1454.47 340.16 1513.91 260.50 152.9 _ 36480 _ = 1171.30 1620.94 ; 379.10 1513.91 280.50 152.90 0/a ah _ Alla 5156.91 5118.70 `_ 28616 31263 76 _ 31263.76 M. BIDSTROM MAINTENANCE I 2030.47 _ 2810.02 657.18 = 3993.26 _ 280.50 _ 152.9 _ 1/3 215.95 298,86 69.9 998.32 70.13 38.23 91.00 = _ ale _ Ma 9924.33 _ 1782.38 45322 4820 = $5217.21 �_ 55247.21 6602 78 _ _ _ _ _ Fr BLDG INSPECTOR ` 1337.07 1850.41 132.76 3993.26 280.50 152.90 Na _ o/a 04.9 2915.33. 37892 23 �` 37892.23 _ ENGINEER AIDE _ _ _ _ _ _ = 1231.34 _ 1704.08 _ .53 _ 399336 _ 20.50 _ 152.90 _ n/a _ _ Alla _ 7760.62 27485.17 _ 35245 79 -_» "3 ----- TOTAL TOTAL P.R. __398-'- _ 26812.0 37105.89 _ 8677.99 _ 55521.58 _ 5119.13 _ 2790.43 _ 3367.00 _ 0.0 _ -__.._.» 139394.00 _ ....�. $98402.07 _ 737876.0 _ $54347.11 _ 0.0 103798.23 _ 4484 96 _ 3 D. BECHTOLD2323.22 L. JOST _ 3215.17 _ 751.94 _ 1513.91 _ 280.50 _ 152.90 _ Na _ _ 1985.61 2747.94 642.4_ 1513.91 20.50 152.90 Ma 27.0 _ Na 824.64 _ 7323.51 _ 51857.62 _ 44321.57 _ 122.25 _ 0122.25 51645.09 _ $1645.09 J. NOLLMAN _ _ _ _ _ 1131.32 _ 1565.66 _ 34.16 _ 1513.91 _ 280.50 _ 152.9 _ 1/4 `_ _ Na _ 5010.45 _ 2$252.64 _ 30263 09 12886 53 K. BUDINGER R. COOK DIONNE JOSTEM 514.86 _ 712.53 _ 166.4 _ 1/1 Ila Ma n/a _ 2070.28 _ 2865.12 _ 670.07 _ 3993.26 ' 280.50: 152.9 ` Na _ 1069.2 1479.75 34.07 3993.26 280.50 _ 152.9 _ 364.0 _ 1419.% 1%5.09 459.58 1513.91 20.50 152.9 34.0 Na _ Na _ e/a _ Na - 1394.04 _ 1032.13 _MI.% 745.73 6155.92 11492.49 _ 56243 70C. 31552 10 31552.10R. 37850 96 37850.961. KOSLODSKI _ _ = 1375.31 ' 1903.33 45.13 1513.41 20.50 152.9 364.0 Na 035.07 36733 88 ` 36733.86 _ _ S. STRESE 1523.17 ` 2108.10 _ 493.02 _ 3993.26 ` 20.50 _ 152.9 _ 364.00 _ PROGRAM DIRECTR` 849.62 `1175.82 _ 274.99 _ Na _ Ma _ Na Ma ` _ n/a _ Alta 0915.05 = 230.43 _ 18%4.77 ` ` 42916.60 : 4 0 21265 20,_ _ OV T- ASST PROGRAMMER_ 512.89 709.81 14,0 .. Ma 4/a Ih n/a Na _ : 1388.70 _ 1140.47 12837 QV Y'- SECRETARY AIDE _ _ _ _ 495.30: 685.46 _ 160.31 _ Na _ Na _ ala _ 1/4 _ Ma _ 1341.07 _ 11055.78 _ 12396 85 --5055-- TOTAL P 6 R 15270.85 21133.77 4942.58 19549.33 224.0 1223.20 1456.0 27.0 _ 6584.73 _ 34861.29 _ 406714.0i,_ 40671482 0,0 0 0 _ 0.00 _ GRAND TOTALS 127194.36 -314.22 25186.13 148145.18 11851.13 _ 7950.80 1023.0 - 162.0 - 423%1.81 _ 2014011.36 - 2437973.17; 2120656.15'70458.79 _148128.71 _ 63483.73 03 umTOTAL:za. 6459.0 _ $167.20 _ $407.20 5407.20 5167.20 _ 0.0 27607.80 _ 0455.64 31583.92 _ 55074.50 _ 27512 39 _ 51563 80 30768 58 _ 0.00 _ 276958.83 .61744.48 _ 47425.50_ 36036.76 30263.09 _ 12172.45 _ 0.00 _ 187642.28 0.00 _ 140023.28 66037 62 52685.80 _ ` 11432.37 _ 52977.19 _ ` 55848 51 34.21 44371 90 52057 83 53324 09 _ $301.72 52071.81 47414,93 _ $1979.33 _ _ 29113.58 _ 0.00 _ 661150.88 _ 19612.11 _ 65406 12 29001.58 _ 38530.86 _ 4040.20 _ 35995.93 _ 3466.35 30891.36 44383 07 31376 06 38201 69 $3699.04 41382 51 39381.36 _ ` 28616 08 31263.76 $5247.21 _ 602.78 _ 37892.23 _ 245 79 _35245.19 _ 245.79 _ 737876.08 _ 0122.25 _ 51645.09 _ 30263.09 12886.53 _ ` 56243.70 _ 31552.70 37850 96 36733.88 42916.0 _ ` 21265.20 _ ' 12831.17 12396.85 _ 0.00 _ 406714.02 _ 24539 2431973.11._ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 y December 31, 1992 Employee Name: � l &4A, J I _ k"' Position: C t:[ ( $-? A -7\).,t Date of Hire: 1 {— Date Start in Position: I 1 Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)- 4.3-7 Position Salary Mid -Point ($) :5 Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Ease($) Comp Worth Adjustment($):, Annual Adjustment(COL)(s)- _ � �__.__�f9U3'� - - Merit Raise($):-_�......_ Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity 1-1-93($): 00_ Car Allowance($) : ), `{JJ, UV Other Considerations($):__.�.; January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): (0��� I/%d� 31 . k4'03.�_ Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($)= Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ Total After Change xx-xx-93 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 �� _ 1b. hl2S_,%_w• aJ SIPS Mac_ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT c� SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 y v December 31, 1992 Employee Name: J C -l" ► ttiV,- Position: ,,PM'1v,.. b&AAAMe,7, Sa✓lc'1�Y Date of Hire:c�-144—) Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993- Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)= �3 SSI- 3t JOU a399J.�1'- 3� 343.SS Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Da.te(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) : Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- S -7 3S l - _- Merit Raise($): _- Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): /�� Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($). _ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($):` a�� �0,�, �� /J , a UJy Longevity(Change)($)= is-►_ q _.r a-19, Merit Raise(During Year)($): iv & g b -I -Q3 Movement in Range($):iv-.A Other Considerations($)= Total After Change xx-xx-93 10-1-S3 Total After Change xx-xx-93 4j _-fa-I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 14 t &_L u._.J- 0 t4k.% Ay, Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93-- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS %J December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position cLvavv" �� 0 cyClJ�c^nj_ !?2 Date of Hirer Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): 14 D) �6,100,y Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) i�l�tJJJ,00 Comp Worth Adjustment($)= _ Annual Adjustment(COL)($)-__ Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity .1-1-93($) �. Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($)= January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($)=� Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 �D_' ��S_:: _ �dLs � �+�^ Ivo , 1 AA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3y� December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position: Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: T � q � Position Salary Range($)= l3' 39 - a , �S� !' dao 10 - ;L,�, Position Salary Mid -Point($): aI,04 yil, b Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount -Q,ecember 31, 1992 Base($) : _ 139. gJ_ V d �O Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($) Other Considerat ions($) : January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) _ _ / �, ���, 11 Longevity(Change)($):- Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 ---- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 yv December 31, 1992 Employee Name: SMSA-,., JH. WA -,_S4 Position: ,q,p,,,A.�,� S M it c slt Date of Hire: S= ►3 -� S.- Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992, 1993 Position Point Value= Position Salary Range($): 3t,d1� -4�,5� 3� 3ti•/d'- Sb, 3b'� �s Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): 1, a G1• Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($): �F y S� Sd3, .!l- aU, Longevity 1-1-93($): i Car Allowance($): Other Considerat ions($ ): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): �3,9s-W,S1 I 131 Longevity(Change)($): -�J 7- -9 Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($)= Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 S, "-S 3 y�, 3g'{• Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: bF-fj w idsiti2cn.-� Position: tuw.<< D�D�eH�'c�/t��- Scz✓t�s`i Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: (a' -� Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: �� 6 Position Salary Range($): a3 41- 3t y1� a3�5S0,J�-3�,35'3.Ss Position Salary Mid -Point($): 7 Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): a3 Comp Worth Adjustment(s): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise ($) ---•--_______`_ Movement in Range($) = January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($) January 1, 1993 Total Salary($)= --9 Longevity(Change)($): t v10 /a -!' Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($) : i a - ► -S 3 3SS Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 - I -53 2� 9 -L._9j 4X•35 Total After Change xx-xx-93 ia- i - 93 a&, apt, e3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ i 1 � s�-w__.��I.r ?�� ' S mA-� Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT c� SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position- Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value- /o 3 Position Salary Range($)- y►a9a3 -S"b l�J� V3jyo.d' - Y, 3Jy,910 Position Salary Mid -Point($): yk CSX 5U 3 Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): 99,0) Comp Worth Adjustment($):_ Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($) - : s 3 b�; 9 - a`, a 1 3 Longevity 1-1-93($): l - Car Allowance($) : Other Considerations($)= January 1, 3.993 Total Salary($): S a 5't�� sal aS , Y(4 Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1--93 _- � Ia id,ei� . u,,•-�I aJJ S MA4 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 3 �v SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name= T ANc G-1 %_$ Position: S 51" Date of Hire= Date Start in Position= l`J Comparable Worth Information 19992 1993 Point �' � q Position Valuer Position Salary Range($) 36�alf- Y—Y q/e Position Salary Mid -Point($): q 3, Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31., 1992 Base($) 3�C' add' 3� I-I,fi Comp. Worth Adjustment($) Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) = January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($)= Car Allowance($). Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)(0: _ v I qQP.-8}WT Movement in Range($) : Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 r Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx--xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS w December 31, 1992 Employee Name: �� R� 1(-'kKk � Position: CC.0Ati t , Date of Hire: ii ` �-3 - % 3 Date start in Position: 1-1-93 Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: J Position Salary Range($) : a 3 1q 1 - 31 VN aT 3 S'. 33 - 3 y, 33.5 1 Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : a-7, I Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): '._Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($)- w _ Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): dho Car Allowance($): -_ Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) : ,. Longevity(Change)(s): Merit Raise(During Year)($)= Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ tal After Change xx- x-93 - 1-9 q �So -,C 's --------- e- of 3 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 1 d- i.IRS las Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 a40 O.P.1 MAK CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 3 �J SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position: A- Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value- U%�) Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid-Poa.nt($): a� Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- � Ll Merit Raise($)- Merit Movement in Range($) : _----- January 1, 1993 Base($) = 2j 19 ql Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($)w --- Other Considerations($)= _ -- - January 1, 1993 Total Salary($)= Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($) Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93_x- Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 ,... _- ?:.. _ )_q qt? � � ayJ rle S _ w CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '/),3 SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS ,3 December 31, 1992 �c"w �S c w `fie Employee Name- Position. lcu..A y Date of Hire= Date Start in Position: Comparable North Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value= 3 h Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992' Base($) - , 3b4.JJ l l ,1 Ll Ll Comp Worth Adjustment($ ) Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($) = January 1, 1993 Base($)= as a,sa.6q _ �a,►.av� Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($).��«_ Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($). Total After Change xx-xx-93 otal After Change x -xx-93 -=!-------------`— ------------------------------------------------------- -----------: ------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ I 1� 1 l�0 dRA �! .s Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93�aUO _"Vs MAS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE 1992 STATUS December 31, Employee Name: pcti" Position: 1�Pw �`Ic2nSTPAt- Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Valuer Position Salary Range($)= Position Salary Mid -Point($): -7 Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): 33.4X _ Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($)- Longevity 1-1-93($): N _ Car Allowance($).__ Other Considerations($): __- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) ; Longevity(Change)($). Merit Raise(During Year)($)- Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($)- Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max -1-1-93IbJ +�5 AA -Y Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 `��' 3 Ia.144. V1 mA-X CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 �� December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position: Date of Hire: —� Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value:- Position Salary Range($) = �t1i S. 11 " �, �'K• Position Salary Mid -Point ($) = Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= _ Comp Worth Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($)- Movement in Range($):' January 1, 1993 Base($) - a J .1 1 �', 40j J Longevity 1-1-93($)- Car Allowance($) Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 - --- - - - - - -- ---- - -- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 �� /�- _ �N (✓a Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 .,_ ----------------,------_---------., CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: l,l3A`3c Position: �� RtiJt c ���A•.�"�L Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: ` Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid-Point($): q�, 45.7Sy.�l Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31,''1-992..Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($)- — Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= _ \N. 'a Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) - January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($) c Other Considerations($): _ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($)=__. Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 J December 31, 1992 Employee Name: 4k_ 1 5L Position: i S r S INh-- i ?,-"v ,�,c Date of Hire: -d-a -moi l Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: -7s- -7 S— Position Salary Range($): a1. 49 l - 31� I �J ��, 3►1 33' 3K, ��3,59 Position Salary Mid -Point($) = Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($) v Annual Adjustment(COL)($); Merit Raise($) _. ----_ Movement in Range($) ; January 1, 1993 Base($): 3 1,4IS:00 IL)3�( Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($): �. Other Considerations($): .January 1, 1993.Total Salary($): :__ 31� 14L1.JJ Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($) • T7 Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 -1 -l� '3 33',��lo.�.l. IS, �'7 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 14,p S�I r- w jlf 140 ` i�e S MA./ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 1 �' -moi _ ►ie .r^^�� 14o Lp% AA)C CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 �� December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position: P�Ati�,�ntr Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information - 1992 1993 J U J Position Point Value Position Salary Range($): a�, 1S/- 31 yN �3,ci40.01 - 31 353. S� Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : )1, I tot 17I Sal,'k Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): _ Annual Adjustment(COL)($):S�• Merit Raise($):; - -i+ �J._`�J Movement in Range($): �3�, 15�.� January 1, 1993 Base($)- ----- Longevity 1-1-93($) : a 0 Longevity 6d Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): 3`10 pMerit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($)= Total After Change xx-xx-93 2 � a3--� f 3 r)SA. Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1--93 ! u �S (�^'^� DL`(J Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93_-_----- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: EL,Utek- Position: ?C\_1Q6 Cr{- op Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993` Position Point Value: IJ Position Salary Range($) : y x,1.4 - S"7, ►X0 Position Salary Mid -Point($): y S 353 Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): q 9 3910J a3,-1y(e� Comp Worth Adjustment($):�____� Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) - January 1, 1993 Base($)= �� �C7`'7S Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($) : d , v\). of Other Considerat ions($) = January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): SSS 0)4.-4 Longevity(Change)($). Merit Raise(During Year)($)- Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): - Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 ----------------------------------------------------_---------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 ��(Pi �wv.�i�F a140 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS J/ December 31, 1992 S e,4 A IA JZK- 4A &—%6 k Employee Name: Position: P tWC.Lcc'✓Z Date of Hire: =c�_ Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($):` Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) Comp Worth Adjustment(s): — Annual Adjustment(COL)($): 1,60,07 Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($)_ January 1, 1993 Base($): _ 3 - /�'i, /Y�j Longevity 1-1-93($): a40 Car Allowance($) : other Considerat ions($) ---------- -- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) : _. _ _ __ _ ,�U a� S� /� 1 l j^ :. Longevity(Change)(s): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($):' Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ 4- i,(,P Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY -- BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 9 December 31, 1992 Employee Name= Co�L Position: S ZR~ If Date of Hire: Date Start in Position Comparable Worth Information 199`2' 1993 / Position Point Value: q tet q q Position Salary Range($) = lG� S�3— Z> �'rS 17, q0 U1 -- a3, b0to,� Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1-9.92 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($), Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= _ ,'a-7"7 Merit Raise ($) Movement in Range($): 70 m,0 January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($)- Car Allowance($); Other Considerat ions($) = January 1, 1993 Total Salary($). Longevity(Change)($) Merit Raise(During Year)($)- Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93� Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY — BENEFIT — EMPLOYEE STATUS (v December 31, 1992 Employee Name: j c"w c'l. X12 L c S c 1 cukt ! 1y-V1-�- SX12(-e, Position:P Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: - —i Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Valuer Position Salary Range($)- Position Salary Mid -Point($): _ r Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) : Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): 14 0:01 Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($): ---- January 1, 1993 Base($). Longevity 1-1-93($): Other Considerations($): 5Olt J January 1, 1993 Total Salary($)= _4y_?d`% c►7__-_ ay. ��SS Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($)- Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($)= Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: �. JA -4 E: A.0,.-5 Position: P -1Cle L Date of Hire. Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 9 Position Point Valuer 1 Position Salary Range($): 31�� 1� k� 42(,S►Y 3�, 3�s.��_ SU 35'�i Position Salary Mid -Point($): ya1dSo Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= ya;�iS1o.yJ �.loU Comp Worth Adjustment($):N __Yy Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): _ Movement in Range($):_.. January 1, 1993 Base($)= �y�, iy►. V� d l , a-� aJ Longevity 1-1-93($) : a 9 o � aka , k� Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($)= January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($): 340 Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 I---Iy-i3 u1 Ul�� • S3 a, �i (o Total After Change xx-xx-93 ---------------------- - ----- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 --- -------- � _ -- -------- !�f I LSN--!H -- - -; - - &\413 tVS ^^A- Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 ___ 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT t� SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 !� December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Dc" MAZ 1% Position: Date of Hire- Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid -Point ($) =� Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= 3 `,�-7t O , vJ Comp Worth Adjustment($)= Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($) --January 1, 1993 Base($): 31� 431.3v �L' 1p Longevity 1-1-93($). 4 H J - �,al�l_•�S Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($) : January 1, 1.993 Total Salary($) = _ Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($)= Other Considerations($)- Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Mont h & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Mont h & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY -- BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 December 31, 1992 Employee Name: _" .�.,y-t-4 y vo A Position: ���0— cJ i ce,/L Date of Hire: ( ^a--i�- Date Start in Position: -9 d. �_-- Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 ' Position Point Value= Position Salary Range($): - Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= a1F4s�.SS 13.43q Comp Worth Adjustment($): _ Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($)= _ ��,�9a.S7 �3."4d {� _ Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): —I-) —R), y, Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 I'a�`q a. 33.`x• 7b f 6. �� 3 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ _ --4AS MN- -1-9 4PS Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: W i A -.,. y � .41,3QV, Position: `\,- C ok Date of Mire: Date Start in Position: ` q4k Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Valuer Position Salary Range($)= Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= 3��'���•� i�,SSU Comp Worth Adjustment($):._ _ Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= _� (Il J.01 Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1"-1-93($) Car Allowance($); Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($); .Merit Raise(During Year)($); Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 /d r►es ���- ;� a�lJ �,QS �+A�C Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - yv SALARY - BENEFIT EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: a( ^,- d LC_ A `I Position: ?k_ttcA U.FAc62 -� dq- A S6,8 WA— Date of Hire: Date Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($):' Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= 3�, l.V�'.Sy �'�►Ut� Comp Worth Adjustment($)= Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) = January 1, 1993 Base($)= Longevity 1-1-93($): 4`J Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): St\k 6'04-_r p," D,4 J.o J Y^ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($)• 43, _ _ Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _ CITY OF ROSEMOUN7 9J SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name- � �c1�R r�c4L& Position:Pc �C Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value Position Salary Range($)- Position Salary Mid -Point($)=; Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base(t) = Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($):- I LtJ.�7 M Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($): 301, �J£f.S7 /, /`Y Longevity 1-1-93($): yko 1i�53,1� Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) - 4 I , y �a • 3 , �� i�1 "'Longevity(Change)($): Merit.Raise(During Year)($)= Movement in Range($):, Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93__ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 SALARY CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS c, /V December 31, 1992 Employee Name: 6 q__j SQ\_1_twS Position: Q,4 OF P— Cz+2 Date of Hire: Date Start in Position:--�"��' Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid -Point($)= Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31 1992 Base($) = 3 to �� .Sy I , SS 01? Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($): 1 &a�'.S7 /S• /`��5� Longevity 1-1-93($): a9 o Car Allowance($): -- Other Considerations($); January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) ; '. lot < S 5 � Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($); Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 '+�,e 3 mac. ",l¢` a�(J lJeS •MA -X Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 �sve ',x 5 Employee Name= Position: �A-'��.h_ 'af C ZU Date of Hire: h-00—SJ Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: - Position Salary Range($) - Position Salary Mid -Point($)- Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)- 3S ;t�3f,S_ I -I. 13J1 Comp Worth Adjustment(s):_ Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): - -- Movement in Range($); January 1, 1993 Base($)= Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): _ Other Considerat ions($) :- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): 31�,��J,�� Longevity(Change)($)- Merit Raise(During Year)($)= _ Movement in Range($) c Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 $ WPB �w-�f _ a O S M Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 __w�s_-�`��_ ___ I?��^-� 2JJ V\ MA�� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: PI ^� W SA ivy Position: � � �- (us C Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount ` Hourly Amount -December 31, 1992 Base($)= Y.'`0ioy Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($): 09 Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1--1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 �� December 31, 1992 6%-w(rte (%.%-A`f Employee Name: Position. Date of Hire: -a -� Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Value: -� Position Point Position Salary Range($)= a9, Ily. L Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($):: -_ January 1, 1993 Base($)= Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): - -- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($)= - M Merit Raise(Ouring Year)($) Movement in Range($). Other Considerations($)• Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx--xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATUS 3 �� SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE December 31, 1992 Employee Name: 2 � � vim► 'P -%o,"`^.& [_\ Position: P�•-•L �.r v�21<� ©� f .a -1V2 Date of Hire- Date Start in Position: S� Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value- J l� 10 �_ Position Salary Range($) y1;,7�/-S1 75 4�1,��3�- S`S.�2f�.Vv Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : q S 3.9 Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = k4 9, i(e7 Comp Worth Adjustment ($) = Annual Adjustment(COL)($) Merit Raise($)= _ Movement in Range($); January 1, 1993 Base($)= __ S1 3 -7 Longevity 1-1-93($)= 1 93 S'13 •fit T Car Allowance($). Other Considerations($)= --- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change')($)= a `� __ 1� 04��lo1 Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($ )' Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx--xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 y� December 31, 1992 Employee Name: .S,�"-tn JnDR.Cr{ Position: Mt2 tc_ L Date of Hire= Date Start in Position. Comparable Worth Information 1992- 1993 Position Point Value: - Position Salary Range($)- Position Salary Mid -Point($)= Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = Comp Worth Adjustment($)_-� Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity 1-1-93($): _ Car Allowance($): _ Other Considerations($)': January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): aka, Longevity(Change)($) �_ --- Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($ ): N „C., I.14 Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93-ti�-9� Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93__ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 S` 1 3 S (�-�^^ G J - 'J/15 MAnt CITY OF ROSEMOUNT G SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 !J December 31, 1992 B P�{ Employee Name: Position: C>^ln N t?_L\k .tik1- —%Lrtt�,LC A^ 1-�(—��► Date of Hire- Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): J�-3*l�ih� �l�'u�L.�3- Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : lw9, li 4.5� 3J yr 4. S L Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base(s): a-cj, S-d,S. Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($)- Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($): qiq,Y% Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance ($) : -- Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): _ _ _ r 3 y, yl�.r-7 ) y. (.o _ Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(Ouring Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): T Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 �� _ ��NRS I—u"-'* J_k►o `"�Ai Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 yJ December 31, 1992 Employee Name= Q��ae t QAk'FK�ci Position: MA,C�_ Date of Hire: Date Start in Position. Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= 3��3dt.•��1 1� uJ Comp Worth Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($) _ �j JS•�/ Merit Raise($): Y Movement in Range($) = January 1, 1993 Base($): , 33h.fS Longevity 1-1-93($): _- Car Allowance($)c _ Other Considerations($)< LtCc�+5c 3ia.JJ �� J January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range ($) : s `p� - aJ -4 3 l . 3 -7 1,14 Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 l l- -S j 3 d �i ti. 3'3a to Total After Change xx-xx-93 " Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ Iz 01 �a,,;�} ! �� 't4pS MMS Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 C *I�+ � A b R "' ►,p tW Employee Name: Position: k C_ Date of Hire: Date Start in Position i -IJ -l1 Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 6` L � Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): t,-Iq\4W 1j �SJ.J1-3� 393.5 Position Salary Mid -Point($): D. Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount -December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): W Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): a9-, January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($) : Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): _ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): 4'IJ I -►J0,_ Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 - ---------------------- - Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 ------------------ - - --- - --- - -;-- -- Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 December 31, 1992 - Employee Name= Position: MAr,--1E1,,.h—c! 1� Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value- Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid -Point($)= Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- S 5q Merit Raise($) _^J Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity 1-1-93($) y i _ Car Allowance($) Other Considerations($)- L�Cc*^Sc aU�,JJ _ .030 January, 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($) : Other Considerations($)- Total After Change xx-xx-93 1 `aa 30, q 4, `(Y Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 �' � s �—�^^ / G® iJ[ S MAy Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 __.. � 3__�___ I� SPS I��`^'�f )U,) 4RS MAY CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS �� 3 December 31, 1992 J 11l-r�nnn� L, Employee Name: Position: Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Paint($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount - • December 31, 1992 Base($) = Comp Worth Adjustment($). Annual Adjustment(COL)($):" Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($) < Z 1(,. �,�j I t7`, (IV If Longevity 1-1-93($)- _ Car Allowance($)= — Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) : _ 4 a alts .lei / � , 6 � I Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($).' Movement in Range($) : -'-\) s-rp ` b" `4 -9 - 9 3 1,411 S4 Other Considerations($). Total After Change xx-xx-93 q -9 -9 J•t,Z 1 1 , 3100 Total After Change xx-xx-93 --------------------------------------------- --- --- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 - -- --- - - --- - - - -- Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3 /J Employee Name: Position {�SSrS i %'.^ ► Pj►. D� Cy�iCc Date of Hire= Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value= Position Salary Range($): Z1�gq 1-1-7, 1 Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= U04. QJ /j Le-7�O Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Q11�'• �. Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): J Car Allowance($). W Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): 3� U -7,Jf Longevity(Change)($):-_— Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 - Ctal After Change xx-xx-9 __�=q`�1l AA--------------------- �.e. Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name; Position: MA--c�F 1 Date of Hire: g"d-� -�r Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value- Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($):,-S�a.`fJ Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): �i�`a 7 Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Ba --e($): 131033 67 Longevity 1-1-93($): _. Car Allowance($); Other Considerat ions($ ); January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): a3f 09 _ Longevity(Change)($): 1 �� �S'�%_i3___, a3 4 • 3 �- Merit Raise(During Year)($); Movement in Range($); Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 8- d9 -93 13��1, U •�'� Il, / Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 l� tl/ts ��-v�. aJJ .,Ps Lm Ay Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _, w CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �v SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 December 31, 1992 Employee Name: . y . w2 Q6 -A Position: (1 A ,��•c Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)- Position Salary Mid -Point($) T Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount • December 31, 1992 Base.($) = 3 0, 3 (a�. J 3 _ U0 /,�`J '1 Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($)= Other Considerations($): L Cc--.S OJJ_ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) � 3�100743 Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(Ouring Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): - Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Id 4pS �^��►i�r d �� QS AAY Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE 31, 1992 STATUS �J December �� .. Z, D U S �1,1,W Employee Name- Position- , L r't!z Pre S r S Vin- i JJ . b. R c�-17-i2 Date of Hire= Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 5"L�- Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): 5'k4-Sa,QS� 19 ,)19.►g1-�3, Position Salary Mid -Point($): �i\ ,JJ I 419, Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = � �, 0,30.0 Q Comp Worth Adjustment($)= Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($); Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($)- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): yq,34J JJ a r, D f1�� Longevity(Change)($): _ Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($):JJ- Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 K 2 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 3 iJ2S) .w ilk lid 4,PS MA-/ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 1� ' 9 3 '4/i S _� __' _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 yv December 31, 1992 ifs^l ie 2w.-3 Employee Name= Position: M Arw-► A -CF -ll - _4 Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= 4�'-a.1 Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Valuer Position Salary Range($)= Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = Comp Worth'Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($): 31� , y3 l Longevity 1-1-93($)= Car Allowance($) :._____ . Other Considerations($): L�ccwSr yIV,0 January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($). Merit Raise(During Year)($)- Movement in Range($): _ - Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx--93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93--_.�__ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3v Employee Name: p S A-- p Sw2cti. Position: M it c_ -=q -ke Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: k4—q4'? Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): _ r Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) = Comp Worth Adjustment('$)= Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= _�4P__ 9�q•�3 Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($) = 3 �, ,_ 3 6 G Longevity 1-1-93($)= _ Car Allowance($) : Other Considerations($): L� c Sc" a�.JJ �100ND w._Y January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($): / 90 Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 /`►I�'3 �-.c.�1 2J�1 rl�J �A�c Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3 %v Employee Name: Position: _- M—P %An e,,A-Cc 1 i J'3-Oi J Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= _ a 1�►�. l,J 1J.31yJ Comp Worth Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($): lou7•J�I _ - Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($): ��,a►c�:,�, i�7,l��ll Longevity 1-1-93($):._ Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($) : L i C Sr January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): _ 1 31J,105 J 1�1 11 Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 1 J -'� `9 3__ _ Ia i s 1 l� Os M A -x CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 9,) December 31, 1992 Employee Name: _[yl 4k A 'S7 Position «J1,n �-- �N S Pct i� w.S 7S q -IoA� Date of Hire==17-5 Date Start in Position: (o —I _q a' Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: U0 LL Position Salary Range($) : 1� �S 1— 31, �/X� a 3a 9 0,J1 Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : ? a� S�•d' Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) : Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustmeet(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($) = a,: 1 �d.� f .:_ _ I a . 1,40 V Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($) Merit Raise(Durinq Year)($): �Ao1v.- -a' 1, -i -4S Movement in Range($) :-to M.a ,�g„ �a _ -9 3 I, j99 , 09 Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1--93 -t S ^ w _1 �J�40 A Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 y 17 -�i3 1 i.I,Ps I.-�-'�i 1�v 4A, ✓ 4-A, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS �v December 31, 1992 Employee Name: ` t" ,� STp C^— Position: w u2��S .5.aPt'1,P0�SJ✓t- Date of Hire: I �` 5---9 Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Valuer Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): `��14S- 4j4. 15- a3• Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($) - 4 �,, 1 �/J, 0 J 400 Comp Worth Adjustment($) Annual Adjustment(COL)($): _ f�ag4. a Merit. Raise($): Movement in Range($) : January 1, 1993 Base($)= Longevity 1-1-93($) : `� J __ _ ��'�'"(►� -- Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): - January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($) - i Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 1� t 'S �`-'^"i�l ` aJ�-►mss ✓1A,4 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position: Date of Hire: Date start in Position: %o Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($)= Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= _ Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($)- Movement in Range($) : _----- _ _ — — — - -- -- 1, 1993 Base($): _______ + -- Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): -- - - Other Considerations($): --- - -- J9anuarr 11 1993 Total Salary($): _ �q 1X1. civ a�JJ Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 {- ------------------- -------- ---------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT —EMPLOYEE STATUS /J December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Position; 1Jv... p,� 4. N S tfz i 'k Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($) : uA 'A Longevity 1-1-93($) M� Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): _ January 1, 1993 Total Salary($):� a�',3rS.33 I3 G 13 Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): 'SAO-1hy."g„ 1-1-4� 3, J(�J:�y Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 y�' Total After Change xx-xx-93 1-1-1 "\",/a \g, Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 _ S , 3 \S 0SI� ...) /h\l 'Os rh �__ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATUS t% SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE December 31, 1992 Employee Name; Position: N(s-► tit-o2,n,1_ Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($):- �w _ Annual Ad just meat ( COL) ($) : Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($): �CS-11CL, Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): M -- - January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): � -I4 u-)�.3 _ Longevity(Change)($): _ Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($) :'v Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 1 _� -�3 011-$�i`�'a 1 ) 3,'��/ Total After Change xx-xx-93 ---� - 1- 5-�-- ----`— ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 f �����PS-v.w.T% _� tos MA -se _ Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 �_ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS / J December 31, 1992 Employee Name: Positions �� 2�iV2 c iAJ2lfS P�tr2�A�1� Date of Hine: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($) y I. yJ�-�i SLS 431 651:43 - S-7, 6gq.e l Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($)- Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($)- January 1, 1993 Base($) : 40.X0 Longevity 1-1-93($): a9J Car Allowance($). Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) Longevity(Change)($);__ Merit Raise(During Year)($); Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($)- Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 I ? S ��-N^�) c?JJ At-% MAX Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 q -5-�� ►,4 0S I --^NJ aq\) os CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: U S A S Position: SS�s�A—i Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 9 q Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)' aq 1 3 -39 �3 3� 3)7./P- SU 3r t� Position Salary Mid -Point($): �`�,a37 43',���•t��( Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): 3� a17:00 Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($)= Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): _T Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): a10 Merit Raise(During Year)($): _ Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacat ion Hours/Month & flax 1-1-93 �_ I.L ,�I? S � �-�^ � MA -A Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS y December 31, 1992 3 (� Employee Name= PA Position: ` Ek) G ,A._ Date of Hire- `�-�1-&�C JT) S-t3-Ql �F/'r) Date Start in Position: --) -� Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value= S3 Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid -Point($) a3,3Jlo 7 5�� �I Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($). Movement in Range($) MAA.c+4� (aJ._P' January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($). Other Considerat ions($) : January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit P.aise(During Year)($)_ Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($)- Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-9 1-1-4M OD ., �c 0J_� A ----__�-_-- ------------ - -------- ---- -- ---- - ---- -- - - -- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 S I3- j r� S� ��1 Ai ft CITY OF ROSEMOUNT c� SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS 3 /U December 31, 1992 Employee Name- �Lc, ' n.(n�%Z P `) Position: S �Z 2.�111�/t Psi Q c f'�r Date of Hire• Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value= t� .Position Salary Range($) 5�3 _ a� � q r-7,y� Position Salary Mid -Point ($) = Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= 00 J Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= a4,4V Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($) Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): N -- January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): QNJ�{ Longevity(Change)($)= Merit Raise(During Year)($); Movement in Range($): --4 Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 -� -53 9. 3 33 Total After Change xx-xx-93 1�.,�- � i, W J3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3� Employee Name: e `' e'er' Position: PARk Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): 3l,�sa - �{�',�riY 3�,3iS.�K- Sy 3Xi•il Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): -- Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($)= ------ Movement in Range($) :-- \4311.1__ January 1, 1993 Base($): _� , Longevity 1-1-93($): V`))) _— - J.—�.2 3 -7 _ Car Allowance($): Other Considerat ions($) : -- ---' - January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) : _ , _ LI 1, Longevity(Change)($): _. Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): - Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: 1 AZ L, 1)*4wy-le- Position: M A-%A-cr -r . Date of Hire: 4� Date Start in Position: �J Comparable Worth Information 1992 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): I Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Oate(If Applies) 1993 Yearly Amount Hourly Amount aJ,Syd.\fJ; 11.030J 6 V V4.7 4'_0.111 . a3�.31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------;------ ld �S�--w•i�f 2JJ ry.PS •MAS Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name= Position: C Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): 1992 1993 3 TO Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount 30', p.oz) 1y. (Do 0') 1. I C tk -S 31I.Oq AJJJ /5'. 1i83 Longevity(Change)($): --- --- Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): -------- Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------;------ Vacat ion Hours/Mont h & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _� - 1943 __ ►a ,�,cs�y. `M�� l��Us CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: OSS uwj S Ki - position: /position: Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($)= Employee Salary Information December 31, 1992 Base($): Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($): Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)(s): 1992 Date(If Applies) 1993 Yearly Amount qY 3 y� Hourly Amount 1.9sy 0 N.36eg _ /q,3� Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Mont h & Max 1-1-93 iJ/ZS ^' i ,1 (� J , S Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 6.' 'Z —__ - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3 / Employee Name: SZ�V c Sl✓2 �3 c Position: M An c E- Date of Hire: S - ��J Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value:: Position Salary Range($): Position Salary Mid -Point($): Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): 3f bS1.4J 0 Comp Worth Adjustment($): v Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= �i�fci.3 Merit Raise($): Movement in Range($): January 1, 1993 Base($) : Longevity 1-1-93($) : Car Allowance($): Other Considerat ions($) : Lt C��S r" yl 10 , 00 1.) uJ 0 January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity( Change) ($) : Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): Other Considerations($):` Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 ay\) APS'' -,mac Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 3�J Employee Name Position: Pk'�WA-, 14 - QAkv-- � 7�^�_� Date of Hire- Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)= Position Salary Mid -Point ($) : �, S kf!• �l t Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($)=_�� Annual Adjustment(COL)($)= Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($) January 1, 1993 Base($)= Longevity 1-1-93($) Car Allowance($): Other Considerations($). January 1, 1993 Total Salary($). Longevity(Change)($) _ Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($) : Other Considerations($)= Total After Change xx-xx-93 I,k,7tiU Total After Change xx-xx-93 iv 1M , D b l .` c,F Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 __ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT -- EMPLOYEE STATUS y� December 31, 1992 Employee Name= S�S �w�.?RIO?RIO2li-- Q G. �I2.n Position:S Date of Hire: Date Start in Position= Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 H q q Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($)= r4 �i�3- ��,s�9 Ilk Position Salary Mid -Point ($) = / q 7 S 7 D.O.L. 3S /.d Employee Salary Information Date(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($)= Comp Worth Adjustment($)= Annual Adjustment(COL)($)- Merit Raise($)• - —_ Movement in Range($) _ January 1, 1993 Base($): ao1U�� `` � Longevity 1-1-93($): Car Allowance($): Other Considerat ions($) : January 1, 1993 Total Salary($) = 1 7. �Eci a. J ( • 14\34 3 Longevity(Change)($)- Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement in Range($) : Other Considerations($)= Total After Change xx-xx-93 CChangexx-xx-93 Total After Change _ ♦.p tI'\'iSJp\.0 c ---------------------------------- Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 - Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): ,ot,)n\),,1" '1-1-91 SJ4� Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY - BENEFIT - EMPLOYEE STATUS December 31, 1992 Employee Name: SaJtK�y Pr be fl;�)Ef (7� Position: Date of Hire: Date Start in Position: Comparable Worth Information 1992 1993 Position Point Value: Position Salary Range($): V_ oil - 2��9r9 I'1,yb'a.Jl - 3,1.�6, Position Salary Mid -Point($): li, X47 20l39fa1 Employee Salary Information Oate(If Applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1992 Base($): - Comp Worth Adjustment($): Annual Adjustment(COL)($): Merit Raise($) : Movement in Range($)= January 1, 1993 Base($) : Longevity 1-1-93($): --- Car Allowance($). Other Considerations($): January 1, 1993 Total Salary($): Longevity(Change)($): Merit Raise(During Year)($): Movement in Range($): ,ot,)n\),,1" '1-1-91 SJ4� Other Considerations($): Total After Change xx-xx-93 Total After Change xx-xx-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max 1-1-93 Vacation Hours/Month & Max xx-xx-93 _