HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Discussion of Repairs, Inc. RedevelopmentCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION OF REPAIRS, INC. REDEVELOPMENT WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. JOHN MILLER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: APVED B NONE Commissioner Sinnwell has asked that the Port Authority discuss the redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. In particular, Don is concerned that two persons have expressed an interest in the site and have contacted architects. His point is that the person with early submittal may be at a disadvantage. Mr. Sinnwell wishes to discuss with the members, that at a minimum, a calendar date be established to receive the proposals. An additional requirement might be preparation of a Request for Proposal outlining information the Port Authority would like to see in order to make selection that's best for the city. Apple Valley has recently asked for an RFP on the site it owns at Cedar and C.R. 42. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. Work session item only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION OF REPAIRS, INC. REDEVELOPMENT WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. JOHN MILLER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: AP VED B . NONE Commissioner Sinnwell has asked that the Port Authority discuss the redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. In particular, Don is concerned that two persons have expressed an interest in the site and have contacted architects. His point is that the person with early submittal may be at a disadvantage. Mr. Sinnwell wishes to discuss with the members, that at a minimum, a calendar date be established to receive the proposals. An additional requirement might be preparation of a Request for Proposal outlining information the Port Authority would like to see in order to make selection that's best for the city. Apple Valley has recently asked for an RFP on the site it owns at Cedar and C.R. 42. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. Work session item only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: LANDMARK CORNER OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX BUILDING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I. Introduction y of Apple Valley has acquired The Economic Development Authority (EDA) of the Cit three adjacent parcels of property on the northeast corner of the intersection of County Roads 23 and 42 in downtown Apple Valley. The area totals 2.7 acres and is known as Landmark Corner (see attached map). The EDA is inviting proposals for the re -development of these parcels into a multi- or single -tenant premier office and/or office -retail complex with a minimum of 40,000 square feet. The parcels were previously occupied by the First Federal Savings and Loan Bank building which has been relocated and the Skippers Restaurant building which will be removed by the EDA. The EDA wishes to identify developers interested in pursuing this venture and assisting the EDA by replacing this blighted area with one comprehensive development project that would be an amenity to the central business district and the community at -large. Proposals must be conceptually consistent with the City and EDA's end-use and final re -development plans. II Final Develovment The final development of this property should be a major office or office/retail combination complex so designed as one comprehensive project that would be a premier building suitable for this location. The EDA would be willing either to sell or lease the property. III. General Provisions A) The development must meet the City of Apple Valley's Downtown Development Guidelines and comply with all current planned unit development zoning requirements. The usual and customary development procedures used by the City of Apple Valley and the EDA shall govern the development process of this project. B) A development agreement must be signed property ownership of ensure the type and quality of development will remain the property has been relenquished by the EDA. C) The total value of all three parcels of property based on an appraisal completed May, 1989 by Muske Company, Inc. is $617,000. The property was acquired for $619,000. According to state law, the property cannot be sold for less than it was acquired. D) The property is located at the busiest at -grade intersection in Dakota County with average daily trip counts on Cedar Avenue and C.R. 42 of 32,000 vehicles and 24,000 vehicles respectively. C) Instructions to proposes: 1) Five (5) copies of the development proposal must be received by the EDA by September 1, 1992. Proposals received after this date will be returned unopened. 2) Proposals must be addressed to: Mr. Thomas M. Melena Executive Director Economic Development Authority City of Apple Valley 14200 Cedar Avenue South Apple Valley, MN 55124 Proposals should be clearly marked "Landmark Corner Redevelopment project." 3) Questions about this RFP may be directed to Mr. Thomas Melena, EDA Executive Director, by calling 431-8800 during regular business hours. Questions will be taken until 4:30 p.m., August 28, 1992. 4) Contents of the proposal should include: a) General statement of qualifications of the company. b) General statement of company's financial health. c) General description of the development proposal. d) Preliminary sketch plan drawings showing the entire site. e) Preliminary sketch plans of all buildings. f) Potential listing of prospective tenants for the development project. g) Financial proforma for the project. h) Specific requests of assistance from the EDA/City (if any). i) Description of other similar projects undertaken by the developer j) Biographical information of the principals of the firm who would be working with the EDA staff on this project. LANDMARK CORNER OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX BUILDING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF APPLE VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I. Introduction The Economic Development Authority (EDA) of the City of Apple Valley has acquired three adjacent parcels of property on the northeast corner of the intersection of County Roads 23 and 42 in downtown Apple Valley. The area totals 2.7 acres and is known as Landmark Corner (see attached map). The EDA is inviting proposals for the re -development of these parcels into a multi- or single -tenant premier office and/or office -retail complex with a minimum of 40,000 square feet. The parcels were previously occupied by the First Federal Savings and Loan Bank building which has been relocated and the Skippers Restaurant building which will be removed by the EDA. The EDA wishes to identify developers interested in pursuing this venture and assisting the EDA by replacing this blighted area with one comprehensive development project that would be an amenity to the central business district and the community at -large. Proposals must be conceptually consistent with the City and EDA's end-use and final re -development plans. II. Final Develovment The final development of this property should be a major office or of combination complex so designed as one comprehensive project that would be a premier building suitable for this location. The EDA would be willing either to sell or lease the property. III. General Provisions A) The development must meet the City of Apple Valley's Downtown Development Guidelines and comply with all current planned unit development zoning requirements. The usual and customary development procedures used by the City of Apple Valley and the BDA shall govern the development process of this project. B) A development agreement must be signed before the property is sold to ensure the type and quality of development will remain after ownership of the property has been relenquisiied by the EDA. C) The total value of all three parcels of property based on an appraisal completed May, 1989 by Muske Company, Inc. is $617,000. The property was acquired for $619,000. According to state law, the property cannot be sold for less than it was acquired. D) The property is located at the busiest at -grade intersection in Dakota County with average daily trip counts on Cedar Avenue and C. R. 42 of 32,000 vehicles and 24,000 vehicles respectively. E)' The property is located in Tax Increment Re -development District 7 and tax increment revenue derived from this specific project is available for this project on a pay-as-you-go basis. The district expires in 2007. F) The EDA and/or the City of Apple Valley are willing to assist with moving, re -alignment, and re -location of existing streets and utilities to accomodate the development. Special assessment financing with a term of 15 years would be the primary financing tool for such infrastructure improvements. G) The development plan must contain a public open space with a distinctive plaza between the intersection of the county roads and the building.-- No direct access to the site would be available from either County Roads 23 or 42. H) The awarded developer should expect to work closely with the EDA's development staff for the entire duration of this project. I) Upon award of the project, the developer has one year to demonstrate significant progress toward completion of the project satisfactory to the EDA. If .the EDA deems insufficient progress has been made, the EDA may re -issue RFPs for a new development project. This solicitation provides broad outlines for the development in order to allow each developer maximum latitude for creativity and innovation in each proposal. The EDA's intent is that this process will heighten the competition and yield the best possible development. IV. Presentation and Award A) Timeline: The Request for Proposals will be mailed July 15, 1992 Deadline for accepting proposals Sept. 1, 1992 Interviews for finalist proposals Mid -September 3) Selection Criteria: The awarded proposal will be based upon: (1) The development plans which best suit the concept of the EDA. (2) Developer qualifications best -suited to develop the proposed project. (3) Financial backing and strength best -suited to develop the proposed project. (4) Demonstrated ability and knowledge of development procedures. (5) History and experience of developing similar projects. The EDA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for whatever reasons. . � . C)• Instructions to proposes: 1) Five (5) copies of the development proposal must be received by the EDA by September 1, 1992. Proposals received after this date will be returned unopened. 2) Proposals must be addressed to: Mr. Thomas M. Melena Executive Director Economic Development Authority City of Apple Valley 14200 Cedar Avenue South Apple Valley, MN 55124 Proposals should be clearly marked "Landmark Corner Redevelopment project." 3) Questions about this RFP may be directed to Mr. Thomas Melena, EDA Executive Director, by calling 431-8800 during regular business hours. Questions will be taken until 4:30 p.m., August 28, 1992. 4) Contents of the proposal should include: a) General statement of qualifications of the company. b) General statement of company's financial health. c) General description of the development proposal. d) Preliminary sketch plan drawings showing the entire site. e) Preliminary sketch plans of all buildings. f) Potential listing of prospective tenants for the development project: g) Financial proforma for the project. h) Specific requests of assistance from the EDA/City (if any). i) Description of other similar projects undertaken by the developer j) Biographical information of the principals of the firm who would be working with the EDA staff on this project. ESTIMATED ROSEMOUNT SENIOR HOUSING SITE ACQUISITION BUDGET LOTS TO BE ACQUIRED BUILDING AND ACQUISITION VALUE Block Lt Assessed Valuel Demolition Relocation Comments, 3 8 & 9 $72,700 $5,000 $22,500 house 3 8 & 9 (vertical) $55,200 $5,000 $22,500 house 3 10 $52,200 $5,000 $22,500 house 3 11-13 $02 $0 $0 Rsmt EDA 3 14 $42,600 $5,000 $22.,500 house 4 1-3 $27,800 $5,000 $2,000 Fluegel metal bldg 4 4 $37,500 $8,000 $20,000 Car Wash 4 5 $20,300 Car Wash 4 6 $50,7003 $5,000 $7,000 house 4 7 $48,8003 $5,000 $2.2,500 house Total if all lots acquired $407,800 $43,000 $141,500 = $591,500 Total if optional sites not acquired $308,300 $33,000 $112,000 = $453,300 1 Assessed Value is sometimes less than market value. -Various sites will probably actually cost more than the amounts listed. 2Assumes Rosemount EDA will contribute Block 3, Lots 11-13. 30ptional sites to acquire for Scheme A or B. A --+ uo M ' I 3flaoo 020-48 S ----------- vi ] 010-48 150.00 ► - , 0,�0 � 3 51 5D. 00150 .00 •,. 2 So -� ul ' 040-61 �; 52 `r �. ; ; Ln 150.00 u) © o 151. 17 146.75 0 •* �: � r-y• 50.00 146TH T, 0 52 � • S S " — ------ 54 Ron ^, M 150.00 S 100.F',l50.00 S .? M 152.76 150.00 UA ..e. ; O t8�, �_7 ori 5§; .;1A o �t 9D-Qo o " g o So.oo-' - - t : •,i s.% • Atli �i ri 6 9 "Q 150.00> ---150. -- - o- "'�LA 6 �- I - � S. � 56$ DOp 00 $ � a -U-8-4_,u' 051-61 % 5 o g lin _ 150.00 _ _ 5 to ..GAP iQ _3 57 S g I so: �o 0 150.00 8 149. �• 151.38 150.00 'n ` _ 1 5�30, 03 to S o � 00 150.00 - - t�6.33 58 3; LO o S g 150. 00 S 150.00inkn — �213 `D 150.00 in n , 020 -04 N c� 150 00 8 150.00 g ©o © o 60 1 Iii' 157.00 w M a I W. • QQ J-9.-O 150 147TH ST ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS LOCATION/RELOCATION REVIEW CRITERIA I. DEFINE THE TYPE OF BUSINESS a. General - Industrial, Commercial, Public, Etc. b. Specific Uses - Office, Warehouse, Retail, Manufacturing, Foods, Etc. c. Determine the Purpose and Intent of the Business * Range of goods and services * Services to and from the community * Circulation within the community and area * Degree of visibility within the community * Possible expansions d. Explore the Past History of the Business * Confirm issues in item "c" above * Obtain employee counts/information * Confirm site use - outdoor display/storage * Confirm environmental issues noise, air pollution, by products e. Determine Any Special Needs * Wells * Lighting (outside) * Utilities * Towers f. Determine Specific Building and/or Space Needs II. ESTABLISH THE CORRECT - REQUIRED ZONING DISTRICT a. Confirm Proper Zoning District with City Planning Department b. Verify Specific Zoning Requirements as They Apply III. DETERMINE MOST DESIREABLE LOCATION a. New or Existing Structure b. Required Structure Size c. Specific Zoning Regulations d. Accessibility (Traffic) Requirements S. Utilities f. Pedestrian Accessibility (Handicapped) g. Safety Hazards h. Police/Fire Response IV. BUILDING AND FIRE CODE VERIFICATIONS a. Occupancy Classification b. Type of Required Building Construction c. Location of Structures on Property d. Allowable Square Footage/Stories e. Allowable Height/Stories f. Hazardous Materials g. Fire Sprinkler Requirements h. Handicap Accessibility i. Historical Value j. Specific City, County, State or Federal Codes V. CONTACT WITH PROPER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS a. Architects b. Engineers c. Special Planners/Developers d. Consultants VI. DETERMINE PORT AUTHORITY FINANCIAL SUPPORT VII. BEGIN DESIGN, PERMITTING AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES PRO.PO"AUM S. Mechanical Designs. Complete calculations, details and specifications are required for each heating, ventilation, humidification/dehumidification and air conditioning installation including heat loss/heat gain calculations, design temperatures, equipment ratings and identification as to type, manufacturer and mode i 6. Snecifications may be separate or part of drawings and shall include description of j materials to be used, identified as to grade, species, type, manufacturer and conditions shall include detailed thermal transmittance calculations together with supporting data used in computations. SECTION 14.4 BUILDING PERMITS -'PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW A. Site Plan Required 1. No building permit shall be issued until a site plan has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and approved by the Planning Commission. 2. Exceptions a. The erection or alteration of single family detached residences or accessory structures, when all other provisions of this ordinance have been met. b. The erection or alteration of permitted agricultural structures, when all other provisions of this ordinance have been met. c. Interior alterations of all structures which do not affect the existing use or intensity of use, when all other provisions of this ordinance have been met. B. Site Plan Contents 1. An application for site plan review must be completed in full and accompanied by ten (10) sets of clearly legible blue or black -lined copies or drawings at a scale appropriate for the level of review to be performed, submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to review by the Planning Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting, and must include the following: a. Title or description of the proposed project, including legal description of the property. b. Dame and registration number, when appropriate, of the person preparing and presenting the site plan information. c. Location of the property with respect to and including names of adjacent landowners or uses, streets, highways, railroads, easements or other landmarks. d. Name and address of owner/developer,_ scale, northpoint, date and number of streets. e. Existing topography as indicated on a contour map having counter intervals no greater than two (2) feet, which shall include, but not be limited to, existing buildings, structures, improved surfaces, transmission lines, fences, vegetation, streams, wetlands and other water bodies. f. Existing drainage of the site in terms of direction and the rate of which stormwater flows. g. A description of soils. h. The proposed size, alignment, height and use of structures, signs or work performed, including all sign, lot and structure dimensions. 49 i. A description of driveways, sidewalks and parking facilities, including a description of the type and quantity of surfacing materials. j. A grading plan at two (2) foot contour intervals and a description of the change in grade as it relates to structure location, other lot improvements, adjacent properties, drainage control and proposed rate of stormwater runoff. k. A scaled landscape plan showing the location, size, quantity and type of landscape materials to be used and an explanation of any existing vegetation that may be disturbed, removed or replaced. 1. A description of the availability and access to required public utilities. m.A description of the method waste treatment to be utilized and an analysis of the wastewater flows generated from the development. n. An erosion control plan which may be necessary to prevent erosion during construction or after project completion. o. A description of lot lighting or extraordinary illumination projecting from a structure. p. A description of the levels of noise, vibration, glare, smoke, odor, waste or other emissions generated and the methods employed to contain or control such emissions. q. Other information pertinent to the particular application which in the opinion of the City or applicant may be necessary for review of the project. 2. Exceptions a. Where information is on file ' in the City Hall, i.e., information submitted and approved in formal platting, some of the requirements may be waived at the discretion of the Planning Department. b. Additions to existing structures, centers or complexes, approved by the Citv, may be exempt from some of the requirements, depending on the level of information on file and the relationship of the proposed addition. C. All other exceptions must be approved by the Planning Commission according to procedures contained herein. SECTION 14.5 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS A. License Required Before any person shall engage in any of the following businesses within the City of Rosemount, he shall obtain a license as provided herein: 1. Cement work, cement block work, cement block laying or brick work; 2. General construction including erection, alteration or repair of buildings or structures; 3. Plastering, outside stucco work or lathing; 4. Heating, including the installation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning or refrigeration equipment, except the installation of window air conditioning units; 5. Natural gas installation, including gas heating equipment, appliances and other devices using natural gas; 6. Roofing; 7. Sign and billboard erecting;