HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Minutes of October 20, 1992 Work SessionROSEKOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS PORK SESSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on October 20, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Station, 14425 Brazil Avenue. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with all members present. Also present were Executive Director Jilk, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Building Inspector Paul Heimkes, City Engineer Bud Osmundson, Planning Director Lisa Freese, and Public Works Director Ron Wasmund. City Councilmembers Staats and Klassen were also in attendance. Three additions to the agenda were made which included 3) Update on the Strese Property; 4) Update on the Armory Businesses; 4) Change of November 3, 1992 Meeting Date. Mark Ulfers of Dakota County HRA, and Victor Zeuthen of Victor Zeuthen Design were introduced to the Authority. Both were present to review HRAs plans to build senior housing in the City of Rosemount. Mr. Ulfers informed the Authority that the HRA has plans to develop ten senior housing projects throughout the county, and to date, four projects are complete with the fifth one under construction. He explained that the need for senior housing is a growing segment of the population and that there is great demand for this type of housing. Waiting lists for units exist at some of the facilities they have built. Mr. Zeuthen reviewed three schemes detailing location and layout, and reviewed construction details of the building. Mr. Ulfers answered questions regarding funding, acquisition of property, timeline for completion of the project, and the project's proximity to the railroad and its impact. He also explained that the City's major financial contribution to this project would be the acquisition of the property. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed costs associated with sewer, water, and storm water infrastructure demolition and re -construction; and street re -construction. Public Works Director Wasmund advised the Authority on the code requirements for an underground parking facility. Mr. Dick Hanson, President of Lexington Standard, was introduced to the Authority. Mr. Hanson's firm is located in Eagan and Farmington and manufactures flag poles and street lights. Mr. Hanson was invited to address the Authority and explain why his company built their new facility in Farmington instead of Rosemount. The major reason cited by Mr. Hanson for building in Farmington was that Farmington had industrial land developed and ready for immediate building. They were in need of expanding quickly because of their rapidly growing business. Mr. Hanson stated that their decision was in no way affected by lack of response by City of Rosemount staff, but on the contrary, the staff was extremely helpful, prompt with information and willing to do everything possible to find a location suitable for their expansion. 0 Commissioners Wippermann, McMenomy and Executive Director Jilk left the meeting at 7:24 p.m. Building Inspector Paul Heimkes and Planning Director Lisa Freese were introduced to the Authority. They were present to explain city building and zoning requirements, and in particular, gain assurances that the Port Authority will follow all code requirements when engaged in relocation ROSENOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION OCTOBER 20, 1992 activities. It was decided that a resolution binding the Port Authority to meeting the code requirements should be adopted at the November 2 meeting. Economic Development Coordinator Miller updated the Authority on the status of relocating Repairs, Inc. Commissioner Sinnwell voiced his concern regarding proposals for re -developing the site. It was decided that a Request for Proposal should be developed outlining information the Port Authority would like to see in order to make a selection that is best for the city. This information will be provided at the next meeting. A concern was raised regarding the guidelines being used by the HRA for relocating the businesses in the city and that these guidelines should be fair and treat all businesses the same. Commissioner Anderson requested that the "performance criteria" or "standards" for relocation assistance be made available to the Port Authority. It was suggested that Lee Smith of the HRA be invited to address the Port Authority on this matter. Commissioner Edwards left the meeting at 8:00 p.m. A great deal of discussion followed regarding the acquisition and relocation of the Armory businesses and the Strese ice business. NOTION by Dunn to change the first meeting in November to Monday, November 2, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Chairperson Dunn adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary