HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of October 6, 1992 Regular MeetingPORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on October 6, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. chairperson Pt=. called the meeting to order with members Anderson, McMenomy, Edwards, and Sinnwell present. Commissioners Wippermann, Dunn, and Mawe were absent. Also present were Executive Director Jilk and Economic Development Coordinator Miller, City Engineer Osmundson, and Public Works Director Wasmund. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the minutes of the September 14, 1992 regular meeting as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the minutes of the September 14, 1992 closed executive session as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve payment of invoices submitted by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the Allen Company, Peer, Inc., and Ed Dunn. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell. Nays: 0. Executive Director Jilk updated the Authority on the status of Dr. Johnson's intentions of building an office building on the Repairs, Inc. site. Jilk advised that Dr. Johnson has leased space in the South Robert Square building, however, he was continuing his plans to build an office building. Jilk also advised that Dr. Johnson has requested that the Port Authority reconsider the possibility of starting a revolving loan program as has been discussed before. Dr. Johnson will have to make leasehold improvements to his new office space and needs to seek financing for that cost. Jilk advised the Authority that staff had procured enough information on the subject for further investigation by the Port Authority. Executive Director Jilk reviewed the status of the Armory and Community Center project. He explained that the second modification to tax increment district as suggested was not needed because of the Port Authority's special legislation. He also informed the Authority on the outcome of the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission's bond sale held last week. The bonds sold quickly at 6.6% which is somewhat higher than the 5.75% expected. Springsted, Inc. is recommending that representatives from the city go with Dan O'Neil of Springsted to Moody's in New York when the city's bond rating will be addressed. It was also recommended that two special Port Authority meetings be set to take action on the issuance of Port Authority bonds for the Armory project. MOTION by Sinnwell to set special Port Authority meetings for the purpose of taking action on the issuance of Port Authority bonds for the construction of portions of the Armory and Community Center and the relocation of businesses on Highway #3 for October 13 and October 27, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Anderson. Nays: 0. It was noted at this time that Dr. Kerry Johnson was in the audience. Dr. Johnson was informed that discussion on his matter had already taken place but was asked if he would like to comment further. Dr. Johnson reiterated PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on October 6, 1992 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Acting Chairperson Edwards called the meeting to order with members Anderson, McMenomy, and Sinnwell present. Commissioners Wippermann, Dunn, and Mawe were absent. Also present were Executive Director Jilk and Economic Development Coordinator Miller, City Engineer Osmundson, and Public Works Director Wasmund. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the minutes of the September 14, 1992 regular meeting as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the minutes of the September 14, 1992 closed executive session as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve payment of invoices submitted by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the Allen Company, Peer, Inc., and Ed Dunn. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell. Nays: 0. Executive Director Jilk updated the Authority on the status of Dr. Johnson's intentions of building an office building on the Repairs, Inc. site. Jilk advised that Dr. Johnson has leased space in the South Robert Square building, however, he was continuing his plans to build an office building. Jilk also advised that Dr. Johnson has requested that the Port Authority reconsider the possibility of starting a revolving loan program as has been discussed before. Dr. Johnson will have to make leasehold improvements to his new office space and needs to seek financing for that cost. Jilk advised the Authority that staff had procured enough information on the subject for further investigation by the Port Authority. Executive Director Jilk reviewed the status of the Armory and Community Center project. He explained that the second modification to tax increment district as suggested was not needed because of the Port Authority's special legislation. He also informed the Authority on the outcome of the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission's bond sale held last week. The bonds sold quickly at 6.6% which is somewhat higher than the 5.75% expected. Springsted, Inc. is recommending that representatives from the city go with Dan O'Neil of Springsted to Moody's in New York when the city's bond rating will be addressed. It was also recommended that two special Port Authority meetings be set to take action on the issuance of Port Authority bonds for the Armory project. NOTION by Sinnwell to set special Port Authority meetings for the purpose of taking action on the issuance of Port Authority bonds for the construction of portions of the Armory and Community Center and the relocation of businesses on Highway #3 for October 13 and October 27, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Anderson. Nays: 0. It was noted at this time that Dr. Kerry Johnson was in the audience. Dr. Johnson was informed that discussion on his matter had already taken place but was asked if he would like to comment further. Dr. Johnson reiterated PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1992 what Executive Director Jilk had discussed with the Authority and added that he was moving ahead in regard to having an architect prepare a plan for an office building on the Repairs, Inc. site. MOTION by Sinnwell to authorize the Allen Company to complete an appraisal of the Soo Line property located at the intersection of C.R. 42 and T.H. 3 for an amount not to exceed $500.00. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: Edwards, Sinnwell, Anderson, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Discussion ensued regarding the environmental audit for the Soo Line property. A concern was raised that at least one soil boring and lab analysis should be included in the audit. It was estimated that this would amount to an additional $500.00. MOTION by Sinnwell to direct John Miller to have a Phase 1 environmental audit completed on the Soo Line property to include one soil boring and the appropriate lab analysis with cost not to exceed $2,600.00. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: Sinnwell, Anderson, McMenomy, Anderson. Nays: 0. Commissioner McMenomy requested a status report on the quick -take proceedings in process on the Strese property. City Attorney Miles advised that all notices were received by the affected parties and that so far no objections have been raised. Miles also informed the Authority that date of possession would occur 90 days after filing. A questions was raised as to whether the ice business was viable. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that Lee Smith, of Dakota County HRA, has requested business records from David Strese for the last 2 years. Also requested was an update regarding the status of acquiring the Highway 3 Armory businesses. Executive Director Jilk advised that the properties would need to be available by June 1st. Commissioner McMenomy left his chair at 6:25 p.m. Executive Director Jilk briefly updated the Authority regarding the Dakota County Incinerator project. Jilk advised that the Minnesota Court of Appeals provided a decision which awarded Dakota County the right to be granted a permit for the construction of an incinerator. To avoid an appeal, Dakota County and the MPCA negotiated a settlement and a permit will be issued for a smaller project. The design capacity of the incinerator will be 600 tons per day versus 800. County staff has been scheduled to make a presentation to City Council and commissions in order to "re-educate" them on the project. The meeting is scheduled for October 13, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed the draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the East Side Utility Study. The RFP will invite proposals from engineering firms to conduct a utility study for all of eastern Rosemount for the location, size and costs of providing municipal water and sanitary sewer infrastructure improvements. Osmundson advised that a committee comprised of a Utility Commissioner, a Councilmember and three staff members will be formed to review the proposals. Osmundson reviewed the schedule and proposed funding for this project. Discussion followed regarding whether the RFPs were being sent to selected consultants and whether they were being advertised. Osmundson advised that they would be sent to selected consultants and to any that inquire. City Attorney Miles PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1992 advised that there was no bidding requirements for consultant selection. Commissioner Edwards expressed a concern that because the RFP included the area where the Dakota County incinerator was to be located, it appeared that there was compliance on the part of the City and commissions before the project has been approved by the City. NOTION by Sinnwell to recommend to the City Council to authorize the advertising of the city's Request for Proposal for the East Side Utility Study and to proceed with the study in a timely manner. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Sinnwell. Nays: Edwards. Executive Director Jilk commented on the Chanhassen field trip that was attended by Commissioners Dunn, Wippermann, McMenomy; Economic Development Coordinator Miller; and himself on Saturday, September 19, 1992. Jilk commented that Chanhassen's development of an industrial park came together better than most communities. They set up a tax increment district, purchased 150 acres, extended sewer and water to the site, and now have just approximately 25 acres left to be developed. The tax increment dollars generated by the industrial park were funneled into the redevelopment of their downtown. Jilk stated that Chanhassen officials preached one story: put together one plan, stick with it and believe in yourself. As a side note, Jilk commented that Chanhassen relocated the highway that had run through their downtown, and as a result, no adverse affects have been experienced. NOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary