HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of April 21, 1992 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETIN APRIL 21, 19921 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, April 21, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with members Mawe, Anderson, McMenomy, Wippermann, Edwards and Sinnwell present; Staff present included City Administrator Jilk, City Attorney Miles, Director of Pl ening Freese and Recording Secretary Jentink. Additions to t,e agenda were made by Sinnwell: Old Business - 5. c) City Owned Pro erty Clean Up; New Business 6. e) Relocating Businesses by Armory; 8. Executive Director's Report a) Economic Development Coordinator b) Development on Carlson Property c) Motel Location d) Comment on Editorial. MOTION by Mawe to approve the minutes of the April 6, 1992 regular meeting as printed. Second by Edwards. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to add industrial "park" on page three and then to approve the minutes with this change for the April 14, 1992 special meeting. Second by Edwards. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. There were no bills or communications for this meeting. Executive Director Jilk reviewed the final report of the Strese Oil Property by American Testing, Inc. which shows that any contamination is within the 'top nine feet of soil. The concentration is very minimal which suggests that the clean up will also be minimal. American Testing did mention that any leakage from the tanks or the main building 'would not be determinable until their removal. It was recommended to proceed with the clean up of the property and Requests for Proposals (RFP) to receive proposals for tank removal, any additional soil analysis, petrofund and remediation plan development and coordination; to acquire an updated appraisal required to be within six months of application for grant money; direct staff to negotiate an agreement with Mrs. Olga Strese for the acquisition of the property including liability for clean up costs; and direct staff to prepare demolition bid requests for removal of the storage building on the south end of property and an alternate on removal of all buildings on the property. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the staff recommendations and proceed with these four: 1) to proceed with the process to receive proposals for tank removal, any additional soil analysis, petrofund and remediation pian development and coordination; 2) to acquire an updated appraisal 3) direct staff to negotiate an agreement with Mrs. Olga Strese for the acquisition of the property reflecting clean up costs; 4) and direct staff to prepare demolition bid requests for removal of the storage building on the south end of property and an alternate on -removal of all buildings on the property. Second by Edwards. Discussion was held. 1 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 1992 Edwards voiced concerns for the well water. Executive Director Jilk estimated the time for completion as 45 days. Sinnwell indicated that the property should be purchased first, then proceed with other items. Wippermann said that any unknown clean up costs be covered within the purchase agreement. Anderson commented that the a contamination clause be included in the appraisal. Dunn agreed that all buildings should be demolished on the Strese property. He requested that the purchase agreement include the list of #3 - #10 from recommendations: 3) Receive quotes on 2.a. project coordination, tank removal and demolition. 4) Receive Appraisal and review Purchase Agreement. 5) Approve Purchase Agreement and authorize tank removal and demolition. 6) Tanks are removed and additional soil tests are completed. 7) Southern building is removed. S) A remedial action plan is prepared and presented to the MPCA for approval. 9) Remediation plan is executed and all clean up charges are paid. 10) Clean up charges are submitted to Petrofund for reimbursement. A friendly amendment to the motion to include the above noted items #3 - #10 in the purchase agreement was accepted. Ayes: 6. Nays: 1 Motion carried. Jilk directed a discussion on meeting day and time change to accommodate more available time for the Port Authority meetings. NOTION by Wippermann to adjust the regular Port Authority meetings to begin at 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Second by Anderson. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Sinnwell addressed the property the Port Authority owns next to the "Old Post Office" building on 145th Street West. The area is approximately 20 feet by 75 feet, Sinnwell feels that it is unkept and messy and that it needs to be cleaned up and/or sold. Kerry Johnson, a business owner and resident commented about the need for more parking in that area. Dakota Central owns the building to the east and may be interested in purchasing this property for parking. MOTION by Mawe to clean up the property next to the "old Post Office", put rock on it and proceed to offer it for sale. No second was made. Motion died. 2 t ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING' APRIL 21, 1992' Jilk advised that staff will look into a temporary clean up, possibly gravel or car stops, and then report back to the Port Authority. Planning Direct'IOr Lisa Freese presented the Comprehensive Plan Process. Freese explained the need for this as follows: provides guide for land use; evaluates the need for infrastructure and services; backs up ordinance and policy in place; it is required by State Law and must be approved by the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Waste Control will be expanding the Waste Water Treatment Plant by 1995. The capacity of the interceptors and the treatment plant are probably sufficient until the year 2020. Community goals, and economic development goals will be discussed in depth at the next Port Authority meeting. Many economic development policies that the Port Authority wants to use should be added to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. An amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan would require six weeks to two months for staff review, public hearing, and City Council approval. Then Metropolitan Council would need to approve it, requiring a maximum of three months or a total of five months for a amendment. Edwards volunteered to bring information on the visioning process from Met Council as he is a committee member. Port Authority members are invited to meet with City Council on establishing goals on May 13, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., a Wednesday. Input and attendance is valued at this meeting. A meeting to discuss the Dual Track/Relocation and Planning Process on the metropolitan airport is proposed for May 7. There will be a presentation for an Ice Arena by Ron Pederson of RAHA at tonights City Council meeting. There will various forms of financing described with possible Port Authority involvement. Executive Director Jilk responded to an editorial referring to staff enforcing the sign ordinance causing the demise of businesses in Rosemount. He said many other factors contribute to a -failed business and there is no evidence provided as to the writers comments being valid. A private party has inquired of the City about the potential to build a motel. They have requested confidentiality as have two manufacturing businesses looking for large existing buildings to move into this area: Carlson Developers have approached the City with a development aimed at senior citizens called "cottage type" family units. The location is south east of Knutson Services on Chippendale Ave., an estimated 10 acres. 3 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 1992 The position for the Economic Development Coordinator had 55 applicants. Susan Walsh, Personal Director, is completing the Veterans Preference Point System. Mayor McMenomy and Chairperson Dunn have agreed to sit on the Interview Board with Mr. Jilk. Recommendations should be ready for the May 5th meeting. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn the meeting. Second by Edwards. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 4