HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Strese Property AcquisitionCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 7, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Strese Property Acquisition I Old Business PREPARED BY: AGENDM John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator # 5 B_ ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Resolution __l6U& Attached is a resolution prepared by Mike Miles, the Rosemount City Attorney. If it is approved by the Port Authority, it will permit him t start the quick -take proceedings acquiring the Strese Oil property. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIZ in acquiring land known locally as the Strese Oil property and descrix in Exhibit "A". PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN WHEREAS, the Rosemount Port Authority is authorized to acquire property under eminent domain within the Port District; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount Port Authority finds, with respect to the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), the following: 1. The Property lies within the Port District for the Rosemount Port Authority. 2. The Property suffers from blight as defined in Minn. Stat. 469.048. 3. The acquisition of the Property is necessary to eliminate and prevent the spread of conditions of blight. 4. The Property is marginal land as defined in Minn. Stat. 469.048. 5. The acquisition of the Property is necessary in order to reclaim and redevelop the marginal land. 6. It is to the benefit of the public for the Rosemount Port Authority to acquire, reclaim and redevelop the Property. 7. The Property cannot be reclaimed and redeveloped by private enterprise alone. 8. Immediate possession of the Property is necessary in order to prevent the spread of the conditions of blight and the condition of marginal.land, and to carry out the purposes of Minn. Stat. 469.01, et. seq. WHEREAS, the intended use of the property is the reclamation and redevelopment of the Property; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Property by eminent domain is necessary in order to accomplish the purposes of Minn. Stat. 469.001, et. seq. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: e 1. That the City Attorney is directed to commence eminent domain proceedings to acquire the Property, and is specifically directed to implement the "quick -take" procedure set forth in Minn. Stat. 117.042. ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1992, at a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority, a development agency. Chairperson ATTEST: Executive Secretary 2 6 Exhibit "A" That part of the South One—half (s/12) of Section Twenty—nine (29), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), Range Nineteen (19), more particularly described as follows, to—wit: Commencing at an iron Thirty-three (33) feet East of a point on the One—Quartcr (1/4) line between the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter (SW 1/4 and SE 1/4), One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety and 20/100 (1,490.20) feet South of the stone placed for the center of Section Twenty— nine (29); thence East to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company's West property line; thence Southwest on said railway's West property line to the point at which said property line touches and joins the Easterly line of State Trunk Highway No. 218 (formerly State Trunk Highway No. 1) as the same is described in that certain Warranty Deed from Mary Alice Hyland and husband to State of Minnesota, dated November 23, 1921 and recorded December 20, 1921 in Book 153 of Deeds, Page 499; thence Northeasterly along the East line of said State Trunk Highway to the point of BEGINNING, specifically including each of the following 'tracts --- of land; That part of Lot Sixty—two (62), Auditor's Subdivision No. One (1) of the Town of Rosemount, beginning at an iron Thirty—three (33) feet East of a point on the One—Quarter (1/4) line between the Southwest Quarter and Southeast Quarter (SW 1/4 and SE 1/4), 1,490.20 feet South of the stone placed for the center of Section Twenty—nine (29), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), N. Range Nineteen (19) W.; thence East 98.19 feet to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company property line; thence Southwest on said railway's West property line 202.41 feet; thence West 66.43 feet; thence North 200.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING. That part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Twenty—nine (29), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), Range Nineteen (19) described as commencing at a point on the Northeasterly line of the right—of—way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company, 13.08 feet Northeasterly from the intersection of said right—of—way with the North and South Quarter section line of said Section Twenty—nine (29); thence Northeasterly along the said right—of—way 226.5 feet; thence West along a line drawn parallel with and 927.7 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the East and West section line of said Section Twenty—nine (29), 68 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly on a straight line to a point of BEGINNING said premises being a part of Lot Sixty—two (62) in Auditor's Subdivisions No. One (1), Rosemount. That part of Lot Forty-six (46) of Auditor's Subdivision No. One (1) Rosemount, lying and being Southerly of Trunk Highway No. 218 (formerly No. 1) and Northwesterly of the right—of—way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company, all according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds within and for said County and State. (Dakota County, Minnesota) Subject to any and all restrictions, covenants, conditions, zoning ordinances, rights—of—way and easements of record, if any, affecting said land.