HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Airport Search LegislationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT { EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION a CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 16, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: AIRPORT SITE SEARCH SELECTION PROCESS ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT PREPARED BY: AGENDIOM C� STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR ,., �l ATTACHMENTS: DAKOTA CTY RESOLUTION,' DRAFT APP )VE BY: LEGISLATION, ISANTI-CTY, NORTH.BRANCH TWNSHP This is an update of the search selectionprocessand any legislation being considered to stop the process. Following the meeting of representatives of several cities and townships in Dakota County at the Vermillion City Hall on April 3, special legislation was drafted by Dakota County to be introduced by Representative Dennis Ozment and Senator Pat Pairseau which will, if passed, effectively stop the airport site selection process, remove land regulation controls in the final three sites and cause a feasibility study to be completed as to whether or not to move the airport before continuing the site selection process. Attached is a copy of the resolution from Dakota County stating their position, the proposed legislation and copies of position papers from two northern entities, isanti County and North Branch Township. I will provide` further information on this process on Tuesday. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. COUNCIL ACTION: f DAKOTA COUNTY ADMINISTR ETIONO EPARTMENT 612/438-4418 DAKU I A CUUN I Y UUVtHNMtN I CtN I tK 1 bbU HWY. bb - HAJ I INhS, MINNtJU IH 55U33 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM APR " 9 1�g�j CLEt--,f\ s CITY OF ROS: MOUNT TO: Dakota County City Administrators Dakota County Township Clerks FROM: Lyle D. Wray, County Administrator DATE: April 5, 1991 SUBJECT: Airport Search Area Process On March 26, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution regarding the major airport search area process, which directs that legislation be drafted that will require a feasibility and economic study of airport options be completed before the new airport search area is continued and before designation of any new airport site. A copy of the resolution is enclosed for your reference. County staff will be discussing this resolution with the County and City staff groups that are currently working through the City Administrators in the County to coordinate position and keep abreast of airport issues. The County Attorney's office is also in the process of preparing draft legislation regarding this issue. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this issue further, please feel free to call me. LDW/jmn cc: Dakota County Board of Commissioners Louis J. Breimhurst, Physical Development Director Jeffrey J. Connell, Planning/Program Management Director BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE March 26, 1991 Motion by Commissioner Harris RESOLUTION NO. 91-254 Seconded by Commissioner Loeding BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners supports legislation to require that a feasibility and economic study of airport options be completed before the new airport site search is continued and before designation.of any new airport site; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That staff be directed to draft the appropriate legislation incorporating this position and to work with the Legislative Delegation towards passage of such legislation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That staff also communicate and coordinate the County's position with Cities and Townships in Dakota County to explain the rationale for this position. !fes Harris X Harris Maher X Maher Chapdelaine X Chapdelaine Loeding X Loeding Turner X Turner State of Minnesota County of Dakota NO I, Joan L. Kendall, Clerk to the Board of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Dakota County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 26th day of March 192-1— now on file in the County Administration Department, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal of Dakota County this z2day of 16����i��� ('loo Rnnrrl 04/04/91 14:57 $612 438 4479 DAKOTA CO. ATTY A BILL FOR AN ACT AMENDING I1INNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 473.155, STJBD=SION 3 Minnesota Statutes Section 473.1.5.5, subdivision 3 is amended to read: By January 1, 1992, the council, in consultation with the. airports commissioia, shall designate a search area for a major new airport. Before designating a final search area, the council shall complete a studv. comnarina the feaslbill tv a new a2=ort s MD/Bill 2002 04%04/91 14:58 '$612 438 4479 DAKOTA CO. ATTI A BILL FOR AN ACT AKENDING MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 473.1551, SUBDIVISIONS 1 AND 2 Minnesota Statutes Section 473.1551, subdivision 1 is amended to read: (a) The provisions of this subdivision apply within areas, designated by the metropolitan council as candidates for selection as a search area for a new major airport under Section 473.155, subdivision .3. However, these provisions shall not apply until the -council has completed the feasibility and cost study repulsed in section 473.155, subdivision 3. The Thereafter these provisions will apply until the council has selected -a search area under section 473.155, subdivision 3. Minnesota Statutes Section 473.1551, subdivision 2, is amended to read: The Provisions of this subdivision shall not apply until the council has completed the 473.155, subdivision 3. Thereafter The the provisions -of this subdivision will apply within the search area for a new major airport selected by the council under section 473.155,.subdivision 3r The Isrew-Isi-ems apply and wi11 continue to apply until one year after the report to the legislatureon long-range' airport development required by Section 473.618. MD/Bill Z 003 O i UP: 04 FAX 61-2 469 3815 CITY L KEVILLE 000000000 A HERS t na $rd District t Fr=k Wsis>7rod $th Dlsbtf ? inn E. Johnson s S 5 "x s Page! :.hat ',:nthe pla�ng ; '=LY 1) has 'baA icr—t ion ass and c j t d, f om--n t of th3 e £ t Zo02' 00000000000000000000 No.0-010000000 r. 5,91 14:54 P.02 Jt ,,�.�ClNW COMMISSIO COUOTY COORDINATOR IdIRIM 1st District 2nd Dist ` Robyn M. Sykes G. ECxworth Johnson Tom Paps Gourt House 61?Jo$9-3858 237 SW Second Avenue ath Distli t Oat ;ivga, MN 55005 Martha Bruns Gt F 9=/1-34 Motion by G To�Lmson, se�:�ded by e Isanti CoT,�ty mrd of Co=assi0:'ers 20 s: + record objecting of an lnte-+-x�tiona3 Airport within t:� co:�zty berme tine cosno cppor iLlty fcr input ir- the process, 2) 'tsa s reoeived no da. the prcces"s, 3) -.`as excluded from the pz0=imina_y sit n proc t t'r airoo;t would have an adverse j- ct on :,he _rt'—t-al er_N it a;ea. ?�Ietion c ed K :�an�usl.Y • STT OF I��Mrscm CCUNUY OF Is.�i I, Robyn M Sykes, C? erg; tc the Boa M2 r-nesota, do here::y certify tbat; the above is a true and correct x.57 Board cf lsaiti Comty a,, then- re Dated: ,3anuarry 23, 1.091. a s ��M of o4 06i 91 i;9 : 0.3 FAI 612 469 3,715 CITY - L KEVILLE i Z003 NORTH BRANCH TOWMSHIP, YSAgTI COUVTY Rutat Route I Box 3ZA . Nc,tth E4aneh., 99 35056 March 21, 1991 The Honorable Paul wellston'o - Metropolit�tst Cout�cxl United States Senator' Mears )Park Centre, First Floor UIS, SENATE 230 Last Fifth StreetWashington D.C. 20510 St. P&u1, MN 55,,t82-3.534 J 4 The Honorable David Durenberger lsanti counter Coimmission Board United States Senator Isenti; County Colsrthouve U.S. SEhATZ —�37 S� Second A nue i. Waahntan �.C,# CambridgeI 008 } .The Honorable JAMS Cberstar united stater Repraaentatii i � F ! 2209 Rayburn t3ffice •Buildin40h Pri g j f The Manerable 144et :oig�aon Butte! t Sesnator ti r t lte! CA-it' 01 slag. 772 Ate 4U1_1 HN 55155'' ' The Honorable 30 � Mate Ra reeant�t�ve Mate office blds, P441 Mid I55 i Rl i Now Maier Airoor} Search Area . t*Ar Senators : Reprasant tivaa vu�tc l and Cpi� xcion Mam as At the — _ - }- . manual Township Xeatin nir vusl 'to approve `tie fo c 9 residents 6f thin Tat- f# voted wins i�49 tic �i stateme:nt'ind "to airid- e..f .Ycps 'thz`ccf _ . S a 'he d tie sit Of A new Metro olitan Air tinneactA wauld� re ult in aramatio told rreapar blape nvirOrzi aria Central aocie kal, _- � ultural #.rr �ct_a; -�Pd would ort ra�v�ablx Affect isaIi�.ited end-untai7 "le 1._ cdl economic davejgpment, wet the re id nts `� Na Eh l8ranc4 Town$hip ­ opposee this-xitinq, ar d the North Branch Townshizetain tkse..matinn Tai �.p Board `ani the I�.ans fain fio rd; Fu ther 4 it ix-6u z b�ilief that any nec4mry ex- Sian trf an �Q dC��,@�`!�d �.oCdtion in 6t, . i Mir�neatio !fit thepresent s . otateman was romui P. tis ed by a citizens committees J I` Sincerai r MAR 25 i99I COU LANATOR Uth1004 Nord; na, Ci ark wry Br_ , _ _ h►� burr roes has been Introduced n t thei'iMinnesota House that would stop the search for a new major metro- politan airport until It's decided If its feasible to use or expand the existing one to meet future needs. The bill came at the urg- ing of city and township offi- cials and county commissioners' in southern Dakota County. by Steve Eide staff writer Residents of Dakota County are just saying no to a proposed airport site locally. At least that's the. overwhelming consensus voiced at city and township hear- ings over the last few months. A bill co-authored by State Rep. Dennis Ozment, IR - Rosemount, would put legal teeth behind all those voices ofnay say- ing. The bill, house file number 1440, has the longwinded title of, "Requiring the Metropolitan Council to Conduct a Feasibility Study on the Present Major Met- ropolitan Airport before Desig- nating a Final Searach Area for a New Airport." The bill's purpose is more direct. If passed by both houses, the bill would keep the airport where it is in Blooming- ton, and put at rest the fears of farmers losing land, and resi- dents' fears of clogged highways, ear breaking jet noise, and the rural flavor of local life ending. State Rep. Bill Macklin, IR - Lakeville, is the other co-author. Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom assisted in the word- ing of the bill. "Before any communities become changed for good, we need first to look at the feasibility and costs of expanding our current airport," Ozment said this week. "It (the current airport) remains convenient to both downtowns, and now benefits The Mall of America's highway expansion." Long-term plan I The Metropolitan Councilis t undertaking a longterm research and public opinion gathering pro- i cess that's exploring putting a c new airport into three possible sites: the Dakota (Vermillion) r search area, the Dakota -Scott t search area, and the Anoka- s Isanti-Chisago search area. w Met Council Metropolitan Air- si Ports Commissione officials have c said the dual -track approach to re siting an airport is needed to avoid costly delays in the future, co get bill _�- should a new site be needed. An they emphasize that designate of.a search area does not me that it won't be found that t existing airport should expanded. An airport design that's cu rently under consideration by th Met Council includes six runway with a terminal complex in th center, a design requiring 11,00 acres of land in all. The airpo itself would require 15,000 20,000 acres, and contain fiv 91000 foot runways, and a sixth runway of 12,000 feet. "Every potential site is a con- siderable distance from the major downtown areas, and each would require transportation and deve- lopment upgrades in order to Rep. Dennis Ozment accommodate the kind of traffic an airport could, and should bring," Ozment said this week. The idea of throwing a state egislative monkey wrench into he new airport planning arose at a recent Dakota County Board of Commissioners meeting, accord - ng to Joe Harris, a ommissioner. "The county board, we passed a esolution the Tuesday before hat April 3 meeting," Harris aid. "At our March 26 meeting, e passed a resolution to stop the ting for that airport. It was basi- ally due to people in my area questing that of me." The resolution passed the unty board unanimrn,ci,. on Town officials meet an At the April 3 Vermillion he Township meeting, organized by be Chuck Siebenaler and Jim Woll- mering, local government offi- r- cials from around the county e urged Ozment to adopt the legi$- s lation at the state level. Officials e attended from Hastings, Lakevil- 0 le, Farmington, Northfield, rt Coates, Vermillion, Castle Rock, to Eureka and elsewhere, about 40 e people overall. A second idea to shoot down the airport arose from that meeting. Numerous resolutions opposing an airport locally have passed city councils, and township boards. Harris, a Hastings resi- dent, took possession of all the resolutions, giving airport foes a central place to store the docu- ments, and central place to show the collective, local opposition. "Most of the townships, small cities will be passing them, or passed them last week," Harris said. Harris said he possesses about seven resolutions now. He esti- mates that 10 or 12 more will be passed during this week. Of the people who've taken time to express an opinion, whether at a public meeting, a letter to the editor, or otherwise, the anti -airport sentiment has been almost universal if not uni- versal. Harris said he isn't sur- prised at the overwhelming sentiment that the current air- port should stay put. "I think most people, certainly something like that would be an economic boom, but do people want another economic boom like that in this area?" Harris said. "Do people in Hastings want to be another Burnsville or Eagan? And, I guess, personally I don't want it." Fast growth feared Harris said he likes life in Hastings for its being close enough to the cities to take advantage of them, and far enough away to take advantage of rural and small town life. The legislation that Ozment has taken up is getting a late start, according to Harris. But he has hopes the bill will have an effect. According to Ozment, the bill must first get a hearing in the House Committee on Local Gov- ernment and Metropolitan Affairs and be passed out before it could be heard by the full House of Representatives. A Mrnna ;,,_ Dakota County loins light, with many area communities, against airport site process Rep. Dennis Ozment meets with local officials in Vermillion to discuss strategy by Sarah Parsons The city of Coates wants to oppose a new airport. The problem is knowing how to go about it. "We barely know how to set up a resolution," said Coates Mayor Karen Mogan. "What are we going to do?" Mogan got help from Dakota County Commissioner Joe Harris and representatives from nine southern cities and townships at a meeting at Vermillion City Hall last Wednesday. The county and most of the communities have passed resolutions supporting legislation to stop the search process for a new airport until a feasibility study is completed on die moving of the current airport. "We're trying to stop the siting process," Harris said. "Were trying to stop one side of the dual -side approach." Rep. Dennis Ozment, IR - Rosemount, has drafted such a bill and introduced it Monday in the House. He discussed strategy with representatives from 15 southern Dakota County communities at the meeting in Vermillion. "I'm game to try anything — whatever we think will work," he said. Of the 15 communities at the meeting, nine have passcd similar MEETING Continued from page 1 Harris told the townships to contact their lobbyist. "You townships have a lot of power," he said. The group plans to put the resolutions from each of the communities in a booklet to be used in lobbying state legislators. It also plans to contact other cities and townships outside of Dakota County and in Isanti County, the northern search area. "The more influence you have;" the more credibility you will have," Ozment said. The Airport Search Area Advisory Task Force is scheduled to recommend one of the three search areas to the Metropolitan Council in September. The Metropolitan Council expects to decide on a search area by the end resolutions opposing the search process, including Lakeville, Hastings and Rosemount. "The resolutions were all drafted on an individual basis, and yet they're all saying the same thing," said Rosemount City Administrator Stephan Jilk. "That gives credibility to our efforts." Farmington City Administrator Larry Thompson said, "It's nice to see a grass-roots movement, to see people get together and take a pro- active or positive action." The bigger cities offered to help draft resolutions for the smaller communities. Bob Erickson, Lakeville city administrator, of the year, after which the Metropolitan Airports Commission would pick a site and prepare a comprehensive plan for the airport's development. That work is expected to be finished by the end of 1995. CONTACTS Continued from page 1 Said Dennis Malecha, another community contact: "If they have all this money for research millions of dollars— surely"they can afford to send everyone the material." So far, the contacts have received little additional information beyond that provided at the public meetings. The Metropolitan Council says the Task Force will be inviting the community contacts to two special meetings this summer Empire T water in. 13 startin should be pressure discolors should b noon. handed out resolution f( use as a moc "Each c different pa know we ha this," Ericks comes in nu of the cities.' "to give advici analysis of th search areas." The advice contacts will be the airport when Stan Nymey said, "I'm cone keep consumin; rural areas. We 4 continue to lay When we do, w fertile ground ag "The majority die airport live i said James community coni the present ai. expanded rather one. "Besides," he wise, we don't I happen in 20 ye the possibility th, wrong in their pr