HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.i. Water / Sewer Rate Review ReportCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVESUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 16,' 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Water/Sewer Rate Review Report: AGENDA SECTION: - This item consist of updating the Council regarding the water & sewer rates from the April 8,'1991 Utility Commission meeting. It was agreed upon by the Commission that the rates should stay in place as they are, however they will implement an exemption for senior citizens to correspond with the surcharge exemption that was put in place at their October 16, 1989 meeting. The resolution will now exempt qualifying seniors of the minimum water and sewer charges, however they will still pay on their actual usage. Attached to this is a letter which has been reviewed by the Utility Commission. The portion regarding the exemption of seniors has been added. Also attached is a memo very briefly summarizing and comparing the existing rate structure to fixed costs. _There are also three options which were considered by the Utility Commission at their last meeting. Steve Jilk has prepared these examples and .will verbally review them with you at the meeting. Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDAEM Public Works Director 'V' #5 1 ATTACHMENTS: Letter to Residents, Memo, APF VED BY:° 1. Sample Calculations This item consist of updating the Council regarding the water & sewer rates from the April 8,'1991 Utility Commission meeting. It was agreed upon by the Commission that the rates should stay in place as they are, however they will implement an exemption for senior citizens to correspond with the surcharge exemption that was put in place at their October 16, 1989 meeting. The resolution will now exempt qualifying seniors of the minimum water and sewer charges, however they will still pay on their actual usage. Attached to this is a letter which has been reviewed by the Utility Commission. The portion regarding the exemption of seniors has been added. Also attached is a memo very briefly summarizing and comparing the existing rate structure to fixed costs. _There are also three options which were considered by the Utility Commission at their last meeting. Steve Jilk has prepared these examples and .will verbally review them with you at the meeting. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: M E M O MAYOR NAPPER COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN OXBOROUGH WILLCOX WIPPERMANN CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK RON WASMUND, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR J- - APRIL 11, 1991 REVIEW OF WATER AND SEWER RATES Attached are calculations comparing the existing rate structure to fixed costs of operation and 3 options that have been reviewed by the Utility Commission. These are presented for your review and comments. With the present rate structure the minimum water charge is $6.00/month or $18.00/quarter. . A meter maintenance of $1.00/month or $3.00/quarter is added to bring the total quarterly minimum water charge to $21.00. The minimum water rate is based upon 18,000 gallons/quarter consumption. Sewer is set at $9.25/month or $27.75/quarter based upon 15,000 gallons per quarter. Both water and sewer are then charged at $1.10 /1000 and $1.85/1000 respectively for actual usage above the minimum amounts. Under the present rate structure and current costs you will see a bottom line for water as a net gain of $50,217 which is an approximate 12% above actual costs. This would allow for a couple of years of stable rates even if we experience slight increases in electrical rates, water testing rates or minor repair bills. The bottom line for sewer shows a net gain of $129,431 or an approximate 30% above costs. This number is somewhat misleading and would probably not end up that high. It is difficult to project what actual sewage flow will be for any given year and therefore hard to know what actual M.W.C.C. billings to the City will be. Last year, for example, we were billed $18,000 more by M.W.C.C. than we had estimated. With the amount of net gain we could be relatively sure we would generate enough income and maintain a consistent sewer rate for the next couple of years. All three of the Alternatives are prepared with the thought of reducing the minimum charge by 50% and causing an adjustment to the actual usage charge per 1,000 gallons. This consideration was given in the event the City wanted to try to balance more closely to -0- with fixed costs and revenue. In Alternate #1 the minimum is reduced to $3.00 per month and the usage rate is maintained at $1.10/1,000 gallons. This example produces a net loss for water operation of $73,419 annually or .30/1,000 gallons pumped. In Alternate #2 we kept the minimum at $3.00 but add the .30/1,000 gallon from the example above to create a new usage after expenses of $319. This would not provide an option to absorb an fluctuations in our operating costs. Alternate #3 uses a sliding or adjusted rate schedule which would place more financial burden on the heavy users by charging a higher rate per 1,000 gallons as the usage continues. This method does affect the operating cost and provide a net gain of $25,955. However it affects the greatest number of users with a higher increase in billing. In this example there would be no minimum charge, users would be charged for every gallon consumed. The last page of examples is a table of comparison showing the current and each of the three alternatives I've briefly explained. Each of the alternatives shows a savings to the lower user groups with the greatest savings to the two groups with 3,000 & 6,000 gallons per quarter. Keep in mind however, that those two groups combined represent only 255 users in the City. All other have either a very slight savings or an increase over the current rate structure. In most cases approximately 89% will experience an increase in quarterly billing. The average water customer based upon our records show an 8,000 gallon per month or 24,000 gallon per quarter usage using the average they would realized the lowest bill at the current structure. The last consideration I will cover in this memo relates to the lower end users from 0-9,000 gallons per quarter. I think that we would find, if records were examined, is that the largest majority of these customers are elderly and on fixed income. To lessen the impact on them the Utility Commission has agreed to extend the exemption criteria for surcharge waiver to include minimum water and sewer charges. Qualifying.seniors would pay only for actual usage. By extending this courtesy to seniors only high usage customers would see significant increases in their water and sewer bills. Anybody above the average rate of consumption could control their water bills by conservation! Steve will present this information to you in more detail at the meeting if you desire. "DRAFT" "Date" Dear Resident: You have recently received your first water and sewer billing since the quarterly billing cycle was reinstated. In addition to returning to quarterly billing it was also the first bill reflecting the new minimum rates for both sewer and water. The reason for the change to monthly billings in 1990 was an attempt to reduce the number of delinquent payments thus improving cash flow for the water and sewer utilities. This proved to be an ineffective method and the City still ended up certifying over $23,370.00 for collection on taxes. Those delinquent utility bills will now be paid a little at a time with tax payments and do nothing for cash flow. There was also an overwhelming request to return to quarterly bills from you the consumers. The new minimum rate for water and sewer was acted on and approved by the Utility Commission and City Council in November and December of 1990. Those rates were established at $6.00/6,000 gallons per month for water, and $9.25/5,000 gallons per month for sewer. There is also a $1.00/month meter maintenance charge and $1.50/monthly surcharge for debt service on the water towers and wells. This translates to $18.00 per quarter for 0-18,000 gallons of water, $27.75 per quarter for 0-15,000 gallons of sewer, $3.00 per quarter for meter maintenance and $4.50 per quarter for surcharge. All usage above the 18,000 gallons of water will be charged at $1.10 per thousand gallons and above 15,000 gallons of water will be charged $1.85 per thousand gallons on sewage. Based upon minimum water usage the fixed or minimum water and sewer bill will be $53.25. The change to minimum billing will only affect those that use less than 18,000 gallons of water per quarter. This change to quarterly minimum was implemented in an attempt to make the water and sewer utilities self supporting. Based upon the previous billing rate and method, money had to be allocated from the General Fund to subsidize the annual fixed costs of operation of $270,000 for water and $155,000 for sewer. These fixed costs of operation do not include any replacement cost for infrastructure such as water and sewer mains, hydrants or lift stations. Those items must still be financed by other sources. The City has 2,064 billed customers currently on the water system. The minimum rates will generate $148,608 in revenue for water and $229,104 for sewer. The balance of the operating funds should be able to be collected from water usage above the minimum of 18,000 gallons. Any revenue generated above the fixed operating costs will be used to offset repair/replacement costs and the anticipated increase in water testing costs. At their regular meeting of April 8, 1991 the Utility Commission voted to modify the Resolution granting exemptions of surcharge to qualifying seniors to also include an exemption of the minimum water and sewer billings. Qualifying seniors would pay based upon actual consumption at the rate of $1.10/1,000 gallons on water and $1.85/1,000 gallons on sewer based on water consumption. To qualify seniors must be 65 years of age, reside at the residence and be responsible for the bill, and quarterly usage based upon previous four quarters must be 10,000 gallons or less. We have received some calls regarding the new rates and the first billings under this system. This second letter is intended to help understand what and why the City has done this with the utility billing. By guaranteeing that fixed cost of operation can be met, we can guarantee to you, our customers, that a safe and adequate supply of drinking water can be provided. Please feel free to contact myself or the utility secretary at 322- 2055 if you have any further questions. sincerely, Ron Wasmund Public Works Director City of Rosemount PHONE 1612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount. Minnesota FAX 16t2) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: Chairman Walsh, Utilities Commission Commissioner Mulhern Commissioner Werner j FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator, DATE: April 5, 1991 RE: Utility Rate Review/Discussion Attached please find information regarding my review of the current rates for water and sewer utilities. MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk. I have used current information on the number of connections and usage projections to determine revenue projections and net profit/loss. I felt it would be good to conduct that review again using current numbers. I have also listed three different alternatives for new water rates. These alternatives are rather elementary in approach but I feel they represent most alternatives we could present and give us a good idea of how a combination of lower rates and a sliding or a fixed rate structure would affect users. I will provide a review of the data at the meeting to enable discussion on the data. 6VO-Y1111n9rs eom>nq 'I'll JRosemoun}1( 4n 11..-- April 5, 1991 0110201 PRESENT RATE STRUCTURE Minimum Charge Each Connection $6.00/mo Meter Replacement Charge 1.00/mo Total $7.00/mo Usage Rate $1.10/1000 gal. 6000 gal/mo SEWER COST Minimum Charge Each Connection $9.25/mo Usage Rate $1.85/1000 gal. > (treated) 6000 gal/mo - based on 800 of 1000 gal. metered WATER: SEWER: Fixed Costs Operating Costs Total Fixed Costs Operating Costs Total $269,913/yr 149, 900/yr $419,813 for 1991 $154,854/yr 271,355/yr $426,209 for 1991 $21.00/qtr 18000 gal/qtr $27.75/qtr REVENUE - EXISTING RATES WATER Minimun Charge $6.00 x 2113 Connections = $12,678 X 12 = $152,136 Meter Maintenance $3.00 x 2113 Connections = $ 6,339 X 12 = $ 76,068 TOTAL Minimum Charge Revenue $228,204 *Estimated Revenue to be Brought in from Water Usage @ $1.10/1000gal. REVENUE - Existing Rates (con't) Number of users using less than 6000 gal/mo or 18000/qtr 105 users x 3000 x 12 = 3,780,000 gal 155 users x 4000 x 12 = 7,440,000 gal 195 users x 5000 x 12 = 11,700,000 gal 178 users x 6000 x 12 = 12,816,000 gal Total gal. not charged for @ $1.10/1000 gal = Estimated Number of Gallons to be charged @ $1.10/1000 35,736,000 245,760,000 Less Gal. Not Charged -(35,736,000) 210,024,000 X 1. 10 Revenue @ $1.10/1000 $ 231,026 Average No. of New Connections in 1991: Minimum - 200 total/2 = 100 x 6 x 12 = $ 7,200 Meter Maintenance 200/2 = 100 x 3 x 12 = 3,600 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL $ 10,800 Existing Minimum $ 152,136 New Minimum 7,200 Existing Meter Maintenance 76,068 New Meter Maintenance 3,600 Usage 231,026 Total $ 470,030 Total Fixed Costs $ 269,913 Total Revenue Fixed 228,204 Not Recovered by Fixed Rev. $ 41,709 Fixed Cost Percent Recovered = 85% through Fixed Revenue Available to retained Earnings: Total Expense Total Revenue $ 419,813 470,030 Net Gain $ 50,217 Total Average Cost per 1000 gal = $419,813/245,760,000 = $1.708/1000 SEWER Minimum Charge $9.25 x 2113 connections = $19,545 x 12 = $234,540 Average New $9.25 x 100 x 12 = $ 11,100 Total $245,640 *Estimated Revenue to be Brought in from Sewer Charge @ $1.85/1000 gallons treated. Number of users using less than 6000 gallons per month or 18000 gallons per quarter. 105 Users x 3000 x 12 = 3,780,000 155 Users x. 4000 x 12 = 7,440,000 195 Users x 5000 x 12 = 11,700,000 178 Users x 6000 x 12 = 12,816,000 Total = 35,736,000 X .80 Total Gal. Not Charged @ $1.85/1000 gal 28,588,800 Estimated Number of Gallons treated and Charged for @ $1.85/100 =(245,760 x .80) = 196,608,000 Less Gallons covered by minimum - (28,589,000) Total Sum = 168,019,000 Revenue from $1.85/1000 gal. X 1.85 Total Sum $310,000 Fixed or Minimum Revenue $245,640 Total Revenue $555,640 TOTAL FIXED COSTS $154,854 TOTAL REVENUE FIXED $245,640 EXCESS _ $ 901786 TOTAL SEWER EXPENSES $426,209 TOTAL SEWER REVENUE $555,640 NET $129,431 Available to Retained Earnings $129,431 Available to Reduce Min. Rate $129,431 Difference between Fixed Cost $154,854 and Fixed Revenue 245,640 $ 90,786 Amount available to reduce minimum = $90,786/2113/12 = $3.58 mo Difference between Operating Rev. $310,000 and Operating Costs 271,355 Totals $ 38,645 Amount Available to Reduce Rate $ 38,645/168,019 = .23/ 1000 aal. WATER RATES ALTERNATIVE ti $3.00 Minimum 1.10 per 1000 gal., all gallons metered $3.00 x 2113 x 12 = $ 76,068 1.10 x 2451760 = 270,336 Revenue = $346,394 Expenses (419,813) Revenue 346,394 Net Loss L-23_,_419 /245,760 = .30/1000 gal. ALTERNATIVE #2 $3.00 Minimum 1.40 per 1000 gal., all gallons metered $3.00 x 2113 x 12 = $ 76,068 1.40 x 245,760 = $344,064 Revenue = $420,132 Revenue $420,132 Expenses - (419,813) Net Gain $ 319 ALTERNATIVE 03 $3.00 Minimum x 2213 x 12 = $ 79,668 1.00/1000 0 - 3000/qtr x 3,780,000 = 3,780 1.10/1000 9001 - 12000/qtr x 7,440,000 = 8,184 1.20/1000 12001 - 15000/qtr x 11,700,000 = 14,040 1.30/1000 15001 - 18000/qtr x 12,816,000 = 16,660 1.40/1000 >18,000/qtr x 231,026,000 = 323,436 Total Estimated Revenue $445,768 Total 1991 Cost (419,813) Net Gain $ 25,955 ALTERNATIVE COMPARISONS FOR #1, #2, & #3 EXISTING NEW NEW NEW GAL./MO GAL./QTR $/QTR #1 DIFF. #2 DIFF. #3 DIFF. 1000/mo 2000/mo 3 000/mo 4000/mo 5000/mo 6000/mo 7000/mo 8000/mo 9000/mo 10000/mo 11000/mo 12000/mo 3000/qtr 6000/qtr 9000/qtr 12000/qtr 15000/qtr 18000/qtr 21000/qtr 24000/qtr 27000/qtr 30000/qtr 33000/qtr 36000/qtr 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 24.30 27.60 30.90 34.20 37.50 40.80 12.30(8.70) 15.60(5.40) 18.80(2.20) 22.20 +1.20 25.50 +4.50 28.80 +7.80 32.10 +7.80 35.40 +7.80 38.70 +7.80 42.00 +7.80 45.30 +7.80 48.60 +7.80 13.20 (7.80) 17.40 (3.60) 21.60 +.60 25.80 +4.80 30.00 +9.00 34.20 +13.20 38.40 +14.10 42.60 +15.00 46.80 +15.90 51.00 +15.80 55.20 +17.70 59.40 +18.60 12.00(9.00) 15.00(6.00) 18.00(3.00) 22.20 +1.20 27.00 +6.00 32.40 +11.40 38.40 +14.10 42.60 +15.00 46.80 +15.90 51.00 +16.80 55.20 +17.70 59.40 +18.60