HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. L. H. Sowles Guide Plan AmendmentCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 16, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: L.H. Sowles AGENDA SECTION: Guide Plan Amendment OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA NOITEM Dean Johnson, Resource Strategies Corp. ATTACHMENTS: Guide Plan Amendment App; Airport APP R D Search Area APP ;_Supporting Information. Attached are copies of completed Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and Airport Search Area Land Use Change "information submission" forms or "applications," required by the Metropolitan Council, in consideration of the guide plan amendment petition by L.H. Sowles Co. At the April 2, 1991 Regular Meeting, the City Council gave direction to complete the necessary applications to initiate formal review of the amendment by the Metropolitan Council. This amendment involves the redesignation of ten acres of land near CR 38 and TH 52 from Agricultural to General., Industrial. L.H. Sowles Co. proposes to relocate its maintenance facility and tower crane storage to this site, pending guide plan and subsequent zoning approvals. At the April 9, 1991 Regular Meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Guide Plan. Amendment and Airport Search Area Land Use Change submissions. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION. to approve the L.H. Sowles Guide Plan Amendment. and Airport Search Area Land Use Change submission and authorize distribution for Metropolitan Council review. COUNCIL ACTION: INFORMATION SUBMISSION FOR MINOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS This summary worksheet must be Filled out and submitted to the Metropolitan Council with a copy of each proposed minor comprehensive plan amendment. Minor amendments include, but are not limited to: 1. Changes to the future land use plan where the affected area is small or where the proposed future land use will result in minor changes in metropolitan service demand. 2. Changes (land trades or additions) in the urban service area involving less than 40 acres 3. Minor changes to plan goals and policies that do not change the overall thrust of the comprehensive plan. Please be as specific as possible; attach additional explanatory materials if necessary. If a staff report was prepared for the Planning Commission or City Council, please attach it as well. Communities submitting regular plan amendments may wish to enter this form or a reasonable facsimile into their word processing menu for ease in preparation of the form. Send plan amendments to: John Rutford, Referrals Coordinator Metropolitan Council, Mears Park Centre 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55101-1634 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Sponsoring governmental unit CITY OF ROSEMO N Name of local contact person STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Address 2875 145TH STREET WEST, ROSEMOUNT, PIN 55068 Telephone 423-4411 Name of Preparer (if different from contact person) DEAN JOHNSON, RESOURCE STRATEGIES CORP. Date of Preparation_ April 5, 1991 B. Name of Amendment L.H. SOWLES GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT Description/Summary 10 -acre contiguous land use desi3Znation change from Agricultural to General Industrial; site is located in Rural Service Area and Airport Search Area; search area land use change application attached. C. Please attach the following: 1. Five copies of the proposed amendment. 2. A city-wide map showing the location of the proposed change. 3. The current plan map(s), indicating area(s) affected by amendment. 4. The proposed plan map(s), indicating area(s) affected by amendment. i D. What is the official local status of the proposed amendment? (Check one or more as appropriate.) X Acted upon by planning commission (if applicable) on April 9, 1991 X Approved by governing body, contingent upon Metropolitan Council review, April 16, 1991 Considered, but not approved by governing body on Other E. Indicate what adjacent local governmental units and other jurisdictions (school districts, watershed districts, etc.) affected by the change have been sent copies of the plan amendment, if any, and the date(s) copies were sent to them. Cities of Inver Grove Heights and Coates; Empire, Vermillion and Nininger Townships; Independent School District 196; Vermillion River WM0 - April 17, 1991 II. LAND USE A. Describe the following, as appropriate: 1. Size of affected area in acres 10 2. Existing land use(s) Agricultural 3. Proposed land use(s) General Industrial 4. Number and type of residential dwelling units involved N/A 5. Proposed density N/A 6. Proposed square footage of commercial, industrial or public buildings Less than 10,000 square feet equipment storage/maintenance buildin III. METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT GUIDE A. Population, Household and Employment Forecasts Will the proposed amendment affect the city's population, household or employment forecasts for 2000, or any additional local staging contained in the original plan? X No/Not Applicable Yes. Describe effect. ii B. Changes to Urban Service Area Boundary Will the proposed amendment require a change to the boundary of the community's urban service area? X No/Not applicable. _ Yes. Under I. C., a map should be attached to show the proposed change. C. Changes to Timing and Staging of Urban Service Area Will the proposed amendment require a change to the timing and staging of development within the urban service area? X_ No/Not Applicable. _ Yes. Under I. C., a map should be attached to show the proposed change. D. Wastewater Treatment 1. Will the proposed amendment result in a change in the projected sewer flows for the community? X No/Not Applicable. Yes. Indicate the expected change. Total Year 2000/2010 flow for community based on existing plan million gallons/day Total 2000/2010 flow for community based on plan amendment million gallons/day 2. If your community discharges to more than one metropolitan interceptor, indicate which interceptor will be affected by the amendment. 3. Will flows be diverted from one interceptor service area to another? No/Not applicable. Yes. Indicate the change and volumes (mgd.) involved. E. Transportation 1. Will the proposed amendment result in an increase in trip generation for the affected area? No/Not applicable. x Yes. Describe effect. less than 50 trips per day iii 2. Does the proposed amendment contain any changes to the functional classification of roadways? x No. Yes. Describe which roadways F. Aviation Will the proposed amendment affect the function of a metropolitan airport or the compatibility of land uses with aircraft noise? x No/Not applicable. Yes. Describe effect. Site is on extreme northerly edge of Dakota Search Area G. Recreation Open Space Will the proposed amendment have an impact on existing or future federal, state or regional recreational facilities? X No/Not Applicable. Yes. Describe effect. H. Housing Will the proposed amendment affect the community's ability or intent to achieve the long-term goals for low- and moderate -income and modest -cost housing opportunities contained in the existing plan? x No/Not Applicable. Yes. Describe effect. I. Water Resources 1. Does the plan amendment affect a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers protected wetland? If yes, describe type of wetland affected and show location on a map. Yes. x No. 2. Will the wetland be protected? Yes. Describe how. _ No. Describe why not. iv I . Will the plan amendment result in runoff which affects the quality of any surface water body? If yes, identify which ones. Yes. x No. 4. Will the water body be protected? Yes. Describe how. _ No. Explain why not. IV. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM A. Official Controls Will the proposed amendment require a change to zoning, subdivision, on-site sewer ordinances or other official controls? . No/Not Applicable. X Yes. Describe effect. site will be rezoned to General Industrial, pending guide plan and site plan approvals. v INFORMATION SUBMISSION FOR LAND USE CHANGES IN AIRPORT SEARCH AREAS This summary worksheet must be filled out and submitted to the Metropolitan Council with a copy of each proposed application for a change in zoning, zoning variances or conditional uses, including planned unit developments, within candidate search areas. Please be as specific as possible; attach additional explanatory materials if necessary. If a staff report was prepared for the Planning Commission or City Councivrown Board, please attach it as well. Send applications to Referrals Coordinator Metropolitan Council 230 E. Fifth St. St. Paul, MN 55101-1634 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Sponsoring governmental unit CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Name of local contact person STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Address 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Telephone 423-4411 Name of preparer (if different from contact person) Dean Johnson, Resource Strategies Corp. Date of preparation April 5, 1991 B. Application Name L H Sowles Guide Plan Amendment Description/Summary 10 -acre contiguous land use designation change from Agricultural to General Industrial; zoning change from Agriculture to General Industrial. Minor Guide Plan Amendment Application attached. C. Please attach the following: 1. Three copies of the application. 2. A city/township-wide map showing the location of the proposed change. 3. The current land use plan map(s), indicating the area(s) affected by the proposed change. 4. The proposed zoning map(s), indicating the area(s) affected by the proposed change. D. What is the official local status of the proposed application? (Check one or more as appropriate.) x Acted upon by planning commission on April 9, 1991; zoning action subsequent to plan amendment. __L_Approved by governing body, contingent upon Metropolitan Council review. April 16, 1991; zoning action subsequent to plan amendment. Considered, but not approved by governing body on Other II. LAND USE A. Describe the following, as appropriate: 1. Size of affected area in acres 10 2. Existing land use plan designation Agricultural 3. Proposed zoning, zoning variance or conditional use, including planned unit developments General Industrial A UORM FIG. 12 1990 LAND USE PLAN ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA (- -- -1 LEGEND ••••••••• 1990 URBAN SERV. AREA RH P/I PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONAL RR POS PRESERVATION OPEN AG SPACE GI GENERAL INDUSTRIAL IP INDUSTRIAL PARK CC COMMUNITY (CBD) COMMERCIAL HC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL GC GENERAL COMMERCIAL CNC CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RURAL RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER CRITICAL AREA MAJOR STREETS UNDESIGNATED: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL