HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Budget AjustmentsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 7, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: BUDGET AMENDMENTS AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA N ITEM # 5A ATTACHMENTS: MEMORANDUM FROM CITY APPROVED BY: ADMINISTRATOR & FINANCE DIR. This item consists of discussion on the effects of the State Ald Cuts in July, poiantial cuts in December, the use of bond defeasance funds to cover over estimating revenue in 1991 and amendments to the Operating Budget to manage these issues. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the recommendation for transfer of $265,051.00 from the Bonds Paid Up Account and $50,000 from the CIP Account to the General Fund. COUNCIL ACTION: elty of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Vernon Napper FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Mayor Napper Harry Willcox TO: Ma y pp Dennis Wippermann Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippe A?iThATOR Stephan Jilk FROM: Stephan Jilk DATE: May 3, 1991 RE: 1991 Budget Adjustments/Transfers In late 1990 we became aware of an overestimate in revenues for 1991 because of an error in how state aids were calculated for Rosemount by staff. This error resulted in an overestimate for revenue in an amount of some $305,000. In early 1991 the state legislature cuts were made to the local government aid to be received by cities in the amount of $58,321 for Rosemount. Cities were advised that the amount would be deducted from our July 1991 payment. Cities were further advised to expect a similar cut in the December 1991 payments thus causing an overall cut in aid to Rosemount in 1991 of $116,642. These cuts came after our budgets were adopted and we were into our budget year. We have taken several steps in meeting these cuts in order to maintain a balanced budget for 1991 and beyond. 1. Because of changes in personnel due to resignations and delays in hiring for positions planned in 1991, we will experience a savings in the amount of approximately $65,142. This savings reflects all of the resignations, re -hirings, estimated cost of the contract with Resource Strategies Corp. and contracted building inspector and the continued use through the summer of a planning assistant, Cindy Carlson our planning intern. 2. Because of cost savings realized by cancelling certain items in our 1991 CIP and experiencing extensive savings due to good bids for equipment purchases in the CIP, we will experience an overall savings, or dollars available, from the 1991 CIP in an amount of $92,000. 3. In preparation of the 1991 budget, we had already cut operating costs by some $39,949 after becoming knowledgeable of the revenue estimate error. (Sveryl11 r � huag s (Pouring (Up (J �, osemounl l Page 2 4. We have calculated a new cash flow for the General Fund for the remainder of the year and based on the latest data for revenue, expenditures and the above cost cutting measures, we would need a transfer from some source into the General Fund in late May to maintain a positive cash flow through June until we receive our first tax settlement and state aid payments in early July. In November 1990 when we first discussed the revenue mis-alculation, we suggested several methods to recover those dollars. One of those was to utilize a portion of the receipts from the defeasance of bonds. That defeasance was approved by you and is now complete. We have realized approximately $400,000 in available revenue from that defeasance. A small amount, about $20,000, will additionally be available when these bonds are actually paid and the accounts closed out. Along with approving the defeasance, you also approved the transfer of these funds to the Bonds Paid -Up account. That account now has $452,362 in it. To summarize then, we have, because of state aid cuts and the revenue error, realized a total revenue shortage of $421,642 in 1991. We can effectively realize a potential recovery of $197,091 in cost savings/cost cutting measures in 1991. We need to make a transfer to ensure a positive cash flow at this time in the amount of $ 315,051 With this transfer and other cost cutting measures, we should maintain a positive cash flow through December of 1991 and end the year with a general fund balance of just over $900,000 which is some $200,000 higher than the preliminary year end balance of $700,000 as of 12-31-90. I am requesting then, that you approve a transfer from the Bonds Paid -Up account to the General Fund in the amount of $ 265,051 and $50,000 from the CIP from savings realized in 1991. Furthermore, we will be asking you to approve final transfers to the General Fund at our second meeting in June after the legislative session is over and we know what our aids and levy limits will look like for 1992. The $900,000 referenced above as a 12-31-91 fund balance is not totally adequate to proceed beyond May of 1992. We will need to address other revenue sources and means of increasing the fund balance. Those additional means will consist of: 1. Budget reductions or holding down the amount of budget increases. Page 3 2. Additional transfers from the Bonds Paid -Up account and possibly a one-time transfer from the unallocated CIP reserve. 3. Possibe use of other funding mechanisms for CIP purchases such as equipment certificates. Again, I would like to wait until after the legislative session is complete to address permanent measures. I am satisfied that the transfers we are asking for and the cost cutting and cost savings referenced above will allow us to proceed quite satisfactorily and final adjustments are reachable. dw DATE:. May 3, 1991 TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox & Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: State Aid Cuts, Budget Amendments and Transfer of Funds Staff is prepared to address the State Aid cuts that the City will be receiving in July and December of this year. The total amount that our aid will be reduced by is $116,642($58,321 in July and a like amount in December). We are prepared to address this amount with a combination of expenditure budget cuts and two transfers, one from the Bonds Paid-up Fund and one from the General CIP Fund. Most of the General Operating budget cuts are a result of personnel changes that have occurred in the last 3 or 4 months. As you will see, along with these cuts are some increases in certain areas to offset the personnel changes. Most of the CIP budget cuts are results of savings on 1991 purchases or on items that are being cut completely from the 1991 CIP budget. Along with the CIP budget cuts are two additions, one which will be proposed at the May 7th meeting and one that will be proposed at the May 21st meeting. Both of these will be included in the computations included in this memo. The transfers consist of two parts. The first transfer is for $265,051, from the Bonds Paid-up Fund and is part of the approved 1991 budget. This transfer was needed to offset the $300,000 projected revenue shortfall when the budget was originally prepared in error. The second transfer is for $50,000 which will combine with the expenditure budget cuts to balance the budget and offset the State Aid cuts. This second transfer will come from the CIP Fund and the 1991 savings/cuts of $72,300. Also, there is a request to amend both the revenue and expenditure budgets by $1,500 to acknowledge a donation from Koch Refining to the Police Department for the purchase of 5 car phones for the Police squad cars. GENERAL FUND What I would like to do now is first summarize the budget amendments that we are proposing and then show line by line the actual changes to be made for your information. Revenues• Decrease in State Aid Additional Transfer from CIP Fund Increase in the Donations Account Net Reduction in Total Revenues Expenditures• Increase Council(Hepatitis B Vaccination) Decrease Finance(Change in Finance Director) Decrease Finance(Ass't Fin Dir not filled) Increase C/D(Contract Bldg Inspections) Increase C/D(Planning Consultant Fees) Increase C/D(Hire Planning Assistant) Decrease C/D(Change in Planning Director) Decrease C/D(Building Official not filled) Decrease C/D(Ass't Administrator vs Planner) Increase Police(Donation from Koch) Increase P/W(Old Director Severance/New Dir) Decrease P/W(Fill Eng Tech 6/1 vs 1/1) Decrease P/W(Fill Maint III 9/1 vs 4/1) Decrease Parks(Prog Dir no Benefits in 191) Net Reduction in Total Expenditures ($116,642.00) 50,000.00 1,500.00 -------------- ($ 65,142.00) $ 7,000.00 ( 5,000.00) ( 28,251.43) 17,000.00 17,000.00 7,102.00 ( 8,111.21) ( 43,624.96) ( 5,806.40) 1,500.00 1,200.00 ( 11,976.00) ( 11,459.00) ( 1,715.00) -------------- ($ 65,142.00) Detail for Revenues: 101-33401-00-000(State Aid) 101-36230-00-000(Donations) 101-39203-00-000(Tran from CIP Fund) Detail for Expenditures: 101-41110-01-598(Coun Designated -Hepatitis B) 101-41520-02-101(Finance Director) 101-41520-02-108 101-41520-03-101(Assistant 101-41520-03-102 101-41520-03-107 101-41520-03-108 101-41520-03-109 101-41520-03-121 101-41520-03-122 101-41520-03-131 101-41520-03-132 101-41520-03-133 101-41520-03-138 Finance Dir) 101-41910-01-312(Contract Bldg Insp) 101-41910-01-313(Planner Consultant Fees) 101-41910-02-101(Planning Director) 101-41910-02-107 101-41910-02-108 101-41910-02-109 101-41910-02-121 101-41910-02-122 101-41910-02-131 101-41910-02-132 101-41910-02-133 101-41910-02-138 101-41910-03-101(Building Official) 101-41910-03-102 101-41910-03-107 101-41910-03-108 101-41910-03-109 101-41910-03-121 101-41910-03-122 101-41910-03-131 101-41910-03-132 101-41910-03-133 ($116,642.00) 1,500.00 50,000.00 $ 7,000.00 ( 3,500.00) ( 1,500.00) ( 22,136.54) 474.11 209.77 ( 1,904.00) ( 884.31) ( 1,038.88) ( 1,826.85) ( 821.64) ( 217.90) ( 87.53) ( 17.66) 17,000.00 17,000.00 ( 13,450.56) 6,251.95 501.69 ( 969.24) ( 681.80) ( 717.46) 1,062.20 ( 65.00) ( 30.84) ( 12.15) ( 33,415.28) ( 1,700.00) 453.11 ( 2,072.81) ( 1,274.88) ( 1,605.99) ( 2,787.67) ( 814.56) ( 290.50) ( 116.38) Detail for Enenditures(Continued): 101-41910-04-101(Assistant Administrator) 101-41910-04-102 101-41910-04-107 101-41910-04-108 101-41910-04-109 101-41910-04-121 101-41910-04-122 101-41910-04-131 101-41910-04-132 101-41910-04-133 101-41910-99-103(C/D Part -Time) 101-41910-99-125 101-42110-01-323(Police Radio Units) 101-43100-02-108(Public Works Director) 101-43100-04-101(Engineer Tech) 101-43100-04-102 101-43100-04-108 101-43100-04-109 101-43100-04-121 101-43100-04-122 101-43100-04-131 101-43100-04-132 101-43100-04-133 101-43100-17-101(Maintenance 101-43100-17-102 101-43100-17-109 101-43100-17-121 101-43100-17-122 101-43100-17-131 101-43100-17-132 101-43100-17-133 101-45100-05-131(P & R Prog 101-45100-05-132 101-45100-05-133 Director) 3,160.76) 1,214.05) 1,000.00 501.57) 593.25) 213.01) 240.86) 781.56) 66.00) 35.34) 7,000.00 102.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 9,980.00) 672.00) 350.00) 400.00) 428.00) 751.00) 834.00 176.00) 53.00) 7,722.00) 1,570.00) 500.00) 293.00) 514.00) 744.00) 76.00) 40.00) 1,266.00) 316.00) 133.00) GENERAL CIP FUND Here again, what I would like to do is first summarize the budget amendments that we are proposing and then show line by line the acutal changes to be made for your information. Revenues• No Changes at this Time ($ 0.00) -------------- Net Reduction in Total Revenues ($ 0.00) Expenditures• Decrease Jaycee Park Land Purchase(Savings) ($ 17,000.00) Decrease P.W. Pickup Purchase(Cut) ( 13,000.00) Decrease P.W. Pickup Purchase(Cut) ( 12,300.00) Decrease Parks Pickup Purchase(Cut) ( 17,000.00) Decrease Tandem Truck Purchase(Savings) ( 30,000.00) Decrease Computer Program Update(Savings) ( 3,000.00) Increase Transfer to General Fund -------------- 50,000.00 Net Reduction in Total Expenditures ($ 42,300.00) Increase Proposal - New CIP Program $ 10,000.00 Increase Proposal - PC & Printer Purchases 10,000.00 Net Total 1991 CIP Reserves Still Available -------------- ($ --------------- --------------- 22,300.00) Detail for Expenditures: 202-49002-01-510(Jaycee Land) ($ 17,000.00) 202-49002-01-553(P.W. Pickup) ( 13,000.00) 202-49002-01-554(P.W. Pickup) ( 12,300.00) 202-49002-01-556(Parks Pickup) ( 17,000.00) 202-49002-01-540(Tandem Truck) ( 30,000.00) 202-49002-01-586(Computer Program Update) ( 3,000.00) 202-49002-01-710(Transfer to General Fund) 50,000.00 Proposed only(until Council Approval for Projects is received): 202-49002-01-587(New CIP Program) $ 10,000.00 202-49002-01-588(PC & Printer Purchases) 10,000.00 TRANSFER FORM Amount to be TranSfeT from: transfered: Paid-up Debt Sery Fund 102 - 49300 - 01 - 710 $ EDA Funds 201 - 46300 - 01 - 710 $ MSA Funds 203 - 49003 - 01 - 710 $ Water Core Facility Funds 605 - 49501 - 01 - 710 $ Sewer Core Facility Funds 606 - 49502 - 01 - 710 $ Storm Sewer Surcharge Funds 607 - 49503 - 01 - 710 $ Water Funds 601 - 49400 - 01 - 710 $ nV Sewer Funds 602 - 49450.- 01 - 710 S CQ) Other Funds ao>_- 4LOOL-- 01 - 710 S 5*0,J - - 01 - 720 $ Amount to be Transfer to: transfered in: - 39201 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from Gen'l Fund) _ - 39202 - 00 - 000 $ (Contribution from Enterprise Funds) IN - 39203 - 00 - 000 S �'�.JJJ.J_ (Transfer from ) - 39204 - 00 - 000 S (Transfer from Water Hook -Up Core Fund) _ - 39205 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from Sewer Hook -Up Core Fund) _ - 39206 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from Storm Sewer Connect Fees) _ - 39207 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from•EDA Fund) _ - 39208 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from MSA Fund) _ - 39209 - 00 - 000 $ (Transfer from Paid-up Debt S.erV Fund) Authorized by: Department: Date authorized: Reason for transfer: lAt -V— s;�►� 4, c�� g�ZC,�,T A— v.-4 P/tc(C i� \ 4--c am 1 1 6,—v -?41 r ---b A General Journal Entry: 10l -10100 SZ=,uJJ.JJ - 104 - 104 ►u► - 39203 - 00 - 000 29300 S�oJJ.�J SJR - 29400 Sti JJJ, u J 1Ji - %A J4L- 01 - 710 'N JJJ, v.J 1Ji - 10100 104 _ - 104 General journal entry entered by: Date entered: - - Journal Entry Type: (Normally will be Type 4) Journal Entry t: Transfer from: Paid-up Debt Sery Fund EDA Funds NSA Funds Vater Core Facility Funds Sewer Core Facility Funds Stora Sewer Surcharge Funds Yater Funds Sewer Funds Other Funds Transfer to: TRANSFER FORM Amount to be transfered in: _ - 39201 - 00 - 000 Amount to be _ - 39202 - 00 - 000 transfered: 102 - 49300 = 01,- 710 S 1 S 201 - 46300 - O1`- 710 S 203 - 49003 - 01 - 710 S 605 - 49501 - 01 - 710 S 606 - 49502 - 01 - 710 s 607 - 49503 - 01 - 710 S 601 - 49400 - 01 - 710 S __ 602 - 49450 - 01 - 710 S _- -01-710 s - - 01 - 720 s Amount to be transfered in: _ - 39201 - 00 - 000 $ _ - 39202 - 00 - 000 $ _ = 39203 - 00";-000 $ -**39204 - 00,-. 000,. _ s , - 39205 - 00 - 000 S _ - 39206 - 00 - 000 S _ - 39207 - 00 - 000 S - 39208 - 00 - 000 S til - 39209 - 00 - 000 $ i/ ala I Authorized by: Department: Date authorized: (Transfer from Gen'l Fund) (Contribution from Enterprise Funds) (Transfer from ) (Transfer from Nater Hook -Up Core Fund) (Transfer from Sewer Nook -Up Core Fund) (Transfer from Stora Sewer Connect Fees) (Transfer from EDA Fund) (Transfer from NSA Fund) (Transfer from Paid' -up Debt Sery Fund) Reason for transfer: -TV? 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