HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Jaycee Park WorkCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SM04ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 7, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: JAYCEE PARK WORK NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA 6J DAVID J. BECHTOLD / 'DIR. P & R ATTACHMENTS: APPR D BY: STAFF MEMO FROM OSM l & COMMENTS The second portion of land was approved for purchase at the last city council meeting for Jaycee Park. Estimates were requested of OSM, one of our engineering consulting; firms, for the fallowing items: 1. Boundary Survey 2. Cost of Engineering Services for Survey of Boundary & Plat 3. Topographical Survey 4. Utility Work - sanitary sewer & connection to stormsewer 5. Locate Well on the North East Corner of Present Park Site 6. Locate Park Building Site on New Property. 7. Set a Grading Plan for Site 8. lay out Parking Lot on the South Side next to Well House 9. -Lay out 10' Bike Trail through Park The Jaycee Park project was rescheduled during the budget planning Process for this construction season. This project that was to have been completed in 1.991 is now scheduled in ;1992. r The costs of this preliminary work is identified to be paid out of the Park dedication account. ( #205 - 49005 - 01 - 303 ) The; basic cost breakdown for the work to be done by OSM at this time: 1. survey work $ 8,800.00 2. grading plan preparation 5,300.00 _ 3. utility plan preparation 3,170.00 TOTAL: $17,270.00 The budget cost estimate for these <services if completed in 1991 was $ 15,000. Our Tech's estimate at this time is $`14,630.40. If previous engineering can be used the cost would be reduced by; an amount of approximately $2,600.00 which is in line with our May 1, 1991 Mr. David J. Bechtold Mr. Boyd Bailey Parks and Recreation Department City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal for Engineering Services for Jaycee Park - Phase H City of Rosemount, Minnesota OSM Proposal No. 196-91 Dear Dave and Boyd: 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors Planners RECEIM MAY - u 1991 Thank you for this opportunity to present this proposal to you to provide engineering services to the City of Rosemount Parks Department. The proposed services are for the investigation and preparation of necessary documents for the proposed Phase II of Jaycee Park. To facilitate the proposal and cost estimate or our proposed services, we have divided the project into three separate areas. This also allows for implementation according to budget constraints. The proposed services are based on our "drive by" investigation of the project area, and input from Boyd. We will discuss the areas as follows: 1. Surveying Cost Boundary Survey and Preliminary Plat $ 2,600.00 Final Plat 2,300.00 Topo Survey and/or Check of Existing Contour Map 1,300.00 *Topa Survey with Semi -Grid System 2,600.00 TOTAL (* If needed) Mr. David J. Bechtold Mr. Boyd Bailey May 1, 1991 Page 2 The surveying portion of the project totals $8,800 for a boundary survey, final plat preparation, and a total topographic survey of the site. This could be reduced by $2,600 if we find that the existing map is usable, bringing the total down to $6,200. The surveying total price includes expenditures by OSM of $100 to the Dakota County Survey Department and $200 for final plat checking and printing. This is assuming a one (1) sheet plat. This price is based on the City providing an Attorney's Title Opinion on the entire proposed plat. Also, the City is expected to provide an example of a City of Rosemount park plat. 2. Grading Plan Preparation - After meeting with the city staff for their input, a grading plan will be designed for the area to roughly balance the dirt on the site utilizing the previously acquired surveying information. A second meeting with staff will then be held to obtain their ideas and input. The plan will then be reviewed with the Parks Commission and or the Jaycee's for their input. Then final modifications to the plans will be completed and specifications will be prepared for bidding purposes. The cost of this work will be approximately $5,300. This price includes only a concept plan for the proposed watermain, sanitary sewer extension, storm drain modifications, parking lot, trails, and necessary new storm drain facilities. The City will be expected to provide all as built information, surrounding area grading and concept plans, and other information pertinent to the project. 3. Utility Plan Preparation - After the above grading and site plan has been completed, the utility plans and specifications can be prepared. The utility plans, as mentioned above, include the extension of a watermain from the proposed Well No. 8A to the outside of the existing pumphouse for Well No. 8. As of this writing, we are not sure of the effort required for the tapping into the existing water system within the pumphouse. The cost for the preparation of the utility plans and specifications as stated will be approximately $3,170. This is assumed to be a two plan sheet set. There will be a small, but significant savings if the utility plan and specifications can be combined with the grading plan so as to have one set of bidding documents. The costs and tasks outlined above would be completed at the direction of city staff and invoiced to the City on an hourly basis. There are many variables involved in this estimate and it should not be interpreted as a minimum or a maximum cost. We will make every effort to keep you informed of our costs as the project progresses. At the time of bid Mr. David J. Bechtold Mr. Boyd Bailey May 1, 1991 Page 3 letting, we can provide you with estimated costs for construction management, observation, and staking. We have on staff a Registered Architect and a Registered Landscape Architect which could provide you with additional technical expertise for the future improvements within Jaycee Park. We would be happy to provide you with estimates for this work as requested. Thank you for this opportunity to submit this proposal and estimate of cost. If we may answer any questions, or clarify any part of this proposal, please do not hesitate to call me at 378-6377. We look forward to your favorable response and notice to proceed with this project. Respectfully, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Bud Osmundson, P.E. D. Edward Ames, L.S. Project Manager/Associate Vice President /cmw 05/91-cor.bd c: Ed DeLaForest, OSM Civil Department Manager � C) o f00 �N � i N�� 2 � N v sEav► c,� s SuRvE%/ING woRkX8$00 (i SRA P1 N 6 PLAN PREPAkATron/ 5 5 3 0 o 00 (5 UTI LITV PLAn) P2r--PA2Anoni -f 3) 7 O Torpf L ff 1-7) Z-7 0 00 TU15 "ro-rAL— A/Y►owNT Dost, No -r INGLUiDE CONST. �>TAKIm& ef 11V5oEC1'10VJ., AL5b AN ADD(T/o/�JAL- If z- o00E-' COULD B� DEDH (.TEA )r- A5-3wLr 1Q1:'0- PROVJOE© Rw TSE 0;T11IS �DUnlp To RC- 4UL4PA-r'E- /h Y b t° 16onli► L E 5-r1rnA? TZ Poe EAG. sERr,cf 5 w,aS �14�,30 00 QST//hq TSD CO�JST�PycTion o