HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Capital Improvement PlanCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR -ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 7, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PLAN AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK,`CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDAM 7T M 6K ATTACHMENTS: MEMO APP ED'?Y: This item will be the consideration of approval to have our Financial Consultant provide technical assistance to staff in developing a 5 year CAPITAL Improvement Plan. This plan would provide a five year program for all project development and equipment purchasing which is not development driven. We now have a Five Year CIP which is basically an equipment purchase/replacement plan. This new plan would recognize all street reconstruction, storm water management projects, facility needs, parks development and equipment purchasing and then designate funding sources and needs for the financing of the plan.` RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to authorize the development of a Five Year Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Rosemount and to direct that Springsted Inc. be retained to work with city staff to complete the plan at a cost not to exceed $9600. COUNCIL ACTION: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator May 3, 1991 Development of Capital Improvement Plan As the city continues to experience growth and we continue to make more and more major expenditures with revenues coming from many different sources it is emportant to put into place a long range plan as to these expenditures and these sources of revenue. Without such a plan we are more or less "shooting from the hip" on our financing methods and capabilities. We do have in place and have had in place a CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) which provides us with a five year budget for major equipment purchases and some park improvements. This is quite limited in the sence that it covers only a small portion of our major expenditures which we need to budget for. Such expenditures would include: 1. Equipment 2. Park Improvements 3. Street Reconstruction 4. Stormwater Management Projects 5. Water/Sewer Replacement 6. City Facility Construction Sources of funds for these expenditures may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. General Taxes Special Tax Levies Assessments Connection Charges Users Fees (water, sewer, storm sewer, park) Contributions or Donations Grants Debt (General Obligation Bonds, Assessment Bonds, Equipment Certificates, Revenue Bonds) The use of any or all of these revenue sources may have an effect on taxes, bond rating, or the capacity for utilities to operate properly. What we need is an overall picture of what our needs are and what our capacity to pay for them is and how the use of different methods of financing effects us. We need to develop a Capital Improvement Plan encompassing all of our major expenditures over a five year period so proper, effective and efficient planning can take place for the maintenace of our city's infrastructure, park system, equipment and facilities. We have contacted our financial consultants at Springsted and have had two meetings with Rusty Fifield, one of their consultants, to discuss methods of completing such a plan. Mr. Fifield has developed a program and cost estimate for his company's assistance in developing such a plan for Rosemount. Please refer to the attached sheet for that proposal. The outcome of developing such a plan is really two fold: 1. The document produced would provide us with the first five year plan reflecting all expected major expenditures for streets, utilities, parks, equipment and facilities and the sources of funds for them such as assessments, debt issues, tax levies, etc. The completion of this document will require input from staff, Parks & Recreation Committee, Planning Commission, Utility Commission, EDA and City Council so that we include all of our needs and decide which methods of financing are acceptable and available. 2. The document would not be static. It would be one that following the first year of its completion, with the help of the consultants, would be something staff could update with review by the consultant and approval by the various committees and finally the City Council. Putting such a document together is a major undertaking especially for staff. Even though we are in a time of change and least able to take the time to undertake this, I feel that it is extremely important to do so. We are entering a time in our growth that without this document to guide us we may be open to inconclusive planning and decision making for major projects and expenditures. The cost estimate put forth in the amount of $9600 is quite a lot of money but I feel that the results will benefit us ten fold. The estimate reflects the fact that city staff will be doing a lot of fact finding and information gathering and will be learning along the way to be able to make updates and revisions to it in years to come. I recommend that you consider the approval to proceed with the development of a Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Rosemount and to hire the firm of Springsted, Inc. at an amount not to exceed $9600. 04/04/91 13.24 $812 223 3042 City of Rosemount Proposed Work Plan Capital Improvements Program Task 1 Preparation/Data Collection Prepare project worksheet and other Information needed to assist city staff with collection of data concerning capital improvement projects. Cather additional data as needed to supplement Initial Information. Task 2 Analysis Lvud prvjuut inI'virmutivri iniv ooiopuler model. Determine alternatives methods of financing projects. Prepare preliminary analysis and review with city. Revise analysis based on meeting. Task 3 Report Prepare written report Present report SPRI Nt,STED INC. 2002/002 105 $9,611 Hours Cost 16 1,468 4 420 11 997 20 1,828 16 1,468 8 674 20 1,948 10 Boa All nation BY Pp.Sition Project Manager 46 Analyst 36 Clerical 23