HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Waste Management Campus Feasibility - Contract ProposalCITY OF ROSEMOUNT • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 7,'1991 AGENDA ITEM: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AGENDA SECTION: LAND USE MAYOR'S REPORT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY; ADMINISTRATOR AGENDAffEM # 7A ATTACHMENTS: LETTER & PROPOSAL' APP VE BY This item will consist of: 1. Update on the use of the U of M Hazardous Waste Storage Facility by Dakota County. 2.- Update on the long range planning for the U of M. 3. A recommendation to proceed with the use of consultants to review the U of M land use status and the potential for U of M Lands for USPCI. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the use of Resource Strategies Inc. for certain planning and investigation reviews on the U of M lands in Rosemount. COUNCIL ACTION RESOURCE STRATEGIES CORPORATION 2700 Oakland Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 May 2, 1991 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Resource Strategies Corporation is pleased to submit a proposal for an in-depth analysis and feasibility study for the establishment and locational evaluation of a waste management campus in the City of Rosemount. I am also pleased to formally announce the association with my partner and co-founder, Jeff Connell. Jeff has resigned from his responsibilities with Dakota County and will officially join the firm on June 4, 1991. The following proposal includes the scope of work, timetable and budget for the report. We have included cost estimates for legal, financial and engineering services that are necessary to complete the study; however, these costs are not included in the proposed contract with Resource Strategies Corporation. We propose to include the firms of Hertogs, Fluegel, Sieben, Polk, Jones, and LaVerdiere; Grannis and Harmeyer; Springsted, Inc.; and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and Associates to provide supplemental services. Resource Strategies Corporation will provide project management and be responsible for final work products. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal and look forward to working with the City of Rosemount. Sincerely, 7� Dean Johnson PRINCIPAL DRJ/ j c Enclosure RESOURCE STRATEGIES CORPORATION Proposal for: Issues Analysis and Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation For A Waste Management Campus Concept Submitted to: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Vernon Napper, Mayor Stephan Jilk, City Administrator May 2, 1991 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Background of Firm II. Project Team Project Organization III. Scope of Services Phase I: Identification and Verification of Issues Phase II: Analysis of Data and Evaluation of Options A. Research and Data Collection B. Analysis and Assessment of Options and Strategies Phase III: Conclusion -.Final Report Project Schedule IV. Project Budget 2 I. BACKGROUND OF FIRM Resource Strategies Corporation was formed in 1991 for the purpose of providing planning based analyses of alternatives for public and private decision making in the areas of waste management, industrial development, environmental policy and economic development. The firm was founded on the premise that strategic planning is the cost effective approach to policy formulation and complex development initiative. Dean Johnson and Jeff Connell, co-founders, have over 35 years of combined experience in the areas of planning, policy analysis and development coordination. Dean Johnson Dean Johnson is a Principal of Resource Strategies Corporation. His experience includes 13 years with the City of Rosemount, Minnesota as the Director of Community Development. He was accountable for the city's planning, inspections and economic development programs. He was a former Community Planner for the City of Troy, Illinois; a construction management consultant for Youngstown Street & Tube Company, Indiana Harbor Works; and surveyor with Superior Construction Company, Gary, Indiana. Mr. Johnson's experience involves project review and coordination of major industrial and waste management proposals, including oil refinery expansion, co -generation facilities, municipal solid waste incineration, industrial solid waste land disposal facilities, demolition landfills, a commercial recyclables materials recovery facility, municipal solid waste composting facility, a demolition debris materials recovery facility and yard waste composting facilities. He coordinated municipal review and response to legislatively mandated candidate siting processes for solid waste landfills, sewage sludge disposal facilities, hazardous waste processing and transfer facilities, sewage sludge ash facilities and international airport relocation. He was responsible for the establishment of a municipal housing and redevelopment authority and served as project manager, directing over 15 acquisition, relocation, renovation and new construction projects. Mr. Johnson continues his involvement in volunteer and professional organizations, including planning, waste management and public transit. He served as project coordinator and acting director of a six -city suburban public transit authority. Mr. Johnson received his bachelor's degree in Geography and Planning from Valparaiso University and a master's degree in City and Regional Planning from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. 3 Jeffrev J. Connell Jeff Connell is a Principal Resource Strategies Corporation. His experience includes 16 years with Dakota County, Minnesota, serving as Director of Planning and Program Management. He was responsible for policy development and implementation of the County's integrated solid waste management program. He also served as Planner for Lorain County, Ohio. In his 20 years of experience, Mr. Connell has participated in numerous public and private policy decision-making processes. Mr. Connell's major accomplishments include development, management and implementation of a comprehensive strategic planning program, including needs analysis, recommendations regarding program implementation, proposal evaluation and policy coordination among public agencies and private sector interests. He successfully developed and implemented an award winning, nationally recognized countywide integrated solid waste management program that includes creative approaches to collection, recycling, composting, processing and marketing of materials through the development of public/private partnerships for facilities and programs. He has been actively involved with planning and development issues related to siting of an international airport, airport expansion and light rail transit planning. Mr. Connell has an undergraduate degree in Planning and Regional Studies and a masters degree in Public Administration. He is actively involved in a number of professional organizations, serving in leadership positions on several. In addition to having articles published on solid waste issues, he has presented a number of papers on planning and solid waste/recycling and public/private partnership issues at state and national conferences. 4 II. PROJECT TEAM The tasks to be completed under this proposal will be undertaken by the two principals, Dean Johnson and Jeff Connell. Dean Johnson will serve as Project Manager, with responsibility for project oversight and communication with the City and coordination with city consultants. The project organization will be as follows: CITY COUNCIL City Administrator City Steve Jilk Consultants Resource Strategies Corporation Dean Johnson (Project Manager) Jeff Connell 5 III SCOPE OF SERVICES Resource Strategies Corporation proposes to perform the following services to assist the City of Rosemount in analyzing related issues and evaluating the feasibility of a waste management campus concept. It is understood City staff participation will include input, as directed by the City Administrator, and review of work products completed by Resource Strategies Corporation. Involvement by City consultants will be as directed by the City Administrator, in order to insure consistency throughout the analysis. Project coordination and report production will be the responsibility of Resource Strategies Corporation. A phased approach is proposed, allowing opportunity for input and direction by the City Administrator. Succeeding phases will proceed, as authorized, by the City Administrator. PHASE I: Identification and Verification of Issues Related to the Waste Management Campus Concept.. Resource Strategies Corporation will conduct a review of issues related to potential development of a waste management campus. The waste management campus concept will be defined, with input from city staff and City Council. Issues to be addressed relate to environmental, economic, legal (liability and legislative) and jurisdictional variables. General examples of issues include land use compatibility, environmental condition/remediation, cost/availability of infrastructure, regulatory procedures, ownership/jurisdictional control, and specific locational options. The product of this phase will be a preliminary scoping analysis document, to be reviewed by the city. Phase II: Analvsis of Data and Evaluation of Options Phase II will proceed upon authorization by the City Administrator. This phase consists of two components: A. Resource Strategies Corporation will conduct detailed research and data collection relative to issues identified and verified in Phase I, and establish criteria to be used in the evaluation of options. --- This task will require extensive research and personal interviews with affected parties, such as the University of Minnesota, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, Metropolitan Council, neighborhood interests, existing industry, pending/potential vendors, developers and investors. P Specific areas of detailed research will be identified in the scoping analysis, but are anticipated to include the following: - Cross review of the USPCI and Dakota County Environmental Impact Statements, related to site and socio-economic issues; - Land use inventory and description of Pine Bend and the University of Minnesota; - Environmental conditions/constraints; - Land availability/suitability; - Transportation networks/access; - Public utility availability - Industrial land use inventory; - Neighborhood description. Variables that may influence a specific direction will be addressed (eg. moratoriums, TIF legislation, airport selection process). A brief report confirming or identifying change in the direction of the study after data collection will be prepared for review by the City. Upon authorization by the City Administrator, Phase II (B) will commence. B. Resource Strategies Corporation will complete a detailed analysis of issues identified and data collected, to include evaluation of constraints and opportunities for selected options. This analysis will include legal, financial and engineering interpretation for land use jurisdiction, environmental liability and cost considerations. An assessment of potential strategies to implement options, as well as preliminary cost comparisons of locational criteria, will be prepared. The analysis will include cost assumptions and comparisons and/or impacts for the relocation of existing waste management activities or investments in proposed waste management activities. This phase will include a brief summary of findings to be presented to the City Administrator. 7 Phase III: Final Report Upon authorization by the City Administrator, Phase III will consist of a written report, incorporating the issues, analysis and evaluation of the entire study. An Executive Summary will highlight the findings of the report. 8 PROJECT SCHEDULE ACTIVITY May June July August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Authorization to Proceed Phase I - Identify Issues Concept Definition Finalize/Verify Issues Phase II A. o Research/Data Collection o Assessment of Variables o Report to City B. o Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities o Assessment of Strategies o Identification of Cost Considerations o Draft Summary to City 0 Final Report 2 Weeks IV. ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET Resource Strategies Corporation proposes to work on a time and material basis. With the staged approach to the study, range of involvement by city staff and consultants and variables affecting the analysis and timetable of the study, it is impractical to offer a "cost not to exceed". Resource Strategies Corporation billing rates are: Principals $85/Hour Clerical $35/Hour Mileage $.26/Mile PHASE I RSC Professional 36 hours $ 3,060 Clerical 6 hours 210 $ 3,270 PHASE II (A) RSC Professional 145 hours $12,325 Clerical 12 hours 420 City/Admin Consultant 40-60 hours 5,000 $17,830 PHASE II (B) RSC Professional 124 hours $10,540 Clerical 16 hours 560 City/Admin Consultant 40-60 hours 5,000 $16,100 PHASE III RSC Professional 26 hours $ 2,210 Clerical 12 hours 420 $ 2,630 TOTALS RSC Professionals 332 hours $28,135 Clerical 46 hours 1,610 City/Admin Consultant 80-120 hours 10,000 $39,745 Expenses: Estimated at $785, based on actual documented expenses, including report production