HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Diamond Path / 145th Street Project UpdateCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 7, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: DIAMOND`PATH/145TH STREET" AGENDA SECTION: PROJECT UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA# TIC11(6*10 IV ATTACHMENTS: MEMO, Letter from OSM, 4-22-41 APPFOVED B DRAFT AGENDA L This item consists of an update of this project and to recommend that the -project be delayed until later this year until certain aspects of this project and certain city policies can be completed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the recommendation on the delaying of the Diamond Path /145th Street Project until certain issues are taken care of and to formally notify Dakota County of this action. j COUNCIL ACTION: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ?6?ity0f osernouni P.O BOX 510 2875 -145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator May 3, 1991 Diamond Path / 145th Street Project On March 5, 1991, City Council held a Public Hearing to consider this project. Following that City Council ordered the plans and specifications for the project to be completed. We expected that this project could be commenced early June. Upon review of certain aspects of the project staff is prepared to recommend. 1. That the plans and specifications for the project continue to be completed, and 2. That this project be delayed for construction until late 1991 or early 1992 and that bids for the project not be let until; a. the Street Assessment Policy for the city is complete b. the Stormwater Utility for the City be formally established C. items 1-7 in the memo from OSM Engineering of 4-22-91 be concluded. The referenced memo from Bud Osmundson of OSM and the attached agenda for the Birger Pond investigation relate the many issues that yet need to be resolved along with the assessment policy and the Stormwater Utility. It is unfortunate that extensiveness of the issues relating to this project were not understood when we asked your approval in March. But we must conclude these issues before we can proceed. To do otherwise at this time would be foolish. I would ask your approval to formally approve the delay of this project until these issues are concluded and to support the project and its construction in late 1991. Orr Schelen O�S)t Mayeron & Assoctates. Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors April 22, 1991 Planners Mr. Steve Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: City Project No. 212 Diamond Path (Dakota County Road No. 33) OSM Comm. No. 4749.00 Dear Steve: As per your request for a summary of issues which may inhibit the construction of this project in the 1991 construction season, Ron Wasmund and I have put together the following list of issues which require clarification: 1. Birger Pond Ponding Easement - At the present time, Rosemount does not have a ponding easement over the Kelly property portion of Birger Pond. A ponding easement will be dedicated on the U.S. Homes property portions of Birger Pond as part of the Country Hills 4th Addition. The easement issue should be resolved or have Kelly Ownership consent, prior to the construction of an outlet of stormwater from 145th Street to Birger Pond. 2. Birger Pond Relationship with Apple Valley - The Apple Valley/ Rosemount border runs through Birger Pond and coincides with the NSP power line easement. This relationship with Apple Valley has been discussed in the past; i.e. annexation of this area by Rosemount and/or a land swap with the City of Apple Valley for the portion of land within the Apple Valley Municipal Golf Course, (Valleywood) which is within the City of Rosemount. A joint powers agreement must be undertaken to address the stormwater issues as they relate to Birger Pond. The joint powers agreement should address any acquisition costs for the ponding easement required at Birger Pond, and inlet and outlet concerns. 3. Birger Pond/Farquar Lake Relationship - This relationship should be addressed within the joint powers agreement discussed above. Presently, Farquar Lake in Apple Valley has a lift station/forcemain outlet and has a controlled normal water elevation which is approximately 10 feet higher than Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Steve Jilk April 22, 1991 Page 2 Birger Pond. Birger Pond presently is a landlocked waterbody without an outlet. The stormwater management plan for western Rosemount states that Birger Pond should eventually have an outlet of some type to Farquar Lake. One advantage for Rosemount which could be discussed in the joint powers agreement, is that Farquar Lake could be controlled with a gravity outlet to Birger Pond to keep the normal water level of Farquar Lake at its present level. In return, there could be a lift station installed at Birger Pond which would pump to Farquar Lake in emergency situations and utilize the Apple Valley lift station as an outlet for Farquar. 4. A Permanent Easement for the Diamond Path Outlet Pipe to Birger Pond - At the present time, Mr. Kelly O'Neil has verbally agreed to a right -of -entry for the outlet. However, a permanent easement is required. This portion of the stormwater outlet pipe is actually in Apple Valley, and maintenance issues should also be addressed in the joint powers agreement previously discussed. 5. Birchview Terrace Area - There is presently only 33 feet of right-of-way on the Rosemount side of Diamond Path within the Birchview Terrace area. There is also only 33 feet through the northern part of the Birchview Terrace along Diamond Path which is in Apple Valley, where the proposed storm drain piping is located. Therefore, issues concerning any additional right-of-way and/or easements required for the storm drain pipe need to be discussed with Dakota County and the City of Apple Valley. 6. LeForet Area - The LeForet Addition in Rosemount along Diamond Path, has an existing 50 foot right-of-way from centerline of Diamond Path. However, there is also a NSP easement in this area and any relationship between the installation of pipe and this easement needs to be investigated and addressed. 7. Utility Relocation - Centel Phone Company has jurisdiction over a FAA -cable buried along the shoulder of 145th Street and Diamond Path to Pilot Knob. Centel (through Forest Krogh) would like more time to investigate options for the relocation of this FAA cable. The FAA cable cannot be touched during the construction which does present some problems without relocation. Because of the present construction of Pilot Knob and the same FAA cable relocation in that area, Centel would appreciate that the Diamond Path construction take place in 1992. (As an aside, Centel is intending to bury all of their lines along 145th Street and Diamond Path.) 8. Funding - Presently, the stormwater utility has not been adopted by the City Council. Therefore, the proposed funding is not in place for the Diamond Path storm drain improvements. Therefore, the stormwater utility must be in place for an undetermined amount of time to pay for the storm drain improvements on Diamond Path. The state aid monies available for 1991 and 1992 are approximately $300,000 for Mr. Steve Jilk April 22, 1991 Page 3 each year for a total of $600,000. The information that we gave you on April 5, 1991 shows that the total storm drain costs will total approximately $510,000 for both the Diamond Path and 145th Street storm drain improvements. On 145th Street, it is estimated that only approximately $30,000 to $50,000 of the storm drain costs will be eligible for state aid. However, the street construction cost which at this time is estimated at approximately $350,000 should all be eligible for state aid. In addition, the proposed trail along 145th Street would also be eligible, which is estimated at $19,000. Therefore, the total estimated cost which is eligible for state aid on 145th Street will be approximately $420,000. One aspect of the Diamond Path project which would be an impetus to construct the project this year, is the issues revolving around the stormwater pond partially on the Sample property. At this time, Mr. Sample has been very cooperative and wants the proposed construction. In fact, he would appreciate the construction of an outlet for the pond. From observation of the current pond level, temporary pumping could be required to maintain a lower pond water elevation depending on the weather throughout the spring and early summer of this year. At this time, the water level in the pond is such that trees are inundated by water and could cause permanent damage to this vegetation. Please call me at 378-6377 with your questions and comments regarding the above information. Respectfully, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Bud Osmundson, P.E. Associate/ Project Manager /cmw 04/91-cor.sj Enclosure c: Mr. Ron Wasmund, City of Rosemount Mr. Steve Kline, Barr Engineering CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BIRGER POND INVESTIGATION DRAFT AGENDA May 1, 1991 The following is planned to be an agenda to be undertaken to resolve the issues regarding Birger Pond in Northwest Rosemount. Many of the items are general in nature, while others are definite and specific. The items are implied to be in chronological order, but some could overlap or occur simultaneously. 1. Meet with the City of Apple Valley and determine the drainage patterns surrounding Birger Pond including the Apple Valley areas. A composite drainage map should be formulated and used as a basis for discussion and calculations. Vermillion River Watershed District information should be utilized if applicable. 2. Determine the relationship, if any, between Farquar Lake and Birger Pond, then formulate a stormwater management plan for Birger Pond investigating the following items: 2.1 Farquar Lake has a normal water level (NWL) which is approximately 10 feet higher than the NWL of Birger Pond. Can this elevation difference between Farquar Lake and Birger Pond be utilized in forming the relationship of the two waterbodies? 2.2 Utilize the information obtained in the above steps to set the normal and high water levels for Birger Pond, also taking into consideration: ♦ The elevation of the existing Birger Pond sanitary sewer lift station (No. 5) ♦ The short term and long term impacts of the water levels on the existing home and structures in the Birch View Terrace Addition. The short term and long term impacts of the water levels on the existing home and structures on the Kelly property immediately adjacent to Birger Pond. 3. Collect the information from the Parks Department and Parks Commission regarding their ideas for the size, recreational uses, and plans for the proposed park in the Birger Pond area. Birger Pond Investigation Agenda May 1, 1991 Page 2 4. Determine the best means of acquisition of the total area needed for ponding easements, inlet and outlet easements, and park area utilizing the following information: ♦ Determine the available funding for the Birger Pond Park and ponding areas. ♦ Kelly Trust Park and Ponding Dedication required, already dedicated, etc., within Rosemount. ♦ Kelly Trust Park and Ponding Dedication required, already dedicated, etc., within Apple Valley. ♦ Similar issues in regards to the U.S. Homes property in the Birger Pond area. 5. Approach the impacted property owners with the proposed plan, negotiate and resolve the situation with the property owners. 6. Resolve all cost sharing, land ownership, maintenance issues, etc., with Apple Valley and formulate an agreement. 7. Enter into the agreement with Apple Valley. 8. Acquire the ponding and/or park property. /cmw 05/91-bpi.age CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EBECUTIQE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 7, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: LEPRECHAUN DAYS AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NOITEM # 611 ATTACHMENTS: MEMO FROM JOE WALSH APP D BY: This item consists of a presentation by Joe Walsh, Chairman of the Leprechaun Days Committeeonthis years proposed events and the request, by the Leprechaun Days Committee for the use of city streets and facilities for holding those events. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the use of certain city ,streets and 'facilities for Leprechaun Days events in 1991. COUNCIL ACTION: