HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Off Campus Parking - Senior High School AreaCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 20, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Off -Cam us Parkin -- Senior High Area New Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA ffEIj� `�Y' Elliel Knutsen, Chief of Police ATTACHMENTS: APPRED_ B"Y: I.S.D. 196 & Property Owners Survey Letter & Results On or about April 2, 1991 a letter was received from Independent School District #196 indicating they were considering establishing a parking fee at the Rosemount Senior High School beginning with the September 1991 school year. At a School Board meeting held on July 9, 1991 a motion was made and passed authorizing charging $25 per trimester or $1.00 per day to park their vehicles in the student parking lot at the high school. My concern with this action would be the increased parking on 143rd, Upper 143rd and 144th Streets near Chili Avenue. I believe several students will try to save the cost of parking by parking their vehicles off -campus. This potential problem would include increased noise and traffic safety within the residential area which I'm sure would concern the residents themselves. This concern could spread to other areas near the high school, however at this time it is unknown what further problems could develop. In order to mitigate the likely problems caused by off -campus parking, I would like to offer a couple of ideas for discussion: 1) Do nothing and monitor the area for traffic complaints. 2) Restrict parking on 143rd, Upper 143rd, 144th Streets and Cantata and Cimarron Avenues between the hours of 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM on school days. (This would discourage parking for students and still allow parking for residents by issuing special permits.) On August 9, 1991 a letter was sent to each homeowner in the area informing them of the concern and also inviting them to comment on the two options. (See attached letter.) Costs to the city would be approximately $2,000.00 for purchasing forty restricted parking signs and approximately $500.00 for the printing of parking permits to be issued to the area residents. Please be advised these costs are not included in our 1991 budget. Attached for your review is a summary'of the results received from residents. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Restrict parking on 143rd, Upper 143rd, 144th Streets along with Cimarron and Cantata Avenues between the hours of 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on school days and offer special parking permits to the area residents and approve funds for the installation of signs and permit stickers. COUNCIL ACTION: i� o Rosemount MAYOR 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Vernon Napper PHONE (612) 423-441' Mailing Address: COUNCILMEMBERS FAX (612) 423-5.13 P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann August 8, 1991 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Dear Property Owner: students at Rosemount High School will be Beginning with the 1991 school year, charged $25 per trimester or $1.00 per day for parking in the high school parking lot. My concern with this action will be increased parking on 143rd Street, Upper 143rd Street, and 144th Street on the east and west sides of Chili Avenue and also on Cimarron Avenue and Cantata. I believe several students will try to save the cost of parking by parking their vehicles off campus. At the August 20, 1991 City Council meetings, I will discuss this off campus parking issue with the City Council and ask the Council to consider the options listed below. I would appreciate your opinion of the listed options. Your choice will provide useful input to myself and the City Council. Please complete and detach the bottom part of this letter and return it to my attention at City Hall no later than Noon on Friday, August 16th. You may mail your response to Police Chief Knutsen, Rosemount City Hall, P. 0. Box 510, Rosemount, MN 55068 or drop it off at City Hall. You could also place it in one of the City's drop boxes. Thank you for your valuable input on this matter. Sincerely, Elliel Knutsen Chief of Police Attachments ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Your address: Please mark an "X" by one of the following: Do nothing and monitor the area for traffic/parking complaints. * Prohibit parking on 143rd Street, Upper 143rd Street, 144th Street, Cimarron Avenue and Cantata Avenue between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on school days and issue parking permits to residents, which would allow residents to park their vehicles on their street between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. Restricted parking signs would be posted. Other Ideas: *Recommended action by City Staff ��to/ffCity Council (Sveryihtngs (Poming `Up gosemouvily