HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Approve Permits for The Adventure Zone and Paintball Expresslow CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: APPROVAL OF PERMITS FOR THE ADVENTURE ZONE AND PAINTBALL EXPRESS AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. JOHNSON, CITY CLERK AGENI` RIM ATTACHMENTS: PERMITS, MAP APP E I have been contacted by the owners of The Adventure ZcZ and Paintball Express regarding renewal of their respective permits for the paintball operations in Rosemount. Brett C. Harvey is the owner/operator of The Adventure Zone, and James H. Lathrop is the owner/operator of Paintball Express, Inc. As you will recall, both individuals were before the Council last year requesting permission to operate in our City. I have attached a map indicating the locations of the two businesses. Also attached are the permits for issuance upon your approval. The only change to the permit is a requirement for payment of a $50 fee. I felt the permit holders should be responsible for any administrative time involved, and this amount, at this time, seemed equitable and supported staff time and costs for processing the permits. Mr. Lathrop and Mr. Harvey have indicated they have signed their respective leases with the property owners. Both businesses' liability insurance are in effect now and will expire during the permit period. Of course, the city must receive their renewals on or before their expiration date. I have put both business owners on notice that in 1992 they will have to have their liability insurance run concurrently with the permit period of April 1 to November 1. Police Chief Knutsen has informed me there were no complaints filed or incidents involving his department last year. I would request your approval to allow these businesses to operate again in Rosemount and approve the permits subject to the business owners meeting the conditions set out in the permit. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ZONE AND PAINTBALL IN THE PERMITS COUNCIL ACTION: Approved. MOTION TO APPROVE THE PERMITS FOR THE ADVENTURE EXPRESS, INC. SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED 1 J i cf," A ADVENTURE ZONE Vj_ NIJ c sA29 }� L4 9 u� PAINT BALL EXPRESS li o F P E R M I T PERMIT issued this day of , 1991, by the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT (the "City") to Brett C. Harvey d/b/a The Adventure Zone. 1. The City hereby issues a permit for The Adventure Zone in accordance with the definition and rules set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. This permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a. The permit is valid only on Tax Parcel Number 34-02000- 010-25. 4-02000- 010-25. b. A permit fee of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars shall be paid by the permit holder. C. The permit holder shall take out and maintain in force general liability insurance for at least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The form of the policy and the insurer shall be subject to approval by the City Administrator. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. The policy shall further provide that the City shall be given ten (10) days advance notice of cancellation. Proof of this insurance (certificate of insurance) will be presented as part of the approval process of the permit. d. The hours and days of operation shall be limited to the following: Monday through Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to dusk. e. The permit for operating shall continue from April 1, 1991 -to November 1, 1991. f. No building or other structure may be erected on the site. g. The permit holder shall police the area for litter after each game and shall insure that a nuisance is not created as a result of noise, littering, traffic, or disorderly conduct. h. Beer, wine and intoxicating liquor is prohibited. 3. This permit may be revoked for violation of its terms or violation of any ordinance or statue. THE ADVENTURE ZONE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT M Brett C. Harvey By: Vernon J. Napper By: Stephan Jilk, Administrator F.XHTRTT "A" THE ADVENTURE ZONE SAFETY RULES AND GUIDELINES #1: No Head Shots allowed! Tlae first time this happens you will be removed from the heet. The second time this happens you will be done for the day. If a person appears to be intentionally shooting head shots they will be asked to leave and never return. This is a game of fun and we want to keep it that way. #2: Only approved goggles are permited on the field. Safety glasses do not qualify. Once you leave the neutral zone you must have your goggles on. If you are caught outside the neutral zone without your goggles you will be asked to leave. #3: No physical contact what so ever. This is a game of fun and stamina. #4: The boundries of the field are marked by twine and ribbons. If you are seen outside the boundries you will be removed from the heet. #5: Each team will be taken to their flag. When the judge blows the whistle you begin. There are 30 minutes per heet. With ten minutes left we will give you two sharp blasts on the whistle. If one of you capture the flag you must bring it back to your own station and blow the horn. #6: We reserve the right to refuse any player(s) who don't abide by the rules of the game. #7: Any hit, except head shots, counts. When you are eliminated please remove your armband, wave it over your head and go directly to the neutral zone. #8: No alcohol of any type is allowed on the adventure zone grounds. Any player caught with alcohol will be asked to leave. If you are caught a second time, you will be asked to never return to our playing field. If any player arrives to the field in an intoxicated stated the will not be allowed to play. If any player is not allowed to play and they attempt to leave the Adventure Zone land while still under the influence we will take the players' license plate number and report it to the Rosmount Police Department. THIS IS A GAME OF FUN!! and we want it to remain that way. The game is safe if you follow the above rules and guidelines, so please do. P E R M I T PERMIT issued this day of , 1991, by the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT (the "City") to Paintball Express, Inc. 1. The City hereby issues a permit for Paintball Express, Inc. in accordance with the definition and rules set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. This permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a. The permit is valid only on Tax Parcel Number 34-02100- 011-50. b. A permit fee of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars shall be paid by the permit holder. C. The permit holder shall take out and maintain in force general liability insurance for at least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The form of the policy and the insurer shall be subject to approval by the City Administrator. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. The policy shall further provide that the City shall be given ten (10) days advance notice of cancellation. Proof of this insurance (certificate of insurance) will be presented as part of the approval process of the permit. d. The hours and days of operation shall be limited to the following: Monday through Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to dusk. e. The permit for operating shall continue from April 1, 1991 to November 1, 1991 . f. No building or other structure may be erected on the site. g. The permit holder shall police the area for litter after each game and shall insure that a nuisance is not created as a result of noise, littering, traffic, or disorderly conduct. h. Beer, wine and intoxicating liquor is prohibited. 3. This permit may be revoked for violation of its terms or violation of any ordinance or statue. PAINTBALL EXPRESS, INC. M James H. Lathrop CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By• Vernon J. Napper By: •Stephan Jilk, Administrator Own� EXHIBIT "A" mmmn� 41 dmmmw� PA I�V TEA L L EXPR ENS What is Paintball? Paintball is a game generally played outside in which players attempt to tag opposing players using a CO2 powered marking pistol that shoots a marble sized Paintball. This paintball contains a non-toxic, biodegradable dye which can be washed off with soap and water. It is a physically rigorous game during which YOU may be running through the woods, crawling on the ground, hiding behind trees and obstacles or just waiting with anticipation. Generally players are divided into two teams. Each team has their own flag station and opposing players try to capture the flag and return it to their own flag station without being tagged. The risk of being tagged is most often viewed as an integral part of the game that gives it the intensity and excitement that other games lack. Paintball is no more dangerous than any of the other commonly played sports, such as softball or skiing. Despite appearances, Paintball is harmless, clean fun. It is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of men and women nationwide and must be experienced to truly appreciate that it is recreational to the people who play. Paintball is a fun -filled, action packed outdoor sport that will have you and your friends feeling like kids again. How to make reservations To ensure a reservation for the date and time that is best for your group, cal*' Paintball Express at least 2 weeks in advance. A $50.00 deposit will E required at that time to lock in your reservation. This deposit non-refundable. You need to organize a group of 16 or more players and collect their rental package fee to be sent to us at least 1 week in advance of your Playing date. Organizer Suggestions 1. An important role of the organizer is to ensure that all player in the group fully understand the contents of this brochure before your playing session to assure that no one comes unprepared, as these unprepared players could cause delays in play. 2. It is your responsibility to collect all of the player's admission fees and send them to us at least 1 week prior to your playing date, to assure their commitment to play. It is our repeated experience that players who put out money ahead of time will nearly always show up. 3. It is best to wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty, wet, or Possibly torn. Camouflage clothing is best suited for the game but required. It is recommended that at least darker color clothing with long sleeves and long pants be worn. 4. Make sure that your shoes are comfortable, as playing often requires a lot of running. Tennis shoes or a light weight pair of shoes are recommended. S. Remember to remove valuable necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. at home so as not to lose them in the woods. 6. Other than your initial prepaid admission, you will need some extra cash for Paint, CO2, and refreshments. The average cost (including admission) is about $25.00-$30.00 for the playing session. 7. It is a good idea to arrange a rendezvous at a previously agreed upon location and travel together to ensure that all players arrive at the Playing field at least 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled playing time. 8. No shows will lose their admission costs. This is to ensure that enougl players show up to have an enjoyable day. We accept checks at the playi- field. Any non -sufficient funds checks will be subject to a $15.00 re' -ee . Field Rules 1. Absolutely no alcohol or mood altering drugs will be allowed on our playi fields. Violators of this rule will be prohibited from continued play at t field. Operators discretion, no refund. 2. Safety goggles are provided to the players and are to be worn at all time while on the playing field. If you are caught on the playing field with yon goggles removed at any time, you will be given one warning. A second violatic will mean your immediate termination of play for the rest of the day. 3. Weapons, guns, knives, etc., are not allowed. 4. Players must be at least 16 years of age. Players under the age of 18 must have a Paintball Express consent form with notarized parental signature completed prior to playing. These forms are available from our office. S. Game equipment not supplied by Paintball Express (marking pistols, safet goggles, etc.) must first be approved by the session operator. 6. Barrel plugs will be provided for all rental airguns. Players using the' own airguns will be required to buy a barrel plug if they do not have onE Every player is required to have the barrel plug inserted in the end of t' barrel of the airgun when not on the playing field. No exceptions. 7. Every airgun has a safety lever on it. Every player is required to ha` their safety on when not on the playing field. Proper use of airguns will L explained thoroughly prior to play by the session operator. 8. Non-compliance with field rules is grounds for prohibiting further play. A_' games are refereed for safety as well as insuring fairness of play. Paintball Express Prices RENTAL PACKAGE: Includes 4 hour playing session, standard pump $20.00 pistol, safety goggles, a face mask, 1 CO2, and 3 tubes of paint. PAINT TUBE: 10 balls per tube. $ 1.00 CO2 CARTRIDGE: 2S to 30 shots per cartridge. $ .50 UPGRADE TO A CONSTANT AIR WEAPON: $ 5.00 CONSTANT AIR TANK REFILL: $ 1.00 ORGANIZERS RENTAL PACKAGE: Same as rental package above with FREE an additional 2 tubes of paint. Additional bonuses for groups over 20. OPEN GAME EVERY SUNDAY FROM 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM: If interested $10.00 call for more information. PAINTBALL GUNS AND ACCESSORIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT OUR OFFICE AND DURING OPEN GAMES. CALL FOR A PRICE LIST.