HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Airport Search Areaz A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 2, 1991 AGENDA. ITEM: AIRPORT SEARCH AREA AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN J'ILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA IVI 0 ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTION FROM THE CITIES OF:APP D Y'' LAKEVILLE, ROSEMOUNT, and FARMINGTON (� I have had discussion with representatives from the cities o/Farmington, Lakeville, and Vermillion concerning the Airport Search Process. I have attached several resolutions passes regarding this. The purpose of this agenda item is to inform you that on April 3, 1991 there will be a meeting at the Vermillion City Hall to discuss a potential effort by all the townships and the above cities to lobby the legislature to stop the process of search are designation until a feasibility study is completed on the relocation of the airport. (Basically what our resolution calls for.) It is important to give direction to support this effort if that is your position. RECOMMENDED ACTION. Motion to support the coalition to lobby the Minnesota State Legislature to stop the Airport Search Process until,a feasibility study is completed on the moving of the MPLS/ST.Paul Airport, COUNCIL ACTION: March 19, 1991 r. Ct � Y I EE) MAR 2 ' 1991 CLERK'S OFFICE; CITY n,-ROSEMOUNT Dear Mr. Jilk: The Lakeville City Council passed a resolution at its March 18 Council meeting opposing the Dakota and Dakota/Scott candidate airport sites and supporting the improvement and expansiion of Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport. A copy of our resolution is enclosed. I hope it will be of some use to youas you develop your response to the airport site study. qSin rely, Ma or Duane un DZ:Ig City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue West • P.O. Box 957 Lakeville, MN 55044 • (612) 469-4431 • FAX 469-3815 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date March 18, I991 Resolution No. 91-32 Motion by Harvev Seconded by "Mulvihill WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature has mandated a dual -track strategy to preserve the region's options for meeting future airport capacity needs,,with one track focusing on a new airport option and charging the Metropolitan Council with the selection of candidate search areas for a possible new- replacement airport, and the second track focusing on possible ways to improve the capacity of the current airport and charging the Metropolitan Airports Commission with studying ways to improve the capacity _of the Minneapolis -St. Paul.International Airport site to meet the needs of air traffic to the year 2020;, and WHEREAS, this dual -track strategy is a well -conceived effort designed to preserve the region's airport options for the future; and WHEREAS, this strategy allows an open, public process for making decisions, including public informational meetings and solicitation of opinions from county, municipal and township governing bodies and the general public; and WHEREAS, the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport is a major employer for Lakeville and the 'surrounding area, so any change in airport location would affect the economic health of the region and cause major disruption for existing businesses, highways and utilities; and a —2— WHEREAS, replacing the existing Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport with a new airport at another site would severely impact comprehensive Sand use plans, both at the present airport site and at any of the candidate search area sites; and WHEREAS, costs for developing alternate uses for the current airport site if it is abandoned as a major airport must be considered; and WHEREAS, selecting either the Dakota -Scott new airport search site south of Lakeville in Eureka, Castle Rock, Greenvale, Sciota and Waterford Townships, or the Dakota County new airport search site in the City of Rosemount and Empire, Vermillion and Marshan,Townships as the candidate site for a new airport would place all land use planning in the selected area in limbo for up to five years; and WHEREAS, selecting either the Dakota -Scott site or the Dakota County site as the definite location for a replacement airport would 'lower the area's quality of life by adversely impacting natural areas and critical wetlands, eliminating hundreds of acres of productive farmland and the tradition and heritage of the family ;farm, and increasing the sprawl of urban land uses,; and WHEREAS, a recently --completed survey by Decision Resources, Ltd., indicated that the citizens of Lakeville, by a 77 percent to 16 percent margin, support maintaining and expanding the airport at its present site over building anew one; and -3 - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Lakeville urges the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Minnesota Legislature to avoid the negative economic and environmental impacts that would affect the entire region if the regional airport were moved to a new replacement site, and focus instead on retaining the region's present Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport, mitigating existing problems and improving and expanding the present site in order to meet anticipated needs in the 21st Century. ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1991. CITY OF LAKEVILLE 421-1 -A "d -P BY: Duane Zaun,Zvor ATTESTED; Charlene Friedges, h4ty Clerk 1 -3 - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Lakeville urges the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Minnesota Legislature to avoid the negative economic and environmental impacts that would affect the entire region if the regional airport were moved to a new replacement site, and focus instead on retaining the region's present Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport, mitigating existing problems and improving and expanding the present site in order to meet anticipated needs in the 21st Century. ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1991. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Duane Zaun yor ATTESTED: Charlene Friedges, ty Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991 - A RESOLUTION OF POSITION REGARDING THE AIRPORT PLANNING AND SEARCH AREA SELECTION PROCESS WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Legislature has directed that the Metropolitan Council conduct a two track approach to planning for the future air transportation needs of the Metropolitan Region; and WHEREAS, this two track process includes the consideration for planning and expansion of the existing airport and the search for a site of a new airport if the decision is made to relocate the existing airport; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council is in the process of selecting a search area for the location of a new Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport as part of this two track approach; and WHEREAS, certain criteria have been developed by the Metropolitan Council to determine the guidelines used in this search area selection; and WHEREAS, the final three areas now being considered by the Metropolitan Council include two areas in Dakota County and one in Chisago/Isanti Counties; and WHEREAS, the two sites in Dakota County have direct effect on the City of Rosemount as one search area actually includes a major portion of the City of Rosemount and the other is near the city limits of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, along with many other cities have attempted to involve themselves in this Planning and Search Area Selection Process over many months; and WHEREAS, the relocation of the existing airport may have tremendous negative effects on the cities surrounding the existing airport and those near any new airport in terms of economic, social and environmental causes; and WHEREAS, the guidelines actually developed by the Metropolitan Council set out requirements to meet prior to making any decision on the relocation of the existing airport and a final design and location of a new airport; and WHEREAS, Rosemount and other communities have worked closely with the Metropolitan Council to use all proven methods of planning for the proper development of their communities which has allowed these communities to actually become better sites for new airports and could now suffer a loss to their quality of life RESOLUTION 1991 - PAGE 2 they have worked to protect and whose citizens have indicated so strongly they want to maintain; and WHEREAS, the relocation of an airport to Rosemount and other suburban cities could forever change this quality of life; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has serious concerns about the following issues relating to this process: 1) The need to move the existing airport 2) The ability for cities near the existing airport to generate input into the decision making process to expand the existing airport or move it. 3) The determination of the feasibility of relocating the existing airport. 4) The social, economic and environmental effects of moving the airport to a new area both on the existing site communities and those in a new site area. 5) The ability of cities in and around the final search areas to have any realistic and authentic opportunity into the entire decision making process of whether to move the existing airport and the selection of any new site and that the final selection has already been made. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount representing the Rosemount Community requests that the Metropolitan Council do the following: A. The selection of any site for the potential location of a new airport be stopped immediately. B. That the economic/financial feasibility study scheduled for 1992-1996 which is to be part of the analysis as to whether or not to move the airport be completed before any further consideration of new airport sites is given. C. That the assessment of the impacts of moving the airport to a new location in terms of social, economic, and environmental issues be conducted now. This study would include the consideration of such issues as transportation, development, fiscal impacts, tax impacts, and job loss/creation, and use of land now dedicated to agricultural use. The initial determination of the three sites now selected would provide enough data to make this study realistic, feasible and credible. RESOLUTION 1991 - PAGE 3 D. Provide a realistic and credible method for all cities to provide input into this planning process and allow cities to assist in any decisions made on this matter. E. Develop a technical and administrative assistance program for all cities, counties and townships which are effected by this process to enable them to develop processes to deal with all of these issues such that the cost will be born by the State of Minnesota and not the local entities involved as this is a State and Regional issue. F. That only after it is concluded that a new location for the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport is needed, the economic feasibility of this move is proven, cities are allowed to have a credible say in this process and environmental, social and economic studies are completed on the three final search areas to determine the most suitable sites should a final search area be selected and a final site be designated. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1991. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: RESOLUTION NO. R13-91 CITY OF FARMINGTON POSITION ON REGIONAL AIRPORT SEARCH AREA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Farmington, Minnesota, was held in the Civic Center of said City on the 19th day of February, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. The following members were present: Kuchera, Galler, Derington, Orr. The following members were absent: Mayer. Member Orr introduced and Member Derington seconded the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVER) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARMINGTON that the following concerns be addressed by the Regional Airport Advisory Task Force: 1. The economic impact of a northern airport location upon existing investment around the current location, including public infrastructure, private business and housing. 2. The integrity and adequacy of the confusing "Alternate EIS" process regarding the opportunity to provide responsible public input; the short timetable for selection of the final search area and the incremental nature in which en- vironmental assessment data is collected and reviewed. 3. Assurances that affected units of government be involved in the assessment of environmental issues surrounding the detailed airport location and planning process to guarantee that current environmental issues and nuisances at MSP are not merely displaced to a new location. 4. The financial impacts and practical hardships resulting from the loss of investment for agriculture, housing and other business due to the uncertainties and extended timetable of the dual track process. 5. That the above referenced timetable be improved, -or at the very least, maintained. This resolution adopted by recorded vote of the Farmington City Council in open session on the 19th day of February, 1991. 1-41 Attested to the�(� day of SEAL Mayor