HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Authorize Purchase of Field Draga CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMX RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 2, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: PURCHASE OF FIELD DRAG NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDATEM # 6G DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR . P & R ATTACHMENTS: APF Field maintenance on the ball fields for youth and adults is completed by Park Staff on a daily basis. The heart of that process is a field drag purchased from a manufacturer in Farmington, MN.. That drag is solidly constructed of heavy machine steel and is an investment that will last through many years of heavy use. Other companies were contacted when we purchased our present drag some two years ago. The lack of quality in workmanship and design of other-dr-ags compared to MetroTurf's ComboPlane.Model 784 HD - 3 supported our purchase of MetroTurf's product. Rick Cook and his staff have budgeted for the purchase of a second field drag in conjunction with added park land and the associated maintenance required in 1991's season. The drag we have has been used extensively in our park construction projects this past year. Mark Joosten has found this piece of equipment invaluable when completing the landscaping associated with the shelter construction in Connemara Park. Other parks where largerenovation and upgrades required this drag were Shannon Park, Winds_ Park, the Flower Garden area of Erickson Park, and Jaycee Park. Our 1991 park construction season along with field maintenance for or programs requires a second field drag. The CIP item that reflects the dollars required for this purchase is # 36 (583). The dollar amount budgeted is $ 3,500 and the quoted cost from the dealer is $ 3,170. RECOMMENDED �CTION• Accept t e quote from MetroTurf, , Inc. of Farmington, MN and to authorize the purchase of a Model 784HD-3, 2-96 field and maintenance drag for the amount of $ 3,170.00. COUNCIL ACTION: 6029 - 225th STREET WEST • FARMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55024 • 612-463-3880 February 8, 1991 Mr. Rick Cook City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Rick: We are pleased to quote on the following: METRvTURF, Inc. (1) NIT/ComboPlane $2,935. Model 784HD-3, 2-96 (1) BR -96 $ 235. FOB Farmington A 1990 price sheet is enclosed. Also enclosed is a photo and price sheet on the new 526 ballfield model. This unit has a slightly longer front to rear length scarifier tines 4" center to center with one pin per tine for easy tine removal, convertible to scarifier teeth with an optional kit for landscape grading and a combination drag mat pull beam/drag mat carrier on the rear. New brochures on the 526 series will be available in about two weeks at which time I will send one to you. Thanks for the opportunity to quote on the 784HD. Yours truly, MetroTurf, Inc Orrie Mork OM: alf Enclosures The Choice of the Grading Professional TM Over the past several years, MetroTurf ComboPlanes have won high acclaim from grading professionals throughout the United States and Canada. Users have found MT/ComboPlanes the answer to their grading requirements in a wide variety of environments including ballfields, golf courses, toads, cart paths, landscaping, parking lots, trails, and running tracks. The superiority of MT/ComboPlanes is built on innovative patented design and years of refinement to deliver cost-effective, high -production grading performance. LESS GRADING TIME: Users of MT/ComboPlanes report 50 percent time savings compared to other grading tools. One tool does it all — from rough grading to final finish. There's no need for two tractors or for switching tools. MT/ComboPlanes cover the ground several times per pass, so you get it right the first time. All operations are hydraulically controlled from the tractor seat, eliminating wasted off -again, on -again operator motions. Forward -reverse grading further speeds the job along. VERSATILITY: MT/ComboPlanes can, in most cases, serve as your sole grading tool. However, on rocky or stoney soil, they can be used to set the grade; then you can remove the rocks or stones with a second tool, for a superior grade every time. EASY TO USE: MT/ComboPlanes can be effectively employed by experienced grading professionals and novices alike, without extensive training. Hookup and operation are quickly and easily performed. 30 Day Trial Offer Purchase a MT/ComboPlane. Use it for the first 30 days after delivery under your own site grading conditions. If you're not satisfied, return it to us immediately, freight prepaid. Upon our receipt of the tool, your entire purchase price will be refunded. 1991, MetroTurf, Inc. .Y .. .:> . . ' y,: ,.�.� a.. � 2 ✓ Yvon' r in medium -compacted 4" center to center. ds and running tracks. Ground penetration bet- ween the 783 and 784. Used in clean, debris free soil. Scarifier teeth spaced 6" center to center. Primary use of both land- scaping and maintenance - type grading. Weight Recommended PTO Hitch $1,910 020# $2,070 Model Tractor Horsepower Category Width Weight Price 784-3, 1-78 20 - 35 1 78" 880# $2,020 784-3, 1-96 1 96" 1,010# $2,270 784HD-3, 1-78 35 - 55 1 78" 1,040# $2,180 784HD-3, 2-78 2 78" 1,060# $2,245 -w.m.784HD-3, 1-96 1 96" 1,190# $2,495 784HD-3,2-96 2 96" 1,210# $2,560 Ground penetration bet- ween the 783 and 784. Used in clean, debris free soil. Scarifier teeth spaced 6" center to center. Primary use of both land- scaping and maintenance - type grading. Weight Price 860# $1,910 020# $2,070 ,,040# $2,135 1,190# $2,295 1.210# $2,360 TOOL WEIGHTS — 783, 784, 785 are Standard Weight 783RD, 784HD, 785HD are Heavy Duty MODEL DESIGNATION (Example) 783HD-3, 1-78 783HD (Model) 3 (3 point hitch) 1 (Hitch category) 78 (Width) HITCH OPTIONS — Category 1 - 7/8" diameter draw pins. Category 2 - 1.1/8" diameter draw pins. Category 1 hitch dimensions with Category 2 draw pins - add $30 to Category 1 modelprice. TRACTOR HYDRAULIC REQUIREMENTS — A single spool, double acting hydraulic auxiliary valve; two hoses from this valve to tractor rear axle area and two sets of quick couplers. SPECIAL PAINT COLOR — Colors other than standard yellow - add $60 to model price.