HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Koch Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility Text AmendmentEXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 3, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: Koch Refining Zoning Ordinance AGENDA SECTION: Text Amendment -Spent Bauxite Facility IUP Old Business PREPARED BY: Lisa Freese, Director Planning AGEND"M w'# of 50 ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance, Petition APP BY Misc. Correspondence l/ As you will recall, the City Council held a public hearing regarding this text amendment petition at the July 16, 1991 meeting. The hearing was closed, but action was tabled on the amendment to allow City staff to meet, with Koch officials to discuss the Interim Use Permit requirements, reimbursement of staff costs for permit review and the annual permit/host community fees. At this point City staff believes that progress has been made and an acceptable agreement on the financial arrangements can be reached with Koch officials before the Council meeting on Tuesday. So it would be appropriate for the Council to consider action on the 'text amendment petition. The text amendment permits spent bauxite disposal facilities in the General Industrial zoning district only if they are accessory to a manufacturing facility. The interim use permit standards and requirements are very similar to those adopted for non -hazardous industrial waste containment facilities. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the text amendment which they reviewed at the June 25 Regular Meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to approve Ordinance No. B-12, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. B-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 3.2 Definitions of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following definitions: Spent Bauxite A non -hazardous industrial waste, consisting primarily of aluminum oxide, aluminum silicate and silica material. Scent Bauxite Disposal Facility A facility that accepts and land disposes of only spent bauxite. A facility shall include containment cells, leachate collection systems, monitoring systems and other appurtenances necessary for its operation. SECTION 2. Section 6.14 IG General Industrial District of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following. D. Uses Permitted by Interim Use Permit 1. Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility as an accessory use only. SECTION 3. Section 11 Performance Standards - All Districts of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following: SECTION 11.4 SPENT BAUXITE DISPOSAL FACILITY A. Permit applicants shall submit the following information together with any other information requested by the City: 1. The proposed project layout including site drawings showing building locations, access roads, buffers and major facilities. 2. Proposed technology and design. 3. A complete description of the proposed project's operation, including but not limited to phasing and anticipated operating lifetime, description of waste, record keeping methods, staffing, anticipated waste volumes, containment facilities, contingency and response plans. 4. A description of anticipated traffic generated by the facility, routes to be used and access to the site. 5. Identification of known and potential environmental risks associated with the construction, operation and closure of the facility. 6. Closure, post closure and contingency plans, including financing plans. 7. A description of the existing site and surrounding area including current ownership and land uses, current zoning, transportation access to the site, topography, existing soil and hydrogeologic conditions, vegetation, wildlife, surface waters. 8. Need for City emergency services including fire, police, emergency response, medical. 9. A description of the applicant's experience in operating the technology, proposed training for all operation staff and the environmental record of technology. B. Permits for spent bauxite disposal facilities shall only be issued if the following standards are met or exceeded: 1. The facility must represent the best available technology for land disposal of spent bauxite. 2. The operator and staff must have sufficient experience in the operation of such facilities to ensure competent operation. 3. The design, construction and operation of the facility must minimize negative environmental impacts and must mitigate such impacts to the fullest extent possible. 4. Public health, safety and welfare must be ensured. 5. Adequate closure, post closure and contingency plans must be established. 6. An emergency response plan must be established and accepted by the City. 7. All environmental studies required must be completed and declared adequate by the responsible governmental units. 8. There must be adequate access to the site. 9. The proposed project must be compatible with surrounding land uses. 10. The applicant provides financial security sufficient to guarantee compliance with the terms of the permit. 11. The economic benefits, incentives and other advantages to the City and community must outweigh any known or potential negative aspects of the facility. 12. The applicant must demonstrate that reuse or recycling of spent bauxite is not feasible during the term of the permit and that land disposal is the only practical alternative. 13. An interim permit shall not be issued until all required local, state and/or federal permits have been obtained by the applicant. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 1991. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Farmington Independent this CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Vernon J. Napper, Mayor day of , 1991. City of Rosemount No: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Petition Date: June 20, 1991 Applicant: Koch Refining Company Phone: (612) 437-0700 Address: P. 0. Box 64596 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 STATUS OF APPLICANT: x Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot NA _, BlockerAddition NA Street Address: 13155 Courthouse Blvd Rosemount, MN 55068 Metes & Bounds Description Attached: , v>s Survey or Plot Plan Attached: 'See attached p rmit application Affected Section(s): Section 6_.14 (G neral Industrial Znning flit# )— REASON FOR REQUEST: ?. To allow applicant to construct and overate a spent bauxite disposal facility at its Sulfuric Acid Unit located at the above street address. 2. .• of Applicant Application received by: F;:e: $ How Paid: FO OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Date: Planning Commission Action: Date: 141 acres, more or less, in a continww tract generally described as: 1. All of the SW 1/4 NB 1/4 of Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 2. The northeasterly approximately 35 acres of NW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 3 8 acres in the NW corner of NB 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 4. The easterly approximately 13 acres of SS 1/4 NS 1/4 Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 5. 8 acres in the SW corner of NS 1/4 NB 1/4 Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 6. An approximately 37 acre tract in the NW 1/4 NB 1/4 Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. 7- An approximately 2 acre tract on the southerly line of and in SW 1/4 SB 1/4 of Section 18, Township 115, Range 18. City o Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen TO: Planning Commission John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk DATE: July 5, 1991 SUBJ: July 9, 1991 Regular Meeting Reviews ATTACHMENTS: PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT ZONING PETITION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LOCATION MAPS AND SITE PLAN METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REPORT 4A. KOCH REFINING TEXT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT PETITION --TO PERMIT A SPENT _BAUXITE DISPOSAL FACILITY AS AN INTERIM USE. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council consider the concept of allowing a spent bauxite disposal facility as an accessory use via interim use permit and to recommend that the City Council establish a dialogue with Koch Refining Company to determine whether or not the interim use permit issues/ requirements can be resolved (as proposed in the attached ordinance) prior to taking final action on a zoning ordinance text amendment of this nature. NATURE OF REQUEST: Koch Refining Sulfuric Acid Unit has petitioned the City to amend the Zoning Ordinance to permit a Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility as an interim use in the General Industrial (IG) Zoning District. Spent Bauxite is a waste material consisting primarily of residual solids including aluminum oxide, aluminum silicate, silica material and other metallic oxides. These materials are considered non- hazardous solid waste. DISCUSSION: Presently the Zoning Ordinance does not permit such disposal facilities in the IG District. The Ordinance currently requires that waste management activities occur in the Waste Management Zoning District as interim uses. While it is clearly preferential to restrict waste management activities that are principal uses to the Waste Management Zoning District (i.e USPCI--Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility), Planning Staff realizes that some flexibility must be given to those manufacturers that produce waste by-products to allow them to have accessory disposal facilities on site. Generally, allowing such accessory disposal facilities provide convenience and cost saving to the manufacturer. 6verylhings (Poming (Up Aosemounlll ca 100% Koch Refining Company - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Spent Bauxite Facility Request Even though the proposed disposal facility is a single purpose facility and will not be accepting waste from other generators, it is still important for the City to regulate it in a manner that insures that the community's health and safety are protected. The Interim Use Permit provision of the Zoning Ordinance is the best tool available to the city to require appropriate assurances. The proposed ordinance requires standards that are similar to those required for USPCI's proposed industrial waste containment facility. In concept Planning Staff believes that these standards also seem appropriate for the proposed Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility, but representatives of the City and Koch Refining have not met to discuss the potential permit requirements. Therefore, it is Planning Staff's recommendation that such discussions should begin prior to any final approval of the ordinance by the City Council so that the proposed standards are determined appropriate for this facility. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY KOCH REFINING COMPANY SULFURIC ACID UNIT SPENT BAUXITE DISPOSAL FACILITY EXPANSION Description of Spent Bauxite Residual The spent bauxite material discharged to the settling basin consists of the residue from the third washing of the digested bauxite ore. The physical appearance of the spent bauxite solids is similar to a grey, gritty sand. The grain size distribution (Figure 2) indicates that the solids have an estimated uniformity coefficient (Dao/Dio) of 150 and an estimated coefficient of curvature (D3O2/Dao x Dio) of 2.7. The material is about 68 percent sand -sized, 17 percent silt -sized and 15 percent clay -sized particles. According to the Unified Soil Classification, the solids would fall into the Ga soils group, indicating well -graded gravel or gravel -sand mixtures with little or no fines. Using the USDA textural classifications system, the material would be considered a sandy loam. Laboratory test performed on samples of the spent bauxite indicate the moisture content of the material is about 47 percent at placement and about 40 percent to 43 percent at field capacity. Primary constituents of the residual solids are aluminum oxide, aluminum silicate and silica material. Minor constituents are iron, titanium, and metallic oxides. Results of titration experiments with the saturated solids and with the supernatant indicate that the residual acts as a weak acid with a pKa of about 3.6. This is to be expected, since alum is produced by reacting a weak base (aluminum oxide) with a strong acid (sulfuric acid). The pH of the supernatant is about 3. Supernatant discharged with the spent bauxite contains high concentrations of total dissolved solids, mainly aluminum and sulfate which are the ionic products of alum solvation. Other ionic constituents are generally present in minor quantities. Organic and carbonate constituents of the bauxite ore are converted to carbon dioxide and steam and emitted from the reactor during the digestion step. Description of Expansion The proposed horizontal expansion of the KSAU spent bauxite disposal facility will be located immediately adjacent to the site. The new facility will provide a location for the continued disposal of spent bauxite. The existing basin and horizontal expansion are located entirely within Koch Sulfuric Acid Unit property. The existing basin is 200 feet wide be 600 feet long and is surrounded by containment dikes approximately 8 feet high with a three horizontal to one vertical side slope. When constructed, the existing basin was approximately 16 feet deep and had a permitted capacity of 70,000 cubic yards. The bottom of the existing facility and the core of the surrounding dikes were constructed of compacted spent bauxite. The bottom liner of the existing facility was constructed of 4 feet of compacted spent bauxite. The core of the surrounding dikes was also constructed of compacted spent bauxite. The inside slopes were covered with approximately one foot of compacted common excavation. The outside slopes were covered with compacted common excavation and one foot of topsoil. The proposed horizontal expansion of the KSAU spent bauxite disposal facility will be 275 feet by 600 feet with a capacity of approximately 60,000 cubic yards. The new basin will be lined with a composite liner system consisting of a clay layer compacted to a thickness of 2 feet, overlaid by a 60 mil high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner. The liner and inside slopes will be constructed at a 4:1 slope with the minimum of about 3 feet of fill and/or spent bauxite over the liner to act as frost protection. The outside slopes will be graded at a 4:1 slope. The proposed basin will also contain a leachate collection system installed along the basin centerline. The slotted leachate collection pipe will be surrounded by a coarse filter material and will drain by gravity into a collection manhole at one end of the basin. The collected leachate will be pumped back to the alum plant for recycling. The basin slopes and bottom will be constructed of fill material capable of conveying drainage to the collection system. _ �tlraa. a (.•wb♦ 1 I r.rM i _ , _ , _ w V t t 1 .IitN j aywY G..w Ww' ul ti. ..a • �La. .t. dart \ 1�% 1 4. w.W r u.• �w.wr. I Stalls..t.� \ AAI IVB : P O L I 4AEA day{ '� / s.l 4/w � sw � - 1 1•, Yi io A 1-0� I 1 , / 1 'HEFT :AKE..ti� 6A fell � 1 L t t I.w saw 1 1 Lnt 1 1 SL Paw if tJ 1 1 1 i L 1 , 1 ,\ 1 rl rNr ' ArwAYPt 1 _ ; , VI NINijER J I • , Koch i � Refining J DAKOTA I Compa ! 1 ' �Z V-; I ur .•/N t I EMPIRE. i ✓V«w.al..w J MAR MAN I QAYCVt 1 1 1 1 1 , � �rMMftM 1 ( 1 1 T f / E'er ErcA GS%EGC►c N Figure 1 GENERAL. LOCATION MAP Aj !rVI, JIG, C, 781, 34 9�k x 0 Ping Bend Z 7 0 0)\ R Rd- J T\27 N .824 866 866 0, U BM 0 0 ­Uem 7� �A, T4 _ , _. 9/3 KOCH REFINERY' .926 o 56 :ii -IC 00 SAU CNRC', SITE SITE:, Gralwkk" �6 9/ 29 a.ff - - - Base map: USGS 7 1/2 Minute Inver Grove Heights Quadrangle 0 2000 4000 Figure 2 Scale in Feet LOCATION MAP