HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Koch Refining Project - Environmental ConsultantCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 16, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: KOCH REFINING PROJECT - AGENDA SECTION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO I*IP�M ATTACHMENTS: OSM PROPOSALAPPN B tD In preparation for a comprehensive review of the application, by Koch Refining, for the permitting of a Spent Bauxite Facility and Land Use Provisions, it will be necessary to draw upon the expertise of environmental engineers. This is the second recent project that we have had a need for such assistance. The proposed USPCI Project was the first one. On that project we had utilized the firm of Barr Engineering. It would not be possible to use Barr on this project since they will be working for Koch Refining on the project. We have asked OSM Associates to provide us with a proposal to provide the necessary services in assisting the City in the review and permitting of the Koch Spent Bauxite Facility. Based on the review I have made of their experience, the interview I completed with their staff and the proposal submitted, I recommend approving the hiring of their firm. The costs of their services would be paid to us by Koch as part of their permitting process. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to approve the hiring of OSM Associates to provide environmental engineering services in the review and permitting process for the proposed Spent Bauxite Facility at Koch Refining. COUNCIL ACTION: r� 0 Orr Schelen AM 8' & ASAM Associates, Inc. July 2, 1991 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Koch Refining Bauxite Project OSM Commission No. 0249-91 Dear Steve: 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Architects Planners Surveyors JUL 0S 1991 CLECLERK'S Of-�IC„,. SEMJUNT We would like to thank you for the opportunity of providing environmental services to the City of Rosemount. We received your letter dated July 1, 1991 identifying the potential issues for assisting the City in review of Kock Refinery Company's Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility Permit Application. We have prepared an outline of the tasks required to meet your need for the project and the estimated hours to complete our review. The tasks are as follows: Task 1 OSM will review the Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility Permit Application along with review comments from the MPCA and Dakota County. Additional issues not identified by past reviews where pertinent to the City will be addressed. OSM will review background hydrogeologic information to determine the suitability as a disposal facility and groundwater monitoring proposed for the site. Task 2 Review the Design Report for the facility to determine whether it has been adequately designed and environmentally sound principals. The review will be based on adequacy construction features of the facility to protect the environment. Task 3 Review the Toxicity Characteristics Leachating Procedure (TCLP) analysis to determine if the analysis is complete. OSM will review leachate collection and treatment to determine adequacy with correct solid waste rules. EquMOpportunity Employer Estimated Hours 16 Wei July 2, 1991 Page Two Mr. Stephan Jilk Task 4 OSM will review the Closure, Post -Closure and 18 Contingency Action Documents to determine adequacy. In addition, financial assurance requirements will be reviewed based on Minnesota Solid Waste Rules and the above mentioned documents to determine if the requirements imposed by the MPCA and Dakota County are adequate. Task 5 OSM will meet the City staff to discuss the review items 20 from the previous tasks including a financial assurance discussion on whether further requirements should be imposed by the City or if they are acdeptable as presented. A technical memorandum will be prepared addressing the concerns and comments from review of the previous tasks. Task 6 OSM will work with City staff to develop language 8 potentially needed for Interim Use Permitting in the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Total Hours 86 Estimated Labor Cost $5,590 Estimated Expenses $ 110 Total Estimated Costs $5,700 In addition, OSM would be available to monitor construction of the landfill, in order to determine if permit conditions are met. OSM would monitor quality assurance/quality control procedures performed during construction of the clay liner, synthetic liner and leachate collection system. We would recommend weekly inspections at a minimum. Assuming a 12 week construction period, the estimated hours for this task would be 96 hours. The estimated cost including expenses would be approximately $6,000. Our estimates are based on work performed on similar projects. We will invoice the project based on hours worked and the attached fee schedule. OSM has permitted and designed landfills with liner and leachate collection systems including the composite system proposed for the Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility. A copy of our qualifications has been attached which identifies our solid and hazardous waste experience. July 2, 1991 Page Three Mr. Stephan Jilk We look forward to working with the City of Rosemount in this project. If you have any comments on the response, please feel free to give me a call at (612) 378-7452. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Kirby Van Note, P.E. Associate c: Mr. Bud Osmundson, OSM Orr 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Schelen Minneapolis, MN 55413 O�S)t Engineers Mayeron& 331-8660 Surveyors Fee Schedule Assoaates,InC. FAX 331-3806 Planners 1991 Schedule of direct personnel costs to be multiplied by 2.25 to determine hourly fee. Principal $39.75 Senior Registered Engineer, Planner, Surveyor 33.50 Registered Project Engineer, Planner, Surveyor 28.75 Project Engineer, Planner, Surveyor 22.50 Engineer, Planner, Surveyor 18.50 Senior Designer 26.50 Designer, Level II 23.00 Designer, Level I 20.50 Senior Technician 18.25 Technician, Level II 15.25 Technician, Level I 11.50 Schedule of computer cost per hour: Intergraph CARD Workstation $35.00 Prime 2655 Mainframe Terminal 15.00 Microcomputer 5.00 Microcomputer CADD Workstation 15.00 "Direct personnel cost" is defined as salaries plus payroll burden and fringe benefits. The actual direct personnel cost depends upon the hourly rate of the employee assigned to the project. "Chargeable direct expenses" includes long distance telephone, computer/telegraph usage and travel/vehicle mileage charged at $.25 per mile. Outside work and reproduction costs which are not generally included in normal overhead will be reimbursable at "Cost Plus 10%" of the direct expenses for accounting/clerical charges. Statements, issued monthly, will include names of personnel associated with the work, a summary of time spent on the Project, and detailed description of payable expenses. rr. schelen a� �Ma yeron& AssoaatesAc. ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. INTRODUCTION Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. (OSM) Consulting Engineers has continued to keep abreast of the emerging technologies in solid waste management including recycling, solid waste composting, RDF, mass burn, incineration and landfill design, permitting, and closure. OSM has been instrumental in implementing composting and recycling as viable solid waste management alternatives. OSM is assisting the Prairieland Solid Waste Bond in the implementation of a 100 TPD resource recovery/composting facility which is under construction. East Central Solid Waste Commission has selected OSM to assist in the procurement of a 250 TPD materials recovery and solid waste composting facility which will be operational in 1991. The City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota has retained OSM to provide technical review and quality control engineering services for its new municipal solid waste -to -energy facility. OSM is also assisting the city staff in contractual ;and administrative functions. OSM is currently providing landfill design and permitting services for five landfills in Minnesota. This work is being done for Clay County, Lyon County, Polk County, the City of Fergus Falls, and for the Tri -County Solid Waste Commission which includes the counties of Benton, Stearns, and Sherburne and has designed a ground water treatment system for a major landfill in the Twin Cities area. Hydrogeologic investigations and financial assurance documentation are being completed for Roseau and Pipestone Counties. OSM is also assisting the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota in permit compliance services at the Grand Forks Sanitary Landfill and has recently completed plans and specifications for an RDF ash landfill liner installation. Over 100 engineers, planners, and scientists knowledgeable in a wide range of specialties work together to meet the particular requirements of each project. A brief description of the type of expertise OSM has to offer is presented below. OSM'S ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT is involved in minimizing potential environmental problems by the safe handling and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes. OSM provides complete planning, permitting, design and construction services for recycling, composting, RDF, waste -to -energy, and medical waste facilities throughout the country. OSM specializes in the implementation of environmentally sound and cost effective solid waste facilities. These state-of-the-art solid waste processing facilities - are designed to minimize the effects of air, noise, surface water and groundwater pollution. The Environmental Department also provides sanitary landfill design, hydrogeological investigations, remedial investigation, feasibility studies and treatment design, residual solids management, industrial waste minimization and wastewater treatment of industrial wastes. OSM personnel are experienced in groundwater and surface modeling including MODFLO, MODELCAD, HEC -1, HEC -2, HEC -5, TR -20 and HYDRO CAD which are used for the department's work on hydrogeologic investigations. OSM'S MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT is involved in central plant and facility -wide process piping, process systems design and integration, clean room designs, heat recovery systems, heat exchangers, and steam/hot water/chilled water generation and steam/hot water/chilled water distribution systems. Associated mechanical designs include the heating, ventilating, plumbing, air-conditioning and fire protection of municipal, commercial, industrial and medical facilities. OSM's engineers keep abreast of improvements and advances in the energy field and mechanical systems industry, and provide mechanical systems design which are more efficient, cost effective, and better suited to the needs of the client. Together with the OSM Electrical Department, the Mechanical Department is well versed in applications of infrastructure management systems for facility management as well as power generation, cogeneration, and industrial/institutional energy audits. OSM'S ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT serves the electric utility industry with designs for diesel engine electric generating units, electric substations and generation, transmission and distribution systems. The Department also provides the planning design for electrical switchgear, telemetry, controls/instrumentation, power, lighting and communication systems. These systems are designed for a variety of electric utility, i` institutional, industrial, commercial, municipal and medical facilities. OSM'S STRUCTURAL' DEPARTMENT designs all types of structures including foundations, building framing systems and bridges. The Department has been active in the design of supports and structures for industrial and process -related equipment. Our Structural Department has a clear understanding of building requirements of types of functional layouts needed to maintain smooth operations at the operator's convenience. The Department is frequently involved in the design and planning of control rooms, storage space and office/administrative space for municipal public facilities such as water and wastewater treatment plants. OSM'S CIVIL DEPARTMENT staff of engineers, technicians and construction observers performs numerous tasks related to community facilities planning, design, and construction observation. These public facilities include water supply, storage and distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, water and sewage treatment plants, stormwater management systems, street paving, and street rehabilitation. OSM'S TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT is responsible for transportation studies, reports and design projects. The department designs traffic signal and traffic lighting projects, and improvements to existing signal operations. Other services include wrong -way movement studies, accident studies, signing, Ipavement markings, traffic count programs, hazard surveys, speed zoning and monitoring. OSM'S LAND SURVEYING DEPARTMENT has experience in property, topographic and construction surveying, construction staking and subdivision design. OSM'S WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT provides engineering, management and planning services related to water quantity and water quality. These services include retention/detention ponds, drainage systems, flood control, flood water routing, comprehensive stormwater management plans, watershed district management plans, wetland design, erosion control, computer modeling and agency liaison. OSM'S SITE DESIGN AND LAND PLANNING DEPARTMENT is well versed in all aspects of master planning and site specific design from initial site analysis and concept formation to imaginative site design and detailing. OSM has developed land use concepts for a broad range of significant projects. We are concerned with the development of an environmental quality which recognizes and honors the natural setting to the greatest extent possible, while meeting the program requirements. Our project experience includes park and recreation planning, academic projects and office/industrial commissions. We also have extensive experience in site specific design which includes grading, walks, walls and plaza design, signage and planting. COMPUTER-ASSISTED DESIGN & DRAFTING (CADD) CAPABILITIES OSM has a network of computer -supported terminals and graphic work stations which are used for computer-assisted engineering, design and drafting. The focus of the OSM computer center is an Intergraph CADD System. This system utilizes a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/785 central processor and a high speed, dual screen Intergraph work station. In addition to using sophisticated three-dimensional graphics software, OSM utilizes integrated engineering analysis software including coordinate geometry, digital terrain modeling, earthworks, groundwater modeling, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical design software. The Intergraph system communicates with GSM's Total Station surveying equipment to allow automatic generation of survey drawings and topographic maps. r This wide array of computer equipment allows OSM to exchange files with most other engineering/architectural firms and governmental agencies. This provides a major benefit to our clients because we can exchange work in progress and final drawings both in traditional printed paper from and in electronically readable magnetic tape and floppy disk form. STAFFING OSM currently employs over 100 engineering and technical personnel. OSM emphasizes the value of clear communications, personal attention, and quick response to the needs of our clients. We have made a practice of maintaining lasting contact with our clients and remaining available and accessible to them long after their projects are 4 completed. r� OSM RESOURCE RECOVERY EXPERIENCE EAST CENTRAL SOLID WASTE COMMISSION MATERIALS RECOVERY & COMPOSTING FACILITY - MORA. MINNESOTA The East Central Solid Waste Commission is comprised of Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine Counties in Minnesota. OSM was selected by the East Central Solid Waste Commission to assist in the procurement of a Materials Recovery and RDF Processing Facility. OSM was responsible for all technical aspects of vendor selection and contract negotiations. Upon termination of discussions with the RDF market, OSM assisted the Commission in procuring a 250 tons per day Materials Recovery and Composting Facility. When constructed, this Composting Facility (in addition to producing compost) will recover recyclable materials such as newsprint, corrugated materials, high density plastics, aluminum, steel cans, and glass using a combination of mechanical and manual processing. Noncompostable material is separated from the organic fraction with the two processing techniques. The organic fraction is then conveyed to the composting building where the aerated static pile method of composting is utilized in an enclosed building. Biological activity is controlled with the use of a reversible aeration and sprinkling system. Temperature and moisture is continuously monitored to provide optimum conditions for the biological process. The compost material is screened to produce two types of compost and to remove any remaining inorganic material. As technical advisor to the Commission, OSM is responsible for all engineering aspects of developing the turn -key project. OSM prepared the RFQ/RFP, evaluated four vendor proposals in terms of technical and conceptual design issues, capital costs, operating and maintenance costs, and life cycle costs. OSM served as the team leader for negotiation of the construction agreement with the selected vendor. OSM prepared a grant funding application for the Office of Waste Management (OWM), environmental assessment worksheet, permit application, and will provide services through acceptance testing and operations including negotiation of an operating agreement with Daneco, Inc., the selected vendor. The Commission received a $2,000,000 grant from the OWM and a solid waste facility permit from the MPCA. OSM is currently monitoring construction which began in September, 1990. The facility will start up in the summer of 1991. Specific tasks completed by OSM for the East Central Materials Recovery and Composting Facility include: ♦ Market Evaluation Prequalification of Vendors ♦ Preparation of Request for Proposals for the Design/Build Project ♦ Evaluation of Proposals and Vendor Selection ♦ Vendor Negotiation/Contracting ♦ Environmental Assessment Worksheet ♦ MPCA Facility Permit ♦ Capital Assistance Grant ♦ Utilities Design ♦ Transfer Station Design ♦ Construction Monitoring ♦ Acceptance Testing (to be completed) SOLID WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY PRAIRIELAND SOLID WASTE BOARD - TRUMAN MINNESOTA The Prairieland Solid Waste Board is comprised of the Minnesota counties of Martin and Faribault. The Board selected OSM to assist in the feasibility assessment and implementation of a 100 tons per day mixed municipal Solid Waste Composting Facility. Mixed municipal waste, primarily commercial/industrial and residential waste from which source separated recyclables have been removed, are delivered to the facility tipping floor. Processible waste is shredded and ferrous metals are removed. The waste is then screened to remove the small and heavy inorganic fraction and the light, oversized non-compostable fraction. Water is added to the compostable fraction in a mixer prior to being conveyed to the enclosed composting building. Active composting uses the Seres Systems/OTVD proprietary Siloda process. Composting occurs in side- by-side silos through which the Siloda paddle wheel moves through every four days to mix, turn, and aerate the compost as it is transferred to the adjoining silo. The composting process controls are automatic including reversible flow aeration through floor channels in the silos and water addition through the paddle wheel. After approximately four weeks, the compost is conveyed to another building for curing and storage. The mature compost is then shredded and screened prior to distribution to markets. The Facility, which is currently under construction, is expected to begin start- up in March, 1991 and be fully operational by the summer of 1991. The facility will recover ferrous metals and produce a high quality compost product. OSM was responsible for all technical aspects of implementing the project including technical and financial assessment of the facility, site selection, grant funding application, turn -key facility procurement, permit application, and the environmental assessment worksheet. OSM prepared a detailed RFP and evaluated proposals from five vendors. The proposal evaluation focused on technical issues and life cycle cost analyses to compare the proposals on an equal basis. OSM was the team leader for the contract negotiations with the selected vendor to design and construct the facility. A state $2,000,000 grant and solid waste facility permit were received in June, 1990. OSM is also providing services for construction observation, negotiation of agreements with haulers, and will provide acceptance testing, operational assistance, and assistance in marketing the compost product. The specific tasks completed by OSM for the Prairieland Solid Waste Composting Facility include: ♦ Feasibility Study ♦ Market Evaluation ♦ Facility Siting ♦ Preparation of Request for Proposals for the Design/Build Project ♦ Evaluation of Proposals/Vendor Selection ♦ Environmental Assessment Worksheet ♦ MPCA Facility Permit ♦ Solid Waste Management Plan ♦ Capital Assistance Grant ♦ Designation Plan and Ordinance ♦ Hauler Negotiations ♦ Tipping Fee/Service Fee Structuring ♦ Construction Monitoring ♦ Acceptance Testing (to be completed) ♦ Compost Marketing COMPOSTING FACILITY AND INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ST. LOUIS COUNTY & WESTERN LAKE SUPERIOR SANITATION DISTRICT OSM was selected by St. Louis County to assist in the implementation of a Materials Recovery and Composting Facility which will be integrated with the County's transfer stations and landfills and the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) RDF ' Facility in Duluth to form an integrated waste management system for the County and WISSD. The Materials Recovery and Composting Facility is anticipated to be located I in the northern part of St. Louis County and will process MSW to recover recyclable materials; separate the light, combustible fraction as RDF, and compost the organic fraction with the residue from the WLSSD Facility. j OSM will be responsible for all technical aspects of implementing the Materials Recovery and Composting Facility and interfacing with the RDF Facility. OSM will also be responsible for procurement of the full-service project including preparation of the RFQ/RFP, evaluation of vendor proposals, contract negotiations, flow control issues, site selection, permit application, construction observation, and acceptance testing. RAMSEY/WASHINGTON RESOURCE RECOVERY PROTECT NEWPORT, MINNESOTA The Ramsey/Washington Resource Recovery Project is comprised of Ramsey and Washington Counties which contracted with Northern States Power to construct and operate the 900 ton per day refuse -derived fuel processing facility. The Facility has been operated by NSP since 1987. The project Board requested OSM to provide on- going technical support to evaluate, make recommendations, and implement measures to optimize the counties' overall waste management system, assist in negotiations with the vendor, and provide on-going evaluation of the vendors performance relative to the technical requirements of the negotiated agreement. COMPOSTING FACILITY AND TRANSFER STATION ASSESSMENT CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT OSM was solicited to prepare a technical and economic assessment of a solid waste disposal system including transfer stations, ,landfill, and an on-site mixed waste t composting and materials recovery facility. The evaluation focuses on determining the most cost-effective composting technology to increase landfill life, save on landfill cover costs, and to optimize the system through the use of transfer stations to minimize haul costs. OSM will perform the design of the composting facility and transfer stations. t DELAWARE RECLAMATION PROJECT - NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE The Delaware Reclamation Project was comprised of a 70 ton per hour solid waste processing and materials recovery module, the sewage sludge and solid waste co - composting module and the electric generating module. MSW is processed for recovery of glass, ferrous metal, and aluminum using an eddy current separator. Shredding, screening, and air classification produced RDF for combustion to generate electricity. The remaining organic fraction is composted in -vessel with sewage sludge. The final compost product is dried and pelletized for market. OSM was responsible for design of the mechanical and electrical systems including all instrumentation and controls for --the solid waste processing and co -composting modules, and designed the 69 kv substation for the electric interconnect. OSM also designed the structural features and all balance of plant design issues including process controls for the processing and composting system. OTHER SOLID WASTE EXPERIENCE HENNEPIN COUNTY WASTE TRANSFER STATIONS AND RECYCLING FACILITIES - HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Hennepin County is developing three solid waste transfer stations and recycling facilities jto help achieve recycling goals and transfer waste to the HERC waste to energy plant } and the NSP Elk River RDF facility. Each transfer station includes a large recyclables processing and storage building, citizen drop-off, and a continuous household hazardous 1 waste collection, processing and temporary storage building. OSM is responsible for the conditional use permitting (CUP) aspects of each project, the Civil and Mechanical design, and construction monitoring. The Brooklyn Park facility is operating. Design was completed on the Bloomington facility, however, the County is replacing it with a privately owned transfer station in Burnsville. Design is underway on the Plymouth and Minneapolis South facilities. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY -WESTERN LAKE SUPERIOR SANITATION DISTRICT, DULUTH, MINNESOTA WLSSD is developing a regional household hazardous waste collection, processing, and temporary storage facility to serve up to eight counties in northeast Minnesota. The 5,000 square foot facility will include areas for receiving, bulking/packaging, storage, and offices and a conference room. The building will be designed for containment of hazardous materials, including special provisions for worker safety. A citizen drop-off area for recyclables and problem materials will also be included. TRANSFER STATIONS AND RECYCLING FACILITIES EAST CENTRAL SOLID WASTE COMMISSION, MINNESOTA The East Central Solid Waste Commission selected OSM to design two 100 tons per day transfer stations and recycling facilities to serve their Materials Recovery and Composting Facility and the five county area. The facilities will be located in Cambridge and Hinckley. Each will include provisions for citizens drop-off of waste and recyclables. Design efforts are underway and commencement of construction is planned for the spring of 1991. ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT OF RECYCLING NEEDS - MORRISON COUNTY OSM was retained by Morrison County to evaluate the County's waste education and recycling needs relative to SCORE funding and requirements. Extensive data regarding the County's existing waste education and recycling programs was gathered. Recommendations on both recycling and waste education were made. A recycling implementation strategy was developed. Processes were begun to implement both waste education and recycling programs in the County. The project was completed in March of 1990. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE BELTRAMI, CLEARWATER, MAHNOMEN & POLK COUNTIES, MINNESOTA The four northwest Minnesota counties retained OSM to update their five-year comprehensive solid waste management plans to meet new state SCORE legislation requirements. The updated plans will include Recycling Implementation Plans, Household Hazardous Waste Management Plans, and an Incineration Ash Quantity and Toxicity Reduction Plan for the four counties using the Polk County Waste -to -Energy Facility. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES STUDY -ST. LOUIS COUNTY A technical and financial assessment of solid waste alternatives was prepared for St. Louis County by OSM. The assessment evaluated mass burn facilities at two different locations, refuse derived fuel (RDF) processing for three specific energy markets, the utilization of an existing RDF facility in the area, a pre-processing facility, the development of a solid waste composting facility, and the evolution of St. Louis County's fourteen existing landfills into a coordinated system of regional landfills. The assessment evaluated numerous variations for a system of transfer stations to serve each of the disposal options. Seven potential transfer station sites were identified. The assessment identified two feasible technologies and three potential RDF markets for St. Louis County. After evaluating the RDF markets and considering anticipated difficulties associated with obtaining an air emissions permit, the County is now pursuing development of a solid waste composting facility. e COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANNING SERVICES ITASCA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM assisted in the development of a Solid Waste Management Plan for disposal of Itasca County's municipal solid waste over the next 20 years. The project included analysis of existing data; analysis of current and past waste disposal methods; descriptions of collection and transportation systems, disposal facilities, and rates; evaluation of the land disposal capacity needed, applicable waste management ordinances, and license and permit requirements; and establishing goals and creating a Solid Waste Management Plan. The Plan included assessment of alternatives to land disposal, siting recommendations, and suggestions for implementation of the plan. OSM has provided ongoing support for implementation of the Plan and evaluation of disposal alternatives. MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PROTECT - BALTIMORE, MARYLAND OSM was part of a development team to construct a regional infectious waste incinerator for the Maryland Hospital Association in Baltimore, Maryland. The facility will treat infectious waste from up to 25 hospitals in the Baltimore area. The 150 tons per day facility will utilize technology including a state-of-the-art emission control system to comply with Maryland Department of Environmental regulations. OSM is providing engineering, permitting and design services on the project estimated to cost approximately $24 million. The project is currently in the start-up phase of the project and is scheduled to be completed in early 1991 when it will be the largest medical waste disposal facility in the United States. WASTE -TO -ENERGY FACILITY - BARRON COUNTY, WISCONSIN The Barron County Committee on Solid Waste Management selected a design/construct development team to design and build the 80 ton per day facility. The plant, which bums refuse from all of Barron County plus portions of adjoining counties, was constructed near Almena, Wisconsin. Part of the steam generated at the incineration plant is sold to the Twin Town Cheese Factory. OSM was responsible for the preliminary engineering, preparing the permit application documents and the final design of the $5.5 million facility. SOLID WASTE PLANNING AND LANDFILL PERMITTING CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Previously, OSM prepared a solid waste plan for the County and has prepared closure, contingency action, and financial assurance plans for the existing landfill. OSM is currently preparing a hydrogeologic evaluation as part of permit compliance activities for the Clay County Sanitary Landfill near Moorhead, Minnesota. As part of this work, OSM is also preparing an environmental monitoring plan and closure plan for the existing landfill. OSM will prepare an RI/FS on the site if required by the MPCA. OSM will assist the County in closure of their existing landfill after the new lined landfill has been completed. In addition, OSM will develop engineering plans and a permit application for planned expansion. FERGUS FALLS WASTE -TO -ENERGY FACILITY FERGUS FALLS, MINNESOTA OSM was selected by the City of Fergus Falls to provide technical review of the drawings and other documents submitted by the designer and developer of the waste -to -energy facility. The City's steam market is the Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center. The full scope of OSM's participation in the project was to provide: technical review of all approval documents submitted by the developer; assistance during contract negotiations; assist on energy market contract issues; technical assistance on the steam line interface; construction observation; and performing acceptance tests. OSM prepared a protocol for emissions sampling and is currently performing air quality dispersion modeling on the facility and providing permitting services. MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY HEALTH ONE CORPORATION, MINNEAPOLIS OSM completed a medical waste generation and disposal study of 12 hospitals in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The study examined waste types, quantities, current treatment, handling, and disposal practices. Eight existing incinerators were evaluated for compliance with new State combustion and emission requirements. Costs to retrofit and replace each unit were developed. Viable disposal alternatives including retrofitting and developing one or more new facilities for the Health One system were evaluated based on technology, cost, risk, site, environmental, and regulatory issues. A detailed economic analysis was performed for five base case alternatives and 12 sensitivity cases to determine the most cost effective disposal option. The report was presented which included recommendations for a waste management system. SOLID WASTE DESIGNATION PLAN - MARTIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM prepared a Solid Waste Designation Plan for Martin County. The Designation Plan required solid waste generated in Martin County to be delivered to the Prairieland Solid Waste Composting Facility in Truman, Minnesota. The Plan was approved by the Office of Waste Management in April of 1990. OSM is assisting the County in negotiation of agreements with haulers for delivery of waste to the composting facility. MARTIN COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN MARTIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM revised and completed Martin County's Solid Waste Management Plan. The Plan was approved by the Office of Waste Management in April of 1990. Prior to OSM's involvement, the Plan consisted of several drafts of a Solid Waste Management Plan dating back over the previous four years. WASTE DESIGNATION PLAN - FARIBAULT COUNTY MINNESOTA OSM prepared a Solid Waste Designation Plan for Faribault County. The Designation Plan required solid waste generated in Faribault County to be delivered to the Prairieland Solid Waste Composting Facility in Truman, Minnesota. The Plan was approved by the Office of Waste Management in April of 1990. OSM is assisting the County in negotiation of agreements with haulers for delivery of waste to the composting facility. REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY PCB SOIL CONTAMINATION - CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT OSM was retained to determine the presence and concentration of PCB's in the dried bottom sediment and liner soils of an abandoned wastewater lagoon system and the possible extent of contaminant migration in the groundwater. Existing data was evaluated and a sampling and testing program was developed for MPCA review. OSM supervised field sampling and quantified the contaminated materials. Numerous treatment and disposal alternatives were evaluated in terms of environmental and economic aspects including on-site and off-site incineration, landfilling, and bioremediation. W GROUNDWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGN FLYING CLOUD LANDFILL. BFI WASTE SYSTEMS Woodlake Landfills retained OSM to provide engineering design of a three million gallons per day groundwater treatment system which includes barrier wells, a pumping and collection system, stripping towers, mechanical and electrical controls, and discharge piping and structure. Design is complete for the first phase pilot test. OSM prepared all plans and specifications for the three phase project. RED WING RDF ASH LANDFILL - NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY OSM prepared the plans and specifications for the Phase H Liner Construction at NSP's RDF Ash Landfill at Red Wing, Minnesota. The project included the design of liner and leachate line extensions from the previously filled areas and construction monitoring during installation of the HDPE synthetic liner. OSM provided the construction plans and technical specifications for the Phase II addition in accordance to their MPCA permit for ash disposal. LANDFILL - FERGUS FALLS, MINNESOTA OSM developed a complete permit application for modifying the existing landfill to encompass an ash disposal facility and a municipal solid waste landfill. OSM has designed and monitored the construction of the ash monofill for Fergus Falls which included a hydrogeologic investigation, engineering plans and specifications, closure, post -closure and financial assurance documents. LANDFILL - POLK COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM is currently providing design engineering services to modify the current landfill in Polk County to allow disposal of incinerator ash in an ash monofill along with development of a lined facility for municipal solid waste. OSM is also evaluating the possibility of developing an area outside the compliance boundary for use as a construction demolition debris landfill. OSM has completed a hydrogeological investigation and design of the ash monofill. The monofill utilized a leachate collection system and a four foot clay liner. OSM is also developing the environmental monitoring system and providing construction documentation. LANDFILL - TRI -COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT, MINNESOTA The Tri -County Commission consists of Benton County, Stearns County and the western half of Sherburne County. OSM was selected to develop and conduct the siting process and to design the landfill on the selected site. OSM developed the siting criteria and f conducted the public process which included environmental and technical screening and 1 evaluation of the three -county area. Potential sites were identified for detailed analysis prior to selecting a site in Benton County. OSM is assisting in the environmental review and permitting processes prior to completing final design. OSM has prepared a scoping environmental assessment worksheet and will prepare the baseline environmental documents for the Environmental Impact Statement. OSM will also conduct detailed geotechnical investigations and establish the groundwater monitoring system. LANDFILL - LYON COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM was retained to provide technical and engineering services for permit compliance issues. OSM is conducting a detailed hydrogeological investigation of the site vicinity including soil boring and existing conditions evaluation, analysis of piezometer data, developing a work plan for the geotechnical investigation, and preparing the hydrogeological evaluation report and monitoring plan. OSM will prepare detailed engineering plans and permit application including an operations/development plan, engineering report, construction monitoring and QA/QC plan, contingency action plan and a closure plan. LANDFILL - PIPESTONE COUNTY, MINNESOTA OSM has been retained to assist Pipestone County for MPCA permit compliance activities at the Pipestone County Landfill. The project includes development of financial assurance and contingency action plans, closure plans and review of phase development plans at the existing landfill and the County's stipulation site. LANDFILL - GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA OSM performed a hydrogeologic investigation and developed detailed engineering plans as part of a two phase landfill study for the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota. Phase I of the study is the completion of a Hydrogeological Assessment Report. The work included developing an initial work plan, installing of monitoring wells, and performing ageotechnical investigation. a Phase II is a detailed engineering analyses for further development and closure activities. Specific tasks include site survey and plan, facility development plan, leachate and methane control assessment, surface water management, preparation of an Operation and Quality Assurance Plan, and a Closure Plan. LANDFILL ROSEAU COUNTY, MINNESOTA Roseau County retained OSM to prepare the required financial assurance documents for the Salol Landfill. Specific tasks include development of closure and post -closure costs, identification of potential failure or events which would require corrective action, development of contingency response plans and preparation of financial assurance costs. OSM is working closely with Roseau County and MPCA staff to receive approval for the County. OSM has also been hired to assist Roseau County in development of a hydrogeologic work plan in response to MPCA concerns due to elevated levels of organic compounds in their existing wells. WILMARTH RDF ASH LANDFILL - NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY OSM prepared a revised contingency action plan for the Wilmarth RDF Ash Landfill near Mankato, Minnesota. The - plan was used to develop financial assurance documentation for the landfill and included closure, post -closure, and contingency action costs. OSM developed potential contingency response actions and developed costs associated with each individual contingency response. These costs were then used to determine financial assurance requirements under MPCA solid waste management rules. BECKER RDF ASH LANDFILL - NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY OSM assisted NSP in developing a permit application for a Type I Ash Storage Facility at the Sherco Power Plant near Becker, Minnesota. The application was developed to meet the interim ash storage rules prepared by the MPCA and included site development plans, operation plan, closure and contingency action measures for the facility. OSM also prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the storage facility. NORTH CARLTON COUNTY LANDFILL OSM is assisting Carlton County in permit compliance issues for the North Carlton County Landfill. OSM has completed a Preliminary Hydrogeologic Evaluation and Work Plan to upgrade the landfills environmental monitoring system. OSM has also been retained to assist the County in preparation of annual reporting documents for their Solid Waste Transfer Station and both the North and South Carlton County Landfills.