HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Project Staffing ManagementCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 16, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Project Staffing/Management New Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA NQ�E/� ! M 70 Stephan Jilk, City Administrator ,# ATTACHMENTS: APP ED Y: Memo; Project Needs. Several specific projects are in the process of being reviewed or in the proposal stage which require extensive staff or consultant work. In order to credibly respond to these needs it is essential to begin discussion on how we will meet these needs and how we will finance the staff and consultants to be utilized. Attached is a memo outlining these projects and the areas of staff consultant needs for working on them. I would ask that we hold discussion on them and set direction for planning an approach to meet these needs. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consensus to have staff prepare formal recommendations for staffing and management of several projects forthcoming. COUNCIL ACTION: e rm City of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: Mayor Napper Councilmembers: Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: July 12, 1991 MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk RE: Project Needs In reviewing the following specific projects for staffing and outside consultant review and management needs I find it necessary to initiate discussion with you regarding these needs. 1) USPCI : This project is in the process of review for land use and permitting consideration. 2) KOCH: There are several projects Koch is proposing for construction over the next couple of years. The Bauxite facility is being processed now. 3) DAKOTA COUNTY WTE FACILITY: Though the permit from the MPCA is not yet approved, staff is already working with County staff on this project. 4) RECOMP: The company has received a negative declaration on the EAW for their project. They are preparing permit applications for state and city approval. 5) U OF M PROJECTS: The University has announced their intent to proceed with projects for the U of M property in Rosemount. We are also aware of the potential "Private Projects" being considered for the University. The University is now proceeding to receive proposals for the determination of the feasibility to build a coal ash landfill on the U of M - Rosemount. (SverylLings (Pouring (Ufi gosemouni.11 ` Project Needs July 12, 1991 6) ARMORY PROJECT: A decision will be reached by October 31, 1991 as to whether this project will proceed in 1992 or not. Staff is picking up work on the project to work with the Armory Committee and the architect to design the project this fall. 7) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Consideration of planning for industrial development on the east side of Rosemount (Pine Bend area) and the University property, if we proceed to develop concepts and take some sort of lead role in this will require additional staff and consultants. 8) CITY FACILITIES: Since the completion of our space needs study we have not taken up the first step in the building/expansion process. We do need to proceed and consider the first phase of that. The first phase will require a referendum for construction of the Fire Station and remodeling work for a Public Works facility. Staff and consultants work will be needed, both in the referendum stage and in the construction phase. This listing of projects covers only specific projects which will require extensive time and, in many cases, additional expertise beyond our existing staff capacity. Some of these projects are confirmed and already require time and effort. Some of these projects will proceed at our approval and some, such as 5 & 7, may not proceed to completion, but we are in a period of review and discussion on them. This list of projects is.current. Others may be brought before us at any time. They are all in addition to the ongoing projects and operational needs facing your staff everyday in our growing community. I would suggest that we allow for discussion on these needs and to consider allowing me to present recommendations for meeting those needs through consultants, full time staff, funding those costs and determining time frames for actions so that we may provide the service to the developers on these projects and our own staff. 2 USPCI KOCH e Project Needs ► Guide Plan Amendment follow-through ► Zoning Ordinance Amendment ► Permit document review ► Closure, post -closure, contingency plans ► Financial assurances ► Interim Use Permit Agreement ► Grading/excavation permit review ► Building permit review ► Cell design permit review ► Utility plan permit review ► Permit inspection process ► Tax increment/economic development analysis ► Spent Bauxite Disposal Facility review ► Zoning Ordinance Amendment ► Platting/PUD applicability ► Demolition Landfill permit review ► Office building expansion ► Koch waste water treatment plant expansion ► Mississippi River Dredge Spoil Permit review ► Old demolition landfill clean-up ► Oil sludge land treatment facility review ►Master Stormwater Plan review ► Master Grading/Excavation Plan review ► Overall Waste Management Plan review ► Superfund Remedial Action Plan review ► Hazardous Materials/Waste Management Plan review ► Public utility feasibility analysis ► Financial assurances/contingency plan ► Host community/surcharge analysis ► Koch acquisition status/land use disposition ► Recreation/Conservancy feasibility ► Permit inspection process ► Tax increment/economic development analysis DAKOTA COUNTY WASTE -TO -ENERGY (WTE) ► Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment ► Zoning Ordinance Amendment ► Platting/PUD applicability ► Master Plan/Site Plan review ► Host Community negotiations ► Permit document review ► Contingency plans/financial assurances ► Interim Use Permit Agreement ► Stormwater/Grading plan review ► Spin-off development potential ► Public utility feasibility analysis i Project Needs July 12, 1991 ► Site access/County Road construction ► Trucking route agreement ► Grading/excavation permit review ► Building Permit review ► Permit inspection process ► Incinerator rejects disposal plan review ► Incinerator ash disposal plan review ► Tax increment/economic development analysis ► Airport search area impact analysis RECOMP ► Detailed development review ► Facilities tour and analysis ► Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment ► Zoning Ordinance Amendment ► Platting/PUD applicability ► Host Community negotiations ► Permit document review ► Interim Use Permit Agreement ► Compost rejects disposal review ► Compost storage/marketing analysis ► Stormwater/grading plan review ► Public utility feasibility analysis ► Financial assurances/contingency plan ► Building Permit review/authority ► Permit inspection process/authority ► U of M jurisdictional overlap ► Site access/County Road construction ► Trucking route agreement ► Tax Increment/economic development analysis ► Airport search area impact analysis U OF M COAL ASH DISPOSAL ► Monitor site selection process ► Meetings with U of M/consultants ► Environmental review analysis ► Jurisdictional authority analysis ► Guide Plan/zoning applicability ► Site access/transportation impacts ► Host community negotiations ► Permit document review ► Financial assurances/contingency plan ► Closure/post-closure plans ► Interim Use Permit Agreement ► Building Permit review/authority ► Inspection process/authority ► Tax increment/economic development analysis ii Project Needs a July 12, 1991 ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT ► Public Utility Feasibility Analysis/Design ► Utility Construction ► Site Grading ► Business Relocation ► Project Design ► Project Financing ► Joint Operation/Maintenance Agreement ► Project Site Plan/Building Review ► Project Permit & Inspection Process ► Project Construction Management ► Project Operation/Management Staffing INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ► Development Goals & Objectives ► Meeting with U of M Consultants ► Tax Increment/Economic Development Analysis ► Public Utility Feasibility Analysis ► Environmental Review Analysis ► Jurisdictional Authority Analysis ► Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment ► Marketing/Development Assistance ► Zoning Ordinance Amendment CITY FACILITIES (Police, Fire, Public Works) ► Architect Review & Update of Process ► Preparation of Preliminary Plans for Fire Station, _ Public Works Garage, Public Works Renovation (Police Station) ► Cost Estimates/Cost Effects of Project ► Preparation for Referendum ► Hold Referendum ► Issue Bonds ► Project Design/Permit Reviews ► Project Construction/Inspection/Management iii