HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Salaries and Benefits for City EmployeesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 5, 1991 AGENDA ITEM: SALARY & BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR 1991 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEIM # 7L=�Z-V NA ATTACHMENTS: MEMO AP Y: � � v This item is placed on the agenda for your consideration and approval. Included are the: 1991 - 1992 Police Union Contract 1991 - 1992 Public Works Contract 1991 Non -Union Employee's Salary Adjustments. Find attached a memo outlining the recommendations on each item. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Three actions - please see memo. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved contract between L.E.L.S. and the City of Rosemount, Teamsters 320 and the City of Rosemount, and adopted resolution non-union salary & benefits. TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough W'llc x, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: March 1, 1991 RE: 1991 Salary & Benefit Adjustments Police Union Public Works Union Non -Union Employees We are providing herein recommendations to you regarding salary and benefit adjustments proposal for all full time and permanent part time employees. These items have been presented to you for your review and discussions have been held on them. They are: Police Union - 1991 & 1992 Contract Public Works Union - 1991 & 1992 Contract Non -Union - Salary Adjustments for 1991 Attached are the specific changes for the Union Contracts and the Non -Union Salary adjustments. Attached, also, is the resolution setting out benefits for Non -Union Employees. There are no benefit changes proposed for Non -Union Employees. This resolution is an updated version setting out the benefits now in place. There are some cosmetic changes in the resolution if you would compare it word for word to last years, but no actual change in benefits. I would ask your consideration to do the following: 1. Adopt a simple motion approving the 1991 - 1992 Contract, as revised between the City of Rosemount and L.E.L.S. (Police Union). 2. Adopt a simple motion approving the 1991 - 1992 Contract, as revised, between the City of Rosemount and Teamsters 320 (Public Works Union). 3. Adopt a Resolution Outlining Non -Union Full Time Staff Salary and Benefits for 1991. This will complete our contract and Non -Union Salary & Benefit discussion. March 5, 1991 Police Union Contract We have concluded our negotiations with the Police Union and feel we have a contract worthy of a recommendation for your approval. The following changes would be made: 1. Salaries: 1991 - 5% 1992 - 5% 2. PERA Life Insurance: Paid by the City at a cost of $9.00 per month per officer. 3. Vacation Accrual: Increase accrual amount (not an increase in rate of earning the vacation) by 5 days on top of each amount allowed now. 4. Team Sergeants: Now receive $100 per month in addition to their officer pay. Increase to - $150 in 1991, $175 in 1992. 5. Education Reimbursement: Allow education costs to be reimbursed at same rate as other employees but those credits earned under this program will not count toward their education incentive option. 6. Sick Leave Buyout: Same as other employees but limited to a maximum of 5 days payment in one year. I would be pleased to review this further with you and recommend its approval. March 5, 1991 Public Works Union Contract We have completed our negotiations with the Public Works Union and are prepared to make the following recommendations to receive your approval. 1. Salary Adjustments 1991 1992 Level I 80 4% Level II, III 4% 4% 2. Dental Coverage - City will pay single rate dental coverage (same as other employees). 3. Increase Uniform Allowance from $5.85 to $7.00 per week. 4. Two additional days of funeral leave for the death of parent, child or spouse only on approval by employer. 5. Increase payment of accumulated sick leave on death of employee to spouse from 65% to 80%. 6. A percentage of sick leave to be paid to employee on retirement based on a sliding scale as follows: 1 thru 5 years 10% 6 thru 10 years 30% 11 thru 15 years 500 16 and above 60% 7. Job Performance evaluations will be done once a year by supervisors. 8. Language requiring City to layoff part-time employees first before full time employees with same job description. 9. Language allowing employees with seniority, by class, to bump lower class employees when higher class employee would be laid off because city chose a "class" to lay off. This allows person in lowest level and the least time with city to be laid off first and stili allows city to choose level of employee to be laid off. 10. Added one out of class pay for the Blacktop Paver. 11. Added language to pay for all licenses required by law or by city not set out in job description to be compensated for at the rate of $.10 per hour. I would be glad to review this further with you and recommend its adoption. March 5, 1991 Non -Union Employees Salary & Benefits for 1991 NON-UNION EMPLOYEES Non -Union salaries and benefits are established through several methods with final determination and approval given by the City Council. The documents that set these salaries and benefits out are: 1. Resolution adopted annually determining benefits. 2. Personnel Policy. 3. Salary Adjustment Policy PE -3. 4. State law requiring implementation of the Comparable Worth Act. Based on review of our benefits package and salaries for similar positions in other cities and the cost of living increase expected for 1990 I would recommend the following: A. Adjust salary ranges by: 1) Department Heads and Administrator by 4.25% 2) Staff level employees by 4.5% Individuals, based upon successful completion of performance evaluations would receive 4.25% or 4.50% increases depending on their positions. Also, certain individual are still working through an approved step in their salary range and so may receive more of an adjustment in 1991 than the 4.25% or 4.50%. And, there are recommendations to increase certain employees more in 1991 based on their performance in their position. B. No changes to the benefit package as set out in the attached resolution which approved benefits in 1989 for 1990. C. The overall package cost should be less than 5% for Non - Union employees. D. The salary adjustments, unless made as part of an employee working through a range, will be effective January 1, 1991. The salary range schedule attached, NU - A, reflects a 4.25% adjustment to department heads ranges and 4.50% adjustment to staff level. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991 - A RESOLUTION OUTLINING NON-UNION FULL-TIME STAFF SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR 1991 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has reviewed certain salary and benefit adjustments for the non-union full-time city staff; and WHEREAS, the City Administrator has provided supporting information as to recommending salary and benefits adjustments for 1991; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed a proposed policy for implementing annual adjustments and employment step adjustments in 1991 and beyond (this policy is attached as Exhibit "A") along with implementing other benefit changes as proposed by city administration; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount feels it is appropriate to institute such recommended changes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary ranges are to be set for all non-union positions as set out in Exhibit "B" to this resolution, which salary schedule will be implemented as set out in the Salary Adjustment Policy (Exhibit "A" to this resolution), and that the following benefit schedule be adopted for all non-union city staff and will become effective January 1, 1991: A. Holidays: 1. New Years Day 7. Columbus Day 2. Martin Luther King Day 8. Veterans Day 3. Presidents Day 9. Thanksgiving Day 4. Memorial Day 10. Friday following 5. Independence Day Thanksgiving Day 6. Labor Day 11. Christmas Day B. Vacation: Vacation shall be earned by non-union full-time staff monthly per the following schedule, beginning January 1, 1991: 1st year of employment .67 day/mo. (8 days) 2nd thru 3rd year of employment 1 day/mo. (12 days) 4th thru 10th year of employment 1 2 days/mo. (18 days) 11th thru 15th year of employment 1-3/4 days/mo. (21 days) 16 and above years of employment 2 days/mo. (24 days) Resolution 1991 - Page 2 C. Vacation Accrual: Full-time non-union city staff may accumulate vacation based on years of service to the maximum prescribed below. Payment in lieu of vacation accrued beyond the amount listed will not be considered. 0 thru 4 years of service 20 days (160 hours) 5 thru 10 years of service 25 days (200 hours) 11 years of service and above 30 days (240 hours) D. Compensatory Time: Compensatory time may be accumulated for overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Compensatory time may accumulate to a maximum of 80 hours. Combined accumulation of compensatory time and vacation will not exceed vacation maximum plus 40 hours. E. F. Sick Leave: Full-time non-union staff will earn sick leave at the rate of one day per month with no maximum accrual. Sick leave to be available for use as accrued. Buyout Provision: Employees accruing in excess of 60 days (480 hours) of sick leave under this section may, on January 1st only of each year, elect to "sell" those hours in excess of 480, to the city at a conversion rate equal to the percentage figures in Section E times the hours being "sold" times the employee's then base rate of pay. (Example: Employee John Doe, employed with the city 14 years has 640 hours of sick leave accumulated. His rate of pay is $14.00/hr. He chooses to "sell" 100 hours. The calculation would be 100 x .45 x 14.00 = 630. this would leave him 540 hours of sick leave left. The $630 would be added to his payroll check subject to all taxes, social security, etc. Severance Pay: Full-time non-union staff will receive payment at the employee's rate at time of leaving, as prescribed below when leaving the employ of the city in good standing. Vacation: Up to accrued amount Sick Leave: 1 thru 5 years of service, 6 thru 10 years of service, 11 thru 15 years of service, 16 yrs of service and above, 15% of accumulated sick leave 30% of accumulated sick leave 45% of unused sick leave 600 of unused sick leave Plus the following when the employee is leaving the employ of the City for retirement purposes: 5 thru 9 years of service = 2 weeks pay 10 years of service and above = 4 weeks pay Salary & Benefit Adjustments for 1991-1992 Page 14 Resolution 1991 - Page 3 G. Longevity: After 5 years of service, 1% of base After 8 years of service, 2% of base After 12 years of service, 3% of base After 16 years of service, 4% of base H. Health Insurance: Cost of Basic Plan (1st dollar) - 100% of employees coverage - 65% of the difference between single employee coverage and the total family coverage. The cost difference between the basic (1st dollar) plan and any optional plans available to employees, will be paid by the employee. I. Life Insurance: The city will pay the cost of: 1. $10,000 Term Life Insurance (Minnesota Mutual Life) 2. Declining value PERA Life Insurance Plan Any additional life insurance costs for optional plans available to the employee will be born by the employee. J. Dental Insurance: The city will pay the cost of single coverage through a plan approved by the city (1991 cost of $17.00 through Delta Dental Plan). Employee pays any additional cost for employee or dependents. K. Education Reimbursement: The city will pay 100% of all costs of taking a class not to exceed $750 a years for classes approved by Administration and successfully completed. The city will also pay 50% of costs above the initial $750 for classes approved by Administration and successfully completed. Adopted this 5th day of March, 1991. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: